I stared at the scene in front of me.

There were barely any flames but the dark smoke still rolled in the air. Jasper stood closest to it but he had his back to me, his shoulders tense, his arms slightly extended. In a defensive stance? Then I realized there was something there, in the shadows. The something he crouched over with wary intensity I didn't understand. It was over wasn't it?

I was too numb to feel more than a mild shock when I realized what it was.

There were eight vampires in the clearing. The girl was curled into a small ball beside Jasper, her arms wrapped around her legs. She was very, very young. Much younger than me - she looked maybe seven or eight years old, barely old enough to be turned into an immortal without consequences. Her bright brown eyes stared at me as if she wanted to cry. Why are her eyes brown? I had some strange feelings about that girl. I wanted to run over and embrace her, tell her everything would be alright. Of course I wouldn't get that far with the seven protective vampires eyeing me, probably anticipating I would faint again. They would probably think me insane and Edward would take me away not caring that the Volturi were almost here. I couldn't leave here. No. I couldn't leave her, not with the Volturi so close. Edward saw my expression and misinterpreted it as fear of the girl.

"Don't worry, she surrendered." he said trying to ease my 'fear'. I nodded slightly and tried to relax so my emotions wouldn't be felt as easily by Jasper. My eyes flickered to Jasper again, he was mindlessly rubbing his arm.

"Is Jasper alright?" I asked, worried about my brother.

"He's fine. The venom stings." Edward replied.

"He was bitten?" I questioned, not able to fathom nor picture Jasper not being superior in a fight.

"Let's just say he bit off more than he can chew." Edward smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

The newborn hissed in pain and eyed me more intently but didn't lose her innocent expression. Jasper and Edward growled in warning. Jasper sank lower in his crouch and Edward moved in between the girl and me. He had a confused expression.

"What? What's wrong?" I demanded gently.

"I can't read her mind. It seems she is able to hide her thoughts well." he sighed.

'She's like me?' I thought like a mother comparing her child to herself. Her child. My child. I felt like a mother to this poor girl. I finally understand how Rosalie feels. How could I not want that precious child that was still curled into her knees in the green and brown grass. Before all I wanted was Edward and of course immortality but right now I wanted my family safe and that newborn to be a part of it. I peered around Edward and looked over 'my child'. She had brown hair similar to my color with curls cascading to her wast. Her face was as beautiful as Edwards. Her big eyes flickered around her, they stopped at each of the Cullens and rested again on me.

"Get ready," Edward muttered. "They are coming to the north end of the clearing now." My heart sprinted as I searched the area. Jasper began to back toward the rest of us leaving the child I wanted to be mine a few feet away. 'Bring her too!' I thought in hopes I would be able to say it out loud but my voice did not come so I remained silent. The fellow Cullens did the same, swarming me. A united front, with me safely at the heart.

I kept searching but all I could see was the dense smoke in the air. I looked to Edward, he was staring straight ahead into the trees that surrounded us. I tried to follow his gaze but found nothing. After a minute of searching to no avail, four figures came into view.

"Hhhmm..." a familiar voice that sent shivers down my spine sounded.

"Welcome Jane." Edward greeted her calmly.

"Quite impressive. To face an army of this magnitude with your coven still in tact." Jane said, her red eyes showing no emotion.

"It's not every day that we find our services... unnecessary." She continued.

"Well if you had been here 15 minutes ago you would have fulfilled your purpose." Edward challenged.

"Pity." Jane snapped, glaring at Edward.

She searched our faces, looking for something to anger her so she may have a reason to use her 'gift'. She took extra long looking at me. It seemed as though she was infuriated by the blood running through my vains, the same blood that was coloring my face. The vampire snapped her gaze to the girl cowering next to our formation.

"You missed one." she said emotionless. My forehead creased. This was what I was worried about. Thankfully, Carlisle spoke then.

"I gave her the option of immunity for her surrender. If she was no threat to us, I don't see why we have to kill her. She hasn't been taught."

"That wasn't your gift to give." She said turning on the young vampire. "Why have you come?" she questioned quickly but after a second the girl threw her head back and let out a ear splitting wail of agony. I wanted to run to her but Edward tightened his grip on me. "Who created you?" She continued, ignoring the girls pain.

"You don't have to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme pleaded. I sighed inwardly, I was glad I wasn't the only one that had feelings for her.

"I know." she said and thankfully the girl stopped screaming. "I guess it doesn't matter anyway." she grinned as the newborn began screaming a new. "Felix."

" No! Don't, please!" I yelled, running to block the child. Jane's face turned furious when the girl stopped screaming. My family was in shock and some relief and for some an increased worry. The girl shrunk further behind me. "She didn't know what she was doing."

"We will take responsibility for her." Esme said coming to my aid.

"The Volturi don't give second chances." Jane snarled.

"This is her first chance." I reasoned.

"Very well." Alec said. Jane glared at her twin. Their eyes met and Jane reluctantly said " Fine but we will be checking in to see how the newborn is progressing. Come Felix, I want to go home." They turned, their robes bellowed in the light breeze, and left. I gave a sigh of relief.

"Bella, what was that?" Alice shot at me.

"I couldn't just let her die." I half yelled at my soon-to-be sister. I turned and nelt down, looking at our new family member. "What's your name?" I asked sweetly, brushing a stray hair from her face.

"Brianna Elizabeth Tanner." She whispered. Her voice rang like bells. I smiled. Brianna. How beautiful. "But I prefer to be called Bree."

"It's nice to meet you Bree." I said. Edward was over to us in half a second. He helped me up from the ground and I pulled Bree with me.

"We can go now." Edward said, pulling me onto his back.

"Come on, Bree." I beckoned as the rest of the Cullens raced off, disappearing into the trees. She took a moment to look at us. Probably making sure this wasn't a trick and we wouldn't go back on our word or was that she didn't believe we wanted her to become a Cullen. From Edwards back I extended my hand to her. She eyed it for a second then took it. I gasped. Her hand wasn't cold as I expected it but warm, maybe as warm as Jacob with one or two degree difference."Wow." was all I could say as I slipped off Edward's back. How was this possible? This day is just getting weirder and weirder.

"Love, what is it?" Edward demanded. I didn't answer. "Bree?" he questioned.

"I haven't been completely honest about what I am." she admitted sheepishly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm not a vampire. Well not all vampire. I'm half human. My father was a vampire and he and my mom conceived me while she was human. She gave birth to me while she was still human as well. She died the day I was born and my father hated me for killing her. He raised me until recently when he had a nomad kill him because the pain of my mother's death was too much for him." She explained.

"Impossible." I breathed.

"I figured you might say that but I speak the truth and this," she said gesturing to herself "is not my natural form. I have a gift. I can make you think I look and sound differently then normal."

"So your not 7 years old?" I questioned.

"How do you know I'm 7 years old? I made myself look 15." she asked dumb founded.

"I believe that your mind is unaffected by her power." Edward explained. "It seems your mind protects itself from the mental gifts of vampires."

"Wow. That is so cool." Bree exclaimed with a smile. I gave a smile of my own.

"Will you please turn back into your natural form now?" Edward asked politely. She hesitated and looked down defiantly.

"Please Bree you don't have to hide yourself from me." Edward said.

"Why would I have to do anything you ask?" She said, attitude heavy on each word. Why was she being like this?

"Brianna." I said. She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes ma'am." She huffed and did as Edward asked, well at least I think she did. "Thank you." I said.

"So your father left you all alone." Edward questioned. She nodded.

"I guess I've always been alone because he never really cared for me when he was alive. He didn't so why should anyone else." She said, her voice breaking. Unshed tears were beginning to pool in her eyes. I quickly embraced her and wiped the tears that began to fall.

"Ssshhh, don't cry. It's alright." I comforted. "I don't know why anyone would want to leave something as precious as you. If I was your mother I would never leave you." She buried her face into my shirt.

"T-t-h-hank you." she sobbed. Edward embraced us both then.

"Your apart of our family now and maybe one day you'll grow to love one of us in a parental way."

"B-but I want it to be you." she said, getting her sobbing under control.

"I would be honored to be sweetheart." I said choking with tears of joy. All three of us smiled. "Now we should get going," I said as Edward once again swung me onto his back. "We have to tell the others." And with that we ran home.

That is the end of ch. 1. Please leave a comment to tell me it was good, great, awesome, horrible, it sucked, etc. Thanks for reading! P.s if your a legend of korra fan please check out my friend RosemarieAlexandra! :D p.s.s ideas for the next chapter are welcome :) To those who don't like my story... this is what makes me nerdy (well this and Legend of korra!) so don't be too harsh with the reviews. This is my first fanfic I've written by myself. Until next time :D