Okay so I recently bought Tangled (finally yay!) and as I was watching it I was thinking "Flynn Rider reminds me of Lavi." So that's when I came up with the idea of making a D Gray Man Tangled fanfic. So this is what came from that idea. Enoy Knotted!



This is the story of how I died. Don't worry it's actually a fun story. This story is actually about a girl, a girl named Rapzunel, well Lily since I don't like trying to pronounce the other name. Let's start from the beginning.

Once upon a time a drop of pure sunlight fell to the Earth, from that drop grew a magic golden flower that had magical abilities, it could heal the sick and injured. Centuries passed and a kingdom was built and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen with their son. The king and queen were expecting their second child, but the queen got sick, really sick. They were afraid she wasn't going to make it, that's when they were hoping for a miracle, or in this case a magic golden flower. So the search began. However, someone else found the golden flower. Mother Lulu Bell, a possessive old woman found the flower and kept it to herself instead of sharing the flower's gift and horded it's powers to keep herself young. All she had to do was sing a special song. So yeah, old woman sings, flower makes her young again, you get the idea. Eventually the people from the kingdom found the flower, much to the anger of Lulu Bell. With the magic golden flower the queen was healed and soon a healthy baby girl with golden hair was born. You probably guessed it, that's Lily. The kingdom rejoiced at the news of the new princess. To celebrate their daughter's birth, the king and queen released a lantern into the sky. Everything was perfect, until that night, a vengeful Mother Lulu Bell broke into the castle to steal some of the baby's hair learning that it had the same magical quality as the golden flower. Only she discovered that when cut, it would loses it's power. She stole the baby and before the king and queen could do anything, she vanished. The kingdom searched and searched, but could not find the princess. For deep in the forest hidden in a tower, Lulu Bell kept the princess hidden from the world, raising the princess as her own. Lulu Bell found her new magic flower, and she planned to keep it that way. But the walls of that tower couldn't keep everything hidden. Each year on her birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky, in hopes that the lost princess would return.

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