A/N: So this is AU and here's a few things about it: Kurt has a little sister. He's 9yrs older than her. His mother, Elizabeth, died after giving birth to his sister. Burt, therefore, named her Elizabeth, but she now goes by Lizzie. The Smythes like old-fashioned names. The title of this story is now Playground and the title of my OTHER story named as such will now be Coffee Beans and Faded Dreams. So yes. I'm sorry if it's confusing :( But I hope you enjoy this story as much as the other one! It just came to me last night and I thought it was cute. I was going to make it fluffy-like but I wanted snarky!Seb&Kurt, so we've got this instead. It won't be smutty, but it will probably still have some fluff. Anywhosits, please enjoy! R&R greatly appreciated! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Kurt, Sebastian or Glee. FOX & Ryan Murphy own Glee and since I'm not them nor do I own them, I obviously don't own Glee. Or the song 'Playground' by XTC, for which this story is named.

Kurt had been picking up his little sister from school ever since he got his license. He enjoyed spending time with Lizzie and she loved spending time with her big brother. When his father asked him to do it, he jumped at the chance. The first time he picked her up, a little boy was running after her, chasing her out of the building. Lizzie ran right to Kurt and the little boy followed but was intercepted by a tall, broad-shouldered man. The man apologized to Kurt, holding the boy securely in his arms and Kurt waved off his concerns. Lizzie and the boy stuck their tongues out at each other and Kurt and the boy's father laughed. The man introduced himself then as Jasper and his son as Barnabas. Kurt smiled and introduced himself and his sister. From then on, whenever Jasper, or his wife Victoria, whom Kurt met the next day, they would chat until the two came running out of the building.


It was a year later and Kurt was now seventeen, his sister eight. It was the first day of school and he was excited to hear how Lizzie's first day of third grade had gone. He was also looking forward to talking with Jasper or Victoria. He hadn't seen them all summer and he missed their friendship. He smiled as he leaned against his car, waiting patiently for Lizzie and Barnabas to come running out when a car he didn't recognize pulled up directly behind him. It was a cherry red Mustang and, Kurt had to admit, very beautiful. As was the guy who stepped out of it. Kurt blushed and turned back to the school.


Sebastian wasn't happy. He hated picking up his little brother from school. Normally his parents would do it, but today, they were busy. He had had to skip the first Warbler meeting of the year to pick up his little brother. He pulled up in his Mustang behind this car, a Lincoln Navigator from the looks of it. He assumed it was probably driven by this big, buff guy until the person leaning on it tipped forward to catch a glimpse of his car. His mouth dropped open: the boy was lithe with porcelain-like skin, gorgeous blue/gray/green orbs for eyes and perfectly coiffed chestnut hair. Not to mention he was dressed stunningly and his jeans looked like they were painted on. Sebastian closed his mouth and placed a smirk on his face as the boy leaned back against his car, a blush on his face. He shut his door and walked over to him.


Kurt panicked. That guy had seen him looking at him! Oh god, what if he was a homophobe? What if – "Why hello there gorgeous." Someone whispered in his ear before pulling back and blowing a puff of air on his neck. He visibly shivered. He turned to see who had spoken and his mouth dropped again. It was the guy from the mustang!

"H-hi." Kurt stuttered. He cursed himself as he saw the guy's smirk grow.

"Hi. I'm Sebastian Smythe." Sebastian said, holding his hand out. Kurt eyed the hand warily before taking it. He was pulled forward, almost flush against him and Kurt's face flushed. "And who, may I ask, are you?" Sebastian whispered in his ear again. Kurt pulled back a little to look him in the eyes.

"I'm Kurt Hummel. Nice to meet you," he said. Sebastian smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine, Kurt. So, what are you doing here?" Sebastian mentally face-palmed himself. Kurt chuckled, pulling back all the way so there was no physical contact.

"Well, it's a school so, I've either been held back a lot or I'm here to pick someone up," Kurt joked. Sebastian smiled.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question." Sebastian replied, a blush gracing his face for the first time. Kurt laughed.

"It's ok." The bell rang and little bodies started pouring out of the front doors, all walking or skipping except for two. Kurt smiled as Lizzie ran up the pathway, followed by Barnabas. Kurt crouched down and opened his arms wide and Lizzie ran right into them. He picked her up and twirled her and she started giggling.

"KURTIE!" She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck, giving her best imitation of a death-grip hug. Kurt smiled, pulling her back.

"Hi Lizzie." He said. He placed her on his hip so he could look at Sebastian. That's when he noticed that Sebastian was holding Barnabas's hand. Kurt smiled and placed Lizzie on the ground, holding her hand still as he crouched down. "Hi Barnabas," Kurt started. "How was your summer?" Kurt ruffled the boy's hair and Barnabas smiled.

"It was boring with no Lizzie to chase around," he said. "I'm glad school's started back up." Kurt smiled.

"Me too."


Sebastian stood there as Kurt talked with his little brother as if he knew him…which he might, Sebastian thought. What is the name of that guy my parents kept talking about last year? He mused. He continued to watch as they interacted before it finally hit him. "You're the Kurt my parents kept talking about?" Sebastian asked. Kurt stood up and looked at him.

"Are your parents Jasper and Victoria?" Kurt asked.

"Yes," Sebastian answered. Kurt smiled, picking Lizzie up again.

"Then yes," Kurt replied. "Will you tell them I say hello?" Sebastian nodded his head. "Thanks. Well, Lizzie and I have to go. It was nice to meet you Sebastian. Barnabas, it was great seeing you again and I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Kurt said, smiling. Barnabas nodded and smiled at Kurt. Kurt turned around to open the door and Lizzie wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked at Barnabas and stuck her tongue out at him. Barnabas returned the gesture before Lizzie disappeared into the car. As Kurt's car disappeared, Sebastian came out of his daze and dragged his little brother to his car. He placed him inside and shut the door and got in on the driver's side. He then turned to Barnabas.

"Are you and Kurt's sister friends?" He asked, thinking to himself. Barnabas shook his head no and stuck his tongue out.

"Girls are icky and they have cooties." Barnabas replied seriously. Sebastian smirked and chuckled under his breath.

"Well, try to be friends with her," he said. Barnabas looked at him.

"Why? You don't even like girls Sebby." Sebastian broke out in laughter.

"That's true, Barnie, but I do like her brother he seems…nice." Sebastian supplied, thinking that saying 'fuckable' in front of an eight year old probably wouldn't be a great idea. He peeked over at Barnabas and could see him thinking. He was scheming, he could tell. He smirked again. Barnabas really was a lot like him.

"Fine. I'll be nice to her. BUT if you get something, I do too. If I'm nice to her and Kurt's nice to you, you have to play with me whenever I want and play whatever I want for as long as I say for a month. Dealed?" Sebastian laughed.

"You really are my brother. Alright Barnabas, you go yourself a deal." Barnabas smiled and crossed his arms over his chest proudly. Sebastian pulled out of the parking lot and drove them home.