Hello! Here is another multi-chapter story… It's AU

A.N. FYI Quinn never got pregnant by Puck in high school.

I do not own anything

Mistakes are mine

Plot: Rachel gets a call from Quinn late one night that she is pregnant and has to come to the rescue and bring her to NYC with her and things happen a long the way.


Rachel was reading a book when her cell phone rang. She looks at the caller id and was surprised to see that it was her best friend from Lima. They hadn't spoken in months since they were extremely busy with work. She closed the book and answered the phone. "Yellow!"

"Rachel..." Quinn said.

Rachel got worried as soon as she heard the tone of voice. "Are you okay?" She probably knew the answered to that.


"What happened?"

There was a pause for a couple of seconds.

"I'm pregnant."

Rachel couldn't believe it. She was in shock. She remembered when Quinn use to joke around saying she was pregnant but now Rachel knew Quinn was serious.

Rachel sighed. "What happened?"

"I thought we were being careful but obviously I was wrong. And he doesn't want anything to do with the baby or me. He offered money for the abortion."

Rachel could hear the faint soft crying Quinn was doing. "What about your parents?" She also knew the answered to that as well. Quinn's parents weren't exactly liberal and were over strict to the point it was ridiculous.

"They told me I have until the end of the week to get my shit and get out. They are gonna take my car and my phone and everything that I didn't pay for." Quinn sobbed.

Even though Rachel knew they were like that she still was pissed off at them. "Q that's in three days."

"I know." Quinn said crying.

"I'm so sorry honey."

"I have nowhere to go. I don't know what I'm going to do." That's when Quinn started to full on cry.

Rachel let her get everything out and her heart was breaking listening to her best friend hurt because of one mistake that was done. After a couple of minutes, Rachel heard Quinn almost stop crying and that's when she spoke.

"Q, I'll be there tomorrow night."

"What? No are you crazy? It's like a 44-hour drive. Plus you have your career. I can't have you stop your life because of me." She hiccupped.

"I don't care. Don't get me wrong. I love my career but you and Puck are important to me. So when one of you needs help I'm there. (Pause) You are not going to be homeless and you are definitely not getting rid of the baby if you don't want to. You are moving in with me."


"Nope don't even try to change my mind. It's already made up. I'm your best friend and just cause your parents can't accept you, doesn't mean that everyone else won't either. I'm not going to let you be a homeless person. What kind of a friend would I be if I just let you rot on the streets? Hell to the No! I'll take then first flight out to L.A. okay?"

She smiled when she heard Quinn laughed a little. "See you tomorrow."

Rachel hung up and was so mad at Quinn's parents and at the asshole that got her pregnant as well. Quinn moved with her family to Los Angeles right after high school and she had gotten a job as a realtor and was earning good money but then things got bad and Q had to move back home with her parents.

Rachel shook her head, took a deep breath and began to get ready. She changed her clothes. Loose t-shirt, boyfriend jeans, and sandals. She put her hair in a ponytail and grabbed her purse with all-important items. She locked up and took a taxi to the airport.


It was late in the evening as she walked through the gates to get on the plane. She was lucky because thanks to Broadway and a couple of tv shows and a movie she was able to leave just like that and go wherever family was needed. She had sent a text to her agent and Puck telling them she was going be unreachable until further notice.

Like she told Quinn, Puck and her were Rachel' family since her fathers had been killed on one of their many trips.

Almost 6 hours later, she arrived at Quinn's parents house and looked to see if she could tell who was up or not. It was after all almost midnight. She didn't care really so she got out of the taxi and walked up to the porch. After three knocks, the door opened and she saw Quinn's mom smiling but it was such a fake smile. Rachel rolled her eyes internally.

"Hello Mrs. Fabray how are you?"

"I'm good. Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?"

"I'm here to see Quinn." DUH, she thought.

Before anyone else could say anything, Quinn walked down the stairs and smiled nervously at Rachel. "That was fast."

"Yea I guess so."

"Come on."

Rachel noticed not once Quinn looked at her mother. They walked upstairs to Quinn's room.


Rachel watched suspiciously at Quinn as she paced back and forth. "You haven't told them yet." Rachel realized.

Quinn stopped pacing. "I'm not going."

"Excuse me?"

"I changed my mind. I'm staying."

"Oh no you are not."

"I can't do it. It will kill them."

Rachel rolled her eyes and made sure Quinn noticed. "Quinn listen to me. You're parents are kicking you out because they can't handle you being pregnant. Clearly they don't give a shit about you and certainly they will not die when they find out you left with me."

"I'm scared." Quinn admitted with tears in her eyes.

Rachel wanted to hold her but Quinn was having her freak out so Rachel stayed away for now. "I know you're scared but I also know your parents. Just pack your things and we'll head out early in the morning. I will not let you live on the streets like some kind of criminal. Over my dead body." Quinn had tears running down her cheeks and trying not to cry even though she kind of was. "I promise nothing will happen to you and that baby as long as you stay with me."

Quinn finally sat down on her bed and cried silently. Rachel sat next to her rubbing her back and letting her cry. Quinn rested her head on Rachel shoulder as her tears dried up.

"I'm already packed." Quinn whispered.

Rachel looked around the room and noticed a bunch of trash bags in the corners of the room plus a bunch closer to the right side of the bed.

"Damn I didn't know how spoiled you actually were until now. Is there something you actually own besides clothes?"

"My dildo."

Rachel started to laugh so hard she thought she was going to pee herself. Quinn joined in a couple seconds later and laughed for a couple of minutes.

"Okay well good to know."

"I'm sorry for freaking out. I was ready but then..."

"Then you saw me and it became real."

Quinn sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. When do you wanna leave?"

"How about when they leave for work?"

"Sounds good to me."

They went to bed and quickly fell asleep.

In the morning, Rachel opened her eyes and looked to her left. Quinn was still asleep but with a worry look on her face. Rachel knew she was stressed and worried and scared and those things weren't good for the baby. Quinn opened her eyes slowly and saw Rachel already awake.

"They left a couple of minutes ago." Rachel whispered.

"You know they don't think I have the guts to leave."

"Cause they don't think you are strong enough but I know you are."

Quinn sat up on the bed and shook her head "I don't know about that."

"I'm not gonna argue with you this early so get ready while I put your shit in the taxi I called this morning." Rachel got up from the bed.

"Okay." Quinn sighed.