The Finding

A.N: Hey guys, sorry about the late update will be updating other stories A.S.A.P. This is the order:
Get Her Back
Love You Most
A Very Strange Weekend
To Protect the Ones You Love
also is you read Secrets Aren't Meant to Last Forever it's being updated after Get Her Back.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. I will try and work on my updating, Work, School, Exams and Video Games get in my way. Also I have been on a really bad writing block recently.

Derek's POV

"I moved to the side staring up at the ceiling, just like in the house there was a steel door. The question remained how much dirt was above it.

"Liam, hold Chloe." I demanded handing the girl I loved to the only person who could hold her weight. "Move back into the hall." I ordered taking a rock from Simon.

"Why?" Simon asked and I pushed him into the remaining space.

"Stay there until I saw otherwise." I ordered reaching up to grasp at the bolt at the center. It took all my strength to pull the rusted thing out and finally it did with an earth-shattering groan a large handle fell by my face. I heard shuffling behind me to see Liam hand Chloe to Rae who was helped by Tyler.

"Need a hand?" He asked gripping the over sized key shaped handle. We pulled and slowly the door began to open pouring massive amounts of dirt into the small chamber and then finally there was light. It poured into the dark space and we heard the clunking of metal falling into place.

"Stairs!" I heard Liz cheer as the metal door released fold able stares to the floor.

"We have to turn this to keep it down here." Liam commented touching the metal, "but it's too rusted to turn."

"I could spell it." Simon suggested walking around the stares to look at the gate, "perhaps use one to add some oil to the gears.

"Worth a try." I replied, "Meanwhile you guys get up there as fast as you can." I shouted over at the others relieved when I heard the clunking of foots on metal.

"It's sturdy." Rae commented and then I heard shuffling and grunting which proved to me they'd begun to carry Chloe out.

"Do it now." I growled at Simon as my muscles began to protest to the weight they were carrying. I heard him mutter something under his breath and slowly the metal key/handle began to turn.

"Get up the stairs." Liam told him, "We won't have much time once this is over." Simon nodded running up the stairs and I nodded at Liam to do the same.

"Derek!" I heard her commanding voice, "you better get your ass up here! Right now! I'm serious, I am not leaving this spot without you even if I die!" I heard her start to cough and looked at Liam.

"Go. I'll hold it and use the remaining time to get up myself." Liam glanced down at me before letting go the gears protesting and my muscles straining to push it back into its place.

"Derek!" I let go running around as I heard the clicking of gears. Leaping up I felt the stairs begin to fold and looked up to see metal slowly covering the light. If I didn't hurry I wasn't left in the dark, I was squashed like a bug, taking the steps two at a time I reached up to grab the dirt on one side swinging myself into the air. I kicked off the metal gate coming down and landed on the grass as it closed off dirt sliding down to cover the tracks that it had ever been there in the first place.

I blinked in the light looking around to make sure we had everyone.

p style="text-align: left;""I totally thought we'd lost you bro." Simon commented as a frail body collided with my own.

"You scared me to death!" Chloe scolded me ending with a coughing fit. I reached down to smooth the hair out of her face before kissing her forehead.

"Good to know I can worry you." I teased reaching down to tuck my arm beneath her knees. Pulling her up into my arms I felt her arms wrap around my neck.

"Can you carry me like this?" She asked basically sitting on my arm like a four year old would. She weighed practically nothing but my muscles already sore from before ached at the weight.

"Not after holding that gate open." I replied, "I could however put you on my shoulders if you'd prefer it." She giggled running her hands through my hair before shaking her head 'no'.

"Can we get a move on?" Tori asked, "we have to locate a safe place to sleep and we also have to find this drug."

"No." Chloe replied, "It's too dangerous."

"It's not." I replied, "nothing is to dangerous when it's between life or death."

"Where could we even find him?" Tori muttered, "anytime we ran into him, he'd always found us."

"The meeting spot." Rae spoke up looking at me, "he'll have left something."

"No, absolutely not!" Chloe snapped pushing out of my arms to fall to the ground with a large thump.

"Chloe." I growled reaching down to help her only to get my hand slapped away.

"We have to go north."

"North? Why north?" Tyler asked moving to stand next to my sister.

"Because, that's where we have to go." Chloe replied pushing herself up from the ground. As she did we heard a loud snap. I looked down to see her collapsed on her arm.

"Holy Mother of God!" Chloe screamed, "that fucking hurts!" I reacted and spun her on her back to see her arm bent like a boomerang.

"Hospital!" Simon shouted, "we have to hurry!" Pulling her into my arms I moved past the group.

"We need a hospital and a place to sleep, preferably with a shower." I added looking at the grungy group around me. We were all covered in filth from head to toe. Dirt clinging to the three girls hair who'd been in the tunnels longer then we had. Simon had clay spread up his arm, from what I couldn't tell you. Liam was still standing far from Tori, most likely wanting to think about the net they'd been in together.

"I'm so gross!" Tori complained pulling needles from her hair, "I cannot believe that I haven't had a shower in like five days!"

"Oh shut up Tori, you'll get one tonight."

"Well I have to be first." She demanded and Chloe scoffed in my arms her face twisted with pain and yet she wasn't crying. She merely left her hand draped over her chest.

"Derek." She whispered loud enough for me to hear, "we need a plan. With so many of us it'll be hard to hide."

"Were not splitting up." I replied and Chloe frowned shaking her head.

"I couldn't do that to Rae or Liz, not again." She moved her head to look at her two best friends, "they missed the guys so much."

"And what about you?" I asked half afraid for the answer the other ecstatic hoping she'd say something about me.

"Well I suppose I missed them too." She replied, "but I never really got to know either of them." I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't mean them, Chloe I missed you. Your absolutely stubborn, beautiful, strong, witty and unbelievably brave." She blushed and looked up at the sky.

"I suppose I'd miss me too if I was you." She replied a smirk evident on her face and rolled my eyes, "I missed having a stupid git around to look at me with puppy dog eyes."

"Stupid git? That's what I mean to you?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Who said I was talking about you." She replied and I glared at her,

"Though I did miss having a reasonable person to chat with, you are a nice conversation. I also missed your touch, laughter, smile oh and that the glower you give people is chill worthy. Mostly I just missed having someone to really worry about me, someone who knows exactly what I'm thinking before I even think it." She smiled at me, "plus the last time we saw each other was very memorable." She winked at me.

I remembered it as well, her lips were constantly on my mind. So much so that it was killing me not to reach out and kiss her right then and there in front of everyone. The only thing that stopped we was the fact of who was with us right now. That and well it wasn't the right time for us to be together, I was honestly shocked by the others. We were running for our lives from crazy psychopathic people. Perhaps that was the reason for all the scramble for boyfriends, and girlfriends. However I wanted to see how it all played out, after all if something happened it'd be worse to love someone and lose them. Even worse to have to look at the person you love and remember everything you went through, mixing good memories with the bad.

I didn't want any part of that and I was determined to keep the tragedy of my life a tragedy until I was free to love someone not only with my heart, but with my brain as well. When I did have the opportunity I knew the first person I would ask to be with me and that was Chloe Saunders.

Because I love her.

I love her with every fiber of my being.

With that thought in mind we all trudged into the hospital of the small town we'd finally arrived at. The nurses were shell shocked to see eight grungy dirty and grumpy teenagers walk into the hospital, the one in the lead carrying a pale, and broken girl.

Yeah they so did not look impressed.

"What happened?" One asked rushing over to us with a gurney.

"Rock climbing gone wrong." I replied, "we came as fast as we could."

"Alright, we'll see to her you all wait in the waiting room. I'll send someone down to look at you, then perhaps you can all have showers." She added before following the other nurse and Chloe.

Chloe looked back at me her arm stretched out towards me. She wanted me with her but since I wasn't legally her family I couldn't do anything but wait.

"Uh Derek?" Tori asked looking at me, "don't you think the hospital will contact Mr. and Ms. Saunders? It is hospital policy to contact the parents."

"Ah, shit!" Simon complained and Rae grinned.

"I have an idea." She said pulling Liam towards her, "and it will require all of us to accomplish it."

A.N: Thank you for your patience. New chapter up soon.

Love you all for reading, and for following me.

Please read my other stories as well. The Blizzard and Love You Most are probably my best work.
