Heavy Sleeper


Hinata has a peculiar way of sleeping, and a knack for sleeping through all kinds of things. Naruto is intrigued and makes it a game to see how far he can go before she wakes up. NaruHina, Rated M, More or less PWP

Fun Fact: I couldn't stop thinking of "I Need a Doctor" and the rap in "Love the Way You Lie (Part II)" the whole time I was writing this. I don't know if that means anything, but it was pissing me off, because I couldn't listen to it until I was done. But guess what I did as soon I finished?

I don't own Naruto. If I did, NaruHina would have already happened, and Itachi would be alive... and it probably would have been dropped or cancelled a long time ago :/

- - - - - - -Start.

She really was a strange girl.

Naruto mused over this thought as he watched the girl lying on the small couch in the room.

I mean really, who sleeps like that?

They had been sent away on a two person assassination mission, something or another about some slum lord person or something. Naruto didn't really pay attention. He just knew that it would take about 3 days to go, complete the mission, and come back. He was thrilled when he found out he would be doing this with Hinata; because then he knew he could get away with almost anything, and didn't have to pay attention, because she would and she could always inform him later... if it was really that important. She didn't seem to mind that he never paid attention to these supposedly 'important' pieces of dribble that were rarely ever interesting.

They had made excellent time, and were only a few miles from their destination, when they decided to stop for the night at an inn that was just off of the road. It wasn't too late, but they didn't want to be too close to where they would be committing an assassination the day after.

When they entered their room - only booking 1 room to act under cover of a traveling couple - Naruto was shocked, and disappointed, to see only 1 bed. Remembering the sofa on the way in, he sighed as he resigned himself to an uncomfortable night of half-sleep. He turned to tell Hinata she could have the bed, when he stopped short, bewildered by the fact that she was sprawled along the tiny couch, already asleep. His gaze fixed on a spot on the wall, when he realized why she must have been so tuckered out.

"Ah, crap. I'm sorry Hinata, I didn't know we were moving too fast. Why didn't you say anything if you were so tired?"

Really, he should have known. Should have known. He knew better that he had ridiculous reserves of stamina that went beyond even a Hyuuga. He should have been able to connect the fact that the only reason they were making such good time, was because he set an extremely demanding pace. A pang of guilt rang through his gut, and he decided he would still resign himself anyway to the surely doomed night of sleep he'd get sleeping on a couch nearly half his size. He was just about to go pick her up, when he noticed the strange position she was sleeping so soundly in.

His head tilted of is own volition and he blinked a few times, staring. She was practically on her stomach, but most of her weight was shifted to her left side. Her left arm acted as a pillow, her chin resting on the crook of her wrist, while her right arm was leaned on under the weight of her left arm. That alone was a strange formation - and Naruto wondered how long her left arm could stay like that before falling asleep - but her legs were also very weirdly placed. Her right leg was practically curled up, nearly meeting her right elbow, with her calf hugging the side of the couch. However, her left leg jutted out over the low arm of the sofa. This was what stuck out the most to him - he couldn't understand why both legs did entirely different things. She should either lie in that semi-fetal position or just have both legs jutted out!

She really was a very strange girl. Or maybe he should say 'woman'. They were 19 now. Or at least he was. But, she was his age, right? So it made sense. 'Old girl'?

Distracted by this tangent line of thought, he nearly forgot why he was staring at her in the first place.

Naruto wondered why the only times he seemed to be correct were when it had to do with pain or doom on his part. That couch was miserable. There was a loose spring or something that kept poking at him, no matter how or where he moved. He thought now, in retrospect, it probably would have been better just to sleep on the ground... or next to Hinata on the bed. At least he would have been able to get some sleep. But then that wouldn't do, because she was a young woman - he had thought of this one last night, just before dozing off - and he was a guy and that was totally inappropriate. He couldn't disrespect Hinata like that. Maybe if she were Sakura, but even then no, because he would be too full of fear to sleep, so that would defeat the purpose. But no, Hinata was too nice and too respectable to do anything like degrade her and think he could do something like share a bed with her, just because the damned couch was uncomfortable.

He should have slept on the floor.

The day had come and gone, and they completed their mission in a snap. Figuratively speaking, of course. To keep with the ruse of a traveling couple, they dallied around in a nearby village, not too far away from the first inn they stayed at, though more on the way to Konoha than the other way around.

They stopped at a little hot spring inn on the outskirt of town, more so because Naruto wanted to take a dip, and Hinata happily obliged, stating that they can just stay there for the night, before heading home in the morning. Naruto was delighted in getting his way, and didn't notice the smile his joy had caused.

When they booked the room, the hostess looked chagrined to tell them they only had a room with two beds available. Naruto was overwhelmed in appreciation, and had told the hostess they would gladly take whatever they had. And after a long soak, he was practically oozing joy, pleased with himself for deciding on this place, and pleased with Hinata for letting him. She, of course, was overwhelmed by her own joy at seeing Naruto so very pleased, so it was nearly overkill being exposed to his overflowing happiness once he entered the room.

"Hey Hinata, still awake?"

She eep'd in his presence, unaware that he was standing behind her - she was always just a little too comfortable around him - or that she was blocking his way into the room. She stood up from her bag and turned around to see him mid-pause in toweling his damp hair, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Hm? Y-Yes. I-I was um," she turned slightly away, to head over to the bed closest to the door, "Just about to go to uh," she paused, having caught herself in a sapphire gaze, how could they be so blue, "Sleep."

He closed his eyes, releasing her, brushing aside her slight stutter, having gotten used to it, and continued to towel dry his hair. "Ah, well, goodnight."

"G-Goodnight, Naruto-kun."

He went into the bathroom, just beside the small entry to their room, to brush his teeth and toss his pants haphazardly on the floor. When he walked out, he was almost shocked to see her already asleep, taking up only the space on the very right, again in that strange position, only her right calf stayed on the bed. So this was just the way she slept. It wasn't just because she was on an uncomfortable sofa last night.

"Why do you sleep so weird?" He hadn't meant to say that out loud. His hand flew to his mouth, in a vain attempt to take back the loud words. Shit, he didn't even whisper.

He stood there for a good minute, in his boxers, hand covering his mouth, eyes shut tight, like an idiot. When there was no answer, or stir, he cracked open an eye. He blinked once before sagging with relief. He didn't want her to hear him asking stupid things. They were just supposed to be his thoughts, anyway, and he usually thought and said stupid, offensive things, even though he didn't mean for them to be offensive. And with Hinata being such a shy, innocent young woman... Ugh, he'd feel like a total jackass if he hurt her feelings after waking her up to boot.

He turned the lights off after finding the TV remote - after thinking how weird it was how modernized this hot spring inn was, since they're usually very traditional, and get away with being so, the hot spring being the appeal - and flopped onto his bed. He had fixed his pillows so he could lean somewhat upright, and glanced once over toward Hinata's quiet, sleeping form, one single sheet placed over her. All the other heavy pieces of cloth were pushed to the other side, creating a mound of sorts on the corner of her bed. The right corner of his mouth curved up, and with a fleeting you'd think she would sleep in a more docile, tidier way, he turned on the TV.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when the blaring noise poured out. "SHIT!" He screeched, sitting fully upright, crouched over the remote, trying to turn the TV down as quickly as possible, settling on pressing mute. He expected to hear another scream, from the bed to his left, but it never came. Intrigued by this, he straightened his back and looked over, as if it would help him get a better look. She was still asleep. Unperturbed and totally asleep.

"What the?" He wondered aloud. There was no way she could still be asleep after that. His heart nearly leapt out of his mouth, and he was certain his balls were somewhere in his stomach.

Still not hearing any reaction of the sort from the young woman, he went to investigate.

Using the light from the TV as a guide, he had snuck his way around her bed, which really wasn't necessary, seeing as she had to have been the heaviest sleeper on the planet if she managed to sleep through that. But he knelt down by her bedside, took a peek at her face and indeed, she was still asleep. In fact, she didn't look any different than when he first saw her after walking out of the bathroom.

"What the hell!" Again, he hadn't meant to say that out loud. Being right next to her face though, made him cover his mouth with both hands this time. He just yelled in Hinata's face. What the hell was wrong with him?

A minute dragged by, and still, she didn't move. He started getting concerned. His face was drained of any color as his imagination went into overdrive. What if... What if she's not asleep? What if... What if she's dead? What if, because she's such a heavy sleeper, she was attacked and killed while I was in the bathroom! What if the slum lord's lackey got pissed, followed us somehow, and off'd Hinata while I was brushing my teeth? No! That wouldn't make sense, he wouldn't know who killed him... But... what if someone still came in and killed her? No, no! I would have sensed them, right? What if...

He stopped thinking abruptly, and decided he would check her pulse first, and make sure she was breathing, before he continued any further thinking. Holding his breath, he gave her right arm one rough tug and it gave way suddenly, smacking him in the chest. He bristled, fear clinging to him like a disease. He did not expect her arm to fly out at him. Maybe she really is... His brows furrowed impossibly tight as he shut down that train of thought. Standing now at her bedside, he grabbed her wrist and tried to calm his own pulse so he could feel for hers. The soft thump had him drooping over her in utter relief. When he realized he was likely crushing her, he stood up once again.

"Oh my God Hinata, don't scare me like that." This time, he had whispered.

Feeling liberated from any and all negative feelings or thoughts, his mind began to wonder again. If she was still asleep, after all the crap he'd been doing, she must really be the heaviest sleeper in the world. Or at least the heaviest sleeper he knew. And then he wondered if it was just that she could just tolerate outside noise and happenings extremely well, completely not considering that he had more or less disproved that with his most recent shenanigans. And then he starting wondering what it would take to wake her up. He grinned.

Naruto was always one for a good joke, prank, or game. And this, this sounded like a really fun game.

He was stumped.

He had tried lots of things. Blowing on her, in her face, didn't work. He tried using her hair to tickle her, she barely even flinched. He tried pulling her hair, and could even lift her head off of her arm, she was dead to the world. He had even gone to the bathroom, grabbed the towel he used to dry his hair, wet it, and wrung it out on her. Nothing worked! She was still asleep, and at one point, had even smiled. First he thought she woke up, but then she snored just enough to prove otherwise. Her sleeping form was a complete enigma to him and honestly, he was a bit peeved. That he could not wake her up, when he was trying so hard to, did not sit well with him.

"Come on Hinata, you're supposed to let me get my way," he whined half-heartedly.

But then a single thought occurred to him. Wasn't this dangerous? Wasn't it dangerous for her to be such a heavy sleeper? She's a kunoichi. Her job involves dealing with horrible types of people who would do horrible things to her given the opportunity... Would she just sleep right through it? A feeling came over him, some mix between anger and protectiveness and concern for his special friend. She meant a lot to him, and he couldn't bear the thought of something so horrible happening to her, and her not even being able to defend herself because she'd be asleep. He had to find out what the limit was.

He decided to try out physical contact, and tried tickling her not with hair, but with his fingers. Then he tried running them along her skin, grazing his short nails in hopes it would tickle her, and wake her. When that didn't work, he huffed and put her arm back, not getting it exactly correct - the position still confusing him to no end. Then he noticed a small patch a pale skin revealed by a wayward shirt. He tried tickling that spot, and he got a shift. He smiled then, finding something he could work with. He noticed that even though she was wearing more clothes than him, her skin was much colder than his, and he wondered why she didn't just tell him not to set the thermostat so cold, and then he was even more bewildered that she had only draped herself with one measly sheet. Maybe she liked being cold? He shrugged and continued to tickle that spot on her lower back.

When she seemed to be getting used to it, he pouted and moved up. This continued until she was practically without a shirt. He never took notice and instead was delighted when he got her to shift her right leg back to jut out alongside her left. Maybe she'll wake up now.

He was met with great disappointment after 5 minutes of waiting, he seemed to be back at square one. He sighed heavily, not caring to be quiet or try to hide his exasperation.

Then he thought of an excellent idea. If her back had starting working, her legs should do the trick! Did girls-ah, young woman have sensitive legs? He was sure their skin was more sensitive than guys' and figured it was the best option he had. The only option, really.

He decided he would just take off her pants or something... so he could try to tickle her legs and she would wake up. And hey! Maybe just taking off her pants will wake her up. Then there wouldn't be a need to run his hands along her surely toned legs. Though, maybe it wouldn't hurt if... just once... Firm in his original thought, and trying to push away the unacceptable ones, he pulled back the sheet that was draped oh so gently over her, and stopped after revealing only to where it met the back of her knees. His brain froze for a split-second at the sight before him. He expected much, much more material of some kind to meet his eyes. Only, she was not wearing pants, or shorts, or a skirt, or anything of the sort. She was in a pair of measly cotton panties that were obviously too small to decently cover her rear. The bottom half of her bottom stared at him, seeming to glow in the dim light. Mocking him... or inviting him, he wasn't sure which.

So, logically, there was only one step to take. He would just have to take those off instead. After all, it was usually the lower half that men wanted to see, and since it was already exposed, there was no harm in revealing the upper half. It's not like it was going to make a difference.

With newfound resolve, and after realizing they weren't going to budge, he held onto her hips and tweaked her into position - her rump in the air just enough for the cotton to be peeled off. He began to pull them back, revealing more and more of the pale flesh. When the material had reached the juncture in which buttock met thigh, she began to stir. But not in the way he expected, nor wanted.

Her thighs rubbed together suggestively, and she wagged her rump at him slightly. Again, he couldn't tell whether it was mocking or inviting.

In awe that she was still asleep, despite her rump-wagging, he attempted to graze his hands along her skin again. Surely, she would have to wake up now. This had to be some of the most sensitive skin on a female's body, so surely.

Her blissful slumber had been interrupted by the sudden awareness of being chilly. It was strange, because she couldn't recall any reason to be. Without another thought, she tried slipping back into dreamland, and would have succeeded, if it weren't for the hot spots keeping her awake. They felt gloriously warm on her chilled skin, and they kept moving along her body. She accepted them wholly, and wished only that they were bigger. Under normal circumstances, she would have thought them strange, but they had just felt so good, she couldn't bear the thought of them not being there to warm her.

They paused on her hips, and again on her buttocks. Assuming from just how incredibly warm they were on those spots as well, she became confused again. It were as though she weren't wearing anything, only she was, so it didn't make sense. It was completely strange, because she seemed to be chilly only where she knew she was wearing clothes. How peculiar...

The hot spots remained on her buttocks, but she paid no mind. In fact, she had tried pushing into the spots, as though they were an object, in vain attempts to increase their range and intensity. Though, they did feel wider now - or were they taller? - and there was a pressure that wasn't there before. In passing, she figured maybe they were some sort of objects, but they were much too ethereal; some strange phenomena that wasn't to be explained, so she quickly disregarded the thought.

In a hazy, dream-like faux motion, it seemed as though she were sitting up - but that was impossible - and the hot spots dragged across her waist upwards toward her breasts. They left raised bumps in their travel, and she could only mourn the lingering heat, before savoring in the warmth they brought to her chest. She hadn't realized before, but they were also cold now, somehow. She couldn't remember them being cold before, but they must have been. Perhaps she didn't realize because her back and posterior were simply much colder?

Those wonderful hot spots stayed cupped around each breast, and the pressure came back, dancing along her breasts as though it could only play in the same range as its companion spots.

In the drunken stupor of her slumber-racked mind, she played with the idea of naming the spots.

He couldn't believe she was still asleep. Though every now and then, a snore would catch in her throat and come out sounding like a moan, she was still blissfully unaware of his ministrations. How could that be? When touching her bare skin wasn't enough of a rouse, he had even gone so far as to move her body, and laid it against himself - so she was supported, of course - and nothing. Nada. Zip. Her right leg was draped across his, off the bed, as he sat on the edge of the bed, a half-naked Hinata practically lifeless against him. When that wasn't enough, he became frustrated. All sorts of unbecoming, troubling thoughts occurred to him. Each one worse than the one before, until finally, it dawned on him. So not only could she be killed in her sleep, she could be manipulated. Oh my God, or worse - she could be raped!

Livid with this new prospect, he began to explore. If it was possible, he should test it out. That way, he can warn her, and possible save her from herself. Her safety was the only thing on his mind.

Her mind jolted at one of the hot spot's new destination. The thought had never occurred to her that the hot spots had entire reign of her body, and could reach places she would never allow in hindsight. Only now did she begin to question these hot spots and their origin. She could no longer focus once the pressure decided to play with the source of her own heat.

The other spot had remained firmly on her left breast until it decided on moving south as well. When she realized these strange phenomenon could not only lie flush against her skin, but could also reach inside of her, her mind positively reeled.

While the first spot continuously moved, with bouts of pressure creating a rhythm, the second spot remained in place with intense pressure against her upper wall. There was something about what that sly pressure was pressing against that had her mind clouding and making it impossible to think or focus - for example, on the newfound hot spot that was huge and hungry, lapping at her entire back, or even the long line of pressure against the small of her back that only twitched now and again - on anything other than that enchanting, coiling heat in the pit of her stomach.

He was struck with feelings and emotions and hormones that he didn't know what to do with. She was enjoying it. Not only was she still not awake, but she was enjoying what he was doing to her. He was ripe with anger and heat, enraged by the undeniable proof that one day some disgusting wretch of a pig could ambush and rape and kill this woman lying against him - who wouldn't even be aware of what was happening to her - but as if that weren't enough of an insult to her, she would enjoy the debacle - unknowingly.

It was decided. He would just have to teach her body this lesson. So it could never happen again, ever. Ever.

Just as he was wondering how in the world he was going to add another finger, her body went rigid and shook in tremendous waves of trembles. Then suddenly, she was entirely limp against him. Her head, which had long since fell back on his left shoulder, felt impossibly slack. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

For the second time that night, his mind froze. Without a thought, his anger and feelings vanished. Like they never existed. He was struck with disbelief, staring down between the valley of her voluptuous breasts; fingers still in place, body still heated, certain anatomy still unnoticed, frozen.

How could she... just... like that? How could she just come? He couldn't believe it, even as he remembered the way her walls twitched impossible quick around his finger. She couldn't just do that. That wasn't fair. He wasn't done with his lesson yet! A bit miffed, and slightly indignant, he rested his hands on her thighs. What the hell was that? You see, this is exactly why I had to do this! You need to be able to control yourself more. You need to be more careful with your actions! His mind lurched at the thought of how her one-day captor may react to this. And then he got angry again, and felt slightly possessive.

"This is no good Hinata. How are you supposed to stay safe on missions when you're like this?" He held onto her then, embracing her protectively, as if that one-day captor were about to burst into the room any minute. He nuzzled the crook of her neck and sighed. "There's no helping you, is there?"

Realizing there was no point in going any further with his lesson tonight, he lifted his head and began to maneuver her shirt back onto her sleeping form. Somehow, it had come off.

She was no longer even slightly aware of herself. She had slipped back into her wonderful slumber after that even more wondrous feeling washed over her in a flash of heat and blinding light.

She didn't stand a chance in even trying to analyze what that coiling heat had been, or why it caused such a rush of pleasure when it finally snapped. She had no need to mull over it regardless, because now she was back in the world of her dreams, in which everything was right and as it should be; where Naruto held her and kissed her and did all kinds of things with her. Only, for some reason unknown to her, she was having far more... eccentric dreams this time around. For some reason or another, she was freezing, but that was ok because he was there. Her sun was there in all of his heated glory and he was touching there and here and everywhere. But then he was touching her there and everything but his hands phased out, but then he was behind her and he wanted her. And she wanted nothing more than for him to get his wish. Everything was happening so fast, but so little was happening. Too little. She wanted more, because she could feel how much more he wanted. And then... And then...

She woke up with a start. She pushed herself up, and looked around to get her bearings. She spotted Naruto on his bed, the bedding absolutely thrashed - twisted every which way and curling around his ankle, spiraling up his leg to wrap around his hips. She blinked a few times before a small smile curled her lips. Parts of her confusing, though not altogether bad, dream came to her and she squeaked in utter embarrassment, a fierce blush smacking her in the face, unwittingly throwing her off the bed.

She stumbled to the ground, sheets and all, in a heap. Worrying over the very plausible fact that she more than likely woke Naruto up. Extremely unwilling to face him just yet, she chanced a peek over the top of his mattress.

He was out like a log, still snoring, completely undisturbed. She frowned a little at this, not sure what to do.

"Naruto-kun, you're such a heavy sleeper."

- - - - - - - End.

No, Hinata! You just slept through the best moment of your life! Oh God, she is so unsuspecting. I'm so proud of myself.

You have no idea how much fun I had writing this. Holy shit. On another note, I'm so happy that I got this finished! It's the first piece of FF I've ever been able to fully get out of my head and onto the computer. 5 1/2 hours straight. Seriously, I woke up, started typing and half-way through decided to finally eat something less my stomach decide to eat itself. But I couldn't eat anything that took too long to make, for fear of losing my thought or motivation to get it all out. I've only eaten a stupid bowl of Lucky Charms and a glass of water. It's 5:50 in the am. I REGRET NOTHING.

Oh, I wanted to mention how this muse came out of no where. Really, this started out as a dream, and turned into a fantasy, because I woke up and it had to continue xD Only, I'm not Hinata, and it wasn't Naruto, but I digress... so I plugged them in, added the background, and found it funny how this started out as total PWP, but the funny parts sort of added themselves in. But it's Naruto, so. Couldn't not have funny somewhere (BTW, because of his personality, he helped me come up with the best cop-out ever.. for the reason why they were there. Awesome). I love Naruto, he's such a comic - I imagine all of his actions being very dramatic. It's very fun to write.

Also, if you're wondering about the sleeping position, or where I came up with it - I sleep like that. It's so comfortable :') But I've been told on multiple occasions how weird it is, so... I gave it to Hinata xD And though she technically kind of woke up, it doesn't count, because she was blissfully unaware that it was real. And no, I don't believe anyone is THAT much of a heavy sleeper, I think even I would wake up if someone started touching my stuff. But, I've slept through multiple natural disasters before.. always seem to miss earthquakes :|

Thank you so much for reading!

Sidenote: there isn't a planned second part to this... but reading over it, I could see how some people may want or expect one. I want one too, but :|