Twilight's Sleepover

It was a warm day, and the skies looked especially clear. Rainbow Dash must be in a good mood, thought Rarity. She was walking to Fluttershy's house because her pet, Opal, wasn't feeling very well. She was hoping that Fluttershy could give her something to fix her poor cat. On her way there she ran into her good friend Twilight Sparkle, who flashed her a small grin and winked at her. Rarity simply ignored it and continued her way to Fluttershy's as her friend walked away. Why did Twilight wink at me? Rarity wondered.

Rarity stopped for a moment and thought to herself. Come to think of it, I don't even remember what I did last night, oh well.

The white mare continued on, disregarding what had just happened, and began walking again. As she arrived Fluttershy noticed her right away with a look of surprise on her face.

"Very good morning to you Rarity" Fluttershy giggled a bit.

"Good morning to you to Fluttershy, why do you look so surprised?"

"I didn't expect you would be here, that's all."

"Why is that? Where would you expect me to be?"

"I thought that you would maybe, you know, be with Twilight today."

Why would I be with Twilight? Does this have something to do with my encounter with her on my way over?

"Why would I be with her?"

"Oh, no reason, never mind, I'm sorry."

"That's quite alright. Anyways, my poor Opal is sick; would you have anything to help her?"

"Why of course I do," Fluttershy hands Rarity a pill of medicine to give to her sick pet "This should do the trick!"

"Thank you Fluttershy, I just can't stand to see my poor Opal like this."

The two friends exchange a goodbye, and Rarity heads for home. On her way home she hears some very loud snoring above her, which seems to be coming from a cloud.

That must be Rainbow Dash again. She's such a laaaaazy pony. I can't really complain though, she did a very nice job day today.

"Rainbow Dash!" shouted Rarity, trying to wake up her friend to thank her for such a beautiful day. She pauses for a moment, but hears nothing.

"RAINBOW DASH!" she shouted again, only this time she woke her up, almost making her fall out of her cloud that she was sleeping in.

"Ugh, what do you want... OH! Hey there party pony, I bet you had a great time last night!"

"What are you talking about Rainbow?"

"You mean you don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Aw man, this is just too good!"

Coming to think about, I do remember going over to Twilight's last night with the other girls for a sleepover.

"Rainbow, did we all go to Twilight's last night?"

"Yeah we did, we had a pretty cool party last night!"

"Could you care to tell me what happened last night, since I don't remember anything?"

"Heh, Maybe you should go ask Twilight about that.."

Rarity agrees to this, and lets her friend get back to what she was doing. As she was heading over to the library, the young mare began to wonder what could have possibly happened last night. As she knocks on the door, she hears Twilight coming to answer the door saying to herself, "Oh! I sure hope that's Rarity!"

"Hey there Rarity" Twilight batting her eyes, as she stares at her good friend.

"Um, Hello to you to, Twilight. I have some questions about what happened last night."

"You mean you don't remember?" Twilight's ears droop down, and she seems a little sad from the news she just heard.

"No, but I was wondering if you could fill me in on the situation."

Twilight happily agreed and let Rarity into her home. She told her to go upstairs, and that she would be up there in a second. Twilight was still cleaning up after last night, and re-shelving all the books that fell down from last nights activities.

I really wonder what happened last night. It most have been very fun and exciting since I don't remember it at all! I still don't know why everypony I talked to pointed me to Twilight. I guess I will find out soon enough.

"So! where do you want to start then?" Twilight started, as she walked through the door to her room, levitating some cups with tea she got from the kitchen downstairs, after she finished cleaning up before coming upstairs.

"Can we start from the beginning. From when everypony arrived last night?"

"Yeah okay, that sounds good. So everypony arrived here at 7, and Pinkie almost instantly started the party. Typical Pinkie right? Anyways, as the party started, everypony began dancing, but then Rainbow Dash starting complaining we were doing it wrong. She left for a few moments, and came back with a few bottles of alcohol, and told us to drink up."

"Oh yeah, I remember that! But I didn't drink any of it, all I had was the punch you made."

"Yeah, she also spiked the punch with a whole bottle of vodka."

"Oh, so that's why it tasted a little funny. I just thought you did something different with it."

"Yeah, well, like I was saying. We all started to drink, and everypony started having more fun. The dancing got even crazier and Pinkie was bouncing off the walls!. When everypony was completely smashed out of our minds, we all agreed to play spin the bottle."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think I know where this is going, but please, continue"

"Okay, so Rainbow was the first to spin, and it landed on Applejack, so then Rainbow gave her a little peck on the cheek. Then of course it was Applejack's turn, and it landed on me, and did the same to me as Rainbow did to her. Now it was my turn to spin the bottle, and it landed on you."

"On me?"

"Yeah on you, but please let me finish?"

"Oh, I'm very sorry for interrupting!"

"That's okay, but as I was saying, It landed on you, then I also gave you a peck on the cheek, but when I leaned back, your eyes sparkled a little bit, and it made me feel a little jittery inside. Once you spun the bottle, it landed on me this time. When you saw it landed on me, you sat there, staring at me. Then, you got the cutest little smirk on your face, then lunged towards me, and you kissed me on the lips, for a very long time."

"I kissed you! On the lips!"

"Yeah. At first I was a little shocked, but then I really started to like it, so I started to kiss you back, and we went back and forth like that for a while."

"Oh? that's all then? Just a little drunken fun." Rarity felt kind of relievedwithn the fact, that what happened was only some drunken party fun.

"Well, there was more."

"You mean, that's not all we did?" She started to feel a little worried, but it was a kind of different worry, like shewantedto know what happened.

"Well, when we really got into it, the other girls kinda left us and went home. That's when things really got heated."

"Got heated? you mean we had.."

"Yeah. When the girls went home, you asked me if we should go upstairs. Spike was already long asleep so we didn't have anything to worry about. When we got to the room, we both started to kiss each other all over, then we both started to kiss each other, down there" Twilight was looking down towards her crotch area, then looked back up at Rarity, expecting her to say something.

Rarity just sat there, looking deeply into her friends eyes. She was slowly regaining every feeling she had for Twilight from the night before, and it felt, good. Never before has she thought of her friend like this, let alone any other pony she knows.

"Twilight..." Rarity was soft spoken, almost in a curious tone "Can, can you showme what we did last night?"

Twilight was shocked at the response she got from Rarity. She didn't expect that feeling was still mutual between the two, because of the response she was getting after telling Rarity what happen end. Twilight stares deeply into Rarity's eyes, and starts to lean closer towards her. She could begin to smell something that was very appealing to her that was coming off of Rarity. It was her mane, from the shampoo she uses when she washes.

"Well, you kinda kissed me, like this." Twilight leans all the way in and places her right hoof behind Rarity's neck. She could feel her tense up at first, but Rarity quickly loosened up, and started to respond to the kiss by kissing Twilight back. Rarity started to add a little tongue, then so did Twilight. The two fell down and began to walk over to the bed while the lips remained locked together.

Why does this feel so good, I have all these new feelings, and it feels so great!


"Yes Rarity?" They stopped kissing for a moment, so Rarity could ask Twilight a question.

"I would like to try something, If that's alright with you." Twilight gives her a seductive nod, and Rarity begins what she wants to do. She began to slowly kiss her neck, all up and down it, leaving moist spots of saliva where she had kissed last. Rarity starts to slowly move down, kissing her chest, all over, just like she did her neck.

"Oh" Twilight keeps letting out little moans as Rarity is kissing her all over.

"Is something wrong Twilight?"

"No, no, please, don't stop, it feels so good!"

Rarity continued to caress her lips all over twilight's body. She gives her a subtle look, then she starts kissing even lower, towards Twilight's crotch area. As Rarity gets closer, she is overwhelmed from the fragrance coming from Twilight. She likes it, and becomes even more turned on. Rarity spreads Twilight's hind legs, and stops.

"Twilight. Your very wet down there!"

"That's because, I really, really like you, Rarity"

"I really like you too Twilight" Twilight gives Rarity a smile of reassurance, and Rarity then leans back down and begins to lick Twilight's very wet, but warm and tasty crotch. Almost instantly Twilight lets out some very loud moans, but she is trying as hard as she can to muffle them, so as not to wake up Spike. As Rarity continues to vigorously lick her,Twilight becomes even more wet, and Rarity becomes even more turned on. Rarity begins rubbing her own clit as she continues to lick Twilight, and she too, is becoming very wet.

"Ughn, oh, my, Rarity. Please. Don't. Stop." Pausing between each word, Twilight can barely talk from the pure bliss she is experiencing. She didn't quite remember what happened last night feeling this good, but she knew she liked it. The two were both getting close to climax, and they looked at each other, deeply into each others eyes, as if it was love at first sight.

"oh oh oh oh OH OH OHHHHH" Both girls moaned at the top of their lunges as they reached climax, both moaning very loudly, at the same time, with perfect synchronization. Rarity rolls beside Twilight, while still staring into each others eyes, and leans towards her, and plants a kiss on Twilight's lips. She then smiles, and continues to stare.

"Thank you, Twilight"

"Your welcome Rarity, and thank you to" Both ponies lie together, pressed up against one another, hoping the moment never ends.

"Oh my, I almost forgot!"

"What's the matter Rarity?"

"I got this pill from Fluttershy to give to Opal, she isn't feeling too good. I almost forgot about it! I'm real sorry, but I have to go"

"That's okay. I'm glad our feelings are the same. Maybe I will get to see you tomorrow?"

Rarity starts walking away after getting herself together, then before she leaves the room, she turns around, and smiles at Twilight.

"I will see you tonight, Twilight, goodbye" She takes in everything that has happened, and is very happy about her new feelings toward her friend. She still doesn't understand why, but all she does know, is that she likes it.