"A girl worth living for"

Chapter 8:Crazy about you

Disclaimer" I own nothing.

Let me start of by thanking you guys for supporting me on this story. I was reading this last night and was like who wrote this stuff, my writing sucked, hopefully my new stories are much better *crosses fingers*. I really hope this chapter is good. This could be the last chapter maybe not. The real reason I haven't updated is because I got a not so good review and I was sad but now I know that they were just helping. So thanks and I hope that you guys will continue reviewing and reading my stories. A strange love will be updated today also. So thanks and here is a new chapter of a girl worth living for.

Everyone stood in silence as they just looked at each other, Tyler had just declared his love for Caroline. He had just dumped her less than 2 months ago and now he is here saying that he loved her.

"Aren't our lives just a soap opera waiting to happen" Damon said trying to break the silence.

"Damon" Stefan growled.

"No Stefan come on. Wolf falls in love with Barbie, wolf goes away Hybrid falls in love with Barbie, wolf comes back breaks Barbie's heart. Barbie falls in love with Hybrid, then Wolf thinks he made a mistake. If that's not a supernatural soap opera I don't know what is." He said as he walked over to the bar.

"I think we should give them some privacy" Elena said.

"Yea come on" Stefan said following Elena up stairs.

"But this my house let them have their lovers quarrel at their house." Damon said.

"Damon now" Bonnie said.

As they walked out of the door, Tyler just stared at the way Klaus wrapped his arm around Caroline protectively. It mad Tyler want to ripe his face off, it really made him want to kill his sire. How could he be so stupid to let Caroline go.

"Yea so I'm going to leave, I cant deal with this not again" Caroline said walking towards the door until Tyler stopped her.

"No your going to stay here until you see what you are doing with him is wrong" Tyler snarled.

"What is your problem, Tyler" She asked.

"My problem is him" Tyler said pointed to Klaus who was ready to rip out Tyler's lungs.

"Get over yourself, Tyler. You know your not perfect. Matter of fact every time we got in a fight or things didn't go your way you left. Are you going to blame that on him to, or the fact that you cheated on me? You know everything that goes wrong in your life is not always someone else fault. So Tyler next time you want to blame someone blame yourself, because frankly Tyler im through walking on eggshells around you. Next time you do or say anything stupid I will personally make sure he hurts you and I won't stop him, because you have hurt me to many times and I don't care anymore. Your aren't the same Tyler that I help through his first change or the same one that saved me from my dad. You're the Tyler that I first met that douche bag that thought he was better than anyone else. Well news flash Tyler your not, so get off of the petal that you think your on. I feel sorry for you Tyler, because if you don't stop acting like a child you will never find love. So goodbye Tyler I never want to see you again, Ill be in the car, Nik" Caroline said walking to the door and disappearing.

"And whatever the lady wants she gets, so stay away from her mutt or next time I might not be so nice" Klaus said snapping his neck and exiting the house.

Yes, I know its short and I will be continuing it because I just had a great idea of what Tyler is going to do. They will have 2 more chapters. Also a strange love will be updated later tonight. Review and I love you guys.