A/N: Although the challenge is old news now, I decided, what the heck? And did this for Hibernian Princess' challenge. Dndchk, the not-yet-a-member of the Men in Cloaks presents... Men in Cloaks Sing 'Part of Your World'! Aww yeah!
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranger's Apprentice or the Men in Cloaks. But I do own this parody! Enjoy! (I need to go hide before a rabid horde of IC Rangers come and find me)
The Ranger Corps, Men in Cloaks, had another Disney musical prepared to sing and dance to.
"What's this one to, again, Halt?" Will asked. He was quite nervous because this was his first time at a gathering and his ribs still hurt from the beating he'd gotten from Alda, Bryn, and Jerome.
"'Part of Your World' or some sappy title like that," Halt replied gruffly.
Crowley approached them, unslinging his bow from his back as he walked. "Hurry and get in your positions! We're about to start!"
"Right!" Will cried as he jumped up and pulled his own bow off his back.
The Men in Cloaks arranged themselves in an arrowhead formation, with Crowley at the tip, Halt and Gilan on either side of him. They slowly held their bows out in front of them. They began to sing.
Look at our bows
Aren't they neat
Wouldn't you think they make our skills complete?
The Rangers threw their bows to one side and spread their cloaks out, spreading apart to do so. They pirouetted for effect, spinning like ballerinas.
Wouldn't you think we're the men
The men who are... the Men in Cloaks?
Will suddenly realized it was his turn for a solo. Stepping forward, he held his knives in the air, striking a noble pose with one foot on a rock. Gilan began to do some interpretative backup dancing as he sang.
Look at these knives
They keep us alive
Saxes and throwing, proficient with both-
Lookin around here, you'd think, sure-
They've all got it made.
Will stepped back as Gilan plied into the spotlight with Halt. They sang their duo:
We want to be
Where the people are
We want to save
Save them from danger
Runnin from all those-
Merrin interrupted them from the back as he stag- leapt over the heads of the Rangers.
whaddya call ems?
The Corps held their arms out gorilla style and bared their teeth.
Gilan threw his quiver aside and stepped forward. He flipped his cloak dramatically over his shoulder for effect.
Shooting the arrows will only go so far
What you need
Is an axe or broadsword
He brandished his own sword, nearly taking several people's heads with it.
Or maybe some fire, because then they-
Yeah, you guessed it-
Everyone sang in chorus now, fanning out to look like fire- green fire, that is.
When will they die
And we will win
And go home and drink some coffee!
Halt stood alone as the Corps fanned out in a semicircle around him. He sang in a falsetto voice.
Wiiith honeeey
He began to run to the front of the stage.
So glad to be
He leapt into the air as the Men in Cloaks finished with him.
Meeeen in Cloaaaaaaks!
Halt slid on his knees to the edge of the stage as the song ended.
"Wow, Halt, I didn't know the Ranger Corps was secretly a singing/dancing group," King Duncan said as he passed through the clearing with Baron Arald and Lady Pauline.
Halt facepalmed. So did everyone else.
"Crap," Crowley said.
A/N: So what did you think? Liked it? Hated it? Wanted to burn it to a cinder? Wanted to BE a member of the Men in Cloaks? Because I do! Hmm... Dndchk, the amazing Ranger who actually owns her own oakleaf pendant and cloak! ...Nah, that's too long for a title. Dndchk, Ranger 51 of Indiana Fief. Yeah. I like that.
Review or Halt and my man- eating guinea pig demons will kill you painfully!
Now go read my other stories. DO IT!
-Dndchk, Ranger 51 of Indiana Fief
Men in Cloaks!