A/N: Here's a kind of second part from Harry's PoV. This wasn't included in the original story but it's something I'd been working on, and apparantly forgot all about until I stumbled upon it in my files today.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter, etc are the intellectual property of JKR; no infringement is intended.


To anyone else but me it would seem like any other normal afternoon: Ron sorting through his Wizard Card collection, and Hermione reading another one of her books. To any one else, it would seem as if each were enthralled in his or her own activity, not so much as thinking about the other. Of course, I'm not every one else. I'm the Boy Who Lived, and in this case, the boy who's survived all of Ron and Hermione's fights. Honestly I don't know why they don't tell each other how they feel; is it only obvious to me how they feel? Do they really not see what's in front of their faces? Look at them now, for example; Ron's been holding that Morgana card for an hour, and Hermione's been on the same page for just as long. They keep stealing these little glances at each other when the other isn't looking, and from the pink of Ron's ear, or the way Hermione's been twirling that strand of hair between her fingers, for once I know it's not because they've had a row and are secretly wishing the other hexed.

I know that as a friend, I should just tell them what's happening, but I can't. I've been sworn to secrecy by both of them, and being the friend that I am I can't break the promises I've made…they're both my best friends, I love them both. Sometimes, I wish I weren't such a good guy; sometimes I actually wish that maybe I'd taken a page out of Malfoy's book and become a bit less trustworthy, a bit less humble. Of course, if being like Malfoy means looking like Malfoy, then I'm just dandy the way I am, thank you very much.

Last night was a tough one to go through, though. I know Ron knows something's going on with Hermione; he's asked me about her more than once. He's worried about her, I can tell, but what am I supposed to tell him? Gee, Ron, there's nothing wrong with Hermione; she was just crying because she's in love with you and thinks you can't possibly love her back. Yeah, that would go over really well on Hermione's part. And, of course when Hermione was crying on my shoulder for the fourth time in as many days, asking why it is that Ron keeps picking fights with her, why it is that he just can't seem to see her for what she is, and why she had to go falling in love with a boy who would never love her back, what was I supposed to say? That Ron really does love her? That the only reason he starts all those fights with her is because he's barking mad in love with her, and that he doesn't know how to react to it? How he's a prat and it's the only way he knows to express that he cares about her? I wish…it would be so much easier that way.

I'm stuck in the middle, stuck being the person they both go to with their problems, the one they go to, to talk about the other, meanwhile not knowing that if they just stopped for a second and looked at each other, that all of their problems would be answered…so would mine. I love them, I've said that already, but it's true. Hermione is like the sister I've never had. When I think of how jealous Ron was last year when he thought that I fancied her and that I'd been secretly dating her (darn that Rita Skeeter), I can't help but want to laugh, no matter how much I had to go through because of that. Still, why he would think that I would fancy Hermione is beyond me. She's great, she's wonderful, but she's Hermione and honestly, I don't think that I could stand her if I had to date her, and I say that with all due respect. In fact, I don't think that there's anyone better suited for each other than Ron and Hermione. I don't think that there's anyone I'd rather see together than the two of them. Ron deserves it; he deserves the best in the world, the best that the world can offer him. He deserves happiness, and prestige, and riches; he's the best person that I've ever met. He goes through a lot more than he lets on, and even though he has his moments (but hell, we've all got our moments), I know that there's no one who's as loyal as he is. I think that that incident with Sirius proved that. He was ready to throw himself in front of a murderer for me, ready to give his life for mine; I will never forget that; I will never forget him…either of them. They're my best friends; not only that, they're my family, and that's why I can't go back on my word to either of them. I can't betray Hermione and tell Ron that she loves him just like I can't betray Ron and tell Hermione the same thing. I can just hope that they snap out of it and realize what's right in front of their faces, and moments like these, when I see them throwing those little glances at each other, when they look at each other and smile, really smile, it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe they're not as clueless as I think they are, that it's only a matter of time before they let their feelings out and realize that what they've both been wishing for is right there in front of them. They need each other, and I need them; they're my best friends, they'll always be my best friends, and I love them. They're my family.