Welp, it was Sunday, the last day of my extremely relaxing weekend, and what did I have to show for it? I had about one drawing and an almost finished History project. Say it with me—LAME. I mean, come on. Who does History on the last weekend before the end of school?

I sighed and looked out the window, thinking about the unfinished project that I should have been working on instead of lazing around. I watched a bird whistle a sweet tune from my window. At least IT had something to do.

I sighed and turned back to my computer. I stared at the little cursor, blinking in and out of existence. This was one of the worst cases of writer's block I had EVER had. In fact, I figured that the words writer's block must have come from the fact that the condition was like encasing your writing muse in large, thick blocks and making her have nothing to do but watch mimes. (I have no idea where the mimes came from, but that's how I always pictured it.)

I closed my eyes and bashed my head repeatedly into the keyboard, filling the once empty screen with lots of random letters. "WHY THE HECK CAN'T I THINK OF ANYTHING?"

When I had finally stopped my bashing, I had a massive headache, and my laptop was completely going haywire. I looked up and clasped my hands together. I was an Atheist, and I knew that the Christian God or whatever completely hated my guts for that, but hey, it was worth a shot.

I closed my eyes. "Hey, God! If you can find a great way to cure me of my writer's block, maybe I'll start believing in you! Because I've got thousands of bloodthirsty readers raving for me to update on Fanfiction! (HA. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT I HAVE EVEN ONE READER.)

I opened my eyes and looked at the blinking cursor on the screen.


I moaned and shut off my computer. "Maybe if I take a walk my thoughts will come together. It is a nice day out."

I went to my closet and picked out a white tank top and a pair of jean shorts. Then I went to the hooks on my wall and looked at the massive amount of sweaters hanging from them. After looking them all over at least twice, I picked a small black one and put it on. Then I left my room.

My brother was on the couch, watching videos on his iPhone. He looked up when I went to the door and put my black loafers on. "Where are you going?"

I looked at him. "Just for a walk. I won't be out long."

He nodded and went back to his phone. I opened the door and rushed out, slamming it shut behind me.

I was free.

_(time skip)_

I walked onto the soft, green grass and looked around at the houses lining the street. I had decided about halfway through my walk that I would go to the park. You know, just to check things out a bit. I was almost there, and I noticed that almost everyone was inside their houses today. I guessed it must have been too hot for them, but I never minded the heat. Heck, it must have been at least eighty degrees outside, and I was wearing a sweater.

When I reached the park, I smiled and sniffed in the fresh air. Finally. A place where I could think in peace.

And then I saw this little girl in the playground's sandbox.

She seemed younger than me, about six or seven years old. She had long, stick-straight white hair that seemed like it would reach the back of her calves if she ever stood up. At first, the thought of someone else in the park made me want to leave, as I was a solitary person, but then she turned around to face me. And then I saw her most striking feature: her eyes. They were completely white, even the pupil, but what was slightly unnerving was that it didn't seem to be a result of blindness at all. In fact, she could obviously see perfectly fine.

She smiled a cute, little-kid smile at me, and motioned me to come closer. I had a strong sense that I should leave, but then I scolded myself. I didn't like people, but I knew I was going to have to get used to them eventually. And after all, she was just a slightly unusual girl who probably just wanted me to play with her. What was wrong with that? And so, despite the feeling in my gut, I came closer.

She gestured for me to kneel down next to her, so I did. She came very close to my face, just so our noses were about an inch apart, and she spoke in a very soft, very eerie voice.

"Would you like to see the hole I've dug?"

As I looked to her side, I saw a bucket full of sand and a shovel nearby a hole. She had been doing some digging, and, like all little kids, she wanted somebody to admire her work.

"Sure," I said, and peered over the hole, expecting it to be small.

My jaw dropped.

The hole was bottomless. Across, I could only fit a person about my size, but it was still bottomless. The sand was completely packed in, except for jutting rocks that lined the sides of the pit.

I turned around to see the girl. "HOW—"I began, but I stopped when I saw her devious smile.

"Would you like to see where it leads?"

And before I could utter another sound, she pushed me with surprisingly strong hands into the pit.

I screamed as I fell, the image of the girl waving at me receding quickly. She was still smiling that mischievous grin of hers.

"I hope this fixes your writer's block!" she yelled after me.

I gaped. "HOW DID YOU KNOW I HAD—"I started, but once again, I was cut off as I hit my head on one of the jutting rocks, and I blacked out.

A/N: okay, I know the first chapter is not much, but this will be a FMA Fanfiction. And to anybody who reads this: how do you update a story? Do you do the same thing you would do if you are posting it? And do you think of the main character (who's name has not been revealed yet) as a Mary Sue? Please warn me if she does turn into one during the story, or if I use something too cliché in my story, and if there is any OOC ness introduced at all in the FMA characters. All flames will be given to my brother to substitute for a flamethrower. Please review!