Hi. I guess some of you were disappointed that Robb wasn't the one who ended up with her. I had my reasons for it even though I'm on Team Stark. I think in a way Elyse too knew it was close to impossible for her to go with Robb but that didn't mean he had given up on her. I had actually, sort of based this story, a little on the movie, "The Duchess." A kind of tragic, impossible love story. Although she does love Jaime just not as much as she loves Robb. I am sorry if it isn't as detailed or well drawn out and if the story seems choppy. I'm not very good with descriptions and the story wasn't planned to be a long one since I still need to continue my Jon/Dany fic. They are my ASOIF OTP. I am trying and I thank all of you for your very sincere reviews and for taking a moment or two out of your precious time to read. It means a lot to me and I hope to do better. Thanks Again for reading.
P/S: The ending is a bit corny and maybe most won't like it but I just thought they should have a happy ending. Blah...
Chapter Ten
Thirty Four Years Later,
Elyse and Jaime lived and loved happily together for the next thirty years. It was a happy marriage and they were not only husband and wife, but the best of friends and closest confidantes. They had nine children together and dozens of grandchildren. Jaime died an old man at age seventy with his wife, children and grandchildren by his side. His twin sister Cersei died the same night, thousands of miles away. Arthur Lannister became Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the Westerlands. He was known for his generosity and honour. Arthur was also the only Lord in the Westerlands and the only one in House Lannister who does the beheading of prisoners he sentenced to die himself.
Quinn Lannister married Lyanna Targaryen, the daughter of Jon Snow and Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Their children and grandchildren became future heirs to the Iron Throne. His twin brother Daschle was named Lord Commander of the King's Guard and the Crown's army. Daschle grew to be a fine knight like his father and was as politically astute as his grandfather Tywin Lannister. Bethany married Margaery Tyrell's son and became Lady of Highgarden. She even brought her pet lions there. Her husband Tristan Tyrell added a lion along with the Tyrell golden rose as Bethany's official seal.
Arielle married at sixteen, to a Northern man who was Northerner to the bone. It turned out to be her childhood playmate in Winterfell, Greatjon Umber's grandson, Nathan Umber. Nathan almost gave his grandfather a heart attack when he wanted to marry a Lannister but Greatjon had adored Arielle since she was a child, running in the mud in Winterfell. Their wedding held in the North was one to be remembered. It was called the Red Wedding in jest. Apparently everyone got so drunk, no one left after it was over. The men had fallen asleep under the red velvet wedding tent, and red was the first thing they saw when they woke up the next day
Edward Stark became King in the North at age twenty nine when his father Robb died. Robb and his wife, Jeyne had six children of their own, all girls. It was said when he lied on his death bed, he whispered Elyse's name. Edward finally met his birth mother when he turned twenty five. He rode to Casterly Rock to visit his mother in secret till his father died. They had maintained a very close relationship since then. He named his daughter after her. Elyse's four other children, Marinella, Augustus, Tyris and Theodore married into the other noble houses in Westeros. Edward and his half brother, Quinn were also very close. Edward had his daughter Elyse to be betrothed to Quinn's and Lyanna's son and heir, Jon uniting both the North and the six remaining kingdoms under the Targaryen rule. It would provide stability in the kingdoms as well as peace.
Elyse Frey Lannister's reputation grew as the years went by. She was no longer the ruined woman rejected by two husbands and disowned by her family. She was later called the Mother of Kings, although officially Quinn was a Duke and Consort. She was an old woman of sixty two when news that her Stark and Lannister grandchildren would be betrothed to each another reached her. Her granddaughter named after her looked like Edward and Robb with her deep red brown hair and clear blue eyes. She was a sweet little girl only five years of age. Her seven year old grandson, Jon had the Lannister gold hair and the Targaryen violet eyes.
Both Quinn and Daschle had served Queen Daenerys with pride and honour, being in the King's guard when they were seventeen, eager to follow in their father's footsteps. Tyrion also had a hand in advancing Lannisters in the Capital, pushing his handsome nephews to the forefront. The Princess Lyanna had taken an interest in Quinn and her father, Jon Snow who was still suspicious of Lannisters in power, begrudgingly agreed to the match. So Quinn became a Duke of the Crownlands at age twenty five when he married the princess who was eight years younger and a consort to the Queen when Lyanna was crowned. Lyanna was a true Targaryen despite her father's dark raven hair. She had the violet Targaryen eyes and commanded the dragons in her stead.
Politics and power had been a Lannister forte, something that Elyse never understood but it seemed obvious her twin sons followed in Tywin Lannister footsteps. She knew Daschle was the cunning, more politically minded one of her twins and that the union between North and the rest of the Kingdoms was Daschle's idea. He had been bringing up the idea of a united Seven Kingdoms to Queen Lyanna and his twin for a long while.
Daschle Lannister had a distaste for the North and its claims of Independence. That was where he and his older brother Arthur differed. Arthur, despite being a Lannister was a Northerner in spirit much like Arielle. Maybe it was the years spent in Winterfell and the influence Robb Stark had on him as a boy. He was against Daschle's idea of reunification and quelled all talk of war and conquests which left a marriage between both Houses and kingdoms as the only way to ensure peace.
Arthur also managed to influence Quinn to believe that giving the North Independence was the right thing and that it should be honoured through all time. When Tyrion retired, Arthur became Hand of the King. So long as no wars were fought and no one person harmed, Elyse would give her blessings. She was relieved that it was Quinn the Queen had chosen as husband and not Daschle. Elyse loved her son but she knew what Daschle was capable of if given the chance. He was definitely Tywin's true heir. The gods help them if Daschle ever gets legitimate power.
Elyse was walking along the Crossing or the vast stone bridge and fortress known as The Twins. Her son Quinn had decided that The Twins would belong to her, since it was her family home. Elyse had survived all twelve of her Frey brothers. She was still healthy and strong. Her dark hair had streaks of gray and her blue eyes still shone as brightly. She smiled at her son Edward who walked beside her. He was thirty five years old. Tall with broad shoulders. He had dark copper brown hair that was cut short to his ears and clear blue eyes. Edward like his father, before him also kept a short neat beard and moustache.
"A union between House Lannister and House Stark?" Elyse asked Edward. She shook her head and gave a soft laugh. "Your father would be rolling in his grave."
"Your husband too Lady Lannister." Edward said with a smile.
"Why yes..." Elyse sighed, thinking of Jaime. She then smiled at Edward. "Actually they were both my husbands."
"My father never stopped loving you," Edward said and looked at her.
"I never stopped loving him too." Elyse told him. "Had my husband, Jaime not been alive I would have stayed with your father till my last day."
She pulled the shawl closer to her shoulders as the wind blew. "We were just not fated to be together."
Elyse looked up seeing the ravens flying high in the sky, carrying notes to the other noble Houses. News that the King in the North will have his daughter bethrothed to Prince Jon, heir to the Iron Throne. A marriage pact that would solidify the North's independence and peace among the realm.
"Father told me about you all the time. How brave you are. You saved his life twice..." Edward said. "You were the love of his life. He had three wives and he loved them all but you were the one he loved the most and you gave him his only son."
"He had always been a Romantic at heart." Elyse said softly, smiling at Edward's words. "A passionate, stubborn man. That was your father."
"Why did you not return with him to Winterfell?" Edward asked her.
"I was married to someone else Edward. Your father was King in the North. I could not let him live with the shame especially when Independence was still so new. What would his people say? And his enemies?"
"So you made the sacrifice and left?" Edward questioned.
"It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. When I let you go..." Elyse smiled sadly and tears started falling from her eyes. She brushed them away.
To lose her son and have him brought up and lived so far away from her. She would write letters every year on Edward's nameday that she had delivered to Rickon Stark. Rickon only gave the letters to Edward when he was older at twenty five just so he would know that his Mother didn't really abandon him. Edward was taken from her at birth and she had grieved ever since.
"I keep thinking that he'd change his mind and take me back but he didn't. Jaime did. He came back for me. It was then I realized that Jaime loved me more..." Elyse told him.
"Your father had also married another. I can't fault him for it. You need a mother Edward. Jeyne was a good woman and a good mother to you," Elyse said and smiled at her son.
"Father said he was supposed to wed you at first before everything happened during the war for Independence," Edward said.
"Yes...It was an agreement Lady Stark made with my father, Walder Frey" Elyse nodded. "For this darned bridge..." She heaved and looked around seeing the large stone structure of the Crossing.
For decades the Crossing had been under the Freys. They exacted a heavy toll for anyone who wished to use it. Elyse put a stop to it all when The Twins was deeded in her name. Everyone should be allowed to use it and no army from the South can cross it. She would use it to defend the North from any Southron invasion. Robb may be dead but his legacy should live on so should the North's independence.
"But he had fallen in love with another before we ever met." Elyse said. "My father wanted him dead and I knew I had to warn him somehow..."
"So you sent the raven to him..." Edward continued.
"I had to...I just had to save his life." Elyse spoke and smiled at her son. "I'm glad I did. Or you wouldn't be here."
Edward gave a nod and sighed. He turned and looked out of the bridge seeing the vast Trident river the flowed underneath.
"Would you have returned to him if my Father had come back for you?" Edward asked her.
"I don't know Edward..." Elyse sighed sadly staring at the river. "He never did."
Thirty Four Years Ago,
Robb had ridden long in the night. He had to see her again. He just had to. The eight months without her was far too long. He went to his uncle's castle in Riverrun only to be greeted by Roslin Tully. She gave Robb a cold look that did not go unnoticed. Roslin Tully was a petite lady, smallboned and finely built. She had the same exact shade of brown hair as Elyse and large brown eyes. She had delicate features and there was a teeny gap between her two front teeth. She was still very beautiful.
"My Lady..." Robb said and bowed to her.
"Your Grace..." Roslin greeted him. She did not even smile at Robb.
"I am here to see your sister," Robb said and breathed in deeply.
"And why?" Roslin asked him.
"I want to bring her home." Robb told her. "She is my wife."
"The marriage is invalid." Roslin said and glared at Robb. "You left her in the Capital and took your son with you."
"I know that." He said and looked at Roslin Tully. "I am here to make amends and seek her forgiveness."
"Enough! My sister has suffered enough. After everything she has ever done for you and you treat her with such disregard. You are the most despicable man Robb Stark!"
"I want to ask for her forgiveness Lady Tully. She belongs with me..."
"My father was right about you." Roslin said angrily. "You are a dealbreaker and a weasel. You think you're better than us. You Starks snub your noses down on us because we are Freys. That is why you never follow through with the marriage contract. I will not let my sister suffer again Lord Stark. She deserves better than you."
"I do not care what you think my Lady! Elyse is my wife and she will leave with me." Robb cried angrily back.
"Edmure told me you will be marrying Lady Westerling." Roslin said and Robb was stumped when he heard that. It was a match suggested by his mother. He had known Jeyne Westerling. They were once childhood friends.
"She would be a far better match for you than any Frey girl." Roslin added snidely. "Please leave Lord Stark! My sister does not wish to ever see you again."
Robb wouldn't have it and moved up to the grand staircase. He did not believe that Elyse would never want to see him again. She just couldn't feel that way. After everything that had happened between them.
"Elyse!" He screamed for her. "Elyse!"
Robb ran up the stairs and walked down the hallways. Robb opened the doors of each room but he could not find her. Instead he had startled a few maidservants who were busy tidying up the room.
Roslin ran after him. "Leave Lord Stark! She is not here!"
"Where is she?" Robb demanded.
"She left." Roslin lied and looked away.
"Where?" He yelled, not caring that he had raised his voice on his uncle's wife.
"She's with Tommen Baratheon now. He came for her months ago and Elyse has agreed to wed him."
"You are lying to me Lady Tully..." Robb spoke.
"Just go Lord Stark! Leave my sister be..." Roslin cried. "She deserves to be happy."
"I love her. Do you not understand it?" Robb asked Roslin, his eyes searching hers hoping for some respite. That she would finally empathise with him.
"Then why did you leave her?" Roslin asked him back.
Robb grew quiet hearing it. It was true. He did leave her. It was his pride that was bruised and he had felt so hurt and heartbroken learning that Elyse still loved Jaime Lannister. And now all Robb felt was regret. Overwrought with it even. That he had left her so carelessly. That he had listened to his mother when he should have listened to his heart.
"Just go!" Roslin told him. "Go back where you came from and live your life. You have hurt her enough..."
Robb staggered back and walked away. Roslin breathed in deeply when Robb Stark left. She watched on, seeing him on his stallion from her window as he rode back out of Riverrun. Roslin hated lying but she just had to protect Elyse. Her sister deserves so much better.
Roslin looked down seeing Elyse smiling at her. She had just gotten back from her daily ride by the river, missing Robb Stark by mere minutes. Mere minutes that could have probably changed the course of things and histories for the both of them. Of course Roslin never knew the impact of what she had done. She only had the best intentions at heart.
"What are you staring at?" Elyse asked her younger sister.
Roslin smiled at Elyse. "Just wondering when my husband will be back from the Capital."
Roslin then left the room and spoke the Chief of Servants who was standing by the stairs when she went down.
"Make sure no one tells my sister that Robb Stark came by. She must never know of it. Do you understand me?"
"Yes Milady." The man bowed.
Roslin took a deep breath and went to greet her sister back. Elyse had walked into the front door and Roslin went to hug her. "How was your ride?"
"Wonderful," Elyse smiled.
She hugged Roslin back and wondered what was wrong. The way her younger sister held her. A little tighter and longer than usual. Elyse grew worried and pulled away.
"What's wrong?" She asked Roslin, her blue eyes staring right at her sister.
"Nothing...I just love you a lot Sister" Roslin replied quickly and gave her a smile. "I know," Elyse smiled back. "I love you too Ros."
"I received a raven from Lord Tyrion." Roslin informed Elyse. She then gave Elyse the note Lord Tyrion had sent her.
"You did?" Elyse looked at her sister and smiled.
"He is so generous to give you an allowance Sister. It would be more than enough for your life in the new home of yours."
"It's yours Roslin," Elyse said. "The estate belongs to you."
"Don't be silly." Roslin waved dismissing it. "Why would I need another home? I have one here with Edmure."
"I don't know Edward...He never did."
Edward kept quiet hearing his mother's words. Maybe it was best that she never knew. He stared at the river too. It would have broken her heart beyond repair if she knew. Edward sighed. For years he kept thinking that things would have been so different. He heard his little daughter calling him and Edward turned.
"Father..." Little Elyse called for him, running towards him in her long blue dress. He carried the girl in his arms and kissed his daughter's cheek.
Elyse saw that and smiled. "Will you becoming home with us to Winterfell Nana?" Her granddaughter asked her.
"I could visit for a while," Elyse smiled at the girl who grinned happily back.
It was enough that Edward knew the truth. That his father had ridden all the way to Storm's End with his men almost demanding a duel with Tommen Baratheon for his mother, thinking that she was there, wanting to bring her back. The young Lord had been shocked beyond words seeing the King in the North, Robb Stark and a battalion of Northerners at his door.
Thirty four years ago.
"What in Seven Hells?" Tommen asked seeing Robb Stark standing there outside the gate of Storm's End in his battle armor.
It was late in the night and there was a cavalry of men on horseback circling the front part of the castle. All of them carrying lighted torches. Tommen could see archers in the distance with their Northern longbows, an invention of the North that had decimated many Lannister bannermen during the War. It made Tommen trembled. He had been Lord of the Stormlands for a few months and already he was being attacked? He bravely went out dressed in his night tunic and a cloak over him. His wife, Noelle waiting behind the gate.
"Where is she Lord Baratheon?" Robb demanded. "I want her back! She is my wife!"
"What are you talking about?" Tommen asked Robb. He was thoroughly confused. Tommen rubbed his eyes and stared at Robb.
"Lady Elyse..." Robb said. He stared at Tommen seeing that he wasn't armed at all. Robb wondered if the boy was brave or just plain stupid.
"She's not here..." Tommen told him.
"I swear Boy! I will kill you if you're lying..." Robb warned him riding closer. His direwolf, Grey Wind stood beside him, growling at Tommen.
"She is in Riverrun with her sister." Tommen stammered. "I swear to you."
"Lady Tully says she has wed you." Robb spoke.
"She lies." Tommen said. "I did ask for her hand but Lady Elyse rejected my proposal. She loves me too much like a brother she said...I'm married now to Lady Noelle of House Arryn."
"No..." Robb uttered when he figured out that Elyse had been in Riverrun the entire time. He had crossed the vast country in vain.
By the time Robb rode back. The country estate where Elyse had lived for a few weeks only had servants tending the place. She was gone. He came too late.
"Where is Lady Frey?" Robb asked the servant, who was Elyse's trusted squire from the Twins, Gulley.
"She's gone back with her husband." Robb felt as if his heart had crashed right there.
"But I am her husband..." Robb told him.
"Lord Lannister...Your Grace." Gulley told him. "He came for her and she left with him. He begged for her forgiveness. Lord Lannister never signed the divorce papers nor have his seal on them"
Robb breathed in deeply and leaned his head back against the wall, almost wanting to bang it hard. He finally punched the wall hard with his fists. The knuckles were scrapped and it was bleeding a little.
"She had heard news that you had wed my Lord. To Lady Westerling." Gulley said quietly.
"That is a lie!" Robb screamed and covered his face in frustration. He felt so tired, riding his stallion hard into the nights just so he could get to her, only to find her gone.
"But your mother had sent the note by raven to her brother in Riverrun. Lady Roslin told Lady Elyse and even Lord Lannister when he came there to look for her."
Robb groaned hearing it. He wasn't surprised that his mother had a hand in this. Catelyn had been pushing him to wed another. She wasn't at all pleased when he announced that he would ride South to take Elyse back. A year without his wife was torturous enough. Robb didn't care what the people say. His bannermen can talk behind him all they want. The noble Houses in the North can bitch and complain about it in their Great Halls, on how their King would take a Lannister's wife as Queen. It didn't matter to Robb anymore. All he wanted was to be with her.
"Is she in Casterly Rock?" Robb asked Gulley and he nodded.
"Then that is where I will go..." Robb said.
"It wasn't her fault Your Grace," Gulley said in his Lady's defense. "She thought you had wed another and left her for good."
Robb only gave curt nod before leaving the place. Robb rode to the Westerlands, a long three days ride but he didn't have to make it far to the castle. He saw her walking along the beach. She looked beautiful and for a while, he stood there watching. The sea breeze blew across her face and strands of her dark hair flew about in the wind. It took all the strength in him not to walk over there and pulled her in his arms.
She turned and Robb watched as Arielle ran towards her. Elyse pulled the little girl in her arms and Robb watched seeing the Lannister children walking there on the beach. They seemed really happy with their mother. He gave a sigh. He had no choice but to let her go. She couldn't be away from her children. If he took her with him, she would never see them. Robb heard the squawking sea gulls above and his eyes gazed at Elyse.
I love you... He said silently. Till my dying breath...
Elyse stood on the grounds of the Stark family crypt. She stared at the statue of Robb and and his direwolf Grey Wind that was right above his grave. It was her first time there. She breathed in deeply and said a prayer. Elyse only hoped that he was somewhere peaceful and safe and that maybe one day they would meet again somehow. She then felt a tiny squeeze on her right hand. Elyse looked down and smiled. It was granddaughter. Both Robb and hers. The little girl was holding her hand
"Did you really love him Nana?" Little Elyse asked her.
"He was the Love of my life," She said with a smile. A drop of tear fell to the ground and Elyse brushed it aside. She hated to cry. It just seemed so insignificant that after all these years the tears still flowed. And she thought she was immune to it in her old age.
"Father says Grandfather is in heaven right now." Her granddaughter said. She looked a little unsure. "I don't know where it is."
"Well it's a very magical place." Elyse said with a twinkle in her eyes. She took her granddaughter's hand and led her out of the crypt.
"Will you go there one day?" Little Elyse asked her.
"Oh I hope so my Darling." She replied. Elyse looked up the evening sky and saw the North star shining brightly above Winterfell. "I really hope so..."
When Elyse Lannister died at the age of sixty five, her body was buried in Casterly Rock next to her husband Jaime. Her heart however was removed and buried in the crypts beneath Winterfell next to where Robb Stark had been laid to rest. She had written it in her letter to her eldest child, Arthur her last wishes. That her heart should belong with the Love of her life. Edward had commissioned for a small stoned statue for his mother. It was of a young woman with a raven in her hand. The North became an Independent, free state until the modern times.
Legends and stories were written of Elyse. She was a figure of myth and medieval romance. That one deed she had done, sending the raven to warn Robb Stark had been pivotal in the North's fight for Independence. The statues of her and the raven was a common sight in many cities in the Northlands. It graced the public squares, court houses, museums and libraries. It was made into graffiti and modern cubist art. It became part of the North's endearing long lasting symbol of Independence. The Frey girl and her raven was held to esteem just as much as the Stark direwolf.
Plays were written and for centuries everyone speculated the romance she had with King Robb which was only confirmed when the letters that she had written in the old tongue was deciphered. It became one of those epic impossible romances people would tell stories about. Of two people who just couldn't be together no matter how much they loved each other. Maybe it was a test from the gods or the Fates playing around with mortals or purely just bad timing. No one really knew...
She was lying on the grass in some far away field just staring at the clear blue sky when Elyse saw a raven flying through. She immediately stood up and followed it. It was flying for a few short distances and it stopped for a while only to fly away again. She felt as if she was running out of breath but she followed it still. She smiled when the raven stopped on a large rock on top a small hill that had a cherry blossom tree on it. Elyse walked towards the black bird.
"Now where were you going?" She asked it. The bird only crowed loudly.
She turned around when she heard her name being called. Robb was standing there smiling at her. He looked young and clean shaven. There was barely a stubble on his face. And he was dressed in a simple light gray jacket and leather breeches.
"What are you doing here?" Robb asked her. A look of wonderment twinkling in his clear blue eyes
"I don't know." She said and smiled at him, when she finally realized that it wasn't a dream. Elyse pinched herself several times. He was right there in front of her.
Robb smiled and rushed towards her. He took Elyse's hand and kissed it gently, holding it to his face. He then pulled Elyse right in his arms.
"Gods...I've missed you so much." Robb murmured as he touched her face. "You're here. You're really here..."
"I missed you too..." Elyse said, tears in her eyes.
"It's over now..." Robb said, leaning his head on hers as he held close. "We can really be together here."
"I never stopped loving you..." Elyse whispered, letting her nose touched his. There was this sense of peace of completeness just being this close to him. Robb was there with her and everything would be alright. Nothing else mattered. Just the two of them.
"I know My Love." Robb told her. "You don't know how long I've waited for you."
Elyse smiled and hugged Robb again. It felt nice to be in his arms in this strange place. She felt him kissing the top of her head. She sighed softly hearing the beating of his heart that calmed her down. Finally... Elyse thought to herself. Finally...