Hi! Sorry it took me so long again, but thankfully not as long as I have in previous chapters! I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank sooooo much for all the love I received. It really makes my heart melt. I hope you New Girl fans watch the season premiere tonight, it was hilarious! I know I am really excited for Glee next week!

I do not own GLee or New Girl

Same Night

"Finn.. Finn.." Rachel said in between kisses, her skirt was still on and they were on the bed.

"Finn!" she said and pushed him off her.

"Rachel, what are you doing? I thought you wanted this." He told her and ran his fingers through his hair.

"No, I do. Just, we hardly know each other. I don't want to jump into things too quickly. This is a big deal...for me." she whispered.

"We live together! I know you better than most people!"

"You know what I mean, Finn, we cant have a relationship based just on our sex drive! I won't have it." Rachel said and quickly found a shirt to throw on.

Finn sighed because he knew she was right.

"Fine. Okay, i'll leave." he said.

"Thank You." she smiled.

Finn stumbled around in her doorway awkwardly, "Uh, maybe tomorrow we could go out to dinner."

"Sounds good, Finn." Rachel said and pulled her covers over her body and turned around.

Finn smiled and closed her door.

"Wait, that's my room. I just got kicked out of my own room." he sighed


The next morning, Finn, Rachel, Puck and Blaine are having breakfast and Rachel is working over the griddle making pancakes.

"I think that we should really put more fruit into your boys' diets, I don't want you guys to have clogged arteries."

"I don't like fruit though." Finn said with his mouthful of pancakes.

"Yeah, dude cant even drink smoothies." Blaine told everyone.

"I would rather get a chocolate milkshake." he replied back and Rachel rolled her eyes.

"I like strawberries, especially when they are covered in chocolate and being eaten by hot girls." Puck said.

"Ew." was all Rachel said.

"I like Vegetables though, Rach. Like tomatoes are good." Finn told her.

Rachel smiled a sly smile, "Well, technically tomatoes are fruits." Rachel pointed out.

"Well, shoot." Finn said sadly.

The doorbell rang suddenly and Rachel volunteered to open it.

"Quinn! What's up? Do you want some pancakes? I made them just like my nana, just the way you like!" she said cheerily and hugged her friend.

"Ugh, Rach! You know I cant eat that stuff. I'm actually here to see Puck."

"Noah?" Rachel asked confusedly.

"Yeah." she said and walked to the kitchen where all he guys were.

"Hey guys." she said to them.

"Quinn! Hey!" Finn said excitedly.

"Puck, I need to talk to you." she said seriously.

Puck swallowed his pancakes and got up.

"Okay, shoot." he said and everyone started getting up.

"No, no. You guys stay. I have something to announce." Quinn said and fiddled with her hair.

"I just wanted to let you know that my mother has set me up with a doctor and his name is Ryder. Um...well, we are getting married next month. I know that I should've told you, its just that we have been so busy in the past few weeks."

"What?!" Rachel said.

"How could you do this to him?"

"Wow, Congrats Quinn!"

"Fuck." was all said at once continued by constant jabbering all at once.

"GUYS!" Quinn yelled and all four adults shut their mouths.

"Rachel, I need you to be my maid of honor obviously. I need you 24/7 for the next few weeks. Blaine, I need you to help with flowers and cake. Finn, I need you to take Ryder's family on a tour, they're from LA. Puck, I need you to support me, okay?"

"Oh! Of course, and i'll call Kurt and he can do the dress! Oh, I gotta touch base with your mother!" Rachel said and ran to her room.

"Oh, Quinn thanks for putting me on flower duty! You won't be disappointed." Blaine said and grabbed Finn so she and Puck could have a minute alone.

"Okay, well, give me his family's number!" Finn said as he was being pulled by Blaine.

"Puck, i'm really sorry I didn't tell you." Quinn said and moved closer to Puck.

"But we slept together?" he said.

"I was upset about a lot of things and the next day my mother called. Ryder is really very sweet. He is cute and he makes good money." she said.

"But does he love you like I do?" Puck said and her eyes widened.

"You love me?"

"Well, I mean, yeah I guess so." Puck told her as she started to cry.

"Oh, Puck, Im so sorry but I'm going to marry Ryder and I need you to be behind this 100% or ill never be truly happy." she said

"Yeah, Quinn no problem." he said and patted her shoulder.

"I'll let myself out." she said and left.


Blaine was re-gelling his hair and Finn was reading a magazine on his floor.

"Dude, I uh need your help." Finn said and put hi magazine down.

"Yeah, sure man, what's up!"

"I have a date tonight." Finn told him.

Blaine smiled, "Andddd..."

"And I need you to dress me!" Finn said as the door opened to Blaine's room.

"She's getting married." Puck said and put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry dude, you're better off without her anyway. She's kind of a bitch. She is making take his family around New York, like that is so annoying." Finn said and shook his head.

"Well, yeah whatever." Puck said and sat on Blaine's bed.

"Finn has a date tonight and wants me to dress him up!" Blaine said excitedly.

"With who?! You haven't been on a date since Santana!" Puck said suddenly a little happier.

"Uh, well her name is Jess-Jessica Day" Finn stammered.

"Jess-Jessica..? Weird name." Blaine said.

"No, it's Jess!" Finn said.

"Well, lets get you date ready?! We don't h ave much time!" Blaine said.

"What, we have all day?" Finn said.

Puck laughed.

"We do not! We have to get you looking hot!" Blaine said and headed to his closet.


Dressed in his suit and tie, looking hotter than ever as Finn opened the door for Rachel.

"Thank you Finn. I didn't think that we were dressing nice, I would've put on this pretty red dress I bought yesterday!" Rachel said and they started to walk inside the restaurant.

"Hudson, 2" Finn said and they were lead to a cosy table for two.

"Finn, this table is so nice. It even comes with a bottle of wine!" she said and sat down.

"Yeah, its cool. Whatever." Finn said awkwardly

"Finn you need to relax, is this a date?" she said hurriedly.

"What...psh...no! It's just two friends having a nice dinner." he said quickly.

Rachel's face fell because she really thought that maybe Finn was finally taking the next level in they're relationship.

"Oh, isn't that Michael, your ex-boyfriend?" FInn said as Michael and a new red-head came up to them.

"Hi, Michael, how are you?" Rachel said politely.

Michael nodded, "I'm fine, it seems that you two are finally together. I'm happy for you, enjoy my lucky table."

"Whoa, what does that mean?" Finn said taking a swig of his drink.

"It means that I can tell you guys liked each other and I'm just happy you finally figured that out." Michael said and walked away.

Rachel took another swig of her champagne.

"I can't believe people think that we are together, we don't even think were together! I don't even know what we are. C'mon, Finn, this is not a date." Rachel said and got up, and dragged a semi drunk Finn.

As they passed Michael, Finn shouted, "Hey Michael, look we aren't together! Guess your lucky table didn't work, you can have it back!" he said and him and Rachel laughed.


"Dude, you have to think about something else, like stop looking at her Facebook page." Blaine sighed.

"Aren't you supposed to be out with Kurt right now?" Puck muttered.

"No, he's in LA on business, so i'm stuck here with you. I texted Finn to ask how his date was going, but he didn't respond." Blaine said.

"Maybe he's getting some action, more than ill ever get." Puck said.

"Wait, Rachel just posted a picture of her drink and a fancy table, and there's a guys arm in it." Blaine's eyes got bigger as he scooted closer to Puck's computer.

"That's not just any arm. That's the arm of my Armani suit! Finn's date was with Rachel!" Blaine said.

Puck widened his eyes, "No way! I can't believe he lied to us. We have to stop it. How?"

"Well, let's see...we can take Rachel's fork and stab her eyeballs with it and maybe the date will stop!" Blaine said excitedly.

"What the fuck? Blaine, that is the worst plan I have ever heard of, like what even?" Puck said and rolled his eyes.


Finn took off his fancy jacket and stuck it in coat check.

"You know what? We are already here, let's just sit at the bar as friends and get a drink." Rachel suggested.

"Okay, that sounds better!" they walked back into the restaurant and passed by their table which was now occupied by Michael and his date.

"Hey, Mike, look! We are just going to the bar to have fun like friends. No romance going on here! Enjoy your date!" Finn called as Rachel laughed and ran to bar.

"This is nice, see no extra feelings and baggage." Rachel said and took a sip of her drink.

"Why can't we be friends? We should be able to have fun and be friends and occasionally be attracted to each other." Finn shrugged.

"You're attracted to me that much?" Rachel asked him.

"Well, you're just so cute. It's like just so frustrating when you struggle to open a jar and then you grunt and then you have to ask to open it." Finn said.

"I didn't know my daily struggles were so sexy to you and apparently very frustrating. Well, I can relate, I find it hard for me to be around you when you play the drums on random object with other random objects. Like why do you have to be so cute and make beautiful music with pencils and cups." Rachel said with a small frown.

Finn smirked. "This should be a date. Why isn't this a date? Michael we need our table back!" Finn said and ran over to their table.

"You know what, you guys can have it. You need it." and Michael and his date started to leave.

Rachel stood there perplexed, Wait what does that mean?"

"Should we be offended?" Finn asked an they ran after Michael again.

Michael saw them once they were outside and sighed.

"Look, clearly you guys are confused about each live together and you had three dates tonight, what's that? I think you guys don't really know what you are to each other So, write down one word to describe the relationship that you want on your paper." he said and handed them a few old receipts to write on.

Rachel took the paper and tried to peek at Finn who was already writing something on her paper. Rachel sighed and wrote the one word she had been thinking since day one. She looked up at Fin and he was smiling at her.

"Okay, give me the papers." Michael said and he opened the folded pieces and read each one.

"Uh...well good luck." Michael said and took the papers and left nervously.

Rachel hit Finn's arm,"Finn! What did you put on your paper?!" she asked.

"What did you put on yours?!" Finn said and they say on the curb both sighing.


"I'm kind of hungry since we never actually ate. Do you want a sandwich?" Rachel asked him once they were back at the apartment.

"No, thanks." Finn said.

Rachel tried to open her jar of peanut butter but it wouldn't budge. She remembered that she didn't want Finn to see her. It seemed as though he didn't even notice because he had taken a musical liking to banging forks on the table. Struggling some more she grunted a little loudly and caught Finn's attention.

He grabbed the jar from her and opened the lid and she mouthed a thank you as he went back to his drumming. She continued making her sandwich in silence and picks up her plate and Finn stands up. He starts drumming into her plate slowly staring at her only. Rachel takes a deep breath and tries not to notice how cute he was being.

"Good night Finn." she said and they both parted ways, yet again.

I hope you arent mad at me for pulling Rachel and Finn apart again!

Let me know what you guys want to see and I will put it in the next chapter and I hope to wrap up this fic soonish.

So leave me more love, you know I work better with it. Oh, and if you have a twitter follow me:nicheartslea

