The Twilight Games

Prologue: The Switch

I woke up in a dark room with my hands and feet bound to a chair. My immediate reaction was to struggle against the ties, thrash against them with all my might, though I knew it was of no use to me. As I fought to break free, I looked for someone to inflict my rage upon, so angry that whatever my eyes landed upon first would burst into flames. Catch fire, if you will. I stopped when I saw her. Another girl, about my age, bound to her own chair, was sitting opposite me. Tears were rolling down her thin, pale face, though her expression was devoid of emotion, as if someone had sucked all the life (and blood) out of her.

She opened her mouth to speak. "Edward, Edward." She called in a monotonous voice. It was exactly what I'd expected: detached and robot-like. Remembering my rage, I blinked in confusion, wondering what the hell this place was. Coin and Snow were dead, Peeta and I lived side by side in the Victor's Village with Haymitch, Panem was slowly becoming stronger than ever, and I hadn't been overly- violent to anyone lately. Who could possibly still be out to get me? Not knowing what to do in this particular situation, I decided to get acquainted with my fellow hostage, in case she would be of any advantage.

"Um, hi?" I said cautiously. She looked at me, finally acknowledging that she wasn't the only person here. Stupid, self-centred brat. "I'm Katniss Everdeen. And you are...?" I said in clipped tones, not wanting to give her the impression that I was prepared to befriend her.

"Bella," She sniffled. "Bella Swan." I nodded, wondering why it was necessary for her to repeat it.

" you know where we are and what we're doing here?" She shook her head, looking as mournful as someone who'd just gone to a funeral for a very distant relative.

"No...I just...Oh my god, Edward!" She said in the same monotone. I rolled my eyes. Didn't this Bella character understand that crying would get her nowhere? Finally I figured out what her problem was: she was a Mary-Sue.

"Calm down!" I said, perhaps a little too sharply. "If we're going to find a way out of here, you're going to have to shut up!" That was when a large screen lit up to my left, making my half formed escape-plans dissipate.

Images rolled across the screen , some of them familiar. I saw images from my first Games, my stomach lurching when I saw a clip from Peeta's blood infection. Gale was there too, causing me to turn away at the sight of an old friend I'd probably never see again. Then there was a video of Peeta and I from just a week ago! Shaking my head, I paid closer attention to the images I had no clue about. After some closer inspection, I realized that they were all of Bella and the guy who could only be—

"Edward!" Bella said, watching the screen intently. I could've sworn she was drooling a little bit. Disgusting, that girl. Just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. I blinked at the loss of light while Bella said something about how the dark was scary without Edward. A few minutes had passed, when the screen lit up once again, this time, white text appearing on a black background. It hurt my eyes to look at, so much so that I had to squint to keep the words from melting together. Let me just say, I prefer black text on white, and larger text, damn it!

"Ladies," It read, "you have been selected and sent here on a mission. You will be placed in each other's lives and will have to perform tasks given to you in various formats in order to alter the course of the story's plot line. Good luck to you both, X."

The ominous, hand-written looking message disappeared, though the harsh, white light was still burned into my retinas. Slowly, the white spots in my vision disappeared, and I blinked a few times. All that had happened had turned my sour mood even worse. Bella Swan should've been scared, very scared.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed, struggling against the ties once more. Out of nowhere, the rope disappeared, causing me to fall, face first, to the ground. It hurt, but I didn't think anything was broken, though I would suffer from some bruises.

I groaned, but picked myself up anyways. Before I could start up my rage-fit again, the screen had been turned back on. The strange, nearly transparent material had begun swirling, forming a wobbly looking vortex.

I tried to resist it, but the pull was too strong. Inside the vortex were the same clips, though I was in Bella's position and vice-versa. I frowned at an image of me admiring a man who was sparkling in the sunlight. I assumed it was Edward, and despaired at the thought of meeting such a...unique person.

The last thing I saw before falling into my new universe was a shot of Peeta and Bella in a lip-lock.

My mood went from terrible to apocalyptic.