MapleStory time!
Yaaaay finally getting to Mushking Kingdom!
I am SO sorry for not getting this out sooner. I got distracted with other projects, mainly my Infinite Stratos writings. If you wanna check them out, go ahead.
But, in return, MushKing Kingdom isn't going to be them running back and forth doing quests. Oh no, there will be war.
As usual I do not own anything besides my plot and Akito.
"For the last time, Mir, it's just for convenience!" argued a blushing Mercedes who was being teased by Mir ever since Akito had called her 'Merc'.
"Come on, it isn't just that! Right Akito?!" Mir pleaded with wide eyes.
"Just convenience," Akito winked at Mercedes once Mir had turned his back, "Mir, stop bothering her about it."
"But she wouldn't just let you start calling her that unless she wanted to!"
"Yes. For convenience." Akito grinned slightly at Mir's frustration as he helped lift some crates full of tents back onto the ship, "Come on guys, let's get on. Evan, where are you?"
"Yes!" he heard Evan cheer, "Finally!"
"What is it?" Akito walked on over to his spiritual little brother.
"Finished!" he held up a necklace that had several sea shells on it, "Now I can give this to Victoria when we get back!"
"Nice," Akito patted Evan on the shoulder, "Come on, let's get back to the ship. Race you."
"You're on!" Evan shoved his way past Akito and sprinted towards the Nautilus, "See you there Aniki!"
Akito grinned before he chased after Evan. It wasn't a long run though, so obviously Evan won, but Akito held back with his cannon skills, which he could've used to win despite the headstart he got.
"Everyone on?" Akito yelled, getting nods and confirmations by everyone aboard, "Alright, let's bug outta here!"
"Here we go!" Kyrin pressed the button to remove the walkway up and pulled away from the island, "Now, off to Mushking Kingdom!"
"Wow, no killer penguins this time around," Mir cheered as they stopped off at the dock area which was at the top of the walls. After King Pepe had used this technique, the Mushking Empire had built great walls to act almost like dams, and somehow, they were built of vines of great sizes, which lead one to believe just how fertile the land was there.
"Mhm, you said it." Evan said, stroking Mir's head, "So, we're going to liberate a kingdom… wow, I never thought we'd actually do something like this."
"Ah, it's good to be back," Mercedes took in a large inhale, "Ah, it smells as sweet as the last time I was here. Now, where's-"
Mercedes turned around to find Kyrin giving Akito a small kiss on the cheek, with the latter looking very uncomfortable.
"Someone's got com-pe-ti-tion!" Mir sang out, but was silenced by a glare.
"Sorry guys," Akito came jogging up to them, "Uh, yeah. Kryin held me back for a bit."
"We saw." Evan's voice came in a teasing tone.
"Oh, sorry. Uh yeah, I'm not really sure why she did that. Guess it was for saving the ship," he shrugged, hopping onto the dock, "Seeya guys some other time!"
"Take care of yourself!" Kyrin waved back before going back into the ship's bridge and started bringing it back home. Akito watched the ship slowly vanish into the horizon, a few small tears falling down his face as he watched his brothers in combat, however short, go off. In truth, he hadn't know them for that long, but he made an effort to know each and every person during breaks from Kyrin's Training From Hell. He had been very friendly with everyone, and was rather popular on the ship due to that. And now he watched them slowly fade away…
"Aniki… are you alright?" Evan's concerned voice asked meekly.
"Sorry, just… remembering all the times I had with those guys… But let's not let that get in our way!" he whipped around and ignored the tears as they fell to the ground, "Come on! We've got a kingdom to save!"
"M-Mercedes, is that you?!" a voice asked.
"Oh! Majesty!" Mercedes bowed, then subtly elbowed Akito when he didn't follow suit like Evan had, "Akito…"
'Ah, hello there!" Akito smiled.
"Do you have any tact at all?" Mercedes sighed.
"Well, he's friendly! So I figured I could act like a friend! Besides, friends are good, right?" Akito asked innocently.
"Mercedes, it is fine," The MushKing spoke with a chuckle, "Your friend is quite carefree, I see. Clashing to you, as it seems… is this why you have chosen him?"
"C-chosen him?!" Mercedes stammered, "O-of course not! Friends, that's all."
Mir snickered behind her back.
"Very well then…" he started hopping down the stairs, "If you'd all follow me…"
"Wow… it's all so beautiful…" Evan's eyes looked at every plant, animal, and living creature that was around in the rather large encampment.
"Yes, us in the MushKing Kingdom do like the natural beauty. We saved as many as we could. Unforunately Pepe wants to use them as slave labor. I think I am beginning to understand why he wants this land so much."
"And that would be…" Akito started.
"This land is indeed magical. It is self sustainable, meaning it can live without any help. We simply aid its growth, but if you take away from it, it will grow back in due time."
"So it means… infinite resources, right?" Aktio went on, "I see… what a greedy little penguin he is! Has he ever just tried asking you guys if he needed help?"
"The Pepes have never been known for their humility." the MushKing sighed.
"Open the gates! Open the gates!" the group heard a few voices yell. Before anyone could do anything, Akito had already leapt off the small tower of staircases and was hopping down the roofs nearby to get to the gates.
Four guards made it through, then the gate began to close, "Wait! There's still others!"
"They're too close! And we can't risk anymore!" the gatekeeper said with a bit of regret.
"No… damnit…"
"Open it." Akito's voice said with resolve, "I will save them."
"A… a human?" they stammered.
"Well, did you hear me?" Akito glared, "I said open the gate so I can save them!"
"But stranger, they'll do terrible things if you-"
"I don't care!" Akito readied his cannon, "Out of the way and open the gate!"
"Suit yourself…"
Akito ran through the instant he could, "Where are they…"
"No! Don't do it! They're too close! Too many!" several panicked mushrooms yelled, "A-agh!"
"I'll… be fine…"
"Get behind me." Akito said, leveling his cannon at the impeded horde, "Burn!"
Bombs flew out of the cannon, and with expert skill Akito took them out while avoiding hitting the fallen mushroom. As the last of them died, Akito walked over to the fallen, "Someone get a medic."
"No… it's too late for me…" Renaldo sighed, "You see here, sonny?" The mushroom pointed at a bite mark, "They got me. I'll be turned into one of them…"
"I…" Akito felt tears.
"Will you honor a dying lad's request?"
"What is it?"
"Kill me… before I turn into one of them." he gestured towards the burning and exploded Renegade Mushrooms, "I want… to die… Aghhhh… free…"
Akito closed his eyes as he lifted the drill spear, "I'm sorry."
"Thank you, lad." were the last words he heard before the spear went through the mushroom. Akito picked him up and slowly carried him back towards the anxious onlookers.
"He's dead." he spoke in a monotone, "Those other mushrooms got him." he pointed to the bite mark, "He asked me to kill him before he turned into one of them. Where is his family?"
The crowd parted to reveal a female mushroom and child mushroom. Slowly but surely, Akito forced his feet to carry him to them.
"What happened to daddy?" the younger mushroom tugged on Akito's coat.
"He went out like a hero. And now…" Akito knelt down to pat the child's head, "He's always with you."
"Really?" the child's eyes lit up, "So I won't have to worry about if he comes home?!"
"Yes…" Akito forced a teary smile, and placed a finger over where he thought the heart would be, "He's always here. Remember that."
"I-I will…"
Akito turned to the newly made widow, "I'm sorry, I couldn't reach him in time."
"Y-you… you stopped him from becoming… them… you have my gratitude."
"Akito! Akito!" Mercedes called out, reaching the Cannoneer, "What…"
"I was unable to save one." Akito sighed as he helped wrap the body in a cloth which he gave to the widow, who carried off her husband. He felt wet all of a sudden, "Rain… how fitting."
Akito didn't move even as all the other creatures began to leave the gate area. He stood still, allowing the rain to soak his clothing.
"Aniki… you'll get sick."
"Then at least I got what was coming for letting someone die."
"Evan, take Mir and Mercedes and find somewhere to stay." Akito instructed, "I'd like to… contemplate things for a while."
"At least… get out of the rain, Aniki…" Evan said as he dragged his feet, "Mir…"
"Yes, Master." Mir gave a nod to Akito, who nodded back as if to say he'd be fine.
"Mercedes, you should go too."
"I'm staying with you. Please, get out of the rain."
They took shelter underneath some thicker leaves that made up walkways, and Akito sat down on a bench before he sighed, a sad expression on his face, "Mercedes, have you ever seen someone die in front of you?"
"Ha, what I fool I was," Akito chuckled darkly, "I came here looking for an adventure, found myself rushing out to save a man thinking I could play hero, then look what happened."
"It wasn't your fault."
"If only I hadn't been holding back against the gatekeeper! If I had just forced my way through I could've saved-" his gaze was abruptly turned to the side as a silky hand slapped him.
"M-moron!" Mercedes stammered, partially blushing at the contact, "Look! You're not supposed to be like this! Instead of getting all depressed, you're supposed to be getting fired up, waiting for vengeance!"
"But…" he stopped as Mercedes lifted a hand.
"What caused this? You were so eager, then-"
"He asked to die." Akito started crying, "I couldn't save him and so he asked me to kill him before he transformed! I have innocent blood on my hands!" Burying himself in his hands, he started crying loudly, "The only way to avenge him is to kill myself then!"
"Merc…" Akito whispered as he felt his cheek, which was still hurting despite the fact Mercedes didn't mean for it to hurt that much.
"Akito, listen up. I'm sick of this!" Mercedes grabbed him by the collar, "Look at it this way, they came after him! If they didn't bite him, he'd be fine! It's not your fault, it's theirs!"
"… I… never thought of it that way." Akito's long face turned into a grin, "I… I am such an idiot."
"You'remyidiot." Mercedes said quickly, turning away with a face that rivaled a tomato.
"What was that?"
"U-uh, nothing!"
"… I'm going to get Mir to ask- Ah!" Akito ducked underneath a slap as Mercedes whipped around, "Phew that was-" he looked up and saw a little bit underneath Mercedes' rather short skirt.
"P-pervert!" Mercedes kicked him, knocking him onto the ground. However, the ground was slippery and she lost her footing, and landed on a certain person…
"Ouch! Geez, who's the pervert now!" Akito hissed, "Evan! Help! Mercedes is trying to take advan-" Mercedes covered his mouth and held him still while he flailed crazily.
"S-shut up!" she snarled with a blushing face, "A-ah…"
The two stared into each other's eyes as the rain fell around them, and Akito stopped flailing everywhere. The stormy rain had calmed down to a slight drizzle at this point, a soft pit-pat of rain being the only noise. Before anyone could do anything-
"Evan?" Akito called out, breaking the sight between each other's s eyes, "Um…"
"I-I'm sorry…" he quickly turned away, "I-I had no idea you were in the middle of something!"
"Middle of… Aah!" Mercedes quickly jumped off of Akito, "I, er, sorry for falling for you, Imeanfallingonyou!" she quickly corrected herself.
"I-I, er, sorry for making you fall!" Akito turned his gaze elsewhere, "I-I'll make it up to you!"
"T-then carry me! I stayed out in the rain to bring you back! S-so you h-have to do so!" Mercedes turned away while crossing her arms, "G-go on!"
"Um…" Akito shrugged before sweeping her off her feet and carrying her bridal style, "So, where is the place we're staying?"
"O-over here…" Evan stammered as he watched Mercedes look away, "Um…"
"I left her in the rain and all that. I think it's a fair trade." Akito explained, not shrugging so he didn't drop Mercedes, "So, let's go."
"Phew…" Akito set Mercedes down on the bed, "Geez… that was a downpour."
"You're really strong though… n-not that I was looking or anything! It just took a while to get here, that's all!"
Akito seemed to buy it, "Well, I need to find towels. And this coat is just brand new!" he sighed, "Well, I'll go talk to Evan about it."
"Get me one too." Mercedes said before he left the room.
"Got it!"
As the door closed behind him, she shivered as she thought about Akito. How his seemingly cheery outside wasn't all there was to him. It had hurt to see him so broken like that, where he couldn't even move. It wasn't his fault that he had to deliver a mercy kill to that poor mushroom… yes, if he had been faster he would've been fine, but Akito said before that the past didn't matter. You had to keep moving forward, break through everything that stands in the way of your dream!
And yet, all it took was one tragic death to break him. Sure, she had helped him out of it, but how many more times could she do that? It would only work so many times…
Stupid, stupid! she chided herself as she went over her memories, How could I call him 'my idiot'?! It's like I'm in lo-, oh… oh no, this is not happening! W-what's going on with me…?
"Mercedes? You alright in there? I heard the bed rocking…" Akito said as he came in, "I got some towels. Here…" he handed her a few, "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you? I feel that something has you upset."
"N-nothing is bothering me." she stammered, taking a towel, "Thank you."
"I'm not sure if I properly thanked you for snapping me out of my slump." Akito smiled, "Really, you're a great friend."
"It's nothing," she quickly assured him, "I was just helping you out. Besides, it's creepy not seeing you with a smile."
"Well, at least I've started to realize what this could turn into. It's not all sunshine and rainbows here, because this is war. There's going to be sacrifices…" Akito fell silent, "Hey, Merc, can we promise that we'll never sacrifice ourselves without consulting everyone?"
"W-what?!" Why was Akito talking about this sort of thing?!
"Look, I… I'm afraid, all right? That's why I want you to promise me this so we can prepare ourselves and all that, so we don't just randomly die without telling the others what we were aiming for." Akito said in a rare voice of seriousness, "I don't want any more tragedy! I'll bring happiness to the whole world! I'll break through sorrow with this drill!" he shifted the drill spear into his hands and clenched it tightly, "And fill that hole with happiness for the whole world!"
"I see…" she nodded, "Very well then, I will take you up on that promise."
"Me too. Now, I need to get to sleep…" Akito fell asleep as his head hit the pillow.
"So, we're going to go fight?" Mir asked as the trio stepped outside the gate, with it closing behind them with a resounding CLANG!
"Yeah…" Evan gripped his wand tightly, "Are we ready?"
"We're always ready." Mercedes said quickly.
"Let's go."
Readying his cannon, Akito lead the group through the hills, waiting for the enemy to come out.
Wait a second… if all of this grows back…
"Akito… I don't like that smile on your face…" Mercedes mumbled.
"R-run!" the Renegade Mushrooms yelled, scattering from their formations.
"THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH FUN!" Akito laughed over the explosions as Seva launched another barrel, flattening and exploding another group of mushrooms and land, only for the land to grow back.
"Damnit Akito, you'll put out my hearing!" Mercedes grumbled, sniping a few more mushrooms Akito had missed.
"Magic Bolt!" Evan pointed his wand at another group, with Mir opening his mouth and raining magical bolts on them.
"Big Bang Toss!" Akito threw another barrel which caused enemies to go flying as it exploded, "I love this ability!"
"Akito, less collateral damage!"
"But it grows back!" Akito dived underneath a cannonball of moss, "Wait, what the hell are they-" Splat! Another one hit him in the face. "Okay. I just washed my face fifteen minutes ago…" Wiping the slime from his face, "I am NOT AMUSED!"
Sprinting forward, sliding his cannon on his back and brandishing his drill spear, he leapt with a lot of strength and came down from the skies, drilling a hole in the moss cannon then punching a fleeing mushroom.
"You have to be joking," seethed Mercedes through clenched teeth, "He only starts taking the fight seriously when they've dirtied him?"
"Aniki could be more serious, but it's a nice contrast from yesterday," Evan shrugged as he launched a fireball at their attackers, "However it suits him more. Destruction rains from the heavens, Lightning Bolt!"
"Is it necessary to say things like that?" Mercedes wondered as she ducked down then popped back up to return fire as Akito swept through the sides, distracting them from attacking the remaining duo.
"Aniki said it could help, something about making your attacks more powerful."
"Hm… Charge towards tomorrow!" Mercedes shot forth and then launched enemies into the air, "No regrets!" She finished them with a Parting Shot, thankful she had relearned one of her favorite skills. Now, if only she had her rather abusable Leaf Tornado…
"Here's to a barrel of fun!" they heard a voice yell accompanied by fleeing enemies, "Or maybe a barrel of rum?"
"Damn his annoying puns and play on words."
"Aniki hasn't been doing that too much though."
"He's going to, trust me." Mercedes grumbled as she opened fire on the retreating enemies as Akito chased them, fear present in their eyes as they fled from the (crazy) Cannoneer. (Then again, anyone who carried a cannon as a weapon had to be a little bit crazy.) However, Akito was his own brand of crazy, "Damnit Akito, just let them stand still! I'm still recovering my marksman skills!"
Not that her protests could be heard about his drill spear's steady hum as he leapt up and landed on one of them.
"Stop." Mercedes held back Akito as he was about to go over the hill, "We're supposed to scout out here. We're not sure what we're dealing with so we have-" she stopped as she peered over the hill, "Uh… oh…"
It was a sight that was breathtaking yet horrifying. Yes, it was a group of high organized mushrooms that were wielding weapons used by beings outside. Guns, swords, shields, a professional army. Horrifying because it was on the side of Pepe.
"We report this to the Mushking. Now." Mercedes snarled as she hastily went back to inform the king of their discoveries.
"I suppose all is lost then," the MuskKing sighed as he shook his head, "We have not the technology to match up to them. How they even got it here is a mystery to me as well."
"Most likely they took it and transported it here for their initial assault," Evan explained as best he could.
"So are you going to…" Mercedes trailed off, unwilling to finish her thought.
"Yes. It appears we will have to surrender."
"NO!" Akito suddenly screamed, "Look, who gives a damn about the odds?! I for one don't! Just because we're outgunned, outnumbered, and outskilled doesn't mean anything! They're fighting for selfish reasons, for personal glory and honor!"
The hustle and bustle of the generals in the de facto throne room stopped their chatter as the Cannoneer gave his speech. And for once, it was silent instead of the normal panic.
"But us, we… we fight for justice! To take back a home that has been stolen! But we've got another thing as well, fighting spirit! We haven't lost it at all, but we're damn close! All we need to do is keep trying, trying, and trying. Just because we're up against a superior enemy doesn't mean anything! Because, just who the hell does Pepe think we are?!"
Raising his hand to the sky and extending one finger, he yelled, "SO WHO'S WITH ME?!"
A roar.
A roar that showed just how much these people were willing to give for a homeland that had been stolen from them, one that cried out for revenge and spilled blood of their oppressors.
A roar that Pepe felt from his comfortable throne in the palace that made him tremble in fear at just what had been unleashed. Had he been wise and more confident, he would've ordered an immediate crushing on the defenders.
But it's not like that would've done much.
"We will face all odds, because they don't matter!" Akito kept on going, fueling the crowd that had come in to see what all the commotion was all about, "We're going to be the ones to defy all logic, kick reason to the curb, and show the world that the impossible is possible!"
Another resounding cheer, and this time Mercedes couldn't help but join in this time around. He really did know how to please a crowd, it seemed.
And so a plan was crafted. It was going to be a bloody war, and many knew they would not survive. But every single being on the side of the MushKing was going to dedicate every single fiber of their being to their Majesty. All thanks to one man whose hot bloodedness had been spread out to everyone there.
"Are you ready?" Mercedes asked as Akito sat looking out a window, "I mean… today we just faced them hurling slime at us. Tomorrow, it's the real deal."
"Heh, I'm pretty sure we can all survive. Taking a cannon to the face is easy enough if you're determined enough to get up after being whacked." Akito laughed, "Besides, I have a good feeling about this one."
"What makes you think that?" Mercedes looked out the window and saw Evan playing with Mir and other children out in the streets.
"Something… feels changed. Yeah, it was just one speech, but I think that's all people needed, a source of inspiration. Maybe I was in the right place at the right time."
"I see… I would agree."
"You agreed with me for once, usually we're arguing." Akito chuckled as he thought back on all of their arguments, "Maybe for once we actually got along."
It was a playful slap, not one with any ill intent, like a slap between two old friends.
"Hmph! If that's what you think," Mercedes forced out but was drowned out by a laughing Akito.
"Hahaha, you took it so serious, Merc," Mercedes found herself blushing at the nickname she hadn't quite gotten used to yet, "It was a joke." she still looked angry, "What? I can't tell a joke?"
"That was a rather mean joke," Mercedes tried to slip on her 'cold ice queen' mask, huffing and turning away.
"Alright, alright, you got me. Sheesh…" Akito shook his head, "You gotta loosen up before our fight. We don't need you freezing up or anything."
"Moron!" Mercedes snapped, "You're the one who froze up and now you're telling me not to do the same?!"
"Yeah," he admitted sheepishly, "I know I'm kinda a hypocrite, but that's totally fine by me. I mean, just looking out for a friend, right?"
Mercedes found his carefree and caring attitude very heartwarming and fuzzy yet so damn annoying at times as well. It frustrated her to no end that he could swap between smart and stupid so quickly as well. There was no way Akito didn't have multiple personalities. It was the only way to explain it, in her opinion anyways.
"Well, look out for me, I'll look out for you."
It was time.
The Three Heroes stood at the top of the hill, overlooking the entirety of the renegade mushroom squads. There were hills upon hills upon hills filled to the absolute brim of soldiers. Compared to Akito's force of a mere thousand, they stood no chance in numbers. What did they have? No strategy, no superior technology, not much magic, and overall, were severely outdone.
"Alright then…" Akito focused his magical energy and spread it to his allies, "Let the spirit of the seas be among you, Monkey Magic!"
"Ancestral beings that watch over us, grant us your blessing. Spirit Surge!" Mercedes' eyes glowed as she called forth the power of ancients.
"Magic that fills the air around us, grant us protection, Magic Guard!" Mir and Evan cheered, "Let's save these guys!"
Yes, Akito's troops weren't professional, they weren't equipped, knew just enough about military formations, and hell, their leader had no ideas in military strategy and may or may not be off his rocker, but their leader was one that would never back down in the face of danger. They had seen him for more than just a leader, as many were present when he charged out the gate in order to save the guards who had fallen back last. The bravery was there, and even more so was the sadness as he brought back the corpse and explained what had happened.
"I know you have fought this battle many times and stained the ground with blood and ichor, and once again you must do battle, but today… we fight FOR JUSTICE!"
Akito lead the charge with a might shout, intimidating the army as he ran right in, firing his cannon like crazy, fire and bombs going everywhere with an occasional explosive barrel mixed in every now and then.
Mercedes elegantly shot her way through, using a combination of her Rising Rush attacks and massive amounts of dakka with her crossbows to cause chaos as she bounced along the flanks.
Evan and Mir were a perfect team, using magic in a efficient manner which took out many enemies in one cast with an assortment of spells.
"I won't let you take away tomorrow!" Akito roared as the mushrooms piled on top of him. Damn… is this the end… NO! NO IT ISN'T!
In one final, last ditch attempt he inserted the drill into his cannon, handle first, and fired it, pouring all of his spirit into the cannon.
The result was a giant explosion of green and a drill shooting up into the air as it tore through layers and layers of mushrooms and armor. The fighting stopped after that as everyone stared to look at the drill skyrocketing into the great blue beyond. Of course, until gravity pulled it back down, but Akito leapt and caught it, smiling the whole time.
"Agh!" he snarled as he fell over, clutching his right shoulder, drill spear hitting the ground.
"The commander's hit! He could be dead!" the good mushrooms yelled in a panic. Seeing their commander fall, it demoralized the team as they fell back.
"Aniki no!" Evan sobbed as he ran over along with Mercedes, trying not to step on the fleeing mushrooms.
Time stood still before a ear shattering roar shocked the renegades as the soldiers on Akito's side saw their leader get back up after being hit, after losing blood which he still was by the growing red stain on his shirt, and they continued their fight.
Because they'd be damned if the leader who gave them a fighting chance got up from being dead just to stand up and fight again and they, the very much alive fled.
And so the battle raged on.
"Man, I really wish there was an easier way of doing this." Akito sighed as he mopped up the rest of the renegades stragglers despite his injury.
"Eh, I'm not very familiar with Cannoneer skills," Mercedes admitted sheepishly as she tended to some injured mushrooms.
"Back," Evan called as he teleported in, "The MushKing has been told of our victory. He says we've done a splendid job."
"You hear that?" Akito called out to the army he led as he leapt onto a rather large rock, "Your great king has said that all of you did a splendid job! Not just 'good', but splendid! Amazing people, good work!"
Cheers erupted from the survivors as Akito's powerful voice carried the news all the way to the soldiers far away from him. Today had been a good day to die, but they didn't, which made it all the better.
Mercedes smiled as she sat down, Yup, he's still a crowd pleaser.
Landing on the ground after jumping off the large rock, Akito took a seat next to Mercedes, "So, next time we keep pushing on, huh?"
"Yeah… then they'll be free." Mercedes smiled, "All thanks to you, no less."
"Nope, it wasn't me. If it wasn't for the brave souls here today, I doubt it would've gotten done. Fighting spirit only gets you so far, Merc." Akito grunted as he shrugged, checking his bandages.
"Phew, I am tired…" Evan let out before he fell asleep, landing in Akito's lap. Mir then landed on the ground next to Evan and snuggled up against his Master, going to sleep as well. Mercedes and Akito looked at the duo before grinning.
"Yeah, you get a good sleep, bro." Akito patted Evan on the shoulder.
"You two are really close," Mercedes stated the obvious as she stroked Evan's hair.
"Sir?" a mushroom came waddling up, not noticing the two's activities, "I'd just like to-"
"Yes?" Akito looked up but then the mushroom quickly turned away.
"I-I'm sorry, I had no idea that you were celebrating with your girlfriend! Pardon me!" the soldier quickly dashed away as if not wanting to be seen.
"But I'm not his-" Mercedes stopped and sighed as she realized it was all futile.
Ironically, the one person that reminded her of Cid, her former lover was the one person she did not enjoy being paired up with. However, the universe has a perverse sense of humor, while fate, irony, and fortune can be real bastards at times, which is what Mercedes blamed as she grumbled to herself. The more hilarious part though, was that sometimes Akito was as dense as a fucking brick and sometimes was able to act like a smooth ladies man (she had seen those other warriors ogling him. Not that she cared…) without even trying.
Ah, how the universe works, being your best friend to absolute bitch in .389 seconds.
"Well," Akito smiled as he checked his bandaging again, "I need some sleep… power… drained…"
Ahhh, yeah I really procrastinated and then rushed on this one. But hey, we got the first battle and real (major) tear jerker. Yeah, I know Akito mood whiplashes, but come on, it's Akito. He's not staying down in the dumps for long.
Oh, and just for TEHLULZ I threw in quite a bit of ship teasing between Mercedes and Akito.
And eyup, that was just the expeditionary force, if you get what I'm saying.
But yes, this is not just skirmishes. This is a WAR. There will be injuries, there will be death.
Now, it may sound like it's going to be dark… but this IS Akito we're talking about…
But yes, I am alive! See you all next chapter!