Yay! The last chapter's finally here! And yep it's a lot longer than my usual chapters. Enjoy!


and you'll create a problem that was not even there in the first place...'

"Three things you cannot recover in life:
The WORD after its said,
The MOMENT after it's missed,
and the TIME after its gone."

Shinichi's POV


The clock ticked on as the silence between the two people occupying the table continued to stare at each other. One in her cold icy glare, the other in an almost flirtatious matter. That brought only brought in even more glares from the guy.

'I…really can't stand looking at this person.'

His eyes widen in the slightest when he flashed her one of those smiles, the very same one Kaito usually gave him. The sides of his lips curled upwards and his eyes were closed. He looked so sincere but it only made Shinichi more annoyed. Despite his undeniably handsome face and, judging from looking at him with the tight red turtleneck sweater, fine toned physique, he still couldn't find himself being attracted to him.

Two girls, who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen, walked by but paused for a moment to meet with his gaze. Their cheeks immediately deepen to a shade of pink. Saguru slowly fixed his blonde hair behind his ears. The ditzy duo giggled to each other before continuing to their table. Shinichi watched the scene with disgust.

'How can I spend the rest of my life with him? What kind of stupid, idiotic crap is this?'

Questions ran wild in his mind but he would never let her confusion show, especially not to the sitting in front of him.

He smiled sweetly at him.

Shinichi bit down on his teeth.

"I'm glad we are able to enjoy each other's company, even in silence." His voice finally broke the awkward, at least on Shinichi's end, silence between them.

"I never said I was enjoying this," the clearly irritated detective retorted.

"I see. What a pity…" He trailed off.

"Meaning…?" Shinichi raised his right brow as he waited for him to respond.

"Meaning…" he leaned in on the table and looked straight into his eyes. "…you should have already figured it out."

Shinichi's hands squeezed his chair's armrest. "You're annoying me." he said flatly.

The blonde chuckled lightly. "You can be really charming, Shinichi."

He glared.

"Don't you think it is fate that you seem to know exactly where to find me?" His confidence ticked Shinichi off.

"I was on my way home and spotted you in this restaurant." his monotone voice deceived his inner turmoil.

"Deny what you will, Shinichi, but you're here now. With me."

Shinichi's mouth opened to respond but found he was at lost for words.

'Why am I here?'

"You're here because you were supposed to be here. The future has been laid out, Shinichi. Kaito's a fool for trying to change them. Just look at where it's gotten him now." His tone slowly changed to almost anger.

'But…he's in the hospital because of me.'

Shinichi's eyes shifted to the side. His mind floated to the snowy night, one of the scariest moments of his life. The hand on his shoulder snapped him back to reality. Not very pleased with being touched, he almost violently shrugged him off when the blonde's grip on his shoulder tighten.

"We're meant to be together, Shinichi. In the vision, you were so happy."

He froze.


"There was one particular dream where all three of us were having a picnic by the lake." Saguru continued to reminisce his visions.

"Three…" it came out in neither a question nor comment.

"Us and our son," he smiled down to him.

"He had my features but your personality. We ate the hearty food you prepared. Then me and our son went fishing while you watched us and ate strawberries picked from our garden. It was a beautiful dream. It's that something you would want to look forward to?" Saguru's warm breath caressed his cheek, but Shinichi ignored it.

For the first time that day he was able to smile. Slowly but surely, stood from the wooden seat. Saguru's face also beared a smile, thinking Shinichi had finally came to an understanding, but the smile quickly disappeared when he opened his mouth.

"Thanks… for that load of crap." he said in a mock sweet tone.

"What?" This time he was the confused fool.

Shinichi slapped his hand off his shoulder.

"In the future,if we're to ever meet again, refrain yourself from touching me to insure your safety." his tone frosted with ice. He grabbed his coat hanging on the back of his chair and walked towards the door.

"But, Shinichi." He tried to follow him , but his icy glare froze him over.

"I don't know what the hell you're trying to pull but for your information, I'm allergic to strawberries."


"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, Shinichi deserves happiness. Something I can't provide. Saguru loves him. He can make Shinichi happy…"

The two exited the hospital with the boy in a wheelchair and the girl pushing him out.

"Hey Toru, wasn't that the boy we took to the emergency room this morning?" Kenshin, tapped his friend's shoulder.

"Hmm, it did look like him. But he's not supposed to leave yet. With that kind of injure, he needs to reach here for at least a month." They looked at each other in puzzlement before shrugging it off and went back to work.

imalineimalineimalineimaline (o.O)

Shinichi felt nervous as he neared the hospital.

His mouth dried and his stomach was doing flips. He suddenly stopped as when he reached the front of the hospital. Stranger's eyes turned to him as they walked past. A low chuckle escaped his mouth.

'What do you say to the person who had a hand in your parent's death? How do… how do you tell him, despite all that's said and done, you still want to be with him.'

Shinichi contemplated hard on the matter, then someone caught his eyes. On the other side of the hospital glass door was Kazuha running with her arms thrown wildly in the air. The frantic girl was clearly running towards him yelling something incoherent.

"Shinichi, it's terrible! Kaito… gone… check out… gone…no sign of him…" Kazuha yelled in between trying to catch her breath.

"What! Talk slowly!" Shinichi grew anxious. The words he was able to hear didn't settle well with him at all.

"Kaito… left… hospital … for good." Kazuha spelled it out to the detective.

Shinichi's face paled.

'No… Kaito…'

***scene change**

He hated crying. It was a sign of weakness, an emotion he refused to show anyone, even himself. But there he was, running around town with tears running down his face.

His head spun as his feet carried his body to wherever they could take him. Shinichi's hand unconsciously clutched tightly to the ring on the necklace given to him earlier that day. He didn't know where to go; he just had one destination, one goal, to find Kaito.

The park where Kaito first wrapped his arms around him came into view. The very same place he felt their heart beating in unison. The very place he where he first...fell in love.

'I love him damn it! And I want to be with him. It doesn't matter what happened.'

Shinichi slowed down his pace as he approached the small arched bridge. Stopping at the exact spot Kaito first wrapped his arms around Shinichi, he wrapped his arms across his chest as the memories came flooding in. Shinichi suddenly felt an incredible tightness around his chest. It hit him so hard his legs gave out and he landed on his knees on the snow covered bridge. With only Kaito in his mind, the detective didn't realize he had been running around town searching for more than three hours. Shinichi finally found himself out of breath and aching all over.

'Argh... I can't get up. I can't even move from the spot. How can I be so weak?'

Shinichi scolded himself with a pound of his fist into the icy snow.

'And what's this feeling?'

His hand clutched the front of her coat.

'I hate this feeling. Everything feels so...hopeless.'

Everything began to dim.

'No... I'm going to lose him...'

More tears managed to flow down his face right before he collapsed and everything turned to darkness.

His head was throbbing but he could hear people conversing not far from him. His eyes opened slowly.

He blinked once, twice, and suddenly everything came into focus.

Shinichi was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Turning to his right, he could make out two figures, obviously two girls. They seemed to be in an argument about something that Shinichi couldn't quite make out from the distance. Frankly he didn't care at the moment. He was more concern about how he got there and who was responsible.

"Oh, you're awake!" The girl who still hid behind the shadow exclaimed happily.

The voice was slightly familiar. Shinichi thought hard on who it could be but only succeeded in causing his head to throb even more.

"Oh come on, he only fainted from exhaustion." The other girl spoke and that's when it hit him. Shinichi couldn't help himself from letting out an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes. The two figures finally came into view and no doubt, they were who he assumed to be.

"Shinichi, are you ok?" Aoko asked, obviously concerned for the boy lying in bed with his hand pressed to his forehead.

"...getting there," he answered after shaking his head slowly from side to side hoping it could help. "How long was I out?"

"Nearly an hour." The younger girl joined in. "You were attracting quite an audience laying there on the bridge." Shiho spoke without even looking at him. Shinichi looked at her, her arms were crossed and had a pissed off expression on her face.

Or maybe that's how she always looked, Shinichi began to wonder himself. He suddenly became angry. Who was she to express her disapproval of his actions? She wasn't his sister, she wasn't his anything. His eyes grew menacing as he continued to stare angrily at her. Still, Shiho refused to look his way. Finally fed up with being ignored, Shinichi turned the other way.

Aoko took a seat on the bed and placed her hand on Shinichi's shoulder. The detective stiffen from her touch. He still wasn't use to any type of human physical contact.

"You really love him, don't you?" Shinichi's breath caught in his throat but he didn't reply. "He really loves you too." Aoko said softly as if to reassure the still unmoved boy. "He said he's doing what's best for you."

Shinichi froze. 'What?'

"You know where he is?" Shinichi asked as he turned slowly back to the siblings. Aoko looked to her sister. Shinichi caught the slightest shook of Shiho's head and Aoko turned to look sadly back at her. "You do know." He stated firmly, sure of it now more than ever.

'They must know. How else would they know where to find me? Kaito must have put them up to this.'

The thought put the tiniest smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Shinichi." Aoko shook her head slowly side to side. He evidently didn't want to keep Kaito's location a secret from him. "I promised him I wouldn't tell you."

Shinichi stared sadly into Aoko's eyes. Her breathing grew more rapid by the seconds. "Do you know..." He wasn't in control of his body any longer. His body shivered from fear of not seeing Kaito again and tears rolled freely from his puffy, tired eyes.

"...how long I've waited from him? How long I had to live in misery, living without any meaning, living without... really living!"

His hands grabbed on to Aoko's shoulder firmly. "Please, I don't want to lose the one meaningful person in my life. I literally don't think I can live without him." Shinichi was pleading now, and he didn't care just how pathetic he must looked to them right then.

Aoko looked to her sister once more, her eyes also pleading for Shinichi. Shiho stared back for a moment before letting out a sigh. There's no way she can say 'no' to those eyes.

"I'll drive you."

Kaito sat on a wheelchair staring out the window at the airport, his trademark smile no where in sight. Any minute now preparations in the private Nakamori jet would be done and he would be off to another country. The sulking magician thought of his destination, Paris. Quite a strange place when you're trying to forget a loved one.

'No, not forget him. I never want to forget him.' Kaito brought his hand up to his mouth with two of fingers covering his lips and the others propped under his chin.'But...it's so painful to think about him knowing I can't be with him.' His chest tighten, his heart ached. 'It's not fair, I love him so much...'

His whole body suddenly went limp. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to leave. At the moment, he could just dropped dead right there for all he cared.

"Master Kuroba, the jet is ready," a man dressed in a gray suit informed him. Kaito took a deep breath.

'I'm doing this for him. I want him to be happy.'

He turned to the suited man and nodded, her face now plaster with her grin. "Let's go."

Shinichi found himself running again. He took off in a sprint as soon as he stepped out of Shiho's red Ferrari. He had given him the exact direction while on their way to the airport. His mind was racing as he ran repeating three words over and over under her breath.

"Please be there. Please be there. Please be there..."

After pushing many people along the way to the side, Shinichi finally reached the private part of the airport. He flashed a card Shiho gave him to the security and they quickly let him through without questions. His legs carried him to where Shiho said Kaito should be boarding, which was just around the corner.


Shinichi turned the corner to find it completely empty, not a single soul in sight. He ran to the door leading to the jet and tried to open it.

'Locked! Damn it!'

"Hello!" Shinichi began banging on the door. "Can anyone hear me! Please open the door! It's very important! Please! Please...?" With no reply and was no sign of anyone around, Shinichi slowly began to lose hope. He cried again and chuckled after a long while.

'I'm crying again. How is it that he's managed to make me cry more in these couple days than I ever did in my whole lifetime?' He wanted to laugh at the thought. Shinichi walked over and sat down on one of the chair set in a row. He wasn't sure how long he had been sitting there. Could have been a few minutes or hours, Shinichi was completely oblivious to the surrounding world. But then...

"Shinichi?..." his head shot up instantly. There by the door sitting on a wheelchair was Kaito, with an equally confused expression on his face. The thought of him being just a dream crossed Shinichi's mind. That he could have fallen asleep and be dreaming all this up. However, the thought didn't stop him from running towards the wheelchair-bounded boy and throwing his arms around Kaito as soon as he reached him.

"Kaito!" Shinichi said, happy and out of breath. "You're real." He realized. His voice was muffled as he buried his face in Kaito's hair.

"Shinichi...what are you doing here?" Kaito's arms slowly wrapped around Shinichi when he suddenly pulled back. He didn't even have a chance to react before Shinichi's right hand slapped him hard across the face and wrapped his arms around him again.

Kaito's eyes were opened wide in shock. He wasn't sure what just happened, but then they began to register. He smiled.

"I deserved that." He said thoughtfully.

"Don't you ever leave me again." Shinichi commanded, his hug around him tightening.

"But, Shinichi..."

"I don't care what happened before. It wasn't your fault, I know. I just needed some time to think it over. You didn't...you didn't have to leave." He sobbed into the shoulder of Kaito's sweater.

"Shinichi, that's not why I left,." He said painfully.

"What?" The detective pulled back slowly to look Kaito in the eye. He looked at his tear drenched face. Kaito wanted to kick himself for being the cause of his sadness.

"You should be with Saguru." He looked away as he spoke. "He can make you happy." Shinichi shook his head, not believing what he was saying.

"There's no way I can ever be happy living with that arrogant, egotistical brother of yours."

"But I saw you in the dream with him..."

"That's not me!" Shinichi yelled sternly. "Saguru told me about the dream and that's not me."

"He looked just like..."

"I'm telling you it's not me!" He cut him off again. "I'm allergic to strawberries." Shinichi added to reassure him.

"You are?" Kaito was more confuse than ever. The guy in the dream was clearly Shinichi, or he looks just like him, only slightly older by a couple years and a longer pony tailed hair. But since that's the future, Shinichi could have grown his hair by then.

"Yes, I've been allergic to them since I was born. I had to be hospitalized from eating them while I was younger. I don't want him. I don't want that future dream. Not if that future doesn't have you." Shinichi's eyes never left Kaito's. "You owe me Kuroba Kaito."


"You owe me a lifetime of happiness. Don't you dare abandon your responsibility." The magician pulled out the necklace he gave him and held it up to their eye level. The ring on the necklace swung back and forth. "Remember what this symbolizes?" Kaito's eyes followed the swinging ring a few times before landing back on Shinichi's eyes.

"Love." He said with a smile. "It symbolizes...my crazy love for you." Kaito pulled Shinichi in and captured the other's lips with him. Both of their bodies immediately burst with warmth. Shinichi's hands dug into Kaito's dark hair as his hands roamed Shinichi's back. They soon broke the kiss concerned with where their heated passion would lead them. Kaito obviously wasn't physically ready for anything more intimate then just kissing. The two proceeded to staring at each other's eyes with their forehead and nose pressed together.

"I love you, Shinichi." He whispered for only his ears.

"I love you, Kaito." He said back to him in an even lower tone.

"You know you sound very sexy in that tone?" Kaito grinned at him. Shinichi hit him playfully on the shoulder and Kaito faked a wince in pain. The two laughed as they exit the airport.

"Hey look!" Shinichi pointed out the window. Kaito's eyes shifted towards the window. His smile broaden at the sight. Outside small, white flakes of snow started coming down as if reminding him not to forget the promise he made to Shinichi.

'Don't worry, I kept my promise. And hopefully I won't have to make that kind of promise again because I don't intend to ever leave his side.'

Saguru sat on the bench outside him and Kaito's Japanese home watching the snow as they fell from the sky. They soon covered everything in sight leaving the city a beautiful sight to behold.

"Maybe Kaito had the right idea in changing the future for his own benefit. You still haven't won yet, brother. Everything's still up for grabs."

He got up to retreat to the house.

"Damn... I hate it when it snows..."


okayyy ... so that wasn't actually an ending ..

i'm planning to so a sequel :)

gimme ideas peeps ..

and how did it go?

did you like it? hate it?

flames are welcome as long as you peeps tell me something bout it :0

and by the way ..

since I'm done working on this...

I'll finish working on Blackmail :)

oh i'll be hoping for your reviews!

