A/N: …I'm so lonely...forever alone me...QwQ why must life curse me?~

Disclaimer: Inazuma Eleven is Level-5's…obviously~

I have somehow lost the talent to bring in humor to my author's notes…I BLAME YOU SCHOOL! ! !

~C in the Inazuma Eleven Alphabet stands for Cartoons ~

The first thing that Kazemaru didn't expect was to receive a phone call from Fubuki Shirou, the guy he would talk to RARELY. Nor, didn't he expect an invite to Shirou's place which, shockingly, belonged to Shirou's aunt that lived in Inazuma Town. Well, he had nothing to do that day so maybe…it wouldn't be bad to visit him for once, and perhaps get the chance to know him too.

He made himself ready; he wore a green jacket that came with a light green pattern and white hoodie, a yellow polo shirt inside the jacket, khaki pants, and white and green sneakers. He made a small memo to his parents that he will be leaving for a while and soon afterwards, he left the house.

He made small steps, looking over through his phone to check the directions of where Fubuki's house was. He turned left, right, left, left, up, up, down, right, left, east, west, everywhere else, until he stopped in front of a small house. It wasn't a really big or really small house; it was just a plain, old, simple house…which Kazemaru was grateful for. He didn't want to end up finding out that his friend was a RICH ASS BOY WITH ALL THE RICHES IN THE WORLD AND SHIZ.

With slow movements, he slowly walked to the door and he pressed at the door bell, "Hello, anybody home?"

The door opened and came out the quiet and calm Shirou. He wore a simple, plain white shirt, denim pants, and slippers. He smiled and greeted the windy defender happily, "Ahh~ hello there, Kazemaru-kun!"

"Hello Fubuki!" Kazemaru said to him, "So…I got your text message, you said you wanted to hang out with me today?"

Shirou nodded, "Hmm~ come with me then!"

Kazemaru obeyed the happy ice striker and followed him up to his room. When he entered the room, he found himself in a sky blue-painted room with a bed, study desk, closet, TV and doorway to the bathroom. He watched Shirou walk to a DVD rack that was assembled near the TV set and he took out a bunch of DVDs.

"Ne, Kazemaru -kun~ let's watch some cartoons!" Shirou exclaimed in a cheery voice.

"Eh…but Fubuki, that's a little childish…" Kazemaru complained.

Honestly, Kazemaru never liked cartoons. He's actually the last person you'll expect to even watch cartoons. The reason? He would always say that cartoons are for kids…hear that, FOR KIDS. The nerve of him made Shirou seethe in anger. Frustrated, he grabbed Kazemaru and dragged him all the way to the front of the TV.

"SIT. DOWN." Shirou commanded in an angered tone.

Kazemaru flinched and obeyed Shirou, sitting down on the floor almost immediately. Shirou placed the DVD inside the DVD player and gave Kazemaru a DEATH GLARE.

"NEVER. TEASE. ABOUT. MY. CARTOONS." Shirou said in a scary tone…and then, in a sweet and innocent voice while grabbing some chips, he said: "Now, enjoy Shirou's Cartoon Loving Treatment~"

Kazemaru just kept quiet and watched as the TV unfolded to him…the cartoon world.

First hour…

"You gotta ROYAL PROMISE ME, that you will NOT tell them there are zombies!"


Second hour…

"Now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one!"

The character took a deep breath…and—

"…Yay~" she SCREAMED in a SOFT VOICE.

Third hour…

"C'mon bro, give me some su—"


Fourth hour…

"We are going to be VERY responsible, don't worry!"

"…Okay…I'll see you kids in an hour…C'MON RICHARD, GET YOUR BUTT TO THE CAR!"

"NO! ! !"

Outside the room…

Shirou's aunt was happily sitting on the couch and drinking a soothing cup of green tea. The music player was turned on and it played beautiful classical music by Mozart. Just as she decided to take a sip of her tea…she flinched at the sudden noise and dropped her cup.


A few more hours later…

"So Kazemaru-kun~ what do you think?~" Shirou asked, taking the DVD out of the DVD player and placing it back into its case.

Kazemaru's eye was twitching at ALL the cartoons that he was forced to watch. There were so many that he couldn't remember what character is from where. Is Lil' D from Chowder or is Rigby from The Fairly Oddparents? He massaged his head to try and compose himself back into the real world.

But honestly, he had to admit that he enjoyed the cartoons. Watching them made him realize that he doesn't need to be a kid to watch them. He admired Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of her intellectual mind, Marceline from Adventure Time because of her amazing singing voice, Gumball Waterson from The Amazing World of Gumball because he's very funny and amusing, there are many more that he liked.

'Maybe I shouldn't judge people to quickly…' he thought as he stood up from the floor.

Not wanting to hear anymore of Shirou's rants, he made a silly excuse that he needed to go back to his home. He bid to him farewell and started to walk back to his home.

"Wow, it's 6 o'clock at night already? I must've been in that house for a long time…" Kazemaru mumbled, walking at the silent and dark pathway.

When he reached his house, he plopped himself onto the sofa in the living room of his house and turned in the TV. As if Shirou was there, the TV was showing My Little Pony. His eyes widened as soon as he saw it but he quickly calmed down.

"Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad to watch cartoons…"


Outside of the Kazemaru residence, on a tree, were two very familiar-looking boys. One was holding a video camera while the other was busy panicking because he didn't want to fall off the tree. Like, WHO WOULDN'T? !

"G-G-Gouenji-san! C-C-Can w-w-we g-get down f-from h-here? !" the scared boy asked in a frightened tone. But Gouenji didn't listen to the scared boy, he was too busy recording what Kazemaru was doing!

"Hehehe, this is so fun, right Toramaru?~" Gouenji asked in an yandere tone. Toramaru's eyes widened immediately. Gouenji was starting to scare him now…so much that Toramaru—will scream.

"HELP ME! ! !"

A/N: ...What the hell am I doing to Gouenji? Eh, it's part of the plot XD so it doesn't matter o3o

Congratulations to Katsura-Angel for guessing this right! Wow, that was kinda unexpected XD and don't worry to all the others, I got something MUCH BETTER FOR TSUNAMI AND FUYUKA! MWAHAHAHAHA-snorts-HAHAHA... C:

Coming up next: D in the Inazuma Eleven Alphabet stands for Drapes, featuring Afuro Terumi, the Zeus Team and someone secret~ nishishi~ ;3

Review please? X3 I shall now play my newly downloaded video game, Ib! WOOHOO! XD