Ducking his head Sam huffs out a laugh when he sees that Dean has gone shopping. (We're going native; got to blend in.) Yes, it's definitely a fetish.
Eyes narrowing and head tilting to the side, somewhere between 'I'm trying to figure out if this is normal for all humans or simply Winchesters' and 'What fascinating specimens you two are' Castiel looks on as Dean hands Sam a bag marked "Wally's Western World".
Sam claims that Dean has a fetish when he sees that gleam in his brother's eye at the prospect of going to the Wild West.
Dean waves him off with a "whatever bitch" and roll of his eyes.
Castiel is confused.
"What is a 'fetish'?"
Dean has stopped his digging through the bags to find which one has his hat and is now looking up at Cas. There's a dangerous glint in his eyes, as his brain starts forming a plan on how to answer that question.
Sam wants to laugh, he really does, but when he catches sight of Dean and sees how his brother is staring at Cas, and not with an affronted look, but rather another of their staring longingly into one another's souls looks and his tongue is poking out to swipe over his bottom lip while he looks Cas over, well Sam actually feels a bit queasy instead.
It's not that it bothers him that his brother is in love with the angel that pulled him from Hell, in fact he rather likes Castiel, but he's had close quarters with Dean and really he doesn't feel the need to be treated to their constant eye-sex, not when Dean looks as if he's planning which innuendo he should use on Cas this moment.
Sam's money is on the "Hey Baby, want to save a horse and ride a Cowboy?" because that one just reeks of Dean, but really he'd rather not think of his brother sexing up an Angel of the Lord with cheesy pickup lines preluding into Western roleplaying. No thank you, he'd much rather maintain a shred of sanity.
Dean is pulling out his hat now and as he places it on his head he plasters a grin to his face and dropping his voice he pulls his best Southern accent and looks at Cas, "Well now partner, I think that's a question best discussed in private." Winking, Dean smirks at Castiel, whose brows only seem to knit together even more and his head tilt that last degree to 'Dean Winchester, you confuse me' status.
"I don't understand Dean, why are you talking like that?"
"Authenticity," he replies grinning.
And Sam wishes he'd actually been able to bet because the next thing he knows, Dean is walking around the chair to Cas and leaning in pitching his voice low as he drawls "How'd you like to save a horse angel?"
"Why of course I would, I love all of my father's creations," Castiel replies earnestly.
Dean just rolls his eyes, "it's not actually a- you know what never mind," he trails off grabbing Castiel by the wrist and tugging him towards the stairs.
"Oh," Cas mumbles as he is dragged away by Dean.
"Yea, 'oh'," Dean shoots back.
"Was that a flirtation?"
Sam does laugh then.