Okay guys I obviously haven't updated in while, I didn't forget about it but I was discouraged because NOBODY had review chapter 5 & 6.. so I didn't want to write… : (
But then something (Well someone) amazing happened.. This AMAZING person: Lakena Mac Rae reviewed this story and made my day 10x better. So therefore I dedicate this chapter to you, and hope you enjoy! And also I have read your story! I LOVE it, I'll review it soon, but I wanted to get this up as soon as possible : ) and the whole "He Doesn't, he IS the pet" thing totally made me laugh!
Derek and I shared a quick look of shock before sprinting off towards the wolf, into the thick vegetation, using its heart beat as a GPS. We stop short of the wolf, far away enough that it couldn't hear us talking.
"Why would an Omega be here?" I gasp.
"The Alpha could have called him, in human form, he might have had some connections" Scowls Derek.
"So what do we need to do?" I ask.
"We have to see if its dangerous, if it is we kill it. If not, well if not then we may have a new ally…" Derek Decides.
"almighty then" I sigh twisting, purposely popping my neck.
We shifted, and moved towards the wolf quietly, thanking god that when I was bitten I gained stealth. We crept closer till we were crouched under a bush abut twenty feet away. We saw it, but it didn't see us.
It was definitely an Omega, by the smell, and the look. It was in Human form and was scraggly and malnourished.
Derek gave me a look, and within it held words, Derek was going to approach the wolf to see it reasons for being here but as soon as he was about to stand out of his crouched position his eyes widened. No need for him to tell me why though. I felt it too. The Alpha had arrived.
This was a compromising position, We were hiding under a bush with the Alpha approaching an Omega 20 feet away. We wouldn't stay undiscovered for long, a rogue Omega might not sense us, but the Alpha will figure out we're here in a matter of minutes, and that's only if we stay absolutely still, if we move, that will cause attention to be moved to us.
We watched carefully as the Alpha approached the lone wolf, halting its huge furry form when it was only inches in front of the others body.
"Please I'll join your pack! I'll do anything, I didn't mean to wonder on your territory, I just got kicked out of my own pack, and on the run from hunters! Please just don't-"The lone wolf never got to finish.
The Alpha pounced on the werewolf, pining it on it back, not even pausing before ripping out his throat, leaving the Omegas body limp and lifeless.
Derek motioned it was our time to bolt, trying to get a head start. We ran as fast as we could but we could still hear the Alpha chasing us from behind. We barreled over a large tree trunk when I felt the Alphas head but into my side, effectively knocking me over.
I half-howled, which caused Derek to stop and run towards the log. The Alpha had pinned me down on my stomach his weight on my limbs so I wasn't able to move. He saw Derek coming to attack and flung him into a tree. He took this as an opportunity, which I thought would be to strike the fatal mark, killing me but instead he took my collarbone and shoulder into his mouth bite downing hard. I shifted back into my human form and honestly don't think I could of screamed louder. Derek by this time had came back ready to fight, but the Alpha simply fled, leaving Derek and myself in the middle of the forest.
"eurgggg" I groaned clutching my shoulder. "Damn It, why isn't it healing!" I almost yell, the pain coursing through every nerve in my body.
"Its because you were wounded by the Alpha, it heightens the pain, and just takes a little longer to heal" Derek Whispered as he applied pressure to the wound.
"THIS WAY, THEYRE OVER HERE!" we heard a voice yell.
"Shit! Hunters" spat Derek. I attempted to get up, but with blood loss, running away wasn't as simple as it seemed.
Derek ran right next to me, watching our backs, since at this speed, if they caught our trail, it wouldn't be long before they got us.
By the time, we got out of the forest, I was about to lose consciousness. Guiding me into the passenger seat of the car, Derek tries to remain calm.
"Scott, just focus on me, not on the pain, just stay as focused as you can" Derek breathed as he pushed the car to go even faster than the speed limit.
I sped down the road to the way to the animal clinic, hoping Doctor Deaton, remembered it was the full moon and stayed open. I looked over at Scott. Blood was pouring out of the wound on his Collarbone and his face was turning pale. Damn the Alpha I thought.
Scott's healing was delayed because the wound was inflicted by the Alphas saliva. I raced even faster, finally pulling up into the parking lot, jumping out and taking Scott out, throwing his arm around my shoulder as he leaned on me as i lead him to the door.
"DEATON" I growled knocking at the door.
I didn't have to wait long before Deaton opened up the door, looking half-asleep.
"How did I know, you would need me toni- Is that Scott?" He exclaimed as we both raced into the back medical room. "Yes, the alpha attacked us, though he didn't kill him, he had a chance.." I whisper laying him on the table.
"Hmm" He mumbled setting out to heal Scott, getting out all of the supplies.
Scott was groaning, as he kept squirming on the table.
"Why is this taking so long again?" Scott pointed to the still bleeding wound.
"The saliva from an intentional bite of an Alpha delays the healing of his beta" Derek mumbled as he leaned against the concrete walls
"Ugh" Scott moaned as he dropped his head onto the pillow Deaton had put next to his head.
Deaton had five Scott morphine and some sleeping pills to knock him out as the final stages of the healing took its course.
Derek had wandered into the waiting room, and sat with his head in his hands, when the Vet came to him.
"what happened, why did then Alpha let Scott live?" Asked Deaton.
"Well from what the wound looks like and the way it happened, The Alpha has marked Scott as his mate.." Whispered Derek.
Sorry but im done with this chapter and will try to update soon, but I have a new rule. I will ONLY update if someone review this chapter, and this rule will continue for the rest of the story, so to get a new chapter at least one person has to review the current one.. SO PLEASE REVIEW!
Hope you enjoy, and btw NO this does not mean Scott and the Alpha will get together, The mark just mean the Alpha wants Scott to be his, but for someone to be official mates, they have to consummate the bond on a full moon, meaning sex, so Derek and Scott haven't done it yet, so that's why the Alphas trying to get Scott before the next Full moon, and he also bit Scott harder then he needed to so he would be wounded enough so Derek and him coundnt finalize the bond that night and give the Alpha more time.
-Maeg Xx.