It had been early in the night when they had started making love, and luckily enough they were able to bathe and eat before going to sleep by 11pm. Eila had rested her head on her pillow that night in the belief that she would get a full nights rest.

However, something very strange happened.

"-wasn't expecting to be back so soon, the job was far simpler than the caller made it out to be."

Dante's voice had cut through her dreams bringing her to a half state of awakening. Why on earth was he here right now? What purpose did he have for waking them so late?

"You're lying." Vergil's raspy tenor voice pushed her further into waking world. She was completely conscious now, but held her eyes shut in able to feign sleep while listening in on their conversation. "There was no caller. It is plain to see that you've been out distracting yourself... I think our little tryst stirred up something you didn't want to come back to."

"Don't try to psychoanalyze me Verg, it's fucking irritating." The red devil didn't sound pleased. In fact, it sounded like his throat was sore like he'd been crying.

"I really hurt you didn't I? I apolog-"

"Don't fucking act like you care! You've never cared!" Dante croaked painfully while gaining soft hushing sounds from his brother. The bed dipped slightly as if someone was putting their weight on the edge. Eila was thankful that she was facing away from them because she made a face that was sure to give her away. 'What is going on? Why is he so sad?' Her heart felt like it was breaking. Dante was the second closest person to her, and she never wanted to see that man hurt like he was now.

"Dante, don't cry please." She felt Vergil sit up in the bed. "Brother please... I don't like to see this from you."

"Well you're damn well going to see it. I can''re the only family..." The red devil started to cry quietly, and Eila almost turned around to embrace him when she realized Vergil had done it first. She stayed perfectly still, waiting patiently as the scene unfolded. "I love you, Vergil. We're immortal twins... that's a type of bond no one could ever understand..."

The movement in the bed started to confuse her as someone moved closer to her (it had to be Vergil) and the bed dipped further down. She listened as the other younger brother laid down beside his twin and breathed as calmly as his body would let him. It was different, but she refused to stir and ruin the moment.

"So how old are you now?" Dante split the silence while Vergil tensed at the question. The angel suddenly found her interest pique.

"I'm not really sure, I'm in Asia currently." The older twin sighed. "All I can tell you is that Genghis Kahn is currently rampaging the continent with his Mongols, and the crusade is still on."

"Ah 13th century." The younger twin sounded nostalgic. "Those were the days... war ridden, disease ridden, brain washed... disgusting really."

"So the Christian calendar prevails in this world does it?" She felt him chuckle beside her. "How ridiculous."

"Would you rather we had a calendar based off of Mundus?" Dante chided.

"Touché, I'd rather follow the man nailed to a piece of wood than that repulsive lowly scum of the underworld-"

"Okay boys, it's bedtime let's allow mommy-dearest to get some beauty sleep." Eila rolled over and wrapped her arm around the devil she had just interrupted. Peeping over his shoulder she saw two sets of curious yet bemused eyes.

"Heeeeey she speaks! Verge, why don't we-"

"No threesomes." His stern voice cut through Dante's like a blade. She felt his muscles clench underneath her arm and she immediately went to soothe him by stroking the tense area. He relaxed accordingly.

"Oh my, did I make my big bro all jelly?" The red devil said with a snarky grin. "You know that's not the first time I fu-"

"If you don't shut your mouth I will kill you." Vergil wasted no time in cutting the topic short all while sporting his classic glare too. Eila rested her forehead on his shoulder, and sighed. She did not want her past mistakes rearing their ugly heads AGAIN.

"Really Verge? Always so selfish..." Dante leaned over his brother to give him a chaste kiss, and Vergil stayed as stoic as ever. The angel sat up ramrod straight as soon as they made contact; to which Dante chuckled at. "You know it'll be awkward if she's only here to watch, and hurtful if we tell her to leave..."

"I'm not doing anything, Dante. If it displeases her I will have you leave." The blue devil spoke quietly while still a hairs width away from his brother's lips; he was completely unfazed by what was happening while she was trying to keep the blood from coming out of every orifice on her face.

She spluttered for a moment. She didn't want to make the choice for him since she did not 'own' him. This was difficult.

"Do what thou will." She quoted the most famous occultist in the world. Ironically said occultist also had multiple orgys and other insane sexual activities; most likely he would approve of a threeway with twins, but she wanted nothing more than to leave. "I'm going for a walk..."

The twins gawked at her for a moment before Dante finally spoke up. By this time she was already turning the door knob to leave the room.

"We can just sleep. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Like the golden retriever he truly was the red devil lowered his stance slightly as if to visibly show his remorse. Sometimes Eila wished Vergil could be more like Dante. At that she looked at the blue devil, who held no reaction at all. She was getting really sick of that.

"I'm not mad at you, Dante." She spoke coldly before locking eyes with her lover.


Slowly his eyes widened at the realization that she did not say his name as well.

Turning back to the task at hand she begrudgingly opened the door and sauntered off into the darkness of the house. As she listened to her feet padding away at the floor she noticed that each step made her angrier.

He was selfish. He was possessive. He was never a truly 'nice guy'.

Earlier he had thrown a fit about not sharing her with anyone yet he never pushed Dante away when he came to their bed. If she were to be off limits then the same should go for him as well. She began imagining slummy people with their hands all over his body, and she lurched.

The angel couldn't take being in the hot, stagnant air of the house. She needed to be away from this sickening energy that clung to her like a mucus. This jealousy, and the feeling of being unappreciated was beginning to swallow her.

She slipped on some tennis shoes before going out into the cool night air. The moon was full while lighting up all the left over rain puddles from the storm just hours before. The cold air sent goosebumps down her bare arms, and legs. She regretted the fact that she was only in a tank top, and shorts.

Yet, she still carried on down the sidewalk. The city streets seemed abnormally quiet, and the lights in the buildings were dark. It would have bothered her had it not been 4:00 in the morning. A completely dead hour where only the reclusive night owls were awake.

The angel stopped at a stoplight, waiting for the crossing sign to change. After a minute or so she realized no cars were on the road, and cursed her stupidity. Mumbling to herself she wandered across and down a dark alleyway. She didn't know where her feet were taking her, and she didn't care. It just felt good to feel the cool air in her lungs; it made her feel more alive.

More human.

Eila missed being human. She always thought she was meant to do more in life, but now that she was at that point she missed the simplicity of being human. She missed the simplicity of the start of her relationship with Vergil. Her life had been stripped away so that she could mourn a lover she had been with for only about a month before her had left. She was so naive.

'I could have moved on, why didn't I?'

'Because he brought you into this world. Like a mother in the eyes of a child, Vergil was god to you. So strong, intelligent, and handsome. No man could come close to such a lover.'

Ah. There it was. The glorified man had shown up again in her thoughts as a hero. She cursed herself for giving him such a fanfare, but half of her also knew that it was true. He was certainly a specimen that no one could compete with, not even his own brother. He wasn't normal by any means, but that's what made him even more alluring. She was stuck in his web, and she knew she would never break free.

"How does that one line go in the Labyrinth? 'Fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave'." Eila sighed at herself before looking up at her surroundings. She balked at the fact that she had wandered all the way back to the abandoned mansion she had lived in with Vergil. It was even more run down than before, and graffiti had tainted its walls. Her heart banged painfully in her chest. "Way to turn up here...great job, Eila."

"You're familiar with this place?"

The angel tensed at the sound of his voice. She should have paid more attention. How long had she been rambling? What did he hear? She let out a long breath before replying to the blue devil.

"You followed me." She turned around to face him, and appreciated how the moonlight looked on him. God he was stunning.

"I did." Vergil took some careful steps forward. "It felt wrong when you left, and I didn't want you out in the night hurting like you are."

She tensed at his concern, and as always she was shocked to see a different side of him.

"You are so confusing! How can you switch from being emotionally withdrawn to being a total sweetheart!" Eila snapped at him as her body started to shake. "We're supposed to be a couple, but your selfish ass only wants me to stay away from other men. How is it that I can't ask the same of you?! It's not fair Vergil! You are MY mate, MY man, MY love! Am I not enough?"

"I had no desire to sleep with Dante. Or anyone else." The devil finally closed the distance between them to pull her to his chest; holding her there as she trembled. "Everyone before and after you pales in comparison. I couldn't replicate the feeling I get when being with you even if I tried. No one could surpass you. That is why when I am approached I do not care, because I know they are not you, and they could never give me the same pleasure that you so generously do."

She absorbed everything. The feel of him, the sound of him, and the precious words he had said to her. Her trembling had calmed considerably, and she allowed herself to relax in his capable arms.

"I love you, Eila." His voice was just above a whisper, and it sealed away any doubts she had earlier. It was so overwhelming that she softly began to cry. He held her tighter in response.

"'" The angel begged quietly. She was going to continue to trust, and love him. She didn't want to ever be abandoned or ignored. She didn't want to be broken ever again. Crying breathily she held fast to him as if he were going to disappear.

"I won't ever let you break again." He loosened his grip to gaze at her before wiping away some of her tears. "My beautiful glass doll..."

Before she could respond a sudden wind whirled around them. In her stressed state she clung to her lover instead of preparing herself for the worst.

A loud laughter was heard all around them.

"Oh how sweet! I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Vergil!" A shadowy figure hollered down at them from atop the mansion gate. "I thought you were dead for sure, but then I find out you're alive and have such a beautiful girl on your arm! AND YOU'RE SMITTEN WITH HER!" The figure jumped down from the tall gate to stalk them like prey.

"I'm afraid I don't know you." The blue devil slowly pulled Eila behind him, and she allowed him to take control of the situation. "If you don't mind we'll be leaving."

"Oh I think not old pal, you owe me something special after I let you walk over my corpse to attain your so called 'power'. Seems like that didn't work out so well for you, and I'm here for the back pay." He flung his hood back to reveal a young man with black feathery hair. His eyes were a toxic green color, and she just barely noticed that his ears were pointed. He was certainly handsome, but he was very brash and rude. Somehow she knew this would rub her lover the wrong way.

"You will leave us alone, I won't tell you again." He unstrapped the sword from his hip with an air that just begged to be messed with. It didn't faze the man in front of them in the least.

"You're weak, Vergil. Even I can see that you are struggling to muster some of that demonic energy." He began circling around them, and she suddenly felt as if something was very wrong. "That girl you're trying so hard to keep me from looking at. I hear she's got seraph blood in her veins. You know how rare that is right?"

"Eila, I want you to run." Vergil moved into a fighting stance, and she balked.

"I am NOT leaving you. Absolutely not!" She summoned her scythe to her side, allowing it to materialize in her hands. "We fight together." Vergil started to growl at her.

"I told you-"

"And I said no. Please respect that!" Without another word she ran forward towards her foe, and swung her scythe high. When his body literally flashed away from her she knew that she was in trouble. 'He's so fast!'

Vergil followed up next with his quick steps and even quicker slashes, clangs could be heard from both opponents but neither could be seen.

Suddenly the man jumped back and landed cat-like on the debris of a fallen stone wall. His grin was glinting in the moonlight.

"Is that your best, Vergil? Cause if you don't do better than that I'm going to take your toy away." He turned his burning gaze on Eila, and she froze. Almost as if his hypnotic gaze had paralyzed her whole body. He grinned even further finding that the trick had been successful. "Oh I am going to play with that toy, and trust me I don't play nice. I'm quite rough with my toys."

The blue devil was on him with his teeth bared, and his face snarling. The battle became more feral than before, and all the angel could do was remain frozen to her spot unable to assist. 'What is this?!'

"You said she was a doll right? Well I'll toss her a few times like the rag doll she really is!" The man avoided being decapitated by just milliseconds. "I'll slam that pretty little face down on the bed, and rip apart her pretty little limbs!"

Vergil triggered, and his body electrified as he began beating the man as hard as he could.

The most horrific thing about it was the laughter. That man was laughing as every hit landed even though his skull was being crushed. As if it tickled, and the blood pouring from his face was as normal as a bead of sweat.

Eila watched as her lover tired, his body giving out on him as he pushed it to the limit in his devil form. If he held the form any longer he would die.

"VERGIL STOP!" She screamed to deaf ears as he continued to pound away at the half crushed man. How was he still laughing when half of his brain was gone?! It didn't take long after that for the blue devil to still. He breathed heavily with fatigue. "Vergil no..."

The angel watched in horror as his eyes rolled back into his head and his body fell limp to the ground. She screamed again before she noticed the dark haired man start to rise up. This had to be a bad dream...

He slowly approached her with that sick smile. She felt her stomach churn.

"STAY AWAY!" She screeched before gasping at his sudden closeness.

All she saw before he knocked her out was that full tooth bloody smile, and crazed green eyes.

AN: So i hadn't uploaded in a while after I said I would because I had written out this chapter as another sex scene. It was shameless of course and sadly I had to omit it from the story. (Plus for some reason twincest isn't everyone's favorite lmao)

so yeah, had to rewrite it so it took a while. Trying to keep ya'll on your toes ;)

Review and tell me if you want me to post the omitted chapter! I'd be happy to post it it there's enough of an audience.