"I hate you!"

Anthony recoiled. "What?"

"I hate you Anthony Padilla‼" Ian yelled, shoving Anthony backwards. "Why do you have to be so fucking gorgeous?"

Anthony choked. "Wha-?"

He was cut off as Ian pressed his lips against his.

They broke apart.

"I fucking love you."


Sunlight danced across Ian's eyelids. He groaned and pulled a pillow over his eyes. But it was too late, he was awake and the memories of last night were starting to trickle back. He remembered the burn of alcohol in his throat, stumbling blind drunk into the house, then...

Ian groaned again. Oh God! He had kissed Anthony! He had always dreamt of finally confessing his feelings to him, but he had imagined it without the swearing, yelling and general drunkenness.

Ian pulled the sheets up over his head. I can't face him.

Anthony poured coffee into a large mug, his hands shaking. Ian. Ian loved him. He had kissed him. Kissed him! It had tasted like alcohol and his breath had stunk, but nothing could tarnish the feeling of his soft, plump lips against his.

Anthony bit his lip. Stop, he told himself. Stop thinking about it.

Suddenly, the sound of running water came form the bathroom. Ian was awake. Anthony, being the coward that he was, hurriedly grabbed his car keys and rushed out to his car, gulping down coffee as he went.


Ian came out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, drying his hair. Anthony was nowhere to be seen and his car was gone. Ian didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, not watching it, just letting the sound wash over him.

I don't know whether to be relieved that Anthony finally knows, Ian thought, or ashamed that I told him so…. Clumsily.

Suddenly, the front door opened.

"I brought you guys bagels!" Mari yelled as she barged into the house. "By the way, you left the front door open."

So Anthony left in a hurry, Ian thought glumly. Great.

"Hey Ian, what's up? Where's Anthony?"


Mari sat down next to him. "What's wrong?"

"We had a … fight… last night." Ian mumbled.

"Aw, that's not the end of the world is it? You guys will get over it." Mari said brightly.

"It's more complicated than that…"

"Tell me exactly what happened."

Ian shook his head. "I can't."

"Is it a secret? You can whisper it in my ear." Mari leaned towards him, her ear facing him.

Ian considered it for a minute, then leaned in a whispered: "I kissed Anthony."

Mari squealed, leaping off the couch. "Yay! About damn time!"

Ian gaped at her. "W-what?"

"It's so obvious that you like him, I've suspected it for ages! So what happened? How did he react?"

"I can't really remember well, I was drunk at the time." Ian admitted.


"Basically I swore at him, kissed him, then told him I loved him. That's all I remember. Then I woke up in the morning and went to have a shower. When I got out, Anthony and his car had disappeared. I don't know whether to be relieved that I don't have to face him, or disappointed that he is obviously too embarrassed to face me."

"Hmm…. The best thing to do is confront him as soon as he gets home." Mari advised.

"Whenever that it." Ian grumbled.

She patted him on the shoulder. "It'll be okay, you'll see. Anyway, I'll be going, don't want to make things awkward when you have your big talk." She got up. "By the way, there are bagels on the table, help yourself." Mari grinned and waved goodbye, shutting the door behind her.