(Authors Note: I am completely blown away by the response the story's getting! I am so glad you guys are liking and enjoying reading it, I'm really enjoying writing it. Wow, I'm just honestly shocked and happy with the response it's getting. Again, my greatest thanks, you guys have no idea how happy it makes me that the story's so liked so far, because I've never thought I wrote all that well, to be entirely honest. Thanks to every single one of you who've reviewed, and I'm glad you guys are reading it. And I am so so sorry that I haven't updated in like, ages. I've just been dealing with some stuff. But I love you guys, and I promise, I'm gonna kee 't sthis going.)

"Mama, stop worryin. He be back." Anna said as she sat down on the couch next to her mother and looked up at her. Carolina bit her lip and looked at the door, worried. What if he had some new dangerous mission? What if he had to leave them when she was just getting used to him being here?

She bit her cheek and kicked herself mentally for being such a worrywart about it. After all, it wasn't like they were married. Sure, they were together, but both of them were so damn skittish about what they called themselves, that sometimes, Carly just wasn't sure about where they stood.

Steve walked in and before she could stop herself, she'd ran, hugging his taller hard and muscular body against hers tightly. She looked up and he was laughing a little as he leaned down and kissed her. "Wow.. I guess my girls missed me." he said as his hand slid over her cheek and then laughing moments later as Anna ran down the stairs and climbing up into his arms saying quietly, "Mama was worried about you."

"She was, was she, doll?" Steve asked, laughing a little as he turned his gaze to Carly who said simply, "Does he have to be so damn crytpic when he calls you in for one of those meetings? Gave me the creeps."

Steve smiled a little and hugging her whispered, "Deep breath, doll.. I'm okay. For now, it's nothing."

Carly nodded as she stood to tiptoe to kiss him again and ruffling his hair said "Yeah, welll it better stay nothing, mister, because I will kick some serious ass over you."

Steve laughed and then said "So. Did you set up Candyland, Anna?" as he leaned down and ruffled her hair. Anna pointed to the kitchen table and then said "I go in and sit down, sir."

Once Anna was in the kitchen, Steve looked at Carolina and then smiling the boyish half smile she loved so much he leaned in and then said "So.. Someone told me you were worried?"

Carly bit her lip and Steve laughed a little and said "I love you." in a quieter tone, as he pulled her into his arms and added, "And as long as I have you, Anna, waiting here, I will make damn sure I come back relatively unharmed."

Carly nodded and then said "I love you too, Steve."

Having had their little talk, he lead her into the kitchen and the three of them sat down to play Candyland for a while with Anna.

During the game, he caught himself thinking it was about damn time he made the next step. He spent all his time with them, here.. And Stark Towers was okay, for work.

But he just felt like this was home. He thought about it, and then tried to imagine what Bucky would say if he were still around.

Would he be pissed or would he tell him to go for it?