Disclaimers: I own NOTHING! Nothing I tells ya!

Author's Note: I had a little lapse in my inspiration for awhile but here it is, Enjoy!

Chapter: Morning after (And not like that! Perv!)

Taking a sip from her cup, Roxanne read the morning paper while waiting on her breakfast to come in the restaurant downstairs in the motel early in the morning. Dressed in a simple grey hoodie with a black tee under and black capri pants, followed by sneakers instead of the standard issued shinobi footwear since they are technically still undercover or inconspicuous. Still being the girl Milo with her short hair tied on top of her head and her tail wrapped unseen around her waist under the hoodie, they remain under the radar, especially with last night's activities and Roxanne almost choked on her coffee when she remember what she peeked last night.

Speaking of which.

Looking to the combined entrance of the restaurant that attached to the motel, Roxanne watches as Milo bids the girl good bye, giving her a kiss on the cheek and on the hand. The girl blushes, smiled and stutters out a goodbye before bumping into the door, blushes some more and scurry off into the morning light.

Roxanne giggles at the whole scene and when Milo turned to enter the restaurant, the first thing he saw was Roxanne who is giving him a knowing smile and instantly he blushed red, which set Roxanne off.

"Shut up" Milo mumbled as he took a seat at the table across from his look alike.

"I didn't say anything"

"You didn't have to" Waving to the waitress for coffee and rubbed his face. Roxanne waited until he added his cream and sugar, stirred the drink and took a sip.

"You know you should get some sun on that ass of yours, it's pale as a ghost" and smiled.

Milo spit out his coffee and choked, face turning red and thumping his chest as he cough, waving away the waitress who came back quickly and asked if he was ok.

Roxanne laughed out loud at the scene, leaned way back in her chair and toppled over onto the floor, which made her laugh harder.

When Milo got his breathing under control, Roxanne, still giggling but also got her breathing under control and climbed back up on her chair, wiped the mirth from her eyes. Giving a shit eating grin to her Jonin and winked which earned her a darker shade of red as he looked around to see people staring at them.

"You said you'll make yourself scarce" Milo quietly growled out through clenched teeth.

"And I did. Before and after. I just didn't think you'd have any stamina left after I came back from the bar" Brow raised and smirking. "Kudos. That girl will always remember the night she had with the Great Milo Hack"

Milo groaned, hide his face with his hands and dropped his head on the table.

"First You drug me. Then you pimp me out. And now I'm a porn star?"

Snorts "Hardly. Porn stars happen to be tan in all the right places, so if you want to be in the business, we got to get some sun on those cheeks" Roxanne slapped Milo's shoulders just as her breakfast came.

"Will that be all?" the waitress asked and by the looks of it, she was speaking to Milo who had yet to come back up from being face down on the table.

"He'll have the same as me. He had a long night last night and needs to replenish all those calories. Oh and can I have some more coffee, Please. Thank you" Roxanne smiled sweetly at the waitress as she gave a confused looked before it dawned on her what Roxanne meant.

"Of course" Refill the cup and took off to place the order, a tint of red on her cheeks as Roxanne smiled at the retreating back.

"Quit harassing the girl" Roxanne just laughed and started on her breakfast, neither saying a word as Milo's head is still on the table.

When his breakfast was coming, Roxanne poked the top of his head for attention and as Milo looked up, he silently took the plate from the waitress with a thank you and asked for his cup to be refilled.

As they ate in silence and sipped their coffee, Roxanne kept reading the paper until the end where she saw how the weather will be for today and tomorrow.

"Partly cloudy today and tomorrow, no chance of rain but a whole lot of wind" a grunt was her reply "At least it'll be nice when we leave today" another grunt.

Putting the paper down as she wiped her mouth, Roxanne stared at the Jonin across from her and drank her coffee. Milo ignored the burning sensation that came with someone staring and continued on with his food. After a while it got boring staring at that shaggy head of her Jonin so Roxanne signaled to the waitress for their bill and finished off her coffee.

With the bill in between them, both hands reached for it and both snapped up to glare at the other.

"Dude" Roxanne said.

"You've paid for everything so let me pay for breakfast"

"You mean with the money left over from last night" In his blinking stammer, his finger let loose of the check and Roxanne pulled it back to her with a smile.

"Even if you paid for it, I'll be the one paying"

"I swear you have too much money" Pulling out the wad of cash from last night, covering it with his napkin and sliding it over "Where a little girl like you get so much money?"

"Aside from not paying rent, having two mouths to feed and extra cash from these mission?" Removing the napkin, Roxanne looked at the bill and put down the right cash with tip before pocketing the rest. They stood, gave a small wave to their waitress and walked out the restaurant.

"I hope you or her didn't go through my stuff while I was relocated cause that would have been awkward to explain"

"Shut up" Milo mumbled as they walked to the room for their bags to check out and hit the road.


"So you didn't answer my question" Once they left the village and are a good distance did Roxanne dropped the jutsu and Milo spoke up.

"More like I answered your question with a question" She laughed at her own joke as she unwrapped her tail and gave it a good stretch before waving it around.

"You know what I mean" He sighs "Have you been saving from all the missions we've done?"

"Yes. I don't pay rent and even going shopping doesn't put a dent in my savings. I buy the odd trinket here and there plus film for my camera. Sometimes we have take-out every other day but mostly we make and dine in"

"And you still have that much cash left?"

"Also spending money from when my accountants send me a wad but that was from last month. So, yeah, I got a lot of money left over or was that the month before" Thinking about it with a finger on her chin, Roxanne didn't notice at first:

Milo stopped walking.

Roxanne stops after a couple steps and turns around, tilting her head at her Jonin in question.

"I know I didn't hear that right"

"My wad or my accountant?"

"You can't have an accountant, you're just a little girl!" Milo screamed

Roxanne smirked "A little girl with a big account" She held a finger up "You have to have accountants that'll invest your money wisely and make money for you. You can't expect me to go to the bank to deposit whatever I had at the time and have them not scam me. The interest alone will have me losing money, not making it" On and on Roxanne rambled as she walked ahead, not once looking back at the shocked Jonin behind her.

"What the hell is she?!" Milo said out loud enough that Roxanne heard and she answered.

"Rich, now move it Old man, we got a long way to go"


Arriving to their client's village with no interruption or surprise ambush, the squad escorted the client to his house just after sunset and when they reached his house the door flew open with a woman running to them as she threw her arms around their client. The squad stood back, letting them have their moment as they did a quick scan of the nearby houses.

After much talking between them, the client introduce them to his daughter who introduced a small boy by the doorway who looked at them, well glared at them in which they all discreetly glared back and promptly ignored. Their client offered them a place to stay for the night and they agreed.

Washing up, having a quick dinner and they all headed to their sleep area which happens to be a roomy attic. The boys and Sakura got their sleeping bags out and after settling down, they looked to their sensei who is sitting on the ledge of the open window sill, looking out to the dark.

"Sensei?" Sakura asked and Kakashi tilted his head to show that he's listening "What do we do now?"

"Yeah, after what Zabuza said about this Gato guy and his men, I don't think they are going to let up and allow Tazuna to start or finish this bridge"

"I doubt he'll be alive before that"

"And Zabuza said he'll help from the shadows but that'll only last so long as none of those guys find out"

"And how many of these gang bangers are we talking about?"

That question came with silence. All three Genin looked to their sensei.

"I'll do some recon and find out. Naruto, you got first shift. I'll be back soon" They all nodded and Kakashi disappeared out the window. Sakura sighed as she climbed into her sleeping bag, fluffed her pillow and got comfortable. Naruto did his signs for a clone, whispered to it and watch it leave through the window. Naruto looked to Sasuke who yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Get some sleep, teme. I'll be by the window" Sasuke immediately froze and latched onto the blonde's arm.

"But" and didn't finish because Naruto patted his hand and helped him with his sleeping bag, zipping it up to his waist.

"I know, Sasuke, but it's only tonight, I promise" Sasuke looked down, chest fallen and small pout. Naruto smiled and lifted Sasuke's chin with a finger "What can I do to make it better?"

Sasuke blushed and chewed on his bottom lip as he thought about it for a moment. Without saying a word, Sasuke tapped his lips and Naruto got the message. Leaning forward and closing his eyes, Naruto's lips touched Sasuke's lips gently, both sighed into the kiss.

Of course neither noticing a flash or a quiet squeal slash giggle.

When they parted, Naruto gave a wide grin when he saw that Sasuke looked a bit dazed from their kiss and had no problem in getting Sasuke to lay down, zipping the bag the rest of the way. Standing up, Naruto went to the window and sat, looking over the lights of the village and the stars in the sky.


Morning came and with it the smell of breakfast. Naruto and Sasuke woke up, stretching their arms above their heads. They sat up and looked around, seeing that Sakura is also up, they waved at her and stood.

"Did Kakashi sensei came back while you were up?" Naruto asked Sakura as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah, sometime before dawn. He's probably downstairs" One last yawn, Sasuke took Naruto's hand and led the way downstairs. Shoving the blonde into the bathroom and shutting the door before any protest, Sasuke leaned up against the wall with Sakura, waiting their turn to wash up.

Once everyone is wide awake and washed up, they headed downstairs, following their noses and came to the kitchen. Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami, is busying with the flipping of pancakes and bacon, and greeted the three when they stepped in the kitchen. Kakashi waved with one hand as he sipped coffee from the other on the table, sitting across from their client whose eyes are low lidded as he cradled a bottle in his hands. Sakura sighed but sat down next to Kakashi and poured herself some juice. Naruto and Sasuke sat on the other side, Sasuke pouring juice for the both of them. Everyone enjoyed the silence, the occasional sip here and there, and Tsunami quietly humming as she finished off the last of the pancakes.

Setting down the food, along with syrup and refilling Kakashi's cup, Tsunami told them to dig in. Saying their thanks, the squad took portions of eggs, bacon, pancakes and piece of toast. Sasuke made sure that Naruto had enough on his plate before starting on his, earning him a glare from the blonde and a giggle from Sakura with Kakashi smirking. Their client snorted and got up, making his way out the front door and sitting down on the steps.

When everyone finished eating, Sakura offered to help with the dishes but Tsunami declined, saying it'll keep her busy while thinking of what to make for lunch.

Kakashi cleared his throat for his squad's attention, signaling with his head to the door, Kakashi got up and left, the Genins following him, passing a now passed out client on the steps.

No one said anything as they walked through the trail in the forest on the outskirts of town. All four were spreading out their senses in all directions to make sure they weren't followed or listen in to. When Kakashi stopped, he crossed his arms and turned to his squad.

"What's the word sensei?"

"Not good and you're not going to like it"

"So Roxanne was right?"

A nod "Yep. Last night, I check where this Gato guy was holed up and by the looks of it, he has a lot more than we thought"

"So what do we do?"

"Last night I sent out an emergency letter to the Hokage with one of the faster ones. The response came back not long before you three got up and" Kakashi sighs as he uncrosses his arms to put on his hips "Looks like we're staying until the bridge is built as body guards"

"So are we staying with Tazuna or somewhere else?"

"As body guards, we have to stay with the client. I've already spoken with Tazuna and Tsunami, they're ok with us staying with them and we'll help out when we can. During the day while he's building, we'll take shifts. The same at night like we did last night. The rest of the time, we'll train so we don't slack off on duty"

"And if we run across these guys?"

"We'll do what we have to keep the client safe and us under the radar as much as we can"

"That won't be a problem yet" Said a voice behind them. They all turned to see Zabuza leaning against a tree and he's not alone. Next time him is the masked figure with their white face mask, hair in a bun with bangs on the side of their face, dark green robes and brown turtle neck sweater under and sandals. From what they can see, the figure looked pale compared to the dark tan of Zabuza.

"Zabuza-san" Naruto yelled and ran to the tall man, who chuckled and held his arms out for the blonde to run into and be picked up.

"How's my little man?" Zabuza asked as he nuzzled Naruto's cheek that earned him a giggle. Walking to the rest of the squad, Zabuza nodded to them and Sasuke stood close to the pair, getting him a chuckle and head pat.

"I'm alright"

"We're alright, Zabuza-san" Sasuke said. Zabuza smiled and leaned down to pick up the dark haired teen, who wrapped his arms around the man's neck. Straightening back up, Zabuza looked at the rest of the squad: Sakura giggled and Kakashi raised a brow in question.

"What? I can't help it if they are so cute that I just want to nibble on them" to prove it, Zabuza blew raspberries on Naruto's neck as he squealed loudly. Sasuke and Sakura laughed and Kakashi smiled. Nuzzling the blonde one last time, Zabuza turned to Sasuke and they touched their foreheads together.

"Did he sleep good?"

"He had the first shift last night before bed and made me go to sleep without him" Sasuke pouted to emphasize his displeasure.

Zabuza fake gasped "The nerve of him! Should I punish him?" Sasuke and Zabuza shared a smirked that Naruto saw and tried to squirm out of the adult arm. Zabuza's arm tighten and attacked the neck again with raspberries which made Naruto scream with laughter. Sasuke threw his head back and laughed at the sight of Naruto trying to get away from the torture.

Click, click, click.

Everyone froze at the sounds. All turning to where it came from.

Click, click, click.

Sakura smiled from behind a disposable camera with an smirk.

This time Kakashi was the only one to laugh out loud, holding onto his stomach and slapping his thighs. Zabuza recovered quickly, nuzzled Sasuke's cheek and turned to the blonde.

"Hey Sakura? Where you'd get the camera from?"

"From any convenient store. I got the idea when Roxanne gave me a photo and I knew then I wanted my own collection" Turning the clicker on the camera to see that it is full and round up, Sakura pocketed the camera and smiled at the faces of the boys.

Sasuke blinked "What photo?"

Sakura's smile widen.

"Sakura, what photo?" Naruto asked quietly.

Making sure they are all looking at her, Sakura slowly took out a square photo from her pocket and held it up. "This gorgeous photo of course"

And it disappeared from her hand.

Kakashi held up the photo to his face. No one said anything as they watched the expressions change on Kakashi's face.

First wide eyes, then a creepy smile crawled in and his face turned red, all in a matter of seconds. Then the worst part that had the boys shivering: Kakashi giggling like a girl with a hand up to his mouth.

The boys turned to each other, jumped out of Zabuza's arms and ran to their sensei, however, said sensei kept giggling and ran away out of their reach.

"Very mature sensei!" a hand grabbed nothing

"Dammit Kakashi! Stay put!" arms wrapped nothing

The boys and their sensei ran around Zabuza and Sakura, who couldn't contain their laughter, Even the masked figure's shoulders were shaking.

"Ooof" got their attention and turned to see the boys caught their sensei and tackled him to the ground, Naruto shaking him and yelling about the photo while Sasuke held Kakashi's arm back. Of course said photo lightly floated down from above where Kakashi threw in the air after getting caught, above Sakura and Zabuza, who picked it from the air and looked at said photo.

"Whoa" Zabuza purred then waved his hands to the masked figure. "Haku, come here and look at this!"

Everyone stopped and watched as the masked figure walked to the tall man, slipped off their mask and leaned over to see the picture. Naruto and Sasuke blinked as Kakashi slowly took Naruto's hands off his person, the boys and Kakashi stood.

"They are very cute" said the now unmasked figure as they took the picture to have a closer look.

"One of the many talents your sister has. She knows how to take a great picture at just the right angle with the perfect moment and timing" the shorter of the two nodded in agreement of the description.

"That she does" hearing feet padding towards them, the two looked up to see three Genins staring back at them.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Naruto asked as Sasuke stepped forward to look over the shoulder of the now unmasked person's. His eyes widen, his eyebrow hit his hairline and his face completely turned red. At seeing this, Naruto came up and took one look at the photo only to turn red also and sputtered.

"Wha how when?" Both boys stepped back as Sakura giggled and stepped forward to stand between Zabuza and his friend, admiring the photo in the shorter's hand.

"Aren't they just the cutest? My friend Ino and I passed out when we first saw the photo. Roxanne said that she caught it at just the right time and believe me, the blood lost was worth it" That got a chuckle from both next to her.

"Do you mind if we keep this?" Zabuza asked as he plucked the photo and waved it at Sakura.

"Sure, she said she had copies so I'll ask her for another when we get back" That earned her a pat on the head as Zabuza pocket the photo. Sakura smiled then turned to the other

"What's your name?"

"I'm Haku, Zabuza's partner" Haku introduced himself as he bowed to the pink haired girl.

"I'm Sakura. The blonde over there with his big mouth wide open is Naruto and the other that looks too pale to be healthy is Sasuke. The funny looking one is our Sensei, Kakashi" Sakura introduced everyone to Haku. After bowing to the others, Sakura leaned over and whispered:

"You're a boy, yes?" a none existent nod was her answer "Thought so" She grinned then turned to the boys:

"Guys! Stop having a beginning of life crisis and come meet Haku! It's not the end of the world, you know?!"

"But Sakura" Naruto cried at the same time Sasuke yelled "She has copies!?"

"No buts you guys, now stop being rude and come and meet Haku" Sakura turned to Haku "Sorry about that"

"Its fine. I'd be freaking out too if I found out someone took pics of me kissing my boyfriend and didn't know about it" Sakura giggled.

When the boys came back to the group, Naruto turned to Haku. "So, how long have you known Zabuza-san?"

"A couple years" Haku fully turned to the blonde and Naruto, being who he is, took in all of Haku from the tip of his toes to the top of his long hair, blushing.

"You're pretty" that comment earned him a hard jab to the ribs from Sasuke "Ow! The fuck, Teme! What was that for? Can't a guy compliment a girl on how pretty she is without the abuse?!" rubbing the sore spot.

"You Dobe! Haku's a boy!"

Naruto stopped rubbing his sore spot and looked to Haku, blinking and tilting his head this and that. Haku, used to being studied, stood looking back at the blonde and waited for the verdict. Sakura, Kakashi and Zabuza held their breath, waiting for the blonde to say something.

Naruto shrugged "He's still pretty"

And he didn't have time to duck when a fist knocked him hard on the head "Dobe!"

Everyone laughed as Haku smirked at the boys antics 'I'm definitely going to like hanging out with them'

Comments, Review, 2 cents are much appreciated!