"Come on Amhar, say Da-da," Arthur wheedled to his son who gurgled defiantly in response.
"Can you say 'Uncle Gwaine' little man?" Gwaine asked and again Amhar babbled in response and banged his wooden horse off the floor.
"Hey Gwaine, ClotPole, Baby ClotPole," Merlin said casually as he walked into the room, flopped himself on the floor and scooped up Amhar. Arthur and Gwaine had been sat on the floor in front of Amhar in his nursery trying to get him to speak.
Arthur smacked Merlin on the back of the head and took his son out of Merlin's arms and rested him on his knee. Ten month old Amhar was a perfect cross between Arthur and Gwen; he had light brown skin and Gwen's dark hair but had Arthur's blue eyes and it was joked; Amhar also had his father's stubbornness. As was being proved today by their attempts to teach Amhar his first words. All of the knights and Merlin viewed themselves as Amhar's uncles and wanted to get one over on Arthur for being the one who taught Amhar to say his first word.
"Merlin what have I told you about calling me a ClotPole? Especially in front of Amhar." Arthur snapped. He loathed that nickname more than words could say. Hence why Merlin constantly used it no matter who was around.
"Sorry ClotPole," Merlin replied unapologetically with a grin.
"Opole," a little voice piped up. Arthur looked at Merlin and Gwaine who looked just as stunned and shocked as he did.
"Tell me that was one of you," Arthur said. Merlin and Gwaine shook their heads and all three of them looked at Amhar who gave them a proud grin and repeated himself loudly. He was clearly pleased that he had been able to say a big word like his daddy and uncles.
"Opole! Opole! Opole!" Amhar repeated, getting louder and more confident with each word and slapped Arthur's leg each time, showing who he believed 'Opole' to be. Arthur wanted to impale himself on his sword. Of all the things Amhar could have chosen as his first word, he chose that. What was worse; Arthur couldn't blame Merlin. He'd said it in front of Amhar too.
This could not get any worse.
It could.
As Amhar proudly repeated his new favourite word over and over again, Merlin's eyes widened and he raised his finger; pointing at the doorway. His shock had turned to fear and Arthur and Gwaine slowly looked up. Only one person was able to inspire such fear in Merlin. Standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips; her eyes flashing dangerously and her nose flaring like an angry bull about to charge was Gwen. Gwen glared at her husband and friends and looked ready to start breathing fire and cause some serious pain for what the three idiots had done to her son. Arthur got to his feet and placed Amhar into his cot before he looked at Merlin and Gwaine before looking back at his wife. Flowers and words weren't going to smooth this situation over; there was only one thing the three soon-to-be-dead men could do.
"RUN FOR IT!" Arthur yelled and they bolted.