*After the Tournament

AT Mishima Zaibatsu

Jin: (in his throne room, bored) Men, this is boring. Good thing I have to pick up Xiao after her class ^^

Nina: (enters with files covering her face) I'm afraid you wouldn't do that until you finish ALL of this.. (tumbles the files infront of Jin)

Jin: What the….it's too many! And I gotta go and pick Xiao!

Nina: Jin… its 1 in the afternoon..

Jin: Mreh… who cares.. your not even my secretary!

Nina: Well… since you DIDN'T hire any secretary.. I'm going to be one.. and be a body guard at the same time… whether you like it not! (evil laugh)

Jin: NOOOOOO! Geeh… wish Xiao was my secretary

Nina: Hey good idea….

AT G-Corporation

Kazuya: (crying)

Anna: Oh please… will a whining grown-up man tell me why he's crying?

Kazuya: I MISS JUN! (continues to cry) T-T

Anna: But it was just the last tournament when you saw her… and aren't you two living together?


Steve: Hey Hwoarang! Wanna…. oh… O.o

Hwoarang: What? *hiccups*

Steve: Your drinking? Its afternoon, idiot!

Hwoarang: Didn't I tell you that THIS is my dessert after I eat lunch?

Steve: You mean WINE? Dude, that's VODKA!

Hwoarang: (looks at his bottle) OH…*hiccup* Im screwed…


Jun: ahhhhh…. finally I can relax after a heavy tournament!

Jaycee: I remember you head-butt me last time… so, how was it living with Kazuya?

Jun: stressful…

Jaycee: Why?

Jun: Well everynight he always tell me how much he loves me… which really flatters me… but one time… I saw him watching-

Jaycee: OOOhhh watching what?

Jun: Watching a movie about 2 lovers who were not meant together. This time, he cried for like 2 and a half hours…

Jaycee: Oh… I saw that movie… but I didn't know he would have such a soft heart that he cried… I can let him borrow my CD..

Jun: better not… I'm worried how'll Kazuya turn our after he watched it..

Jaycee: Hmmm…. yeah..


Eddy: *inhales* Finally! What a good day to start a day! Birds chirping, hot rays of sun.. and-

Christie: EDDY!

Eddy: Oh no…

Christie: Eddy! (chases Eddy)

Eddy: Get away from me! (runs)

Christie: EDDY eddy eddy EDDY!

Outside the APARTMENT

Steve: Hwoarang, you know you should be dating girls already! So you won't end up being alone in your apartment, searching JIN to kick his butt, and end up drinking!

Hwoarang: But I'm a loner and nobody likes me! (saw Lili coming) Here watch this. HEEEEYY Lili.. How are you…*hiccup*

Lili: (smells the vodka from his mouth then started to run away)

Hwoarang: Zeeeee….? *hiccup*

Steve: But that only because YOUR breath smells like a- (Eddy bumps to Steve leaving him lying on the sidewalk unconcious)

Eddy: Oh hey Steve! Sorry!

Christie: (at a distance) Eddy!

Eddy: Gotta run! (runs away… then Christie passed on Steve's lying body)

Hwoarang: *hiccup* hey Zzteve.. NO sleeping on the Zzzzidewalk… *hiccup*

AT Mishima Zaibatsu

Jin: Oh dear... this could take forever! Hey, this is my company.. I could sneak through!
(Jin was sneaking to the elevator when..)

Lars: Jin?

Jin: Uncle Lars!

Lars: What are you doing?

Jin: Oh uh.. Nina gave me a heavy load of files.. and I have to pick Xiao after her school..

Lars: Hmm... I got that problem too... But good thing Alisa does it for me...

Jin: Wait... I thought ALISA work for ME?

Lars: Doesn't matter. Lee maybe changed some of her programs..

Jin: screw you.. (sees NINA coming) woops gotta go.. WUSHU!

Nina: Lars, have you seen Jin?

Lars: ...uh NO! You think I'll lie for my nephew just to see his girlfriend?

Nina: I think you just did.. idiot...


Jin: Finally! Its a good day! Birds chirping, crimson sky above and- (thud) What the... Steve?

Hwoarang: (Sitting in the corner) HEY *hiccup* do I know you?

Jin: Hwoarang? What are you doing here? Why wouldn't you take Steve to a hospital?

Hwoarang: Naaaaahh.. don't worry! He's just sleeping!

Jin: Man he's bleeding!

At a NEARBY hospital

Julia: So.. he was hit really hard.. but he'll be fine.. he's too stubborn to die...

Jin: I can't believe your a doctor _" . But I'm more worried about Hwoarang. I think he's drunk..

Julia: HM? Why say so?

Hwoarang: (singing in failed pitch voice) And Iiiiiiiii...iyah! Will always *hiccup* LOVE YUUUUU.. uuuwah! Will always- (Julia hits him hard on the head making him unconcious)

Julia: There.. better...

Jin: WOW O.o for a doctor...

Julia: So.. I think I'll call Steve's mother.. Nina.. to let her know what happened to her son..

Jin: Ok just don't tell her that I paid all the expenses and picked up Steve to the hospital..

Julia: What the.. are you saying that I'll lie to Nina that the drunk up Hwoarang just carried his..his.. LIMP friend all the way to the hospital?

Jin: exactly..

Julia: That won't even make a sense!

At Mishima Polytechnic...

Xiaoyu: *inhales, exhales* What a day! Maybe I should...Jin?

Jin: Hey Xiao x3

Xiaoyu: Jin your already here? How long have you been waiting?

Jin: 2 hours...

Xiaoyu: You ran away from work.. huh?

Jin: Hey! Nina gave me a hard time! Julia actually told me the same thing _"

Xiaoyu: Julia? She's working at the hospital right?

Jin: Yeah.. can't believe she's a doctor _"

Xiaoyu: Why? What happened?

Jin: I saw Steve lying on the ground bleeding.. and Hwoarang was just drinking Vodka..

Xiaoyu: This afternoon?

Jin: Yeah.. but Steve will be fine.. Julia called Nina

Xiaoyu: He's too stubborn to die.. like her mother..

Jin: what?

Xiaoyu: I'm hungry...

Jin: Wanna eat..? I know a restaurant..

Xiaoyu: Yey! Food!

AT Marshall Noodles Comedy Bar

Lei: So.. when I told them to FREEZE... they FROZE! (Bryan played a humor drum play)
(all Tekken characters laughed)

Marshall: That was-

Lee: Excellent! *thumb up*

Marshall: Shut it Lee...hey! Why are you in-

Lee: Violet? Well... it's my favorite COLOR!

(everybody stopped what the are doing then startled at Lee)

Lee: What? o.O" (Bryan interrupts the silence then played the drums)


Jun: Honey, can you tell me why we're here?

Kazuya: Well actually.. I want to treat to a date... ^^

Jun: aww.. Kazzie your so sweet!


Xiaoyu: Why are we here Jin?

Jin: Uhm.. well I want to treat you on a date... ^^

Xiaoyu: aww Jin! You're so sweet!

(Kazuya and Jun: o_O")

Jin: Mom, dad! What are you doing here?

Kazuya: Same as you son! So... how was work...

Jin: Bad. Terrible.

Kazuya: I know...

Jin: So how's granpa?

Jun: He left first. He should be here by now
(Heihachi walks up the stage, drunk)

Heihachi: Im going to announce... the Tekken Tag Tournament 3! (evil laugh)

Jin: Oh no you won't! (hits Heihachi with a shoe)

Anna: Hey! That was mine!

Wang Jinrei: (walks up the stage) Come on Heihachi! You drank too much..

Xiaoyu: o.O can't believe OUR granpas is here..

At some STREET in the EVENING

Hwoarang: Hey Lili.

Lili: You don't smell vodka anymore

Hwoarang: Yeah, found myself in the hospital

Lili: why?

Hwoarang: Well.. Julia hit me hard.. cause I was singing terribly like drunk...

Lili: You were drunk...

Hwoarang: yeah.. Hey ..*ehm* wanna come to the comedy bar with me tonight?

Lili: Sure!

Eddy: (panting) HIDE MEEEEEEEEEEE!

Hwoarang: Why whats wrong Eddy?

Christie: EDDDYYY!

Eddy: HEEERRRR! (runs away, Christie passing through Lili and Hwoarang)

Hwoarang: I bet he's not gonna make it to the bar tonight..

Lili: Tsk, tsk. Poor Eddy..

Back at the Comedy Bar. Nina enters

Jin: Oh no! (Hides his head off the chair)

Xiaoyu: Calm down Jin! I think she's not here to scold you

Nina: Hi Xiaoyu, hi boss.

Xiaoyu: Hi Nina! (Jin jumps retrieves himself to his seat)

Jin: What are you doing here? You came here to scold me?

Nina: I wouldn't do anything to make my boss look like a lazy retard at work infront of his girlfriend..

Xiaoyu: Uhm... thanks Nina...

Nina: Instead... I made Lars do your work.

Jin: (spits his juice) Whaaaaaatttt?

Nina: I discovered he was covering his nephew's lazy habit all along..

Jin: Geehhh.. thanks Nina..

Nina: And also... Alisa's doing his JOB, so I punished him.

Xiaoyu: Wow like a real boss (glares at Jin)

Jin: ...what?

Nina: well gotta go talk to my witch sister... (leaves)

Jin: ...hmpf... one of HER kinds

Hwoarang and Lili enters

Lili: Wow! Everyone's partying!

Jaycee: (as bartender) What can I get you?

Lili: One champagne please!

Jaycee: (Turns to Hwoarang) And you?

Hwoarang: Naaaah... pass.. I've had enough vodka today.

Jaycee: So I heard ^^"

Lee takes the stage to himself, then started singing beautifully

Jin: Wow O.o I didn't know he could sing like that...

Xiaoyu: I feel sorry for Lars... he wasn't able to see Lee sing..

Jin: Why do I feel like your blaming me? T-T

Kazuya: Do you remember I used to sing that song to you when you were pregnant?

Jun: Really? When?

Kazuya: T-T

Author's note: Next FIC coming!