Disclaimer: None of the characters or places are mine. They all belong to the great JK Rowling
James and Lily stood facing each other, both faces furrowing with concentration one late Friday night. It was past midnight; that, they were sure of, but how much later exactly, they couldn't tell. Everyone else in the castle was asleep, except Mrs. Norris, but she didn't count because that cat was always awake. The two heads knew it was prohibited—being out of bed at this hour. Merlin knew what a bad example it would set to the younger students and pretty much the entire school if word of it got out, but they didn't really worry about getting caught. They were head boy and girl, after all, so what was the worst that could happen? Besides, there was little to worry about when a Marauder was there. James knew everything there was to know about rule breaking and being in places you shouldn't be, so they weren't really in danger of being found out.
That was how it was on some nights when both of them couldn't sleep; one would go down to the common room, find the other, and they would keep each other company until such time that both were tired enough to get some sleep done. Today, they were playing muggle games.
"Ha! I won!"
"No! You have to jump forward and step on my foot. Not kick it," Lily replied matter-of-factly, as she skipped towards her left, narrowly missing James. "Your turn."
"Why do muggle games have to be so bloody complicated? What's the difference between stepping and kicking?" James complained, frustrated that he was losing the match. He took a step backwards, deciding it was better to be on the defensive than to take a risk and go offensive.
"It's all the difference! This isn't complicated at all. If you can be an ace in Quidditch, I can't see how you can't—"
"Quidditch is different. Quidditch is easy. All Chasers have to do is to pass the Quaffles to each other, score some goals, avoid all the bludgers, and—"
"Stop with the Quidditch talk. You're giving me a headache already." She laughed.
"Lily, I am very hurt that someone could not like to talk about Quidditch. Even more hurt because that someone is you," James said, clutching his chest dramatically and feigning agony.
"Ha! I got you cornered!"
"Hey! That wasn't fair. I was talking! Hey! What-?"
Lily lunged forward, closing the distance between them; successfully stepping on his toes and winning the match.
"YES!" she shouted, so excited, that she lost her balance; landing squarely on James' chest, as they both crashed on the floor, Lily on top of him.
They laughed at the same time; then, realizing how awkward and compromising the position was, immediately stood up and pretended it was nothing as both of them tried to hide their blushes.
James recovered first.
"Well, good thing nobody saw that. Nobody'd believe us if we told them it was just a friendly muggle game, even if it was," He stammered, suddenly uncomfortable.
"Yeah… I mean, they would be getting the wrong idea, and… that would have been very embarrassing," She replied, just as awkwardly.
"Well, I think that's enough for today. That game was particularly tiring. I feel… sleepy."
He yawned.
"Yeah. Me too. I think we both can get some rest now. Night, James."
"Night, Lily."
And the two heads retreated to their respective dormitories, thinking that that was that, completely oblivious to the trouble awaiting them the next morning.
A/n: Thanks for reading! Please please review because reviews make me happy and hyper xx.