So, I went missing for a bit. I apologize.

Um, so I'm not really feeling this story anymore, so I'm leaving it as is and marking it complete. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'm done with this AU. Lovino just left Antonio, bros. I know you kids want to know what happened when he got back, if he ever did.

THUS: Pretty Odd.

The next arc will contain the following: GenBends, a lot of mistakes, pregnancy, Antonio being as bright as a lightbulb, Lovino drinking a helluva lot, etcetra, etcetra. I might even take some suggestions up on it (leave them in the comments of PM me), though I do have a bit of a plotline, since the album is called Pretty Odd. My favorite album, really.

Anyways, I know some of you might not like the idea of genderbends, so just imagine Antonio spammed Lovino's phone, Lovino got tired and pissed, and they made up and had wonderful make-up sex and lived happily ever after.


Before I drop off to start working on the new arc (should be up late today or tomorrow, possibly) I just wanna say thanks to all my readers and reviews, you guys really are what keep me going, even if there are so few. That being said, on my writing Tumblr [bellissimosogno] I'm taking requests for any pairing in Hetalia, Homestuck, and various other shows. So if you're interested, drop by!

Until the next story is posted,