Hey, hey, my Lovelies!
Okay, so you've all been waiting for this with anticipation, I know so here you go :3 This sequel will be 13 years after the Clouded Joy Epilogue, meaning the cubs will turn 16 at some point on this story. It will have their points of view in and will tell their story, with a side of Seth and Chris :3
Now, some of you may be concerned about stories being taken down. I will continue to post here until and if this is taken down. Since Clouded Joy is already finished, it wouldn't be as affecting if it was taken down, just saddening :( BUT it's still there for you guys to enjoy for now so keep enjoying CJ and now, Clouded Destiny! :D
This story is dedicated to my Little Brother, who has made my days more joyful and fulfilling than I could have ever imagined :3 I'm so proud of you and I love you more than I can express, Puppy :3 I adore all my Kiwi boys, you know who you are, but you are my most cherished :3
Disclaimer: I don't own twilight! Unfortunately... D:
Without further ado...Enjoy!
Chapter One
New Meat
Seth's Point of View
My eyes shot open in shock, widening considerably as my heart raced. I lay face down in my pillow, comforter pulled up to my waist and alone in our king-sized bed. Chris would be cooking breakfast right now, no doubt. Damn it, I hate waking up alone, not having his warm body to cuddle up to and fight off the morning chill of La Push. I sighed heavily, turning and sitting up in bed with a stretch just as a bout of shouting began downstairs. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Every morning like clockwork, the boys would find something to fight over. It's been tradition for the last 10 years or so. I could hear my mate scolding them, something that had also been part of the tradition, as I climbed out of bed and headed for the shower.
I only bothered with my usual cut offs after I dried myself off and vigorously towel dried my hair. Making the bed swiftly, I left the bedroom and followed the amazing aromas drifting up the stairs from the kitchen. Damn, my mate was an awesome cook. Breezing into the kitchen, I came to an abrupt halt in the doorway, amusement instantly taking its toll on me as I watched PT and MJ, my boys, fighting over a pancake whilst trying not to tear it as they tugged it between them. It was inevitable but they would never learn. At their feet, a plate lay smashed, one that I begrudgingly identified as one of my favourites. I rolled my eyes. That's the last of those plates then. I thought dryly.
Sensing my presence, Chris turned to grin at me over his shoulder, making my heart skip a beat, even after all these years. I blew him a kiss and he winked but not before the inevitable happened and the blueberry pancake that the boys were tugging on tore between them. Then they started to shout louder, blaming the other for ruining their Papa's famous, delicious pancakes. Having had enough, SJ sighed and stood up, speaking firmly but softly to both of them as he stepped between them, a hand on both their chests. I smiled and shook my head; I loved waking up to this. I have been for the few months.
I watched as my youngest cub, my SJ, sent both boys to sit at either side of the table, half of the pancake in each of their hands, before stooping down to pick up the plate that they smashed between them. Instantly, they both protested, telling their brother to leave it and that they would clear it up since it was their doing. Well they do have a sense of responsibility on their shoulders then. I thought, amused. I winked and kissed SJ's head as he breezed passed me in the doorway, after ignoring his brothers, to dispose of the broken pottery.
I walked further into the room, kissing my other two boys on the tops of their heads, despite their weak protests. I knew they liked it it really, especially judging by the grins on their faces afterwards. That's right; they may be 15, nearly 16 years old but they will never be too old for Daddy kisses and snuggles. SJ especially loved our snuggle times to give them up for anything. I sat down just as Chris placed a heaping pile of pancakes in front of me. I smiled up at him in thanks and promptly dug right in, humming and nodding in appreciation with every bite. Damn, my man could cook. Wait, have I already said that? Oh well.
When the boys finished teir breakfasts, or PT and MJ at least, they got to their feet and instantly began to push and shove each other on the way to the sink. All I could do was smile and shaking my head behind their backs, amused by their constantly tussling. I rose to my feet also, ready to take my own plate to the sink when I felt his presence behind me. I smiled widely and leaned back into him.
"It's like we're raising a pack of animals." Chris murmured in my ear. I giggled.
"Well, we are, technically." I replied, teasingly. He laughed and shook his head, slapping my ass as he passed me to head for the shower. Three simultaneous groans surged through the kitchen.
"Ew, Papa, really?" PT griped, screwing his face up.
"Papa, you can't slap Dad's ass!" MJ protested. SJ grimaced but stayed silent, shaking his head. Chris looked at me with his eyebrows raised and I could see the mirth in their depths. Me, I just stood there and blushed, smiling.
"Why the hell not? Have you seen his ass? It's too slap-able to just ignore it." he tried to reason, throwing a wink my way. I giggled as they groaned louder.
"That's freaking gross!" PT whined, covering his ears. MJ quickly reached for his backpack.
"You know what, we'll see you later." he said in a rush, heading for the front door with a piece of toast sticking out his mouth. He was gone in the next second, shaking his head as he slammed the door shut.
"Ditto." PT seconded, copying his big brother. He too left without a goodbye. I laughed and shook his head, glancing at SJ. Chris had laughed after MJ left and I could already hear the shower running.
SJ stood up slower, never in any rush to be anywhere, and rinsed out his bowl before slipping it into the sink. He turned to me with a smirk and shook his head. "That was gross." he pointed out. I shrugged. He chuckled. "I better head to school. Banana will be waiting. Do you mind fi she comes over later?"
I shook my head. "Nope, she's always welcome, you know that." I replied. He grinned and nodded, picking up his backpack.
"I see you later, Dad." he murmured, leaning in for a hug. I hugged him tightly. I loved that he hadn't grown out of his want to be close to people. I kissed his cheek and even though he blushed, he didn't protest.
"Be good at school and for God's sake, keep those two out of trouble, would you?" I chuckled. He smiled and nodded before heading towards the door, pausing briefly to call his farewells to his Papa. When the door closed behind him, I turned and set about cleaning up Chris' breakfast mess.
Fifteen minutes later, a set of warm, strong arms wrapped around my mid-section, pulling me back against a broad chest. I smiled and leaned back but continued with washing the dishes. Chris buried his face in my neck for a few minutes, inhaling deeply before he pulled back and placed his lips against my ear.
"You didn't have to do this, you know? I would have done it." he said, gesturing to the soapy water. I shrugged slightly.
"You can repay me by drying." I replied, grinning at him over my shoulder. He chuckled and nodded, pecking my lips before he moved from behind em to beside me, picking up the dish towel to dry the bowl I passed him. We worked in companionable silence, the comfort level so high that it was like we moved as one. Chris put the dishes away as he dried them, making the job even quicker. He'd lean over for a kiss every few minutes but apart from that, he behaved himself. "What time do you have work?"
"Not for another hour and a half." he informed me, shooting a leering grin my way. I raised my eyebrows and nodded, trying to hide my smirk.
"Oh, is that so?" I murmured, bowing my head as my grin won out.
The next thing I knew, a growl rang through my head and I was hoisted up in the air. I squealed and wrapped myself around my husband, giggling maniacally as he bounded up the stairs to our bedroom, planting wet, sloppy kisses and raspberries up and down my neck and shoulders as he went.
Seth Jacob's Point of View (SJ)
Arriving at school, I couldn't see my brothers anywhere. They were mentally scarred for life every time they saw Dad and Papa being...affectionate. Just the other day, they left the dinner table when they shared a kiss. It doesn't both me, to be honest and found their reactions rather amusing. I thought it was cute. They still looked so happy together, after 16 years, and they were so very much in love still. I wanted that.
Walking into the parking lot, I spotted Alex and Sammy Jr standing by Sammy's car. They waved over before returning to their conversation and I returned the gesture, heading towards the usual spot where I met up with Banana, aka Chelsea. Chelsea was my best friend, always has been since she was born. We were joined at the hip and when we were together, Dad, Papa and Leah, her mom and my auntie, loved to watch us. Yeah, it was kind of creepy but who were we to deny them their entertainment.
I spotted Banana before she did me and I crept up behind her, pinching her sides. She squealed and gasped, turning swiftly to see who made her jump and scowled when she saw me. I grinned innocently and she rolled her eyes, throwing her arms around my shoulders in a hug. She could never stay mad at me for too long.
"You meanie! You made me jump!" She giggled, pulling away from me to kiss my cheek. I laughed.
"That was the point, Silly Banana." I sighed, smirking. She rolled her eyes. I chuckled and graciously took her bag, throwing it over my shoulder with my own as we made our way towards home room. "How're you this morning?"
"I'm freaking tired. I was up all night working on the English essay that's due in this morning." she groaned, rubbing her eyes.
"You mean the one I've been reminding and badgering you to do for the last week?" I teased, grinning down at her. She slapped my arm with a huff.
"Yes, okay, I should have listened instead of finding us something else to do but it was just as boring as I thought it was going to be. Why does Auntie Rachel have to be so hard on us?" She whined. I shrugged.
"maybe because she loves us and wants us to succeed in life?" I asked, reasonably. She snorted.
"Or she secretly hates us and she's venting it through our school work." she retorted. I rolled my eyes.
"oh yea, sure, that has to be it." I replied sarcastically. "Auntie Rachel loves us."
"Hmm, if you say so."
"Silly Banana."
"Oh shush you, we're late." she pointed out just as we breezed into home room. We made our way to the back of the class, next to my brothers and settled in for an hour of Auntie Kim.
Now you're probably thinking why Banana was in our class, since she was technically a year younger than us. It turns out that she was a freaking nerdy brainbox and she was able to skip a grade to come to sophomore year, instead of a freshman. My brothers always tease her about it and so do our other cousins but I knew that she was proud of her intelligence and so was I.
After home room, Banana and I split up, each going off with one of my brothers. I headed towards Spanish with MJ whilst they went to Music. The one good thing about walking with MJ was that he didn't feel the need to fill the silence with incessant chatter like PT did. He hated awkward silences. We reached Spanish and separated again. I went to sit next to Hector, my Uncle Embry's son.
"Hey SJ." he greeted, doodling on his note book. I smiled.
"Hey, Mrs Von not here yet?" I asked, looking around the room. He shook his head. Hector was another guy who didn't talk when it wasn't needed. "Did you do the assignment?"
His head snapped up at that. "What assignment?" he asked, wide-eyed. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"God, you're as bad as Banana. The one Mrs Von set last Friday?" I replied, trying to prompt his memory. He still looked confused. I pulled a sheet of paper out my bag and he glanced over. Relief set on his face.
"Oh, yeah, finished it in class." he replied nonchalantly before dipping his head again and going back to his doodles. I chuckled. Another brainbox in the family, was Hector.
Spanish, Maths and English passed in a blur and I found myself heading towards the cafeteria with Banana, carrying her bag once again as we entered through the double doors. Only a few students glanced over, which I was thankful for. I didn't like attention being focused on me. I suggested Banana to get a table whilst I bought her lunch. She tried to protest but eventually gave in, never being able to deny me anything anymore than she could stay mad at me. I chuckled in triumph and grabbed two trays.
Our table filled up with the usual culprits not long after I sat down. I felt Banana stiffen as a newcomer sat down and I had to smirk. I glanced at her and as I expected, her cheeks were red. Then I glanced at the culprit, seeing his sneaky glance at my best friend before he turned to talk to Sammy Jr – Ephraim Black. He's Jacob Black's first born son and has had the hots for my best friend ever since she pushed him down when she was two. They had been dancing around each other since puberty hit them both. I snickered and nudged her elbow with mine. She shot me a glare and her blush deepened.
"So hey guys, birthday is next week. Whatcha doing for it?" Hector asked, looking my brothers and I. I looked at them in turn before we all shrugged at once. "Damn, it's freaky when you do that."
"I think Aunt Emily is cooking dinner. Or maybe Papa, I'm not sure." I supplied, shrugging again.
"I hope your Papa does. His cooking is the best, and if you tell my Mom I said that, I'll kick your asses." Sammy Jr threatened us all, making a couple snicker and goad him.
"Dude, you couldn't kick our asses on your good days." Ephraim laughed, shoving our cousin in the shoulder as he grinned. I saw Banana blush again and tense slightly at his voice. Wow, she had it bad...
The rest of the day passed in a blur and I found myself coming home from a hard day of school, completely exhausted after the active gym session, to see Dad lounging on the couch with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. The grin on his face told me what he and Papa had been doing before Papa went to work and I just grinned, hanging my backpack up on the pegs before making my way over to him. He cracked an eye open as he heard me near and then half grinned lazily, opening his arms for me invitingly. I took him up in his offer without hesitation, lying down next to him for one of our special cuddles.
"How was school?" he murmured. I shrugged.
"Alright, I guess." I replied, shrugging.
"I hope you kept your brothers out of trouble." he chuckled. I snorted.
"Don't I always?" I laughed. He nodded, grinning. "When does Papa get home?"
Our after school conversations were mostly always like this, barring those days I had something important to tell him like an essay grade or something. We just laid that for half an hour, waiting for my brothers to get home from soccer and rugby practice. When it hit four o'clock, we decided to get up and start dinner. This was another thing we did together almost everyday, just for that little extra time together.
Dad eventually sent me away to wash up for dinner and to do half of my homework before Papa gets home in forty minutes. I heard my brothers clamber in about ten minutes later, shout their hellos to Dad before bounding up the stairs.
"Oh my God, dude, you so totally missed it!" PT shouted excitedly as he burst through my bedroom door with a massive grin on his face. MJ panted behind him, the same grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at their usual exuberance, the chill, shy guy in me never being able to keep up with either if them, even when we were younger.
"What's that?" I asked, putting down my pen. There was no way I was going to get any more homework done.
"Chelsea totally kicked Ephraim in the fucking balls-"
"LANGUAGE, PT!" Dad shouted up the stairs. MJ and I smirked at our brother as he blushed.
"Sorry Dad!" he called back before diving back into his story. "Like I was saying, Banana kicked Eph right where it hurts. Dude, you should have seen his face."
My eyebrows shot up and I giggled. "You can't be serious. Banana wouldn't do that." I denied.
"Oh, it was totally unintentional but she didn't apologise either." MJ laughed. "He had to be carried off the soccer field by Alex and Sammy Jr."
I was officially pissing my pants at this news and sent out a mental 'well done' to my best friend, despite the fact that I felt for the guy. "That's awesome." I giggled.
"Oh, did you hear the rumour?" MJ asked, excitedly. I shook my head negatively whilst PT nodded. They both looked at me.
"Sounds like there's some new meat arriving tomorrow." PT announced, grinning.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. MJ rolled his eyes.
"New meat, you know, new people. They're supposed to be moving tomorrow or something."
"How did you find that out?" I asked.
"We may have heard Uncle Jake talking to Uncle Sam. You know, since Uncle Sam took over being the school principle and all. Ever since Chief Billy passed away, Jake's been taking over everything for the tribe." MJ explained. I nodded sadly.
Chief Billy's passing was only last year and it had hit the whole tribe hard. Surprisingly, Uncle Jake had taken it easy enough but Chief Billy had been sick with his diabetes for a while before hand so maybe he came to terms with it before it happened.
"What else did they say? Was that all you heard?" I asked, intrigued by this news the more I thought about it.
"Apparently there's about six of them, I think they said and the Dad or adult or whatever is a doctor. He's going to be working at the small clinic here in La Push rather than in Forks. Cool, huh?"
"Yeah, pretty cool. So will there be any our age?" I asked. I didn't want to head into Spanish tomorrow and find myself with a new desk partner. A little warning would be nice.
"Supposedly, maybe a little older but they're coming to high school so obviously no older than 18." MJ replied with a shrugged.
"Really MJ? We kind of figured that out for ourselves, thanks." PT retorted, sarcastically. I snickered, shaking my head as they started to wrestle in the middle of the room. I stepped over them, heading out the bedroom to leave them to it.
Walking downstairs, I heard voices from the kitchen and I couldn't help but grin as Uncle Pail's voice registered in my ears. I bounded down the rest of the stairs, narrowly missing a couple of my younger cousins charging passed. There were more people here than I thought and I blushed, smiling shyly as my uncles turned and greeted me.
"Ah, that blush, it never disappoints." Uncle Jared laughed. He looked in his early thirties now and let me tell you, age has treated him with grace. Even Auntie Kim looked maybe in her late twenties instead of the thirty five she actually was. In fact, all the wolves that had long since stopped phasing had aged thirteen years but still looked reasonably young. Uncle Sam, who was forty in about two years, looked his early thirties.
"Hey Uncle Jared, guys." I greeted, taking a seat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter.
"I'm sure the others have told you about the new kids arriving tomorrow." Uncle Jake said, smirking. I bit my lip and nodded. It was the other two who eavesdropped and I was the one being called out on it. Nice. "Don't worry, they aren't in trouble. I was going to tell you about them anyway."
I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" I asked, curiously. He nodded and made a humming sound. "How come?"
"We'll one of the kids, I believe his name is also Jacob, is in your year and I thought maybe you could show him the ropes tomorrow." he suggested. I frowned. "Now, I know what you're thinking - why not ask one of the others since they have better people skills? - well, I honestly think that you two would get on great."
I frowned deeper and looked at my hands. "I dunno, Uncle Jake. I'm not the best at making friends at the best of times." I pointed out, nervously. Dad patted and rubbed my back.
"Well from what Uncle Jake has been saying, he seems like a smart, kind kid so I think you should go for it." Dad advised. I shrugged.
"What about the older ones?" I asked, curiously.
"Ephraim and Sammy Jr is taking care of those guys. Along with Alex."
I couldn't help the smirk that spread across my face. "And how is Eph?" I asked, aloofly. Some chuckled, Uncle Jacob included.
"Banana has quite the kick on her." he laughed. It brought forth my own.
"Apparently she didn't mean to but who knows? Those two have injured each other so much over the years that we can't tell anymore." Uncle Paul laughed.
"Nah, my Banana wouldn't do that on purpose. If she said she didn't do it on purpose, then she didn't." I replied with a shrug. Everyone smirked. I blushed. "What?"
"'Your Banana'. Makes me chuckle the way you two are so possessive of each other." Uncle Sam laughed. I blushed harder and dipped my head, not responding.
"Right, that's enough embarrassment for one night. Sleep on Uncle Jake's request and tell us in the morning alright but for now, are your brothers washed up for dinner, do you know?" Dad asked, mashing up some potatoes whilst battling with stray hands that tried to attack the food we were about to eat. "Damn it, Paul, go home and eat, you pig."
Everyone, including Uncle Paul, just chuckled as he munched on a drumstick, trying to look innocent as my Dad gave him dirty looks. Then I remembered that my Dad had asked a question. "Oh, um, I don't know. They were wrestling in my room when I came down." I informed him and he sighed, rolling his eyes before leaving the mashing to head towards the stairs, grumbling under his breath about the constant wrestling.
"If your butts aren't down here in five seconds, no garlic mashed potatoes for either of you." he shouted up the stairs and the scuffling that could be heard from above (since my bedroom was directly above the kitchen) ceased for a second before we could hear them scrambling over each other to get down here. They were panting and out of breath as they skidded to a halt next to their usual chairs at the dinner table. I was already sat down at this point. "That's more like it."
"Alright, we'll leave you all to eat. Em's expecting me back anyway. Boys, try not to give your Dad and Papa too much of a headache, will you?" Uncle Sam laughed as he passed us towards the front door. I held my hands up in surrender. He knew I wouldn't. The other two just smiled innocently and nodded.
Papa scoffed. "Thanks for trying, Sam." he chuckled, shaking his head. Uncle Sam joined in.
"Yep. See ya." he called, leaving via the front door. Everyone else trickled out as well, leaving us to eat in peace.
After we finished, I washed the dishes, as it was my designated night and then went back up stairs to finish the other half of my homework. By this point, MJ and PT had been forced to do their own so I knew I wouldn't be able to finish without any interruptions. I did so before the other two and decided to head downstairs to watch TV with my fathers. They were cuddled up together on the couch but separated to let me sit between them when they saw me come down the stairs and enter the living room. I grinned and took their invitation, sighing in contentment as I felt the warmth of my Dad and Papa surrounding me.
I'm pretty sure Papa carried me to bed after I fell asleep between them as well...
Okay, there you have it guys! I hope you enjoyed it enough to leave me a review, big or small :3
There are new pictures on my photobucket for you guys to see, including all the new characters like Hector, Alex and such and of course, the triplets now that they are older :3
Please review, they make me so happy! :D