Chapter 8

The two had been traveling on the road to Fluttershy's home for some time. The air was cool and refreshing, the night sky was crystal clear with a bright crescent moon nearing its heavenly peak, and the gentle, soothing breeze made the trees and fields of grass rustle, creating an atmospheric ambiance. It was as if Princess Luna herself had made it so; a sign of gratitude for the Elements of Laughter and Kindness.

They had just crested the top of a rolling hill when Fluttershy stopped and looked up at the starry sky. Pinkie followed suit and gazed up at the navy blue, pin-holed dome. Above them was a world in and of itself; a world full of adventurous stories, all told to the subconscious mind through their constellations, each more grandiose than the last. And for a long-lasting moment, there was nothing but the serene silence between the two ponies coupled with the relaxing score of the wind in the trees.


The curly-maned pony looked over to her shy date, who was still gazing at the stars with a sense of wonder in her eyes.

"Do you ever wonder," the pegasus began to ask, "if there's anything beyond that? If there's anyone else out there?"

A light smile crept onto Pinkie's face, the kind of smile that was not only filled with affection, but also admiration. The kind of smile that understands.

"All the time." she replied, as she looked back up to the stars, searching for more stories.

They finally made it to the humble cottage. All of the critters had just gone to sleep and the comforting peace had settled. The full moon had cast its atmospheric luminescence on the little home as the ponies reached the front door.

"I had so much fun tonight." Fluttershy said, turning toward Pinkie.

"Heh, yeah, me too...thanks for asking me out and all." Pinkie blushed.

"Oh, right." replied the pegasus with a sheepish smile, thinking of her little outburst earlier that afternoon.

The two stared at each other, saying nothing. As they stood on the front porch, they thought about the wonderful night they had; the atmosphere, the conversation, the food, it all seemed so perfect. However, one thing was missing, and it wasn't long before they figured out what that thing was.

With a little trepidation, Pinkie leaned in towards Fluttershy, hoping the other pony wouldn't think her too forward. A slight blush grew on Fluttershy's face as she realized what was happening, but she didn't shy away. She herself leaned in, closer and closer, until the gap between their lips had disappeared completely.

When their lips finally connected, something had clicked. All doubts that ever came to their minds dispersed like smoke. It was a simple kiss, nothing more than the touch of two pairs of lips, but this action seemed to give the two ponies the impression that this was right. Everything felt as it should be.

After they parted, they just stared at one another, getting lost in each other's eyes. They smiled, and stayed that way for what seemed like whole minutes.

"I...I should probably get home." Pinkie said while rubbing the back of her neck, still recovering from her emotional high.

"Yeah, I guess it's getting late." Fluttershy giggled.

"So, um, see ya tomorrow?"

"Oh, yes. That would be nice."

"Okay, goodnight."


Pinkie had some difficulty turning around; she would gaze at Fluttershy forever if she could. After she gave her date a parting glance, she turned and started making her way back. As the tuxedoed, pink pony headed up the trail, Fluttershy couldn't help but continue to stare at her for a few moments before heading inside.

As Pinkie walked along the trail, she thought back to everything that had happened. She thought back to the moment when time stopped the previous day, when she talked with Twilight, when she asked Rainbow for help, when Fluttershy asked her out, when Applejack gave her the suit, the date, and everything that lead to that kiss. Everything about that day and the day before was absolutely fantastic.

She could no longer contain herself. Every moment spent thinking about the date made her so full of jubilant giddiness, she started to bounce and jump and shout and rave. She didn't care how late it was, how loud she was, or if other ponies had heard her. All she cared about was nothing more than to let Luna's starry sky know one simple fact.

"I love Fluttershy!"

Not far from the lovestruck spectacle, Fluttershy watched from the window of her cottage as her date skipped, danced, and fireworked her way home. She stood there with an embarrassed smile that went very well with the blush that seemed to have been on her face since the previous day. A gentle snicker escaped her lips.

"I love you too, Pinkie." she sighed, as she turned and headed up to her bed, looking forward to a wonderful slumber, hopefully filled with dreams of her new marefriend.