It was dark in the Woods, and the trees were still. Camile walked quietly with her green cape on, she was afraid, but she was going to do this anyway. It was almost dawn, as she arrived to her destination. Lantern Waste. She caught something moving behind the trees, he was big, and beautiful as the last time she saw him. Camile took her cape off to reveal her face and bowed. Aslan was in front of her. He had asked her to meet him there, and warned her to come alone. Narnia was not as save as it was before.

"Camile, child, you shall not be afraid." Aslan's voice comforted her.

"What can I do to serve you?" Camile smiled as the first rays of sun kissed the mountains behind the great lion.

"You must go to the land of the Kings and Queens of Old. Bring them here."

"How!" Camile's green eyes widened.

"Why are you worried? Don't you have faith in me?" Aslan questioned. Walking behind Camile and encircling her.

"I do my liege." Camile knelt. "I will bring the Kings and Queens of Old."

Aslan blew over Camile and every task she was to perform appeared on her head. She had to bring back to Narnia not only Lucy, Peter, Susan and Edmund. She had to bring their cousin Eustace too, and his friend Jill Pole. She also needed to bring the first human visitors of Narnia, Digory and Polly. She must search for the rings that will take them to the Wood between Worlds. The green and yellow ring.

"Take this with you." Aslan said, and in that moment a green sachet appeared in front of her. Camile approached the sachet and when she was about to open it Aslan growled. "You must not open it. When is the right moment it will open itself." And then he roared, it was so loud, the trees trembled and a portal appeared in front of them.

"Rise. Walk through it. It will take you right to the Kings and Queens." Aslan said.

Camile took the sachet, and when she was about to walk through the portal she turned to Aslan. "I don't know how the Kings and Queens look like."

"You will, child."

Camile walked through the portal that took her to the streets of London. She turned and watched how the portal faded.


As Camile walked, she could watch her clothing had changed. She wasn't wearing her handmade dress anymore. She was wearing a green skirt that matched her eyes and a pearl white blouse. Camile held the sachet confident, although she had no idea where she was going.

Suddenly the wild wind blew fiercely making leaves, papers and dust swirl around the street. Camile's eyes were blind and she crashed with another person and tumbled to the ground. The sachet flew in the air and landed a couple of feet away from her. The wind stopped and she opened her eyes. To her surprise it was a boy whom she had crashed. Black shinny hair, ivory skin and light brown eyes. He helped Camile to stand.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry for what has happened." Camile rapidly started looking for the sachet. When she spotted it she gasped. All the content of it was spilled on the floor. Was this what Aslan had meant? Camile and the boy ran to the sachet.

"How did you get this?" the boy asked surprised.

"It belonged great grandmother….and….my family will be very disappointed if I don't return this home." Camile tried to take his hand off the magical hollowed ivory horn, but the boy wouldn't give it to her.

Camile bent and picked up the sachet, a bottle of cordial. She placed the cordial inside the sachet and turned to the boy.

"I need to get home." Camile extended her hand. The boy was still examining the horn. Then he began to whisper. "Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, at the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more…" Camile eyes widened and her heart began to race, "When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, and when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." She answered back.

The boy stared at Camile's eyes, green as emerald. She smiled. "Is there any chance you know the Pevensies?"

The boy smiled and extended his hand. "Edmund Pevensie." The street began to crowd, but Camile froze. She heard Aslan's voice… King Edmund, The Just.

"My King." Camile bowed. Edmund laughed. "Call me Edmund, please. Who are you?"

"I need you to take me to your siblings. Now. Aslan's calling."


Edmund Pevensie walked fast and joyful, but for some reason he was silent. Camile was behind him, trying to imagine how wonderful Narnia had been in its Golden Age, when the Kings and Queens had reigned.

"It's here." Edmund opened the door and Camile walked inside. Edmund closed the door behind him and walked her to the dining room. As she stood on the threshold she admired every single detail of the room, the peach curtains that matched the furniture, the big mahogany table in the middle of the room, and a bookshelf beside the big double window.

"Peter!" Edmund called as the blonde boy turned.

"Brother, how was your trip? But, who is the beautiful young lady?" he asked.

Camile bowed. As a girl ran and hugged Edmund. "Ed! You're back! How is the Professor doing? Who is her?" the young girl asked as she tied her brown hair with a ribbon.

Camile bowed again and smiled. "High King Peter, The Magnificent. King Edmund, The Just. Queen Lucy, The Valiant." Peter and Lucy stepped back.

"Ed, is this some kind of joke?" Lucy asked.

"I have been sent by Aslan himself. It's time to return to Narnia." Camile spoke loud and clear.

"Name our castle." Peter said.

"Cair Paravel, your majesty."

"What did Father Christmas gave me as present?" Lucy asked.

"A cordial and a dagger, my Queen."

"Stop!" Edmund said. "Give them the horn."

"What horn!" Someone said form behind.

"Susan! You left early in the morning and it's 6:00pm, where have you been?" Peter asked.

"You're not my father." answered Susan brushing her long black hair.

"My name is Camile, from the Shuddering Woods. Aslan has sent me to look for you. Kings and Queens of Old." Camile reached her sachet and showed then the horn.

"Aslan…" Lucy whispered.

"We will go with you." Peter said smiling.

"We need to find Eustace, Jill, Digory and Polly too."

"Digory and Polly?" Edmund asked.

"The first visitors of Narnia. I need you to take me to Professor Kirke's house."

"I just visited the professor!" Edmund said. "He will be pleased to see us all."

The Pevensies were all exited but one, Susan. In her heart she had forgotten Narnia, she thought of it as a dream, as some child story that she once believed in. Now she had grown up and she didn't have the time to think in such things like fairytales and a big talking lion.

"When are we leaving?" Lucy asked.

"Right now, we'll write mother and father from the professor's house." Peter said.

"I don't wish to accompany you." Susan said almost screaming.

"Why not?" Edmund asked.

"You can't make me go. I don't believe in fairytales anymore!" Susan ran climbing up the stairs and locked herself in her room.

"I'll try to talk to her." Camile said.

Susan couldn't believe what was happening. She thought all the Narnia magic was over. She thought her family had moved on as she did, but apparently they didn't. She hated them for wanting to return to Narnia.

"Susan…" Camile knocked the door. "Susan, listen to me, you remember Narnia… You remember the Golden Age in Cair Paravel, your castle. You remember Aslan…please come back, not for me or your siblings, but for Aslan…" Susan didn't answer.

"Go. Away!" Susan yelled. "I don't want Narnia! I don't want anything from you! Leave!"

Camile felt somehow hurt. "Queen Su-"

"Now!" Susan yelled louder.

"Narnia is not safe as it was before, we need you…" but there was no reply.

"Don't try to convince her, she has changed a lot." Edmund approached Camile.

"I need to. Aslan's command." Camile looked upset. "I can't disappoint him!"

"I'm sure he'll understand. Let's go." Edmund took her hand. "We'll go and find Polly, Digory, Eustace and Jill, I promise." Camile smiled.

The three Pevensie children who once reigned Narnia felt incomplete without her sister. But they really wanted to go back, and Aslan was calling.

"We will first go to Eustace and then to the professor." Peter said.

"Eustace will be so eager to return." Lucy said.

"I know." Edmund looked at Camile. "We all are."


Edmund, Lucy and Peter felt that the trip to their cousin's house took longer than ever. They were so anxious to tell their cousin about Aslan's calling and head back to Narnia. They felt sorry that Susan didn't want to accompany them, but they had a secret hope that she will change her mind.

"Aunt Alberta!" Edmund knocked the door.

A tall slim woman opened the door. "Edmund, Lucy, Peter! What are you all doing here?"

"We need to see Eustace!" Lucy said with a big bright smile.

"And who's the young lady?" Alberta asked.

"Camile, she's my friend, I hope you don't mind." Edmund answered.

"Come in, please. Eustace is with Jill in the library."

Lucy ran ahead and Peter followed. While Edmund and Camile walked.

"How did you get to Narnia? You're clearly a daughter of Eve. Are you from Telmar?" Edmund asked quietly.

"This is not the time to share my story, Edmund."

Edmund smiled and showed her the stairs to the second floor. She had called him Edmund. He lead Camile to a hallway and finally to a double door room. He opened the doors.

"Cousin!" Eustace smiled, greeting Edmund.

"Camile?" Jill smiled from the back of the room.

Both, Camile and Edmund entered the room. It had bookshelves everywhere and the red curtains where closed. Lucy was sitting with Jill in a sofa and Peter stood a couple of feet away.

"Aslan sent me to look for you. Narnia is in danger."

"We will be delighted to." Jill said.

"It won't be easy as it was before, someone is impersonating Aslan. There are narnians who believe in him, and all he's causing is nightmare's and misery between us."

"But, how do you know Aslan himself told you to look for us?" Jill asked.

"He gave me this." Camile opened the sachet and took out the two things that had fallen from it when she crashed with Edmund. Queen Susan's horn and Queen Lucy's cordial.

"You know Aslan when you see him, there's warmth in your heart and a peace in your soul." Camile smiled at the memory.

"Then we will return." Eustace said.


The Pevensies, Jill, Eustace and Camile left the train station. They were lucky that the last train was about to departure when they arrived. Camile sat between Edmund and Lucy. She was now feeling kind of guilty; she hasn't told her companions she wasn't a simple daughter of Eve. She was gifted by Aslan. A gift she needed to use with caution in this world.

In the train, they all discussed why Susan decided to stay. Susan Pevensie was once a queen, she had reigned with her siblings and she was also loved. But something in her heart had made her forget those days, or at least she thought so.

The train stopped and the six children got off the train. The sun was not already set, and Edmund saw something peculiar in Camile's dressing. She had a necklace; it rested just over her collarbone and it had four shinny rocks, each one had a different color. Blue, green, red and white. Edmund saw something magical in them, perhaps it was because it reminded him of his days as king, when he will go with Peter to buy beautiful jewelry to their sisters or perhaps it was something else.

The children walked silently to the professor's house. The wind was fierce and made Camile's curly black hair dance while blocking her vision at the same time. The wind was making their journey difficult, so Camile ran and stood before Peter and Eustace who were on the lead. They all stopped as Camile raised her hand and whispered calmly. Then the wind stopped and Camile smiled. She turned around and kept walking, the others were too shocked to ask anything.

Digory Kirke sat with Polly in his room drinking a cup of tea when Mrs. Macready knocked the door.

"They have returned." The alarmed tone in Mrs. Macready's voice made the professor laughed. He never had visits, so that only meant that The Pevensies were here. It was very odd because they would usually send a letter a couple of weeks before asking if it was okay to spend a few days in his house, but the professor always told them they could come visit when they pleased. Digory Kirke went to the door and greeted the children; they had come with their cousin and two other girls. Everyone was surprised to find Digory and Polly together; they thought they would have to make a trip to Polly's house.

The professor invited the children to his room and sent Mrs. Macready to prepare some tea and bread for them. Camile thought everything was resulting very simple, and in no time they will be again in Narnia, she was happy to return home, although she was not born in Narnia, she had always and would always considered it home.

"So, you said you wanted to tell us something." Polly said politely.

"Aslan had called. Narnia needs your help…" Camile started.

It was past eight in the morning when everyone was eating breakfast. The professor gave each of the children somewhere to sleep.

"How are we going to return? The wardrobe?" asked Lucy.

"I think Digory and Polly know how to get to Narnia without the wardrobe." Camile answered.

"But I buried the rings long time ago!" the professor said.

"I know how to find them." Camile assured.


The children, Professor Kirke and Polly walked to the backyard. The sun was warm on Camile's cinnamon skin. It reminded her of the first time she arrived to Narnia. She was nine, about to be ten, when everything she knew changed. Nevertheless, Narnia was home and she had built happy memories of her, dancing with fauns and listening to the singing of the nymphs.

"Where exactly did you bury the rings?" Lucy asked the professor.

"It was so many years ago…" Digory looked sadly at Polly.

"It was in this backyard, right? Step back." Everyone did, except Edmund.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Step. Back." Camile talked with authority, and Edmund didn't thought of it twice and walked away.

Camile knelt and placed her palms on the grass. She closed her eyes and whispered. The ground began to tremble, and smoke came out of it, but Camile stayed focused in her whispering. Then, a crack began to form from where Camile was, to the center of the backyard. The trembling stopped. Camile stood up and made a little jog to the end of the crack. She stepped on it really hard and a hole was made. She bent to pick up a small box and then she turned around and started walking, dusting off the box.

"Camile?" Lucy smiled.

"Girl, what are you?" Polly asked.

Camile smiled and replied. "I am a narnian, sent by Aslan." Camile looked at Edmund. "Aslan knows how he does things. Am I right Edmund?" But Edmund was quiet.

"These rings are dangerous dear." Digory warned Jill.

"You go Eustace, open the box!" Jill said giving the box to Eustace.

"Peter!" said Eustace giving the box to Peter.

Camile stared out the window where she had dig out the box. She smiled; it had been a while since she had used her gifts. She felt as if someone was staring at her. It was Edmund; she could see his reflection in the window of the dining room.

"Yellow and Green! Just as I remember them!" Polly said.

"We should get back to Susan, let's try it again!" Eustace pleaded. "We need to convince her to go back!"

"How long does it take to transport to Narnia with the rings?" Lucy asked.

"It's magical; as soon as you touch it you're gone." Digory said.

"We'll go for Susan then." Camile said still staring out the window.

"It's done; we'll take the train at midday." Edmund said quietly.