Chapter 9: Leo attacks; Bob's slim issue; Raven's bussiness


At G-Corp

Kazuya: (at his office, drinking coffee)

Leo: (bursts out the door)

Kazuya: (spits coffee) You again?!

Leo: Yes me! Who do you think!?

Kazuya: What the heck are you doing here little bo—uh… little girl? (thinks) Or is it a boy?

Leo: Shut up! I thought you knew before you killed my mother!

Kazuya: You destroyed my door! It's mahogany!

Leo: I don't care!

Kazuya: Then you should at least use a door bell… or knock on my door… O_o

Leo: Enough! (charges Kazuya)

Kazuya: Wait! I'm having my coffee! Let me finish first!

Leo: (halts) O_o Oh…ok…

Kazuya: So… want to have coffee before we could fight while waiting?

Leo: Hmm… (thinks) White cream, with sugar please!

Kazuya: (mumbles) Tch… like what other women would prefer.

Leo: Excuse me?

Anna: (enters, sees Leo) Uhh… what's going on here?


Xiaoyu: WHAT!? Leo charges the G-Corp again?!

Steve: Yeah… and she was all fired up!

Hwoarang: Whew… I wonder what she's doing there right now.

Jin: She's one crazy girl. Charging at my father's office =.=

Hwoarang: Well at least she's not as old fashioned as you are!

Lili: (sips) Like what do you mean?

Hwoarang: I mean, who would give a damn to ride his motorcycle, drive at the train pathways, go explode, dodge big bullets, then comes at night and attacks his father before coming to his helicopter?! It's so old fashioned! (The Tekken 6 trailer)

Jin: (chuckles) I think you just described how awesome I am… (sips coffee)

Steve: You're over confident, Jin… =_=

Xiaoyu: So… you were the one who made that big mess at the bullet train huh?

Jin: Uh…y-yeah it was me.

Xiaoyu: Did you know I got late at school because of that?! (stern look) The train got jammed and was fixed 2 hours later!

Asuka: Uh-oh.

Jin: I'm sorry Xiao =_= I didn't know!

Lili: Well, cut that! Here comes Leo.

Leo: (enters Tekkenbucks) Wazzup guys?

Steve: So…how was the fight Leo?

Leo: We didn't fight…

All: WHAT!?

Lili: Then what did you do there?

Leo: Well…we had coffee… talk about crazy things about how Kazuya will beat the crap of his son?

Jin: Whew….thanks for the information… =_=

Leo: And also…Anna giving tell offs to Kazuya.

Hwoarang: Wohohoho…she does that?

Xiaoyu: how her sister does to Jin… (glares to Jin)

Jin: Hey! Xiao! =.=

Steve: Hahaha! Wow, my mom giving tell offs to Jin! Blimey!

Jin: Well, that's because she was giving me heavy loads of files about the TTT2 tournament… (pouts)


Raven: Hey there Dragunov!

Dragunov: ….

Raven: How are you?

Dragunov: (shrugs)

Raven: You're going somewhere?

Dragunov: (shrugs)

Raven: Like where?

Dragunov: (thinks, then shrugs)

Raven: Uh… you have anything to say?

Dragunov: (looks down) Your zipper is open.

Raven: What? (looks down) OH! W-Well catch you later! (leaves)

Dragunov: … stupid.

At MARSHALL NOODLES (not yet a bar)

Julia: Hey there mom!

Michelle: Oh hi there dear! What brings you here?

Julia: Uh… nothing. It's just that, I have a big problem.

Michelle: (cleaning the bar counter) Ok dear. Spill it.

Julia: Ganryu is chasing me again T.T

Michelle: Well… I thought you're used to it…

Julia: But this is different! He's holding spoon and fork and a napkin around his neck while chasing me!

Paul: (sweeping the floor) Are you saying he's gonna eat you up?

Julia: No, actually he's inviting me to a date. But I found it a disgrace seeing you with a guy like that!

Marshall: (cleaning the table) Wait a second. Isn't Ganryu too old for you?

Julia: Yeah. But since mom and I look alike, he mistaken me as mom (turns to Michelle) PLEASE GIVE ME MY MASK BACK!

Michelle: Dear, it's in the laundry, about 5 blocks from here.

Julia: WHAT!? (hurriedly leaves)

Forest: Why is Julia in a hurry?

Marshall: Well son, you've got to understand women when they are trying to run away from men.

Forest: Oh yeah? Well how do you explain Eddy getting away from Christie?!

Michelle: Hmm… (thinks) I think…. Eddy is gay.

Paul: Why so, Michelle?

Michelle: Nothing… I just thought so.

Miguel: (scoffs) He just don't know how to appreciate women!

Zafina: Shut up Miguel.

At Mishima Zaibatsu

Lars: Where is Jin?

Eddy: I heard he's in a coffee break at Tekkenbucks.

Nina: He has his coffee break for like 5 hours ago!

Alisa: I think he just freshened up, that's why.

Nina: Well whatever. He might be with Xiaoyu again.

Alisa: Actually, he's with your son and the others too.

Eddy: Oh I see. (turns to Lars) So what are we off today?

Lars: Uh…like the usual. Go fight, make coup de tats, and charge like a moron and stuff.

Alisa: Charge like a moron?

Nina: (whispers to Alisa) Like he always does.

Alisa: Oh…

Lars: W-Wait! D-Don't listen to her, Alisa! She's just a crazy old hag!

Nina: (gasps) How dare you!? (tackles Lars)

Eddy: (stares at Nina) So… who is the one who charges like a moron here again?


Hwoarang: Oh damn it! How did Kazama beat me!?

Jin: Hwoarang, what we were playing was Tekken Tag 1. You should know in the first place I could beat you, you know?

Steve: (phone rings) Oh, wait I got a message. (reads message)

Leo: What does the message says?

Steve: (shocked) Bloody hell! Mom attacked Lars!

Xiaoyu: What!? Again!?

Leo: Well… as expected of the Williams… (glares to Steve)

Steve: Why are you looking at me like that?

Asuka: Seriously, Nina needs to work on her crazy habit.

Lili: Crazy habit?

Asuka: Yeah…crazy habit to tackle somebody.

Jin: Oh men! (slaps forehead) I'm going to pay for the expenses again!

Asuka: Come on. You're rich, you know that.

Jin: Well that's not the point here…

Xiaoyu: Hm? What is?

Jin: Lars will definitely ask for my assistance about his….figure.

Leo: His…what?

Hwoarang: WTF? He's more refined than Lili here.

Lili: Got to agree. Is Lars gay that he's so worried about his figure?

Jin: (shrugs) Well, you can't blame him. He's turning 30, reason to be worried for his figure.

Xiaoyu: Hahaha! He must be examining his face everytime and worried about his wrinkles!

Jin: Actually, he really does that.

Xiaoyu: O_o oh…

(They saw Raven running)

Steve: Oh hey there! Where are you going!?

Raven: I-I need to hide somewhere…

Asuka: Why? Somebody chasing you?

Raven: No! I just… need to take care of this (looks down on his pants)

All: (disgusted, looks away)

Xiaoyu: Seriously Raven, you need a break!

AT BOB's House

Bob: (on his computer)

Bryan: (on his wheel chair) Hey there Bob, whatya dooooing? (Phineas and Ferb style)

Bob: Oh, just checking some websites.

Bryan: About what?

Bob: Articles about how to slim?

Bryan: (jerk look at Bob) Seriously? You never give up, do ya?

Bob: It's like you're saying I don't have a chance in sliming again! T-T

Bryan: Look at your table! (points at chips, crackers, snacks, soft drinks all over the place)

Bob: I was hungry!

Bryan: No wonder your fat!

Bob: (goes to the window) One day, I'll go slim again! Mark my words, zombie maniac! (jumps off the window)

Bryan: Zombie what!? Hey! (looks down, and saw Bob at the ground, with Dragunov under him)

Dragunov: Help! A big meteor hit me!

Bryan: Whew…so that's how Dragunov sounds like when asking for help.


Marduk: So, Bob left you like that?

Bryan: Yeah. But it was pitiful to see Dragunov being squeezed in by Bob.

Armor King: That's sad.

Dragunov: (drinking his vodka) He broke my ribs.

(Lee enters the bar)

Lee: Excellent! What a nice day to do Oppa—

Hwoarang: (hits him with a shoe) NO MORE!

Anna: (slaps Hwoarang's back) That was my stiletto, you brat!

Nina: Why is your shoe always been used to hit somebody?

Anna: Remember that time at Blood Vengeance when we made a high kick together?

Nina: (drinks her scotch) Yeah? What about it?

Anna: That's where it started…

Nina: Oh O-o

(Shin Kamiya enters the bar)

Shin: So…this is the place huh?

Jin: Hey Shin!

Shin: Oh hey there….uhh… do I know you?

Jin: =.= Shin, it's me! Jin Kazama!

Christie: (at the counter) Wow, only one person doesn't know Jin completely.

Jaycee (Julia): (at the counter as bartender) Yeah. So you need anything, Christie?

(Eddy enters the bar)

Christie: EDDY! (jumps off, chases Eddy again)

Jaycee: I shouldn't have asked… (sighs)
