AN: Thanks for your patience! I was busy getting caught up with WGP as well as this story. As always, thank-you for your marvalous reviews and feedback. This story wouldn't be anything without your great support.

Here's the next chapter. We're slowly moving into Faberry and Brittana goodness. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Please keep the suggestions and feeback coming. I love hearing from you!


It's not as awkward as I expected. Well, I guess that's a bit of an overstatement. Brittany and Santana definitely are getting to know each other. Last time I checked in, they were playing I-Spy, but it quickly became something other than just a looking game when giggles erupted from the backseats. I have a brain. I have experience. I know that those kind of giggles are not from seeing a different color during a children's game.

I decide to tune them out by reaching for the radio to turn up the CD Quinn had popped in an hour ago. I haven't even cued in to what was playing because I was too distracted with my own thoughts, not to mention the tickle twins in the back seat.

I'm caught off guard when I'm reaching for the volume and my hand touches something that is not cold plastic, but instead warm soft skin. I turn my attention to where my hand was and I notice the blonde next to me flinch and retract her hand, now looking into my eyes as well. I'm guessing she wasn't paying attention either.

"S-sorry, I was just going to turn it up" I stutter out nervously.

"Me too, I like this song," she adds as she moves her hand quickly towards the dial to up the volume, effectively drowning out the audible flirting from behind us.

"I love TLC," I try to keep our mild conversation going as I notice Unpretty beginning to play. I decide to busy my hands and look through the dashboard at their CD collection. Coming across some of Santana and mine's old CD's from before, but seeing some newer additions as well. I'm quite impressed by her choices. Spice Girls, Brittany Spears and other late 90's bands.

"Most of them are Brittany's, but I'm not picky with music."

"So Britt is your younger sister?" I ask curiously.

"You saying I look old, Berry?" it's not a mean tone, but a stern one. If it wasn't for her little smirk I would kind of be terrified that I offended her but it somehow saved the situation.

"No no! Not at all! I'm assuming just from the CD collection is all." I try and redeem my self but instantly become nervous once again.

"We're not actually sisters. We were best friends in high school and college. When the virus hit, we decided to stick together. The blonde just made it an easy fib."

I hum and nod my head. Still curious why she would need to fib anything, "So I'm guessing Santana and I weren't the first people you tried to-"

"We've never killed anyone, if that's what you're insinuating," she cuts me off mid sentence, "I may be angry at the world but I'm not a murderer."

"I never assumed that. I knew from when we first met each other that you really meant no harm. Something was more than just a beautiful angry girl with a gun." I end the last part with a slight laugh.

It's a slight pause and I can feel the silence overcoming us, well, besides the music from the speakers. She looks to be thinking about what I just said. I notice her mouth close tight which really shows off her brilliant jawline and cheek bones, not to mention how smooth and tight her skin is. I also notice her eyes fixate down to where her hands are holding the wheel, as if she were in deep thought.


We both jump at the shriek from the backseat and the car jerks and veers from the straight road.

"Jesus Britt, give me a heart attack!" she gasps out and tries to control her breathing.

"That sign up ahead! An antiques shop! Can we go? Can we go?"

"Brittany why would you want to go to an antiques shop?" I question out as I turn around to face the two. I notice that Santana has this goofy grin on her face that I never thought I'd see her support.

"I love things! All things! Also, I really want to stretch my legs."

I look at Quinn who is now looking at me. She shrugs her shoulders and says yes to Brittany, earning her a backwards hug and kiss to the cheek from her not-so-related sister. I giggle as her face scrunches and emits a small toothy smile from the driver as we continue to drive on to our next stop.

"I don't like the looks of this place." I whisper as we approach the open doors of the gorgeous, yet eerie, antique shop. The old wooden building is lit up from the inside. No broken windows. No shattered glass. No bloody footprints or rotting corpses anywhere. It seems perfect. Which is quite terrifying.

"Come on, Berry. I have an idea." Santana grabs my shoulder and we walk side by side towards the doors. I notice her loading her shotgun as we move towards the building and stop outside the doors and stand flat against the walls outside.

"Ring that bell then stand back," she points upwards to a tiny bell suspended above the open door. I nod and jump up to knock the bell back and fourth, ignoring her rude laughter at my height disadvantage.

It's silent for a moment as the bell chimes its last note, but that silence is quickly ruined by a grunting and tumbling of a very old, very hairy zombie limping towards the doors at me. I see San cock her gun and step in front of me as she blows the old zombies head clean off his body. No matter how many times I see this happen, I still feel sick to my stomach.

Santana uses her shotgun to push the zombie away from the door, clearing a path for us to walk through. Brittany, obviously, is the first one to go through the doors. I laugh a little when I hear her gasps of surprise and squeals of excitement from inside. I'm about to follow her and the latina in but I don't feel my driver's presence near me. I turn around to see that she is just standing by the truck holding her gun, looking around.

"Are you not coming in?" I ask as I approach her slowly.

"I'm not all that interested in looking at old knick-knacks," she replies nonchalantly.

I'm not fond of leaving her outside alone so I take a few steps closer, "Come on. You're allowed to have fun once and a while." I try again. "Besides, I don't want to supervise the love birds by myself."

She seems amused by the last part and shakes her head, "You've noticed them too huh?"

"Kind of hard not to. So please? Help me out here?"

She takes a deep breath and nods as she pushes herself off of the truck and walks into the building. I follow close behind, trying my very best not to watch the sway of her hips the whole way.

Once inside, I'm surprised at the amount of entertainment surrounding the area. Everything from utensils to old records to statues to pinball machines to a fucking trampoline set up in the back of the store. I don't even know where to begin looking until an annoying pain hits my shoulder from behind. I turn around and glance at the pained spot and see a plastic stick with a suction cup at the end.

I pull the tiny article away with a plop and glance up. Santana is wearing what seems to be some sort of native american tribal hat and is holding a plastic gun in her hand. I'm about to throw the tiny plastic arrow for her head but am cut off by yet another plop. This time to my rear end.


I turn around to see Brittany wearing a pink feather boa and a very large sombrero. I'd be upset over the fact that the two girls seem to be teaming up on me if they weren't so darn cute. Not to mention I haven't seen Santana this excited and carefree since, well, ever!

"I got her first! You were too busy in the costume section!" the latina pokes back, snatching the two plastic arrows in my hand from me.

"Ya, but I got her in the ass!" she giggles out

"Ugh! Can you not word that any better?" I choke out behind my own laughter now.

Our argument is cut off by a loud smash from the front of the store. The three of us pause at the commotion and remain motionless. My panic is flushed away when a faint "Whoops" comes from the noise. We round the corner to see Quinn standing in a sea of marbles. She glances up and a small smile emerges on her face, "That was kind of cool!"

I look to my side and see a stack of china plates. Without even thinking, I poke them slightly with my index finger and watch in awe as they topple off of the dining table and smash to the ground. I stare back up to the blondes eyes and can't help but find myself smiling back.

Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"You guys! There's a fucking wine cellar back here!" Santana breaks our short term staring contest as she barrels towards us holding two very large bottles of wine in both of her hands.

Nope, definitely not a bad idea.

Four bottles of white wine later, the four of us are sitting on top of the trampoline giggling ourselves to tears with our own stories from college and high school. For the last two hours, it's been like our zombie apocalyptic lives were non existent and we were just four girls chatting about life over a few glasses of wine.

More like a few bottles..

"So we've already gone over my past relationships. Any lucky men in your life Q?" Santana hiccups out after downing the rest of her bottle.

"HA! Quinn's never been with a guy in almost 7 years!" a tipsy Brittany laughs out audibly.

I glance at the blonde as she too finishes off her own bottle of wine, "Thank-you Britt. And no, no special men in my life. Actually there's no-one special at all right now."

"Except me right Q," Brittany leans over and places a small kiss to her cheek earning a light slap to her shoulder from the blonde.

A part of me wonders if the two blondes ever hooked up before, but I figure some questions are better left unasked. Especially when alcohol is involved. And Santana.

"Well, I don't know about you girls, but I'm about to pass out. Maybe we should just stay here tonight?"

"I think that's wise," I reply as I stretch my arms and lie down flat on my back, staring at the revolving ceiling fan until I become dizzy and close my eyes.

"I'll go lock the doors and windows. OH! I also call the futon out back suckers!" I hear a drunk latina rush out along with what I'm guessing is her body falling off of the trampoline with a flop.

"I'll help you! G'night girls!" her blonde companion replies just before I feel a light kiss to my own cheek before feeling the trampoline dip up and down as she too exits the bouncy toy.

"Very affectionate isn't she," I laugh out and turn my head to see Quinn stretching herself out as well.

"Oh that's nothing. Just wait until she get's to know you better." she replies as she removes her white t-shirt revealing her very toned abdomen and black spaghetti strapped bra.

Oh boy.

I begin to panic and try to move my gaze away before she catches me star-

"See something you like, Berry?" her questioning tone catches me off guard.

"I-I um, I should probably go find somewhere to crash for the night." I rush out and begin to roll myself off the trampoline before she, once again, cuts me off before finishing any task at hand.

"Non-sense! The trampoline is quite spacious enough for two of us don't you agree?" she sits up on her knees and stares at me quirking an eyebrow.

I have to laugh at her choice of words, "You know, you get a very big vocabulary when you drink."

"You're one to talk, Rachel Berry." she jibes back.


A comfortable silence falls between us and I once again feel my eyes descending lower and lower on the blondes body. I have to snap my head up and think of a quick escape route before I get myself in trouble.

"Well, at least let me go find some blankets or pillows."

"Do what you must." she recoils back and stretches out her long body across the trampoline. Tapping her fingers rhythmically on her naked stomach.

Go. Go now!

I nod to myself and roll off of the trampoline, catching my balance as I drop to the ground. I round one of the corners where I see Santana and Brittany both nestled up closely together on the futon already asleep. I smile at the two of them and continue on my search for some blankets.

By the time I've rounded each hallway, I've only come across a very large homemade quilt and a body pillow filled with bean bag material. I'm too tipsy to continue my search so I head back to the trampoline where I pray that Quinn has put back on her shirt. For my own good.

My wish isn't granted as I find a still half naked blonde goddess on top of the trampoline, now humming an unfamiliar tune. I clear my throat to grab her attention successfully.

"I only found this heavy quilt and a pillow. Which one do you want?"

She rolls onto her side and props her head up on her bend elbow, "Can I not have both?"

At first I'm a little upset at her greedy-ness, I was the one who went searching for them in the first place. But I brush it off and pass her the articles as I roll myself back onto the bouncy trampoline.

I lay on my back and take a deep breath, hoping that sleep will fall upon me soon.

"What are you doing?"

I open my eyes and look to the other side of the trampoline at a very confused Quinn Fabray.

"Umm, sleeping?" I answer back, just as confused.

"Don't you want some blanket?" she asks again.


"I-I thought you said earlier you wanted both?"

"I do!"

"Ok, you're drunk and I'm confused." I confess.

She just laughs which makes me even more confused. What I didn't expect next is for her to roll towards me, blanket and body pillow in tow.

"I didn't want them all to myself, Rachel Berry. What do you think I am? Some spoiled greedy bitch?"

I decide not to answer honestly and just reply with a simple "No of course not," as I remain motionless on the side of the trampoline.

"Well, come on! You'll sleep better with blankies!"

I nod and slide in close to her and the quilt, propping my head onto the body pillow and covering myself with some of the quilt.

"I used to cuddle with one of these when I lived at home. I love being surrounded by pillows and blankies in a warm bed." she sigs out as she too rests her head on the pillow and stares at me.

"They are really comfortable."

"Hmm," she hums out as she closes her eyes, "Goodnight Rachel Berry." she sighs out.

"Why do you keep saying my full name?" I ask curiously as she closes her eyes.

"I just like your name I guess. Goodnight!" she replies without opening her eyes. Her tone is already half gone as she quickly seems to be falling asleep.

"G-goodnight, Quinn Fabray" I smile back and close my own eyes, feeling sleep fast approach me as well.

Definitely a good night.

See you soon!