A/N: Wow, just wow. I feel as though my life has kind of become a big jumble. I have in the past said that I will continue to churn out chapters but the way my life is set up I feel as though it's become ridiculously hard to update my stories. Never the less I will continue. I need to create a schedule for writing outside of work, school, and volunteering. The problem with this however, is that I have four fanfics currently going, a fifth amd sixth in the works for GOT, and the creation of an OS that has become a bigger beast than I ever thought it would. I also wanted to start a blog to review current fanfics as well as keep you updated with the comings and goings of my writing (as well as other nerd things). I intend to have this blog up and running over the next month and a half because I need something to hold me accountable. Also, in case you were wondering, I am still looking for a beta. I don't really have much time for editing so once a chapter is written and typed out it will be posted as is. As my life begins to settle itself I will have more time to write but for now that isn't the case. To forego many mistakes I would like the help of an editing team.
On a more pressing note chapter two for T.T.S.P. will continue the Jake/Krys storyline and chapter 11 in L.I.A.L.D. will further the Leah/Liam storyline. I will start annotating chapter names so that you are aware of whose p.o.v. you are in very early on so that I may eliminate some of the confusion. Pay attention there are some on the nose GoT references that are going to be made. Comment if you follow the GOT storyline and you noticed. Thank you for sticking with me this long. I am truly grateful and I promise that the chapters will get better from here. I am out of practice to be honest. So without further ado, let's get started.
Chapter 11: Let's stay together
Jacob's P.O.V.
I woke up panting, heaving heavy breaths as I tried to calm my raging nerves. She'd been haunting my dreams since the day that I'd met her. Sometimes I'd awake happy and light. She always slept so restlessly. It was nice to tap into her space. Her hair would swallow her small round face and she'd fuss to move it subconsciously. The glow of the moonlight would cast an ethereal light on her skin and cause her hair to glow amethyst. On those mornings I'd remind myself to tell her this. I don't know why, but I felt it necessary to tell her about how beautiful I thought she was.
And then there were the nights where I could smell the fear on her skin. The restlessness in the air was palpable and the scent of rotting flesh hung stale, consuming her usually warm woodsy scent. She'd fight fiercely to wake herself, but she was trapped. On these nights I'd hover aimlessly over her restless frame. I'd attempt to wake her but ultimately realize how helpless I was in my current situation. I couldn't hold her, I couldn't wake her, I couldn't even touch her. I was simply relegated to waiting for the dream to run its course. Someone, usually someone that I could not discern, would walk into the room and release her. She'd often rise from her sleep with a scream lodged in her throat. They'd rock my teary-eyed beauty back to sleep and I'd be left to watch on.
Tonight was no different.
My breathing slowed as I listened to the sounds of morning filtering in into my room. The door creaked open and the unmistakable sound of runner against the floors came with it. "She had the nightmare again?" My father's soft baritone touched my ears as he handed me a bottle of water. For a moment I could not respond. I hadn't realized it earlier, but my throat was dry and brittle. Without much thought I upended the bottle of Poland Spring and downed it in two gulps.
Billy moved to open the curtains as he waited patiently for my response. It always brought so much pride to my heart when I realized how independent he had become. After mom's death he spent much of his time grieving, so much time that he stopped functioning all together. His basic needs went untended to and soon it caught up to him. I wasn't aware of the fact that my father was diabetic until his legs stopped working. The doctors explained to him that his crippling was a direct result of his lack of proper healthcare, because he refused to take his medications for so long his diabetes caught up with him.
Dad just gave up during those days, and so the child became a man and picked up the mantle. For the first few years it was hard, but as time progressed Dad regained a lot of his motivation to live. He said he woke up one day and realized that he didn't want his kids to suffer. I was ecstatic, but for the twins it was too little too late. Rebecca moved to Hawaii with her husband, and Rachel left for college. Just as before, I was left to shelter my broken family. We persevered though, and within a couple of years Rach was back and apologetic. Rebecca called often but we seldom spoke. If she really cared about how we were doing she'd have visited at least once over the last seven years. Billy asked if I could forgive her, he couldn't help but feel as though it had been his fault. I was resolute in my answer. I would forgive her when she visited. As of now she could cut the pretenses. She and I both knew that she only called to quell her guilt. If she felt guilty it was her own fault, not mine.
I tossed the recently emptied water bottle in the trash can across the room. "Yeah, it's been a week or so without one. I should've expected it." I sighed as I kicked my legs off the side of the bed. I stood to stretch my limbs and was immediately rewarded with a loud crack. My dad winced and I grinned.
"Maybe if Krys came around more she wouldn't have the nightmare so often." Dad added. He thought he was being discreet in his questioning, but nothing had changed since the last time we spoke about. I shrugged and moved to the bathroom to wash my mouth as well as shower. He and I spoke about what I remembered from the awakening. There wasn't much. I remembered the darkness, I remembered the voices of my pack, and I remembered her. But most importantly I remembered her dream and the relief she felt when I arrived. It must've haunted her many nights.
A shiver ran down my spine as cold water speckled across my naked frame. I was almost certain that the shivering wasn't because the water hadn't enough time to heat up. These days I didn't feel the cold. I sighed. What was I going to do with Krys?
'What is there to do?' I questioned myself as the spray of the water heated up a bare fragment. A smile etched itself across my russet skin. There wasn't anything I could do but what I was already doing. 'She's feisty, obnoxious, and independent...and if I am being honest I think that's what I love most about her.'
'Loved?!' I found myself grinning at the thought of it. 'When did I become so sure of this?' I'd never been more sure of anything in my life. Somewhere in the pit of my stomach I knew she'd never choose anyone over me. It was different this time, this time I was emboldened. Krys would never belong to another.
After a few more wayward thoughts I found myself fully dressed and starving. The smell of coffee wafted through the air, as well as ocean and something sickly sweet. A breath hitched in my throat and I found myself hoping against hope. I knew subconsciously that she'd never visit of her own volition but maybe just maybe...
Dark curls glowed amethyst in the light of the sun and for a fragment of a moment my heart soared until I noticed caramel skin. 'Great, she's not here." I sighed.
"No need to be so sullen my sweet boy. I've come to make amends." Lady Allegra grinned from her vantage point at my dining room table. She seemed so out of place in her. Our dining from had not survived years of use. The round oak table that once stood prominent in the center of it now wobbled with slight pressure. I used to think that dad had purposely shortened one of the legs so that he could kiss mom. Whenever the table wobbled in her direction he'd quickly plant a kiss across her forehead and they would both grin. The varnish on the rounded wooden chairs had begun to peel away a few years back. Now the wood looked dingy at best. At the table stood five chairs, but today there had been a few more added, and the bright yellow curtains that lined the windows in my living room and kitchen were pulled back to allow some light in. The small window carved into the partition wall that separated the kitchen and dining room from the living room was currently lined with food. This home looked lived in, like life had come and gone in these rooms. Lady Allegra looked regal and perfect. A place like this wasn't for a lady such as her. Would it fit Krys? I frowned. There was a regal air about Lady Allegra as she stood and sashayed over to me to kiss my forehead. She patted the top of my head and walked me over to sit besides her. "You must be famished. I've helped your father prepare a proper breakfast."
I found myself grinning alongside her as I took my seat. It wasn't until I was seated that I noticed how many guests were present. A glare marred my features as the golden eyes of Bella Cullen reflected back. She smiled on encouragingly. Renesseme and Edward sat as pompous as ever next to her. My appetite was gone as quickly as it came. Carlisle had the good sense to look apologetic. To my good humor Leah sat agitated across the table. Her fur had been ruffled. An icy glare claimed her stone features. I could almost guess what it was. I gave her a once over. She sat there in her usual cut offs shorts and wife beater sleeveless shirt, and her hair was tied haphazardly in a bun atop her head. She was pissed and probably just waking up.
"Morning Lee, I was actually coming to see you. Needed to get advice from you." I started up but Lee turned her glare onto me.
"Cut the crap Black, we have no time for small talk. You need to fix this." Leah flared her arms almost comically, eliciting a glare from Bella. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Jake I assure you that this is no laughing matter that brings us here today." Dr. Cullen said, his mood sullen. I knew they'd come sooner or later.
"I know." I said as I touched my coffee mug to my lips. The sweet chocolate brown liquid warmed the walls of my mouth as I took it down in gulps. Why was this so good today? I studied the agitated faces of the women in the room. Dad was annoyed and revulsion was seeping off Lady Allegra like water rolled from a fall. I turned to look at her breathtakingly beautiful face; a smile of serenity was still etched there. Upon noticing my curiosity Lady Allegra's smile widened and she reached to squeeze my hand. There was no point in avoiding this anymore.
Edward glared at me in shock. "You're mind is quiet. I thought it was because that thing had taken hold of you last time, but both you and Leah are quiet to me now. Why?" He demanded.
I sat perplexed. Had the change caused that much of a difference in me? Did he just call it "that thing"? Billy's features changed to one of open hostility as Leah and I exchanged glances. She scrunched her nose and brow as she thought hard on something, and then erupted in hysterical laughter.
"You didn't hear any of that just now, did you?" She grinned.
"What's going on Jake, why haven't you visited? Why did I have to come all the way to this hell hole to speak to you? And now daddy can't hear you? This is why I hate this place." Renesseme spoke for the first time since entering. Her voice grated heavily against my eardrum. It was too early for this.
"Why the hell do you feel so entitled?" Leah spoke just a decimal above a growl. "We're not over at your place brat. Show Billy some respect."
"No one asked you. I was speaking to Jake. You can't talk to me like this. I'm his imprint." Ness stood and glared down at Leah. She must've thought standing would give her some edge. Leah was nearly a head and a half taller than her. She was also staring at Ness murderously.
"You couldn't reach Jake could you?" Leah sneered. "So you had to call me…his beta because you can't freely walk onto our land. You'd be breaking the treaty. You woke me up at the ass crack of dawn to bring you here. So correction brat, you did ask me." Leah spoke in hushed whispers trying hard to keep hold of the wolf.
"The treaty doesn't apply to me. I'm his life mate. It shouldn't apply to my family either." Ness screamed, shaking the rickety table with the force of her balled fists. It whined horribly beneath the weight of her.
"It does." I responded placing the white ceramic coffee mug back down, taking in a calming breath. This conversation would be draining, but somehow I found myself eager to burst the Cullens's bubble today. They were a little too entitled for my liking.
"What did you just say?" Renesseme turned on me as shock etched itself across her face.
"The treaty does apply to you." I repeated finding that my appetite had actually not left me at all. The Cullens no longer owned my freedom.
"You can't mean that Jake?" It was Bella that responded this time. She was cooing at me. How long did she think I had it in me to play this game with her? After Ness's birth my life no longer centered on hers. Was she under the illusion that it still did? I picked up a piece of toast and bit into it, grinding it beneath my teeth as I pondered that for a moment. The room sat eerily still and I could taste the tension in between sucked in breaths. It was even more alarming to me that Bella and Ness thought they could treat my family and friends however they wanted, and I would ignore it. I took another quiet bite of the toast leaning firmly against the wooden chair before looking at everyone in the room. Billy and Leah nodded encouragingly, but Lady Allegra continued to take small sips from her cup. She seemed indifferent to all of the bickering, annoyed that she had to put up with the Cullens in the first place. It wasn't her intentions just visit me. Why did she come today?
She faltered momentarily, but covered her grin. Damn it, I forgot she could read minds. Why was I even more eager to speak to her?
Before I knew it I finished with my piece of toast, and I was hungrier than before. I thought better of reaching for another piece.
"Jake, I'm talking to you." Bella whined and squared her shoulders. "I hear you. Everyone can hear you. I just haven't eaten yet. It's still pretty early." I shrugged.
"Stop wasting my time Jake. I've literally been dealing with Leah's nasty attitude all morning. I have no more patience." She glared at me.
"And I'm sure you've been more than hospitable to her all morning." My reply was offhanded.
"Don't, Jake!" Bella rolled her amber eyes. "Why do we need to go through Leah? I've been calling all week to speak to you. Carlisle wasn't allowed to check in on you after he last time we visited. Billy said you were awake but not feeling well enough to talk." She was irate.
"I was well enough, I just didn't want to speak to you." I shrugged. That one took the wind from beneath her wings.
"You didn't want to speak to me?" She repeated, her voice was small as her eyes widened.
"Yes, I didn't want to speak to you. I haven't in a while actually." I admitted.
"Jake you're my best friend." She tried to reach over the table to touch my hand but I recoiled.
"I was…" I started. "I was your best friend because I was in love with you."
"God Jake, don't do this." Bella shrilled. If her face could brighten it would. Now she was forever frozen this way. All vestiges of the girl I once loved gone. She wouldn't stumble over her words like she used to, she wouldn't bite her lips when she was anxious, or tremble as the wind radiated through her body. She was no longer human; instead she'd allowed herself to be replaced by this monster. She was nothing like my Krys. I heard Lady Allegra clear her throat momentarily as I smiled. I felt as she gently pinched my thigh and discreetly nodded towards Bella. She hadn't stopped talking. "…I chose Edward. You can't still be upset about this. It's been five years now".
Upset? About her and Edward? Could she honestly be that deluded? "I know that Bella." I spat acid at her. I have never felt so disrespected in my life. She couldn't think so low of me, could she? I pressed onward. "But do you? You act as though I should still have the same feelings for you."
"I'm only here for my daughter. You owe her everything. That's the promise of an imprint. You know that." It was her turn to recoil from me. "Why do you keep bringing this up Jake? Your focus should be on the here and now."
"Okay Bella, let's focus on the here and now. As of right now I know that you're sitting in my dining room, arrogant as shit. You've blatantly disrespected my beta. You refuse to address my father and chief with respect. You're judgmental of my cultural beliefs and have the nerve to throw those same beliefs in my face. And then you as you sit there entitled, you have the audacity to demand answers from me. Come on Bella, you're not stupid. Surely you knew this had more to do with than just some dead and buried rivalry between Edward and me." My tone had a deathly edge to it.
Dr. Cullen's jaw dropped and he quickly moved to calm the conversation. Lady Allegra placed her mug down and raised her hand to stall him. "Carlisle, it's best if we let the children get this out don't you think?" She smiled softly and winked at him. For a moment Carlisle seemed dazed, but the message had been received. He moved back to his former position.
"I can't help but feel like you only feel this way because you're jaded. Before I chose Edward I was always welcomed here." Bella seemed small when her first line of defense was taken from her.
"Fuck how you feel." I growled, locking my muscles in place. Bella would not be the reason I put everyone in this room in danger. "You never cared about my feelings. Bella, I may have cared about what you did with Eddy boy five years ago but I don't give a rat's ass about your comings and goings now. Edward can have you. You two belong together."
A gasp escaped her lips and Edward moved to touch her arm. "You don't mean that. You can't mean that." She shook her head in denial.
"Oh I do. You were welcomed here because you were human. You knew what the treaty entailed and yet you still chose this." I gestured at her, more aware now of her deathly pale skin and honeyed eyes. She wasn't my Bells, I exhaled deeply, she never was. And maybe I was never intended to be her Jake. Maybe I was destined for something else. I gripped the table for a moment and centered myself. "My pack has lost enough to you. Leah has sacrificed a fiancé as well as her father because of this. Imagine Harry's shock at his daughter's change. She still blames herself for the heart attack that took him. Sam lost the woman he loved and the chance he had to go to school. Seth lost his childhood. Emily, her beauty. Sue, her husband. We have children changing day in and day out because of their exposure to you and the rest of the Cullens. Paul, Jared, Embry, and Quil suffered in school because they spent many a night defending you. Your decisions have caused us so much grief, and even in that I loved you. I fought to protect your life as well as the life of your child on more than one occasion, and while I did that my father suffered alone in silence…his primary aide going. Never once through all of this time did you ask about this man that cared for you like one of his own. And after all that we've given you, you have the audacity to sit there and down play it as some irrelevant tiff between Edward and I. This was my punishment to suffer and yet my pack bore it with me. So yeah Bella, you used to be welcomed here but you're not anymore. More so than any of the other Cullens. Your daughter, not welcomed. Your husband, also not welcomed. So if you've been calling to get me to waive the treaty so that you could come and fetch your pet you have pegged me as some fool." I hadn't realized how angry I was until Lady Allegra reached to place her hand on my bare chest. Her soft smile vanished as she frowned at me, just as my mother had before her. A look of pure shock was etched on Bella's face as she sat in silence.
"Jake I…" She started but thought better of whatever she intended to say. She hesitated momentarily before trying again. "I never meant to hurt you. I've always loved you, just not… not like I loved Edward."
"Save it Bella. I've heard enough. We all have. I just wanted to make it clear that I have no intention to move away with you. Thanks for the offer Dr. C, but I have to stay and take care of my family and pack. I can't just leave them." I sighed and lounged back, releasing my rigid stance.
"Like hell you are Jake. Mom may feel guilty but I don't. I honestly don't care about what happened between you and mom. You'll come to terms with your differences and learn to reconcile your friendship." Ness rolled her wrist flippantly and sighed.
"My answer is still no." I shrugged.
"I'm not going to spend time in this shit hole with you." She cut out.
"You weren't welcomed here." I grinned. "Or did you miss that bit?"
"So do you think I'm going to spend the time and money visiting you?" Ness turned the full weight of her brown eyes onto me. The arrogance that presented itself there was laughable. She really believed I would leave for her.
"No, I was hoping you stayed gone." I cut back. Just as was the case with her mother, this knocked the air from her.
"You're not serious?" She shrieked.
"I am. I'm staying. My family needs me."
"I need you. You're mine." She screamed.
"No I am not. I don't know what illusions your mother has given you about an imprint but I assure you she's wrong." I reached for another piece of toast and delighted as the savory butter and garlic melted against my tongue.
Lady Allegra spoke again, this time forcefully. "An imprint is a gift to wolves. You are attached to him or her in the same way that he or she is to you. Should you choose otherwise the wolf will be free of it. It is not as binding as forever, and usually there is a reason for the imprint. From what I can surmise your imprint wasn't a real imprint, but rather manufactured."
"And who exactly are you?" Ness fumed.
Lady Allegra grinned and her vibrant violet eyes burned neon. Ness yelped and immediately shrank back into her seat. "Isabella," she sang. "I implore you to teach her to respect others. She may agitate the wrong person."
"What did you do to her?" Bella growled and stood to glare at her.
"Carlisle, it seems to me that your daughter-in-law and granddaughter lack basic respect. While I would gladly indulge in their education, I feel as though I could offer a less drastic means." She crossed one leg over the other and sat back with a smirk on her face.
"My lady, I assure you that won't be necessary. You are a new face to them, excuse their lack of manners." Carlisle bowed his head gently. "Bella, Renesseme, this is Lady Allegra. Just as the Volturi, wolves have royalty. Lady Allegra, as well as her older brother Sir Conall, heads all of the wolf clans. There are very few wolves that don't know of them."
"I don't care if she is a wolf queen or not. She hurt Ness." Bella growled.
"But a tap, child. I'll gladly show you how I came to my current seat." Her smile was warm but her eyes continued to blaze.
"It won't be necessary," Edward inserted before Bella could say another word. He and Carlisle seemed bothered by, almost fearful of, Lady Allegra. How had she come to her current seat? Was she really that important?
"I will gladly answer those questions for you pups but it seems as though we are stuck in the here and now, and with the matter of Jacob's ties to the Cullen girls." She grinned. "Another time." She stroked my cheek and winked at Leah.
Billy wheeled himself over to the table and gently placed his hands on the surface. "With all due respect Lady Allegra," he started but was immediately interrupted.
"No need for formalities Billy, we're long past that."
"Sure, Sure Allegra" he tested and she grinned at him. "You say that Jake's connection to Renesseme was manufactured and yet it felt very much like an imprint. How?"
"Did it really?" Lady Allegra sighed as she moved to stand.
"I beg your pardon?" My dad countered.
"Did it really feel like an imprint to you Jake? You've experienced imprinting through the minds of your brothers, was this the same?" She knew the answer to that; she was just keeping up the pretenses for those that couldn't read my mind.
"No, it never did. I was never happy about imprinting on Ness. The others always needed to be around their imprints but the need didn't consume me in the way they made me believe that it would. The older Ness became the less I needed to see her." I shrugged. Those feelings weren't the same as these.
"Who the hell could manufacture an imprint? Come on Jake think about what's being said. She's been parading herself around her like she's your damn mother and has some sort of claim to you. Sorry to tell you but your mother died, long ago. Your family is broken. We're offering you a real family now." Renesseme said sweetly.
I watched as my father shrank back into his chair and held his heart. Who the hell did she think she was? We've finally reached the point where this had become too insulting.
"Jacob, the anger is absolutely unnecessary. It seems to me that these young girls are miffed that they can't have a lap dog. Woe is me." Lady Allegra reached down for her mug before touching it to her soft lips. The smell of chamomile wafted through the air as she blew gently against the surface. Silence rang through the room as Bella and Ness fumed. "The sad part about all of this is that even though Jacob has expressed to you what you have done to him you still cannot see your fault."
"Of course I can see my fault in all of this." Bella bristled. "I should've made my positions more clear to him. Regardless, Jake promised to stay with me. He imprinted on my daughter."
I readied myself to open my mouth, agitation had taken root in my stomach, but Lady Allegra patted my shoulder with her feather soft touch. Part of me slipped away into the recesses of my mind. Was this what Krystal experienced every day? A mother that always made herself available to her daughters? My mind attempted, with great effort to conjure a picture of a beautiful blue eyed baby. It was to no avail. All of the Krystals that my mind had conjured seemed wrong somehow, and what was even more startling was the fact that I knew this to be true; those weren't my Krystal. I felt a sharpness in my head momentarily and found myself staring down on blue gold eyes, and chocolate skin. Her curly black hair was tied neatly into two small buns on either side of her head. Her round chubby cheeks were pulled up to crown the wide smile that engulfed her small face. She was tiny. Her chubby little legs wobbled as she waddled over to soft caramel legs. There was a slightly taller blonde girl dressed in the same white dress, with the same hair style, already standing next to the woman. Her eyes widened momentarily as the darker one slipped. She balanced herself, a look of determination splayed across her face.
'Kryssie Bear, happy birthday.' The pale one cheered as her flaxen hair glowed in the bright sun. The flowers bloomed around them, petals unfolding as if to welcome little Krystal into their arms. 'You're two now. How many is two?'
Krystal stopped to hold up two fat stumpy fingers, before barreling into the open arms of the pale one. Their laughter sailed through the air as soft as wind chimes on the first day of spring. Right beside them Lady Allegra slowly sat with a smile etched on her lips, her soft white dress cascading around her creating a blanket for her daughters to sit. And sit they did.
A feeling of déjà vu consumed my mind. I felt as though I'd seen Krystal before but could not remember where or how. As soon as the image infiltrated my mind it was gone. Before the loneliness could settle a soft voice filtered into the darkness that was left. 'That's what she looked like.' Lady Allegra projected. Shock claimed me, and when I turned to look at her, she winked. All the questions that I wanted to ask her held themselves in my throat. This was neither the time nor place.
"It's a moot point Jacob, if she hasn't understood yet she will not." Lady Allegra continued forward as if a moment had not passed between us. "This one may actually be defective, her mind seems off." Another sip was taken as Leah nearly choked on her laughter.
"We've been saying this for years." Leah chortled. Billy did his best to hide his grin. He seemed in a lighter mood than he was moments ago.
"My mind seems off?" Bella repeated slowly, confusion spread clearly across her face. She paused momentarily and focused her eyes before looking back to Lady Allegra. "You shouldn't be able to read my mind. Edward can't, nor can Aro."
There was a vibrant laugh that echoed through the room, and an even brighter smile that consumed Lady Allegra's face to replace it. "Because their powers are fairly rudimentary. Most powers are derived from some sort of physic ability, and there are varying degrees of physic ability. For generations my family has produced strong physics. It's a part of our gene structure. Each generation that has come has been stronger than the one they sought to replace. With the strength and advantages of our bloodline, and the teachings of our ancestors, we've been given a great blessing. And then there is Krys. She ranges across the spectrum in a way that I never believed to be possible." She exhaled heavily and her face contorted momentarily. What was that about?
Carlisle was incredulous. "They say that his daughter has strength like the world has never seen, but to have it to this degree?"
"I can assure you with complete confidence that Krys is just as much mine as she is her father's." Lady Allegra's eyes flared for a moment, but the fire died down as quickly as it came.
"Lord Ecxander must be so proud of her. I had the opportunity to meet the young princess the other day. She is absolutely enigmatic." Carlisle continued grinning as if he'd discovered some long lost secret.
"I'm sure he is." She responded flippantly. There was an air of finality embedded in her sentence. Carlisle must've caught it as well, he did not move to finish the sentence.
Renesseme didn't seem to understand those same social cues. "Is Krys that brat that came to visit the other day?"
I growled a warning and Renesseme glared at me. "Yes, she would've visited you the other day." Lady Allegra was the one to break the tension.
"So what does she have to do with this?" Renesseme forced out. Her long auburn curls bounced and the smell of burning sugar filled the air.
Leah and I shrank back repulsed. She had begun to smell more like her parents every day.
"Well" Lady Allegra smiled impishly. "It seems you're more important to Krys than she would lead us to believe."
I grinned a wide grin. Bella did not seem to like the mention of another woman. "It doesn't matter if this girl finds Jake important. He's betrothed to my daughter."
The warmth of her laughter filled the room as Lady Allegra turned her violet eyes onto me. "Betrothed? Hardly. Billy it seems as though your pack doesn't really understand how imprints work. Bella seems to be under the impression that Renesseme can do as she pleases with her wolf."
"Isn't that the truth?" Bella let out forcefully.
"Not it is not. It is not the job of the wolf to coddle and serve his imprint. An imprint is a gift, made to add value to the life of the wolf. Usually imprints are connected to their wolves on a physic level. That, however, is neither here nor there." Lady Allegra moved to stand behind me. Her arms spread around my neck and chest, and pulled me closer to her. I felt warmth seep through my head and face as her hair cascaded onto my shoulders. "Long ago I was promised a son like none the world has ever seen. A wolf that would usher in the coming of the white wolf. I was just a girl when I first heard of this prophecy and very strong headed, but as I aged I saw the value of a son like that. I longed for the boy that would lead legions by his command alone, that would fly the banners of the white wolf alongside my family sigil. What an honor that would be. But then Devorah came to me. Her vibrant sapphire eyes lit up as we first met and I was whole. What is honor in the face of a new born child?" She paused and the room seemed to fade away to nothingness as we all became enraptured by her tale.
"I had all but given up, but the prophecy found its way back to me and I, now queen of the wolves, was determined to bring my boy into existence. Not long after, Lord Excander's seed quickened in my womb. If this prince that was promised to me would be born, then surely he would be born of the union of Lord Ecxander and myself. I endured a long arduous pregnancy for him. Prince Krystopher would come to me. I told myself that I would survive to watch my bloodline propel itself to greatness, that I would be there for my children in a way that my parents had not been for theirs. Upon the birth of that child I paid the ultimate price. I would never be able to conceive again." She sighed.
My eyes widened at the grief in her words. She couldn't have any more children? Then how had Krys been born? And where was Krystopher?
"Alas, the heavens favored my sacrifice." She continued without seeing us. "Krystopher had been born into the world, and out of his lungs came a roar so loud that the heavens bowed to him. Except the child that I held in my arms wasn't a son but a daughter with beautiful brown skin and vibrant azure eyes. Krystopher became a Krystal, and the prince that was promised became the white wolf herself.
My family has been blessed beyond all comprehension and the prophecy of the prince faded into nothingness until now." She smiled and moved to sit in front of me. Her soft fingers tipped my chin upward so that I was staring into her eyes. "Your coming has been prophesized for generations my sweet boy. I have waited so long to meet you."
"Prince that was promised?" Renesseme's tone was incredulous. For the first time in a long time she and I were on the same page. "I think you have the wrong pack." Ness' frame wracked with laughter.
"No, I am sure that Jacob and the prince are one in the same. L'eviel proved that." Lady Allegra grinned. "You tower over other wolves not just in physicality but in presence. In your life you have faced pain and adversity, and yet you continue to persevere. You flourish in those situations. You are an alpha not commanded by the urges of the wolf but rather you control the wolf. You my sweet child, have been blessed by the elder spirits and brought to me. I am sure that now that you and my dear Krystal have met those blessings will begin to manifest in other ways as well."
For the first time since this "intervention" had started, the room was encased in silence. I was shocked as Lady Allegra clasped my cheek and gently ruffled my hair.
"Lady Allegra I think that you may…" I started but found myself enchanted by her soft violet eyes. There was a gentleness about her that was unfamiliar to me. I hadn't realized how much I longed for this attention from someone like her. She'd gone out of her way to make sure I was okay. Out of the goodness of her heart she remained with me, caring for me until she was sure that I was better. Now she stood here guiding me through this next transition. I could not be the son that she wished for. I didn't deserve that, did I?
"For fucks sake Jake, can't you see there's something different about you?" Leah nearly screeched.
I chuckled. "Come on Lee, you can't believe that I am this promised prince?"
"I don't know what to believe anymore. The only thing I know for a fact is that there are holes in our pack knowledge. Honestly Jake we turn into giant wolves, there can't still be things that shock you?" Her arms rose above her head and she flailed momentarily.
"Very little still shocks me Lee. I'm not arguing about there being fucking holes in what we know… but come on. I can't be…" I paused and gestured toward my frame. "I can't be some prince. I can barely keep myself from drowning, yet alone do the same for others."
"You've been doing that." Leah softened her voice. "What you consider well enough has been more than enough for all of us. You're a damned better alpha than the one that we had, you just needed to step up to the plate. You're stronger, bigger, and faster than anyone else; even in your human form, when you're holding back. You also know more about our history than any other pack member that we know. You're also more connected to the legacy than we are. You play the fool to make us feel like we don't have to catch up, but you're leagues ahead of us. Jake, you resolved the flaws in our pack rotation by simply taking into account our strengths and weaknesses, and making small adjustments that we barely noticed. You're the smartest person that I know, even though you refuse to acknowledge it. You're also the only one of us to experience L'eveil. Either something is really wrong with you and you're really a freak, or the elder spirits have something planned for you. I'm not saying that you're some promised prince, but can't you see your greatness?"
I hadn't noticed how quiet the room had remained, nor did I realize when it was that I started to hold my breath. I looked to Lady Allegra who gently grazed the palm of her hand against my cheek. Her smile seemed so somber, so out of place on her breathtakingly beautiful face. Her thumb glided across something slick.
"My goodness child," Lady Allegra's soft voice caressed my ears just as the waves caressed First beach during summer nights. "A storm's afoot."
"Huh?!" I choked on my tears as confusion claimed my consciousness.
Lady Allegra's grin caused her eyes to close. She was most beautiful this way. "My daughter Krys' eyes are as blue as the jeweled bays of the Caribbean when she is happy. When she is saddened or upset, her eyes darken just as those bays would when a storm's on the horizon. Ever since childhood it has been something her uncle and I have teased her with when she's upset."
She paused in brevity before continuing her sentence. "I didn't think anyone else's eyes could cloud like hers. I seem to have been mistaken."
I felt a weight lift off my shoulder and noticed my father's hand clenched tightly in mine. I looked into his eyes and took note of the relief there. Was he relieved that I wasn't leaving forever? I could not ever leave him, didn't he know that?
"Dad I…" I stated but his wide smile stopped me in my tracks. I couldn't help but return his smile around my tears.
Lady Allegra stroked my cheek, redirecting my glance back in her direction. "You may not believe yourself to be the promised prince, but that matters little to me. All I ask is that you continue to be just Jacob. Everything else will fall into place later, my love."
I couldn't help the skepticism that rooted itself in my gut. Yes, I could continue to be myself; was just being Jacob enough though? I scrunched my brow and thought hard on this for a moment.
My father, Lady Allegra, and Leah answered the unspoken question simultaneously "Yes."
For a bare fragment of a second I let the mask down. So many people believe in me and yet I couldn't muster that same belief in myself. Why?
"Surround yourself with people that will foster your growth Jacob, not diminish it and you will find strength of your own. Lean on your support in times of great adversity and you will flourish during the worst of storms. Most importantly my love, remember the lone wolf will die when the darkness comes to ruin but the pack will hold ever fast." The smile had vanished from my face all together, and the room came to an abrupt halt.
"Jacob." Leah called out to me and reached for my hand. "Jacob, are you okay?" She stood quickly causing the chair to grate against the tiled floor. She pulled me into her chest and held me there tightly.
"Is that how it happened?" Lady Allegra whispered, shutting her eyes tight. Was she trying to shut me out? I reached for her hand, and she squeezed mine in return. I knew that I didn't need to explain it to her but the words poured out of my mouth before I could contain them.
"It was the week before my eighth birthday and I'd gotten into a shoving match with Sean Andrews. He'd called Embry a mutt at the museum. He told me that his dad told him that Embry wasn't a real Quileute because no one knew who his father was. It was all rez drama but I didn't know that. I was just a kid. So I shoved him hard into the display, and when Mrs. Katz came to reprimand us I lied and said I shoved him because I wanted to. Embry didn't need to know that that's how the adults felt about him. Mom was called to pick me up for the day." I paused unable to continue around the lump lodged in my throat. How did I explain that my last memory of her was her was smile on that day, or the way her skin glowed when the sun hit it? Or the smell of burnt wood and ocean that floated with her? How did I explain the way she'd wrapped her arms around me so tightly that day and consoled me because of my skewed notions of the evils of the world, not knowing the world was ready to hand me another blow so quickly?
My frame trembled as I clung to her hand for life and buried my tears in Leah's shirt. My father had begun to gently stroke my back unbeknownst to me. His hand was rigid, tense from his withheld emotions. We never spoke of her death in this house after that year. The cornier told us the breaks had been bad but Dad had changed them in the middle of a storm the week before. He even fitted the Sudan with new tires.
"Jake," Bella started but was quickly interrupted by Leah.
"Don't. Let him get it out. He needs to finish this." She said but her voice cracked. Mom's death had rocked the whole reservation. She was the nicest person that anyone knew.
A few more moments passed by in silence before I was able to continue.
"When we got into the car she'd told me 'The lone wolf will die when the darkness comes to ruin but the pack will hold ever fast.' It's the last thing that she ever said to me…"
Somewhere in the darkness of my mind I heard the screeching of tires and the taste of blood saturated my mouth. Quickly my mind jumped to the face of a small chocolate girl, her eyes were liquid gold with speckles of sapphire.
They glowed as warmth spread through my limbs. Her dark curls were weighed down by the rain falling around her. Was she crying or was it the rain? I didn't think about it too much. It hurt.
There were words quickly thrown out in a language that I didn't understand, and she'd been hefted forcefully over the pale man's shoulder. She was screaming something unintelligible as he carried her away with too much effort. "This is our way." He simply responded.
"No, it's your way." Her eyes locked on mine and there was a spark. "Papa, he's still awake. We can help him, let me help please. If mama were here…"
"We will leave him, let his kind care for him. Your mother is weak, but I will rid you of this weakness my dear."
"No!" I could hear her screams for a long while until the sirens flooded them out. Even so, I was sure she was still struggling.
"Oh." Lady Allegra forced out dragging me back from the sporadic images flying by behind my eyelids.
"Oh?" Leah repeated pulling away from me took look at my face.
"Jacob's remembering, though it would seem that it's not complete." She was lying. I couldn't fathom why I knew that, but I was sure of it.
"What does it mean?" I asked sitting to wipe the tears from my face. My body felt heavy but curiosity got the better of me.
"What does what mean?" She asked too quickly.
"What you said about the wolves?" I said aloud but I knew that she heard my real question. Why did she lie?
"It's a proverb we've always used, Jacob. It's been the mantra of our tribe since the spirit warriors gained the ability to phase." My father interjected but my eyes did not leave Lady Allegra's face.
"All of the packs use this mantra Billy. It's a reminder for the packs to stay together." He voice's sweetness betrayed the glint in her eyes. A brief moment of recognition, gone as quickly as it came.
Before I could open my mouth to formulate a response her voice echoed into my mind. 'Later'. She was still smiling at my father. My brow scrunched again as I struggled to understand.
'Yes Jacob, you are hearing me correctly. We will discuss it when it is necessary.' She projected again.
'When will it be necessary?' I thought cautiously, still unused to communicating like this.
'When I say it is.' She responded back. "You may have had to step up to the plate but that does not make you a man. You're still a boy and you can still be disciplined as such." Her smile stayed sweet but her eyes burned once more. She patted my cheeks and rose more graceful than any woman I'd ever seen. I nodded silent.
"I almost forgot how much easier it is to deal with boys than girls." Lady Allegra chuckled and Billy nodded.
"Jacob what…" Renesseme started.
"Stop talking." Lady Allegra stated firmly. "I've been here longer than I intended to be. For now, Jacob has decided to stay in Washington. You are free to try again tomorrow but can we call it a quits today?"
Renesseme shrilled and stomped her way to the door followed silently by Edward who remained quiet the majority of the conversation.
Bella chose to linger. "Jacob…"
"My answer is no, Isabella." I spat out venomously. "It's not going to change."
She shrank away from the casual use of her full name. Myabe she'd finally begun to understand. She'd finally lost her best friend.
"Okay maybe just think about it and I'll come back tomorrow." She was gone before I could object. Knowing Bella, she'd take that as confirmation to continue perstering me on the matter.
Carlisle nodded politely and turned to bow his head to Lady Allegra. "My lady I would ask that you forgive my children, this is new to them. I assure you that the next time they will be better behaved."
"See to it. You are excused, I need to speak with the pack." She did not turn to face Carlisle but with a flick of her wrist he was gone. We sat silently as we listened for the sounds of their travel; once the sounds were gone Lady Allegra smiled brightly.
"Thank the spirits, they're so overwhelming." Leah groaned and dropped herself into her seat.
"Damn, I'm sorry Lee. Had I known they were harrassing you I would've answered sooner." I tried, apologetically. "I owe you big time."
"You're damn straight you owe me Black. When I decided to play keep away with Bella and her demon spawn I didn't think it would be this much grief." She pouted and crossed her arms.
"You've been playing keep away?" I asked, shock contorting my features.
Leah arched an eyebrow. "We all have. No one wanted you to leave you know?"
I felt my emotions begin to overwhelm me. My pack was still taking care of me? I opened my mouth to respond but Leah quickly covered my mouth.
"I swear to fucking God, if you start being emotional again I'll punch you in your nuts. It's too early for this shit." She sighed and pinched me after removing her hand from my mouth.
I nodded and grinned before feeling Lady Allegra gently kiss my forehead.
"I'm sorry love, I must make haste. My daughters can be a bit of a handful when their left to their own devices. They could very well set fire to our home. Especially Krystal. She can be rather wild." Her brow twitched and her eyes narrowed.
'Has this been an issue before?'
"Yes, yes it has!" She glared responding to no one in particular. Quietly she dusted her hand across her white dress and turned to leave.
"Wait," I called behind her, scurrying to grab ahold of her hand. I didn't want to say goodbye just yet. When was the next time I'd see her? "Why did you come here today?"
She turned and smiled softly. "And here I thought I was welcome here always."
"You are," I responded blushing. "It's just I was hoping…"
"Hoping to see Krys?" She asked smirking at my embarrassment. I nodded. "About that? It seems as though she's refusing to see you."
"But I…" My face flushed as I tried to understand what I had done to make her dislike me so. I was deflated.
"You didn't do anything love. She's just thick headed and difficult like her mother. Honestly," She grinned. "Usually time and space would remedy this."
"So then I should give her space?" My shoulders slumped visably.
"Usually." She winked and patted my shoulder. "But Krystal isn't a usual child."
"So then…" I paused unable to come up with a way to finish my sentence. "I'm confused."
"We start our Lunar festival today. I would be honoured if you and your pack are in attendance."
"A Lunar festival?" I asked, and slowly a grin claimed my face.
"Yes and Krystal will serve in my stead as 'Raina De Amor E Beleza', queen of love and beauty. It is an honour bestowed on the wives of Alphas or Alpha females themselves. In the last couple of years Devorah has served for me, allowing her sister time to adjust to the changes that have occurred. Now that Krys has found her footing, and has made tremendous strides in her position as junior alpha, Devo and I believe that she is ready to do this."
Somehow I didn't believe that Krys would view this as a great honour. Though she seemed very in touch with and understanding of her culture, I could see her viewing this as another formality. She didn't seem to like the idea of her own beauty. The why of this confused me. Why did she seem to hate so many of her blessings? Why did they seem like burdens to her? I blinked and noticed Lady Allegra staring into my eyes with a wide grin. 'You two are suited for each other in ways neither of you can imagine.' She projected. Before I could ask her what she meant, another question was thrown out.
"So if women get that title, then what title do the husband of alphas or alphas themselves get?" Leah inquired.
"Non-wolves, unlikely as it may seem, do not get titles. Alphas or the husbands of alphas are granted the title of 'A Sua Forza'."
"What does that mean?" I asked.
My father smiled before answering. "It's gaelic for 'her strength'. Though, if I recall correctly, only tribes from that region use those terms or even have Lunar festivals for that matter. I hear they used to be some of the most beautiful events."
There was a silent moment that passed between my father and Lady Allegra before both chuckled softly. "I should respect my elders and not be too inquisitive."
"That you should William Black. The last time you and I saw each other Ephraim told you we don't ask women their age." She grinned and winked at my father. "I didn't expect you to remember as much as you do. He would be so proud of the two of you."
"He had hopes that a Black would marry into your family." Dad sighed and another moment passed in silence. What were they discussing?
Lady Allegra broke the silence. "You are welcome to attend and see for yourself. I imagine once Jacob is crowned 'A Sua Forza' you and your family would want to be in attendance. Though you may not phase you and your daughters are wolves. You have the gene. Hosting your family and pack will be my greatest honour. I owe Ephraim that much." Her soft hand raked through my messy hair. Her eyes glassed over momentarily, almost as if she was lost in the past…even if in brevity.
"But I am not a husband." I stammered interrupting the previous conversation. Nervousness began to bubble over in my stomach.
"A formality honestly." She kissed my head and made her way to the door. "I left directions on the table as well as a few numbers to reach me should you need to."
"Numbers?" Leah asked incredulous. "Can't we just think and you come?"
"You could," She tossed vicariously over her shoulder. "but then Jacob would have no reasons to have Krystal's number."
My face flashed neon red. "I…I…I…" I tried but the door shut and she was gone. I stumbled over to the table quickly and moved to lift the paper. In bold black elegant script and address less than five miles out was listed and just as she had stated, so was Krystal's name. I couldn't stop the palpatations in my chest if I wanted to.
A/N: And there you have it. This chapter was long but I figured I could get away with it because of how long it has been. Chapter 2 in TTSP will pick up the storyline from here. Hope to see you too.