
Update. Are you shocked?


That is such a big deal to me! I cannot thank you enough. It would be awesome to hit 200 with this chapter! Ahhh! We'll see.

Enjoy. Thank you for the reviews. I take the time to read every one. They make me smile, laugh, cheer. You guys are so kind. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a review. It means so much.

If you want to check out my blog, the link's on my profile. I'd love for you to leave me a comment there! I also talk about awesome stuffz, like The Walking Dead, dentist appointments, One Direction and Taylor Swift-basically everything.

Thanks sooooo much.


P.S. Guess what? I found my missing Sisters Grimm book today! eeks! It was the first one (I don't remember what's it called now, augh) and I swear it's been gone for, like, a year. No kidding. Now my bookshelf is much happier!

Disclaimer: I don't own Puck. *sighs* Or any of it. *sighs again* *sits down in chair* *mopes for the next hour*

©HomeschoolGirl 2013, or at least this actual post is. The characters, not so much. But anyway, please don't use this as your own. Thanks!

Chapter Eighteen: Absolutely Everything

For a moment, everything was still.

"Oh, wow." Veronica exhaled. "Sabrina. That's—"


Henry cringed as Daphne let out an ear-splitting cheer. She leapt up from her comfortable spot on a La-Z-Boy, doing a victory dance that involved frenzied arm-swinging and butt-shaking.

"I knew you two would do it! I knew it!"

Sabrina bit down on her lip, hard. Hoping her sister wouldn't mention...

"And after everything that happened last night, I still knew."

No such luck.

Henry sat up straighter. "What happened last night?"

Daphne realized her mistake too late. "Oh, nothing. It's just—I was trying—something."

He looked to Veronica for help.

She sighed, exasperated. "What 'something', Daphne?"

"A spell." Her voice had gone terribly small.

"Hello. Does anyone want to see the ring?" Sabrina asked, hoping to distract them.

Her mother took the bait. "Oh, it's beautiful." She squeezed Sabrina's hand. "So pretty."

"Puck did a good job," Daphne noted with approval. "And without any help, too!"

Sabrina's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Did you help him pick it out?"

"Who? Me?" She shook her head, too quickly.

"Daphne! You knew about this? And didn't tell me?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. Maybe."

"If you would've just said something—"

"He made me solemnly swear on my life!"

"That's stupid!"

"No it's not! It's seriously! I couldn't have told."

"Why didn't you just cross your fingers, or something?"

"I was under pressure! I didn't know what to do!"

"But Daphne, if I had been expecting this—"

"Look. You guys made up! There's no reason you should be mad because everything worked out!"

"Made up?" Henry interjected.

"What are you girls talking about?" Veronica demanded.

Sabrina buried her face in her hands. "I knew this wasn't going to go well." Her words were muffled.

Henry reached out to grab her wrist, gently pulling her into a sitting position beside him.

"Sabrina," He said. "Look at me."

She did.

He studied her face for a long moment. "What happened?"

"I don't think it's any of your business. I'm hardly a kid anymore. Not even a teenager."

"Sabrina, I know, it's just..." He ran a hand through his graying hair. "I worry about you and him. You can't keep doing this to yourself, you know. Getting together, breaking up. You'll never get your life together."

She waved her bejeweled hand in the air. "That's what this is. Getting my life together."

"Then what's this about a fight?"

"Nothing! Puck and I just had a small argument last night. It wasn't serious." Liar, liar, liar she thought. Then she forced a smile. "He, however, is very serious. About this."

'Then why isn't he here?"


"I'm going to go break the news," She'd announced an hour earlier.

Puck polished off his last piece of toast. "Okay. Give me a minute."

Sabrina furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"

He stood, wiping his hands on his Batman-pajama-clad legs. "I'm going with you."

She shook her head. "No. Definitely not. They haven't seen you in, like, a year."

"Don't you think they should? We're going to be getting married, after all."

"Not yet." She chewed her thumbnail. "The time has to be right."

Yet here she was, eating her words. Puck would be thrilled.

Sabrina let herself into the apartment a few hours later, feeling weary and letdown and altogether disheartened. It hadn't gone well. It hadn't even gone okay. It was awful. Henry had lectured her and somehow the whole awful eff-you story had come out and then he had yelled about that. Basil retreated into his room and Daphne got mad because Henry was mad, so there was fighting on that front. All the while Veronica made futile attempts at diverting her psycho husband and then forced lunch upon them all, finally ending the conversation.

There were no congratulations in order—not in Henry's mind, anyway. It was plain to see that he hated Puck. And that hurt Sabrina, more than anything else had thus far. She loved her Dad, but she wasn't going to give up Puck for them. So what, then? Their relationship would be ruined?

"How did it go?" Puck asked, breaking her from her reverie. She hadn't noticed him in the kitchen. Something suspicious bubbled on the stove. She cocked her head.

"Are you...cooking?"

"No. I'm quilting."


"I was forced to? What do you want me to say, Grimm?" He stirred the sauce—whatever it was—and let out a soft chuckle. "I guess this is probably somewhat unusual for you."

"Yeah, you could say that." She sank down onto the couch.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

"Hm, what?" She'd thrown her arm over her eyes, and she lifted it to look at him.

"How. Did. It. Go. If you want, I can give you a definition. I know you're slow."

"Ha-ha." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Ever mature, Puck."

"Says the one who's acting like a four-year-old."

"Ugh. Shut up. And it was horrible."

"Ha. I knew it would be."

"Did you not hear me tell you to shut up?"

"What happened? Did Henry turn all red and sputter?"

"Something like that."

Puck came around the counter to squeeze her ankle. "Sorry."

Their eyes met. Hers brimmed with tears. She dropped them.

"Was it really that bad?"

"Yeah. It was bad."

"Like, bad as in the twinkie got recalled, or...?"




He went back to the stove. Everything was silent.

Puck cleared his throat. "Do you like pasta? I couldn't remember."

Sabrina sat up. "Yes, goofball. Everyone likes pasta."

"Well, you're not everyone."

"No," She sighed. "I guess I'm not."

"Hello. Mind letting me in?"

Sabrina stepped back as Daphne swept through the door. She had a towering stack of what appeared to be magazines and/or books in her arms. They covered her face. With a loud, unnecessary groan she dropped them onto the coffee table. They spilled everywhere.


They stared at the stash, understandably overwhelmed.

"What's all...this?" Sabrina flailed her hands in the air. She believed she was still in shock.

Daphne, who was breathing heavily, put her hands on her hips and leaned forward. "Every single bridal magazine I could get my hands on. There's also reference guides, DIY books, three calendars."

"Daphne. Why?"

She straightened. "Why not? There's a question."

"Puck and I...we haven't even talked about this stuff yet."

"Then there's no better way to get the ball rolling." She bent over and picked up one of the magazines that had fallen to the floor. Sabrina hesitated, then followed suit. After a few minutes, they had them in considerably neat stacks—unsorted, but it was an improvement.

"So you guys haven't talked about it at all?" Daphne asked, as she shrugged off her coat.

Sabrina sat down on the couch. "No. You know Puck. He's not the type."

Her eyes widened. "Well, he better get used to being 'the type' because I'm going to have his head if he doesn't. Literally. I just learned a new spell."

"Threats aren't going to work on Puck. He's invincible."

"Bribery, then."

"That, however, might work. Might."

Daphne grabbed a random magazine off the top of one of the mini-mountains and began thumbing through the page. She sat cross-legged next to Sabrina. "I don't mean this in a bad way, but you've already done this before, so it shouldn't be that hard."

Sabrina felt a sting deep in the pit of her stomach. Regret, perhaps. She hadn't thought of Bradley since the day she said goodbye. And she wasn't feeling guilty of that—not at all—but of having been in a relationship with him in the first place. It felt like she'd been cheating on Puck.

"I was also thinking," She began, taking a daunting volume of her own, "that maybe we'd just do something simple. Go to the courthouse and get it done."

The sounds of flipping pages ceased. "Sabrina. You've got to be kidding me."

She tucked her hair behind one ear. "I'm not. Puck would like that so much better, and I don't mind."

"Puck needs to give a little bit, Sabrina." Daphne laughed. "He always gets his way."

No, he doesn't.

"Daphne," She said instead, choosing her words carefully. "You know how sometimes everyone looks one way but it's really another?"

Daphne drew a breath. "What? Like how Charming turned out to be Charming?"

"There's a good example. Yeah, like that. It's also like that with me and Puck."

"What are you saying?"

"That people don't know the whole story. He doesn't always get his way, Daphne. I'm just thinking maybe this wedding shouldn't be about me. Maybe it should be about us."

"So are you saying...?"

"I'll wear a dress, but we don't want a huge ceremony."

"Think you can get him in a tux?"

Sabrina considered this. "Probably not, but I'll try."

"Tell you what." Daphne stood up, tucking the magazine into her purse. "If you can get Puck to dress to the nines, then I don't care if you get married on the back of a giant dancing monkey. Actually, that's not a bad idea. I wonder..." She pulled her wand from the belt loop of her jeans.

"Wait, don't—"

Daphne ignored Sabrina, forging on. "Wand I wish, Wand I wish. Wand please grant me one good wish. I would like a blimp-sized chimp who likes to rock out to the Beatles. Hurrah, and moolah!" She waved her wand around wildly. A few wimpy sparks shot out, but nothing else happened.

"Darn," She muttered.

Sabrina, who'd been holding a hand to her erratically beating heart, released her breath. "Thank God."

"Says you," Daphne grumbled, securing the wand back in its rightful place. "That was supposed to be awesome."

Sabrina lay in bed that night, staring intently at a crack on the ceiling.

"Careful, Sabrina," Puck said, burying his head in his pillow. "You're going to hurt your brain."

"How did that get there? It's driving me crazy."

"You know what's driving me crazy?"

She stared.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll say it for you. 'What, Puck?' Well, Sabrina, it's you talking about a crack in the ceiling while I'm trying to sleep. I have to work tomorrow, in case you forgot."

No response.

"Never miiiiind, then."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "When do you want to get married?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Daphne stopped by today with a bunch of bridal magazines."

"Dear God."

"You were lucky you missed it."

"I'm thanking my lucky stars."

Sabrina rolled over to face him. "So what do you think?"

His eyes looked miles deep. "A few months, I guess?"

"What if I said tomorrow?"

He clamped his mouth shut. "Tomorrow?"

"Must I provide a definition? Because—"

He put his hand over her mouth. "Shush, young padawan. I must think."



She pulled her head away from his palm. "I said 'holy crap you just quoted star wars.'"

"What's star wars?"

"Never mind."

They grew still. Sabrina tentatively broke the silence.

"What do you think? Like, really."

"I think if we get...um...married...tomorrow...or anytime soon..."

"That we won't have time for a big thing?"


"I don't really want that, though. Do you?"

He grimaced. "Ugh. I shudder to think of weddings. Although Seven's was nice."

Sabrina smiled faintly. "I remember dancing with you."

"We can still dance. Even if we don't have some stupid ceremony."

She reached forward to grab his hands and put them on her hips. Grinning, she wiggled her body as best as she could.

Puck was laughing. "What are you doing, Grimm?"

"Dancing. What else?"

He slid his hand around her back, pulling her closer. "You're tempting me."

She rolled her eyes. "Sleazebag."

"Pizza face."

"I haven't had a zit in two million years, brainiac."

The corners of his lips twitched. "Goodnight, Sabrina Grimm."

"Goodnight, Puck Goodfellow."