Pursuit of Nightmare

I'm afraid the dead don't shuffle,

In actual fact they run.

So therefore we must sprint in turn,

Look out here they come.

Their stench comes out ahead of them,

My lungs are gripped with pain.

But from looking back at screaming horde,

In that I'll refrain.

A survivor falls down beside me,

I leave him to the dead.

My own survival must come first,

Yet his screams stay in my head.

You can't outrun a nightmare,

You can't create a dream.

No escape from reality,

From horror so obscene.

And now I've reached a dead end,

And in turn the horde comes.

No escape from grizzly fate,

Because the dead don't shuffle…


They run.


While this poem is my own creation, I feel obligated to make it clear that it was inspired by the Left 4 Dead-themed song The Dead Don't Shuffle. Such a line was used here as well. Definately worth a listen/watch IMO, along with the rest of Miracle of Sound's repitoire.