Sick At Heart YukiRen


Shima let out a soft sigh, as he leaned his head back on the base of the fountain and smiled. The sky above him was a soft baby blue and not a single cloud dared to adorn the sky, as the teen relaxed against the marble and closed his eyes. The soft chatter from the students around him slowly drowning out as Shima tapped his fingers against his knee, and listening to the music playing deep in the back of his head. Just as yelling erupted not too far from him and the teen quickly opened his eyes to look around till he saw the two Okumura brothers arguing. Rin being the loudest between the two of them as he gave his younger brother, Yukio, a frown and continued with their arguing.

"Yukio, what is your problem?" Rin practically yelled, as Rin stopped in his tracks and glared at his younger twin. "You've been hounding me ever since we left the dorms!"

"Well, you're the one who was late coming back last night." Yukio spoke, as he crossed his arms over his chest and frowned. "Where were you?"

"Where else do you think I'd be?" Rin questioned, as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I've got a boyfriend now! It doesn't take a genius to figure out I was with Bon!"

Yukio just gave Rin was of his usual excuses, as Shima smiled and watched them. It had only been a whole week since Bon and Rin got together, and everyone knew about them. It had only taken about two class periods before everyone in the school knew about it. All thanks to some freshman who stumbled across them making out in a deserted hallway. Nonetheless, even Shima himself knew the two weren't as close as they had been three weeks ago.

It had been three weeks ago that Rin came to class, without his voice, did it all start between the two. Well, the actual start would've been when Rin came to their assistance when a group of hobgoblins attacked. In which ended with Rin getting his hip ripped open by the huge hobgoblin and almost every doctor trying to patch him up, did it start. That was when Bon decided he'd stay by Rin's side, till he was on his feet. Which made his best friend miss out on almost a good full week of school, not like it mattered. Bon had ended up taking the demon, Miwa, and the pink-haired himself, back to their hometown to see everyone. Which was Bon's excuse to get away from school and help Rin get to know him better. How it went from there was something Shima himself didn't know, but he wasn't complaining. Rin and his best friend were as happy as they could be, and Shima was happy for them. The two teen's fights were dearly missed, but it was good to see the two so comfortable together. Rin had never looked happier at the academy, but his younger brother was a different story.

On the outside Yukio always looked cool, calm, and closed up to everyone; but Shima saw something in him that changed all that. It was always in the most important moments that Yukio had a small glimmer in his eyes, and that's what Shima adored. The small things that always made him realize there was so much more to his teacher, than what he showed on the outside, and that is what striked him to uncover it. To try and find his teacher's true feelings and see them for himself, but with the teacher-like mask always on; it was nearly impossible. If anything, Shima loved his sensei more than anything in the world; but even he knew it was impossible to love Yukio. His sensei was perfect and everything he wasn't. Not even Shima could compete for his teacher's attention, and no matter what he did he always failed. Which made moments like this perfect. He could watch his crush from afar and be content with it, despite the ache in his chest and the weight on his heart. He truly loved Yukio, but at least from a distance he wouldn't lose that love.

"Kiss me, K-kiss me! Infect me with you love, and fill me with your poison!"

Shima jumped as his phone suddenly went off and dug through his pocket to get it. A group of girls giggling as they walked past, as Shima's cheeks turned a soft pink.

"Take me, t-take me! Wanna be a victim, ready for abduct-!"

"Hello?" Shima spoke, as he finally got his phone out f his pocket and answered.

"Shima, it's Bon." The pink-haired teen's best friend spoke, as Shima watched the Okumura twins continue to argue in the courtyard. "I need your help with something."

"What do you need?" Shima asked, as the twins were finally heading toward the school entrance.

"I need help getting a present for Rin." Bon spoke, his tone a bit nervous. "I thought you'd be able to help, since you guys were friends before I started dating him."

"I can help with that." The pink-haired teen spoke, as he excitedly grabbed his things and stood up. "Give me five minutes and I'll be there."

"Alright, see you at my dorm."

With that, Bon hung up as Shima slung his backpack over his shoulder and shoved his phone into his pocket. The pink-haired teen grinning to himself, as he headed for the boys dorm building, and pushed past the students in the courtyard. The young teen getting several cute looks from a group of girls, as Shima gave them a smile and did his best to ignore them. It was true he was known as the ladies man around school, but the whole truth was he had only gone out with a few girls who blew his image way out of proportion. Only because he was the only guy in the whole school that could treat a girl the way they wanted to be treated.

Despite his overblown image, and the rumors running around school, he only had his sights on his teacher. Yes, he had dated a girl or two; but it was only to try and sop up the pain that built up in his chest. Yukio was a great person, but an even greater exorcist and he wanted to be able to stand beside him no matter what. The distance between them hurt, but he had been able to manage it so far and he knew he would last a little longer. Besides, it wasn't like his life was on the line or anything.

After letting out a soft sigh, Shima took the short cut through the cherry blossoms and smiled as he noticed the buds on the trees were just days from blooming. A twig snapping behind him moments later, as Shima stiffened and whipped around. Only to be slammed into the tree a few feet from him, as the teen let out a soft groan in pain and looked over in the direction the attack came from. The young teen almost shaking in fear, as he saw Amaimon watching him curiously. The Earth King tilting his head to the side, as he knelt down in front of him and looked at him.

"Did I break anything?" The Earth King asked, as he looked at the young teen.

Shima giving the demon a scared shake of the head, before Amaimon nodded. The upper level demon giving him a curt nod, before he grabbed the teen by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to his feet. The Earth King standing up as well, as he brushed the dirt off the teen's shirt and stepped back.

"Good, I can't let my new toy get broken."

"Toy?" Shima spoke in confusion, as he stared at the demon in fear and fought back the urge to yell for help.

Amaimon gave him a nod, as he watched the pink-haired teen picking up his backpack.

"You see, my last game wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be." The demon spoke, as he frowned slightly. "We played a very interesting game about three weeks ago and he won. So now I don't have anyone to play with."

"Three weeks ago?" Shima spoke, as he gave the demon a weird look and the facts clicked into place. "You're the one that took Rin-chan's voice!

"Correct." The Earth King spoke, as he leaned back on his heels. "I have to say it wasn't a very fun game, but it's over and I don't have a toy to play with anymore. He's too focused on his lover to pay attention to me."

"Then why don't you get a new to-" Shima's sentence came to a halt, as a smirk stretched across the demon's face and Shima's face paled.

"I've been thinking the same thing." The Earth King mused, as he took a step toward the teen and Shima stepped back into the tree. "I've been taking my time finding my next toy and I've found the perfect one."

Dreading the response, Shima swallowed the lump in his throat and stared at the demon in fear.

"You'll be the perfect player in my new game, and I won't have to worry about getting a new toy."

"Th-there's nothing you can take from me." Shima stuttered, as he tried not to sound scared. "If you take my voice Rin-chan will know it's you!"

"I'm perfectly aware of that." Amaimon spoke, as he gave the teen an evil smirk.

Shima's brain immediately panicking, as he pushed himself away from the tree and tried to make a break for it. The teen getting a few steps away, before an arm wrapped around his waist and a hand covered his mouth. The young teen squeaking in fear, as the Earth King let out a low growl in displeasure and kept the teen close to him.

"You're not allowed to run away, Renzou." The Earth King spoke in a threatening tone, as Shima shook in his hold. "I've researched you pretty thoroughly, so there's no place you can hide from me. So know your place."

The pink-haired teen gave the demon a small nod, before the demon removed his hand from the teen's mouth and slid his fingers against the teen's neck.

"Wh-what do you want with me, then?" Shima asked, as he shivered at the demon's icy cold touch.

"Isn't it obvious?" The demon mused. "I want to play a game."

"Wh-what kind of game?"

Amaimon chuckled, as he released the teen from his hold; but took firm hold on the teen's wrist.

"Don't worry. You might get something if you win."


"Your precious Sensei."

Shima froze, as he looked back at the demon and Amaimon smirked.

"Here's how my new game works." The Earth King spoke, as he reached his hand in his pocket and rummaged around for something. "I'm giving you ten days to win this game, and you can't tell anyone about it; till I say so. Secondly, what I'm going to give you will take affect in an hour. The only way to win the game is to make your Sensei fall in love with you and confess his love to you."

"Wh-what's the catch?" Shima demanded, as the Earth King pulled a syringe and vial out of his pocket.

Amaimon chuckled slightly, as he let go of the teen's wrist and drew the liquid out of the vial and into the syringe.

"This here is a nifty little virus I found." The Earth King spoke, as he tapped the syringe. "You see, it's harmless to demons, but it's fairly effective on humans."

"What does it do?" Shima demanded, as he took a step back, as the demon tried to grab his arm.

Without warning the teen's arm was jerked toward the demon and the syringe was pushed into his arm. The teen unable to react, till the liquid was already forced into his blood stream and the teen pushed himself away from the demon. Amaimon smirking, as he shoved the objects back into his pocket and enjoyed the look of shock and fear on the young teen's face.

"The virus I just gave you will slowly make you sick." The demon explained, as Shima looked at him. "In an hour it'll take effect and you'll start to feel minor symptoms. From there those symptoms will slowly get worse, till you're to the point you'll be bedridden. Then the virus will slowly start to kill you."

"K-kill me?" Shima spoke, as he stared at the demon in fear.

"It's designed to slowly shut down your body, until your heart and lungs stop functioning." Amaimon spoke, as he casually pulled out a lollypop and pulled off the wrapper. "I'm the only one with the antidote."

"Then give it to me! I didn't agree to this!" Shima yelled, as Amaimon frowned.

"You didn't have to agree, Renzou." The Earth King spoke, venom in his tone. "You're my new toy, and as my new to you'll play my game."

"I'm not your toy!" Shima yelled, as he glared at the demon. "There is no way I'm playing your games!"

"Then go ahead and die for all I care." The demon spoke, as he waved his hand and headed for the academy. "But keep this in mind, Renzou. The only way to get the antidote is to win the game, and you have to have your Sensei fall in love with you to win."

"Go to hell!" Shima screamed, as he felt the tears well up in his eyes.

"Not this time, Renzou."

Scarlett: *throws hands up in the air and confetti explodes behind* Welcome back my wonderful fans! I have amazingly great news! *random drum roll behind* The poll results are in and you guys have won the sequel; with a clear score of 15 to 1! So congratulations my fans! We have entered Amaimon's new game!

Shima: *raises hand* why do I have to be the victim, why can't Sensei play his game?

Scarlett: *sighs and pats Shima's head* that is because me and my little messed up mind made you the uke of this fine relationship. So you get to be helpless and adorable.

Shima: That's no fair! *pouts*

Yukio: *barely paying any attention, with his nose in one of his books*

Scarlett: *frowns* well, you guys suck. At least Bon and Rin tried to be excited. I guess we need someone to liven this party up *Walks over to door and flings it open* Come on in, Amaimon!

Shima: you better not!

Yukio: I've had enough for one day *gets up and walks out of room*

Shima: Hey! Don't you dare leave me all alone with her! *follows after*

Amaimon: *walks in to find room empty and Scarlett pissed* I'm guessing they left

Scarlett: Yeah they did *flops in couch* more candy for me

Amaimon: Candy!

For more information and Updates about my fanfictions, coming straight from me, visit my author page and look under the Progression and Important Information section. I have updates about my current Ao no Exorcist fanfictions and a new one that has not been posted yet and is not finished. Stop by and check it out for the information.

Please note that I am also taking requests for anyone who wants one. The information for requests can be found on my profile page and is under the Requests section. (Please note I only take three requests at one time) So stop by my Profile page and check it out.

Yukio and Shima do not belong to me.

These characters belong to Kazue Kato.

And to you guys, I've decided that inbetween some chapters, I'm going to be answering comments and any questions you have. I'll answer anything about the story, plot, realtionships on characters, or you can just me about myself. You can even ask Bon and Rin. Anyway! Enjoy and review!