Me: Hey guys so I know that it has been over two months since we have last spoken and I am truly sorry. My junior year has been harder than expected. I am still behind in some of my classes, but I just wanted to upload this really fast. So Enjoy!
The three girls slammed the front doors to their school open. If they didn't already has everyone's attention, this would have definitely caught it. The ignored the cruel whispers and giggles and headed straight for the queen bee, or should I say the Princess. With every approaching step Buttercup got angrier and angrier. She was starting to tap into her bound powers, which is not supposed to happen. They made it to the Cafeteria doors and slammed those open too. Heads snapped up so fast some people got whip-lash.
At the center of all of the drones sat Princess nestled in between a harem of boys, including Jake. Buttercup inhaled sharply and clenched her fists tighter. Blood started to flow from her palms The trio walked up to princess and stopped. Before they opened their mouths Princess shouted loud enough for the whole room to hear.
"Ew, who let you sluts back in here? I think I'm catching an STD just from looking at you." There was a laughter eruption. Buttercup clenched then released her fists.
"You got those STD's from all the guys you sleep with." Princess' smile fell. She stood up and walked up to Blossom and the others. She put her hands on her hips.
"You think your so tough? Lets see how you act when your pictures of you doing it in an alley are all up around the town." Buttercup ran up to Princess and pulled back her arm. She was about the slam the flinching brat into the linoleum, until someone grabbed her hand.
"You can't tell me you don't want to see her down Blo-" Buttercup started turning around. Instead of her sister's pink eyes and disapproving look she was face to face with Jake Short. He let go of her arm and frowned.
"You have no reason to hit her!" He screamed. Buttercup was taken aback. How could the guy who was so calm and cool yell at her and believe Princess. "Princess has done nothing wrong, unlike you! To think I used to like you, how disgusting." All of the wind was taken out of Buttercup and pushed straight into Blossom. No one talks to her sister that way.
Blossom grabbed Jake's shoulder and spins him around to face her, with a look that would kill.
"That is wrong on so many levels. How is posting horrible pictures and starting rumors not wrong?" She shouted jabbing him in the chest with every word. Jake rolled his eyes.
"It's not as bad as standing someone up for sex in an alley, and it's not a rumor if it's true." Blossom slapped Jake across the face. She hit him so hard that he fell to the floor. Gasps filled the cafeteria, everyone was so transfixed that even the teachers didn't stop anything.
"You're upset because your pride got hurt. Act like a man. And Buttercup didn't stand you up for sex, she was raped! We all were raped!" She shouted. Everyone was silent. Jake looked up and Buttercup feeling ashamed for what he had said. Princess was scared, there was no way her plan would fail this quickly. Then she calmed down, and a smile pulled up the corners of her lips.
"Oh really, you're so angelic?" She said stepping over Jake and towards the still steaming leader. Buttercup and Bubbles were helping Jake up from the ground. "Why don't you tell everyone who you really are and how you really know me." Blossom stepped back. Princess remembered. There was no way.
"That's right ladies and gents, These girls, these liars are no other that then fabled Power puff Girls." Princess looked around the room inhaling the sheer shock, awe and hatred that radiated off of the students bodies. Better yet, she reveled in the astonished look plastered on the girls faces. It served them right. No one could beat Princess Morbucks at her own deliciously evil game.
Years before this day the Power Puff girls were really popular in the states. They were iconic, everyone wanted to be them or be with them. It soon made fighting crime stressful. People would put their lives in dangerous situations just for a chance to meet them. Some would even crowd the area of a monster attack.
A month before they girls went into hiding and had people forget a monster attacked. A crowd formed near the monster because the civilians knew the girls would be there. Buttercup tried to get everyone to leave before they got hurt.
Most of them left but one little girls refused to leave. She had short black hair and her face was red from excitement. The girls smile stretched to her little elf like ears. The girl straightened out her red Santa Clause dress and and black boots. She kept asking for an autograph. Buttercup was trying so hard to get her to safety that she didn't hear Blossom or Bubbles warn her about the monster about to stomp on her.
Buttercup survived because of the chemical X but the little girl didn't fair so well. Her face would forever haunt the girls. Everyone blamed them for it, and they weren't mad either. Because of that incident they were constantly tormented. Buttercup was close to committing suicide. But the professor came up with this idea and here they are today.
Princess deepened her frown. "They murdered that little girl and then wiped our minds." Blossom couldn't understand how this was happening. She knew it would all start back up again. The depression, the madness, and the cutting. "Tell me how is that angelic." All eyes were on the girls. Malicious whispers circled the girls. They stood up. Some kids wanted to tie them up and beat them. Jake ripped himself from Buttercups arms, completely disgusted that he fell for her again.
Words like, "They deserved to be raped." and "How could they do that?" buzzed through their ears. Princess was the ring leader of the angry mob now surrounding our heroines.
"And they don't have their powers." she singed out. Everything was just perfect. Soon the girls would be out of her way and she wouldn't even to lift a manicured finger. Bubbles felt the crowd drawing closer, they all did. The familiar tingles started to spread through their bodies. But would they have enough to time to access them so they could make an escape. The crowd could no longer contain itself and lounged at the three prey that was in the middle of it's feeding circle.
Me: okay guys I hope you like it. I will try my best to keep uploading. Please review, because I love it when you do. And tell me what you think, and if you have some inklings as to what the heck just happened.