A/n: Well, here we are. This is the next story to Metallic Heart, or sequel to it. I hope this one is alright for you all, there was just not enough to keep going on for the other story and I found that a good place to end it. Anyways, here we are. This is FrosIron, but it will start out with something else. Ah, and no it is not Pepper that he is married to~ It's someone I made up... However, you will be shocked who she is. This is actually an OC of mine from a roleplay that I made older, but she still has the same relations. You will know about her soon enough. I actually finished this easily because my friend pitched in at some points so~ Here it is~

Oh yes, this does involve some X-Men characters, but more so Logan. The reason for that is my OC, you will know soon enough. Oh and I have a pole on my page about the name for the second child~ Vote please~

Heading to her Father's home, I never expected to lay eyes on him. He returned…but if only he had come sooner.

Fifteen Years Return 01


Sequel to Metallic Heart. It took fifteen years for him to come back, and by then, everything had changed. He was no longer the lover to the one he still felt and longed for. His lover had gone away, and had married someone else after ten years of waiting. He had a child, two actually, and his old lover couldn't be happier for him... Yet, he was still the one in pain... Can he change things to go back to how they were? FrosIron.

"Maria..." Tony sighed softly as the two year old ran from him, him trying to catch her. "You have to take a bath..." He said, but it was slowly and easily. He was running after her though, trying not to trip over any toys of his daughters that laid scattered around the place.

"Noe!" Maria shouted as she ran down the hallway, away from her Father. He groaned and kept running after her, almost ramming into the door that opened. He quickly stopped and sighed. His wife, Raven, looked at him and chuckled some. She smiled at him weakly then sighed.

"Maria! Come over here, Mommy wishes to see you!" She called and the little girl instantly ran to her mother. Raven picked her up and chuckled. "See how easy it is?" She asked and Tony rolled his eyes in response. She smiled still and carried Maria to the bathroom. She put her down. "Now take a bath like a good little girl." She said and ran a hand through her hair. "Daddy is going to make sure you are all clean for tomorrow when you see your Grandpa. I'm sure you can't wait to see him!" She smiled then stood up. "Have a fun time~" She teased her husband before leaving the room. Tony sighed softly and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes, and bathing the children is fun." Tony muttered and sighed some, shaking his head a little bit.

"Alright." Raven smiled as she finished dressing her daughter in her best dress. It was a white dress with a red 'X' on it and was rather beautiful. She smiled and kissed her daughters head softly and then turned to her husband who was still trying to get his tie on right. He was nervous, you could easily see that. He had met the person that Raven called Father only a few times before, and he never was on the good foot with that person. Then again, he had a temper, though so did Raven. He had learned to deal with it already, but that person had an even worse temper than Raven did. "Relax dear, I promise he won't try and throw you out a window again."

"Yeah, that is much reassurance!" Tony replied, on nerves end about all of this. He took a deep breath, and then shook his head. "Yeah, no more window throwing. God that scared the hell out of me…" He shook his head, he should have been used to it…but…when he thought about that, his mind went to Loki…and when it went to Loki…he was about to cry. Now Tony Stark never cried, not normally, but when he thought about the man he had loved, the god he had loved, that just left…it hurt him, a lot.

"Honey..." Raven said softly as she saw the tears in his eyes. She frowned as she guessed what he happened to be thinking about. She put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright...don't think about him alright? It won't do you any good...he's not coming back...he hasn't for so long...stop tearing yourself up about it." She kissed his cheek softly and then smiled weakly at him. "Come on now, we have to go...after all Father is waiting for us." She frowned some and then went and picked Maria up. "He hasn't seen Maria since she was a little baby~, he'll be happy."

"I know, but it's his fault he's always out on some adventure or another, or off checking up on his-" Raven made a motion to not say the last word and Tony chuckled. He nodded some. "Anyways, let's go." He said and started walking for the door. "JARVIS, lock all doors and windows!" He called to the other as they left the home. They're son didn't happen to be going with them, as he was off with Natasha and Clint who had promised him about a trip, so it was just the three of them.

"Remind me again why we are walking?" Tony asked and looked at his wife whom was watched their daughter sleep. She blinked then looked up at him, telling him that she hadn't heard him. "Why are we walking to your fathers?" He asked and crossed his arms. "We would be there if we just let Happy drive us." He commented and she rolled her eyes at him.

"We are walking because it is nice outside, and that Father doesn't like when we bring the limo to his home." Raven reminded him softly. "After all it drives to much attention to him for his liking..." She frowned some and then looked at the sky. "Besides it's so beautiful to walk around..." She murmured.

Tony shook his head then and looked around some. Many people waved or watched them walk down the street, he could care less though. He sighed some then blinked as his eyes laid on someone. This person was wearing armor and a long green cape, and emerald eyes pierced his own. His eyes darkened before he looked to Raven. "I'll be right back, well meet up with you. I need to go check something!" He said and then quickly ran over to the person as he vanished into an alley way. He followed him a good few blocks before he caught up to him in another alley way. The other turned to look at him and they locked eyes. "By god...Loki?" He whispered.

The other swallowed before reaching out and grabbing Tony's collar. Tony didn't move, only wondered who this person really was. He felt the other pull him close, and they're lips connected. Tony didn't move, but his eyes widened. He felt Loki's arms around him and pull him close, kissing him still. When they pulled back Tony looked into the taller one's eyes. "Stark...I...yes it is me of course..." He whispered.

"Loki..." Tony's voice cracked. "Oh god...Loki...it's been fifteen years!" He said and the other looked down at him with horrified eyes. He seemed to take that in and look down, thinking about that for a good long moment. Tony swallowed. "I'm...sorry...I...oh Loki...I thought you were gone..." He closed his eyes. "You never came back, even when you promised..."

Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh Stark...I...I oh...fifteen years?" He whispered and then took a deep breath again. "For fifteen years I have been missing?" He swallowed then. "I'm so sorry! I had been critically injured and I had to heal myself. I had no idea that it would take that long..." He murmured. "But you-"

"I'm sorry Loki...after ten years; I had to give up on you coming back..." Tony hated the look in Loki's eyes, the hurt look; oh it hurt so badly to see that. "Everyone told me to give it up after five years, even Thor hated to admit that you were not coming back anymore Loki...we all waited and everyone searched, we even convinced Fury to help...no one found you...I couldn't take being alone anymore...I'm so sorry..."

"I...understand Stark..." Loki whispered and took a deep breath but then smiled weakly at him. "I can deal with it, I promise you...I will get over it...are you happy?" He asked softly and looked into Tony's eyes. Tony felt his heart drop and then took a deep breath. He leaned up and kissed the others forehead softly. He couldn't be with him to be exact, but these...touches were enough for him to at least deal with it all for him. He had missed Loki so much, touching him so much...ah...thinking about it made him want to tell Loki to take him right then and there. He couldn't though; he had a wife to think about...and two children.

"I'm happy Loki, but god...I did miss you so much..." Tony pulled him close to his body. "I just...oh god...Loki...I'm sorry...you can stay with us though!" He said, and smiled weakly. "You don't have to be alone...I'm sure Rave wouldn't mind..." He took the others hand in his own. "Alright?" Loki smiled weakly as well and nodded, before hesitating. He kissed Tony softly and then pulled back.

"Just...a kiss once and a while...? Please?" Loki murmured, not wanting to feel all alone yet again. Tony smiled softly and nodded.

"Now come on, I have to go see Raven's Father..." He groaned. "I pray I will not be thrown from a window..." He groaned and Loki chuckled, kissing him again once before they headed off.

"Father!" Raven snapped at her 'Father' as he yelled at Tony and Loki. Alright so she understood what happened, but him? He and his temper wasn't a fun thing to deal with. She grabbed onto his arms and pulled him back, one of the few people to know his weaknesses. She shook her head. "Honey you two better leave while I calm him down. Talk Maria to the park alright?" She smiled and Tony nodded before grabbing Maria and Loki's hand, pulling him out. Raven sighed then and turned to her Father. "Father, don't do that." She said and crossed her arms.

The man she was talking to was a mutant, and so was she actually. He was actually not her real Father at all, but to her, he was the person that was her Father. She shook her head a little bit at him and sighed. "Not my fault he's annoyin'." He replied, and stretched, popping of bones sounded from it. He honestly looked the same as when Raven had first meet him as well, a good like time ago as well. He was off on his own now, and often didn't go back to the team he had been a part of since someone died there that he cared for. His name, was James Logan, but his name was really James Howlette. Still, he went as Logan.

"Yes, but you promised not to threaten to kill him anymore." Raven replied and sighed. "Really...Father...ugh..." Raven sat down and looked at him. "He's not so mean as you think...besides I like him, no I love him Father...deal with it please..." She hugged him and he groaned then hugged back. How did she find his soft points? He had no idea... Oh well... She was as close as he had to a kid...and she cared about him a lot... But still, he hated her choice of a husband.

Loki looked at Maria who was poking his cape and tugging at it. He smiled weakly then sighed and shook his head some before he felt Tony's arms around him. "Easy Loki..." He murmured and smiled at the other. "Also, we need to tell the others you are back..." Loki nodded some and looked at Tony. Tony frowned then sighed. "Fifteen years...you've finally come home Loki..." He murmured softly. "Don't leave again...ever."

"...I won't...as long as you want me here...I've come home, and I've forever returned." If only I was five years sooner my love...