With John's blessing the two couples drove to the school; Dean and Cas in the Impala and Sam and Gabe in the Novak's car. Dean could barely keep his eyes off Castiel long enough to watch the road and the younger boy blushed every time his boyfriend gazed at him, the desire and love obvious in his eyes.

They regrouped at the school and pulled out their tickets. Upon approaching the entrance Dean noticed Bobby standing off to the side watching all the students pile in. Dean made a detour and went up to the principal, the other three following behind him, "Hey, Bobby."

"Hello, boys. Looking good tonight." Bobby said.

"Thanks, and thanks for whatever you said to dad, he turned up tonight and wants to make an effort to fix things." Dean replied gratefully.

"No thanks needed, I'm just glad he came 'round, 'bout time he made an effort with you boys."


Bobby smiled then "You lot better get inside, band will be starting in five."

"Good idea, see ya, Bobby."

"Have a good night, boys, stay out of trouble." The principal added affectionately.

There was a collective "Thanks" and "We will" before they gave the teacher at the door their tickets and entered the huge gym where the dance was being held.

The gym looked like an arts and crafts shop on steroids. There were streamers and balloons of baby blue, lavender purple and flamingo pink tied to every possible place. If you looked up it was a spider web of streamers, if you looked down it was a sea of balloons, girls definitely planned this.

Dean and Gabe nodded to each other and the couples went in different directions, Gabe led Sam over to the punch bowl and Dean found a semi-unoccupied area while he fidgeted in his jacket pocket for something.

"What are you looking for?" Cas asked him.

The only reply was "Ah huh!" then Dean spoke real words but he was a bit nervous and fumbled over his words a little "So, I, um, wasn't really sure...ya know, 'cause I'm not good at this stuff, but I figured...I hope I did the right thing..." out of his pocket Dean brought a single white rose, almost fully closed and held it out to Cas, blushing like crazy. Castiel stared at the small flower in Dean's hand; his eyes were wide with surprise as they flicked from his boyfriend's face to the rose. Delicately he picked up the flower and held it under his nose, a beautiful perfume filled his nostrils and the smile that appeared on his face told Dean that he had done the right thing. The second clue was that Cas surged forward and crushed their mouths together, kissing him with all the passion in the world.

Gabriel was pouring two glasses of punch from the bowl while Sam watched what was happening between his brother and best friend "I can't believe those two are finally together, as if Cassie hasn't been obvious enough, honestly I know Dean isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you'd have thought he would've caught on after a few months at least." Gabe declared after glancing at the couple making out against the gym wall. Sam chuckled "Those two were so oblivious that if they hadn't announced it to each other they still wouldn't know and they'd be sitting at opposite ends of the gym staring at each other through the crowd. At least I had an inkling you liked me back..."

Gabe smirked at his boyfriend "You had an inkling?"

"Yeah...an idea, a notion, a suspicion, a hunch." Sam explained as if Gabe didn't understand.

"I know what an inkling is, Sammy, just sometimes you seem too old for your age." Gabriel said as he handed Sam his cup of punch.

The band started up then and the dance floor filled up with teenagers rocking out to the music.

"Come dance with me, Gabe." Sam requested.

Gabe laughed "Oh, no, kiddo. You do not want to see me dance, it's not a pretty thing, believe me."

"I don't care." Sam protested as he tugged on Gabriel's right hand "Please..." he pleaded giving his boyfriend his best puppy dog eyes.

"Aw, Sammy, don't give me that look...oh alright then, come on." Gabe caved and followed Sam onto the dance floor where Cas and Dean were already dancing with each other.

The four boys danced and laughed together for an hour before they decided to take a break, grabbing some punch and finding somewhere to sit. Cas and Sam were discussing something about stars when Dean had an idea, he leant over and whispered it into Gabe's right ear. The older boy whispered back that he thought it was a great idea, only one problem; "Where can we go to see that?"

Dean smiled and explained "Bobby's got a field he doesn't use behind his house, I'll go see if we can use it." And with that he got up announcing "I'll be right back." Loud enough for the two younger boys to hear and kissed Cas' temple as he ventured off to find Bobby.


After a few more hours of dancing and drinking punch Bobby got up and announced that the band had one more song then it was time for everyone to get going. When the last song finished Dean and Gabe led their brothers out to the cars and the couple paired off in the same cars they had come in. It only took three minutes for Sam to realise they weren't heading to either his house or Gabe's "Where are we going?" he asked.

Gabe smiled "I can't tell you, it's a little surprise me and Dean-o cooked up."

A hundred things ran through Sam's mind, and a hundred more as they pulled up at Bobby's place "Uh, okay, why are we at Bobby's place?"

"You'll see." Gabe answered feeling a little excited.

Dean had gotten out and opened the big metal gate, then they drove through the posts and along an old dirt path until Dean pulled up in front of a large pond and got out after turning the engine off. He went to the trunk and pulled out two bulky blankets and gave one to Gabe, the two older boys proceeded to lay the blankets over the hoods of their cars.

Sam and Cas got out of the cars, the same expression of awe that Dean and Gabe had come up with something so sweet on their faces. They both looked up and saw many constellations over head, much clearer than you normally saw them, but out here there were no lights to mask their beauty.

"Wow, you guys are awesome." Sam proclaimed, Castiel was still transfixed on the stars like he'd never seen them before.

Gabe held out his hand to Sam, smiling as he did so, Sam walked forward and took it then Gabriel helped him onto the hood of his car.

Cas was still staring at the sky when Dean came up behind him and encircled the younger boy's waist with his arms before placing a kiss on Cas' exposed neck "Like it?" Dean asked.

"I've never seen the stars so bright." Cas answered without looking away.

"Come lay on the car with me, you'll get a kink in your neck if you keep standing here."

Cas followed Dean to the car only looking at the ground to make sure he didn't trip over anything. They settled on the hood of the Impala, Dean was lying on his back with his left arm out which Castiel was using as a pillow while he curled against Dean's body. Dean reached over to the edge of the blanket and pulled it over them so they wouldn't get cold in the chill air. Looking over at Sam and Gabe, he noticed that they had done the same thing and were cuddling and laughing quietly together. It made Dean happy to know that Sam was happy, and Gabe wasn't a bad guy.

Cas moved slightly against him and Dean couldn't believe how lucky he was, Cas was just...there were no words to describe him, he was like one of the stars in the sky; bright, beautiful, amazing, interesting, intriguing...perfect. Castiel was perfect. And damn did he look hot tonight.

Suddenly Dean realised that a pair of big blue eyes were staring at him "What are you thinking about, Dean?"

"Honestly, I was just thinking how fucking amazing you look tonight."

Cas blushed slightly, then said "I thought you were going to take me on the steps when you answered the door earlier."

"It definitely crossed my mind, but that probably wouldn't have been a good idea, when we get back to my house though..." He let the sentence drop off knowing Cas would understand.

They laid there for a while just gazing at the stars and cuddling. Dean thought tonight had been fairly perfect, it really couldn't get any better.

After some time Cas broke the silence "Dean?"


"I love you."

Dean's heart swelled and he smiled from ear to ear "I love you, too, Castiel." He said before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend. He had been wrong, now the night was perfect, and from that moment he knew that every night would be perfect as long as he had Castiel.


Hey guys, so that was the last chapter of Guessing Games, i hope you enjoyed it. I know that traditionally its a red rose for love but i have this thing in my head that castiel likes white roses instead of red ones. Anyways, don't be afraid to let me know what you think, thanks for all the reviews and the support, much love xox