"Marry me?"

Brittany could see the ring vaguely through her tears. Her brain has definitely registered what is happening, but she can't force her mouth to form the appropriate words. She does the only thing she can and falls to her knees, landing roughly, and throws herself into Santana's arms.

Santana tries to catch her, soften the impact, but it happened so quick and now Brittany is sobbing yes's and I love you's into her neck. Santana knows for a fact that in this moment, she's the happiest person alive. Brittany pulls back slightly only to surge forward and kiss her with every ounce of passion she's feeling. And it's definitely not park appropriate but every one that can see them just watched what went down so she thinks they probably get it. When they pull back for air she wraps her arms tightly around Brittany's waist and kisses the crook of her neck. She can feel Brittany's breathing calm a little so loosens enough to look at her. "So yes then?" Brittany nods and sniffs her tears back again.

"A million yes's." Santana takes her hand and slides the ring onto her finger before kissing it. Brittany pulls her hand back and looks at the ring. "It's so beautiful. Perfect." She sighs a happy sigh before looking into Santana's eyes. "I love you so much." Neither girl has stopped crying but they're both just so happy. Someone walks towards them and then around giving them a concerned glance.

"Maybe we should head to the hotel." Santana laughs. Brittany agrees and Santana stands up first, reaching down to help Brittany up. "Let's go." Santana takes Brittany's hand, running her thumb over Brittany's finger, and the ring. It feels perfect.

They walk back to the car and Santana opens the door and helps Brittany into the car, kissing her once more before shutting the door. She can't believe how happy and huge her heart feels. She gets into the car and immediately takes Brittany's hand again. She ordinarily has a hard time not touching Brittany but now it's even harder. Like magnets. But she thinks it's understandable. They get to the hotel and check in and go up to the room. Brittany goes to sit down and hisses at the burning in her knees, which she hadn't noticed until just now. Santana looked over in alarm and was going to ask what was wrong when she saw a trickle of blood running down one leg and the other was also skinned up. "Britt..." She sighed pouting. "Let me get something to clean that up. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't notice. I was kind of distracted." She looked down at her ring and smiled up at Santana adoringly. Santana walked over to Brittany and kissed her sweetly before walking out of the room. She came back moments later with some band aids, and alcohol pads. She goes to the bathroom and got a wash cloth, wetting it with warm water before coming to kneel in front of Brittany. She took time cleaning the blood away from each cut as gently as possible. Then she took the alcohol pads out of their packets.

"This is going to burn a little." She swiped the first pad over her right knee. Brittany jumped back at the burning. "Shhh I know. Almost done." The amount of care Santana was showing her was almost enough to distract her from the pain. She was being so gentle. After she was finished cleaning the cuts she put a bandaid over each knee and kissed them. "All better."

"I look like a ten year old. Who still skins their knees?"

"You definitely don't look like a ten year old. Not in that dress. I know I've told you but you look beautiful tonight."

"So do you. Tonight was perfect. It was..." her voice trailed off "it was everything." Santana wanted to respond but she didn't really have the words. So she took a step towards Brittany, who immediately recognizes the look in Santana's eyes and stands up. Their lips crash together and it's messy, but passionate. They eventually part, gasping for air. When they kiss this time it's slower, with more love, more care. Passion still burning deep in their bellies. Santana reaches down and takes the hem of Brittany's dress in her hands and pulls it up and over her head. She tosses the dress behind her and grips Brittany's waist. She could feel herself getting stiff and in compression shorts it was starting to get painful. She whimpered quietly in reaction to the discomfort.

Brittany knew immediately what was wrong and pulled away from the kiss. She pressed a kiss to Santana's forehead as she undid the zipper of her dress. She pulled it down and off of Santana before making quick work of taking the off her compression shorts. Santana sighed in relief as Brittany tenderly stroked the angry red lines. She felt Brittany start to sink to her knees and stopped her, pulling her back up. "Your knees Britt." Santana reminded her before kissing her again. She unhooked Brittany's bra and slid it off of her shoulders before quickly getting rid of her own, so she could press their bodies together. As soon as she did, they both made sounds of contentment.

"I love feeling you against me." Brittany spoke against her lips. Santana pulled Brittany's panties off and started walking her back towards the bed. She couldn't help but feel the need to be so gentle right now. This memory felt precious. Brittany felt it too. She reached down and gripped Santana's now mostly hard cock and stroked her to full hardness. She loves the way her touch changes the way Santana kisses her. Deeper. Fuller. Santana stops Brittany's hand.

"Bed." She husks out and it makes the heat in Brittany's belly burn hotter. She sits down and slides backwards to the pillows, laying down but maintaining eye contact with Santana. This is one of the ways she likes her best. Naked, unashamed, breasts heaving from deep breaths, and hard. She loves the effect she has on Santana. How badly she could tell Santana wants her. But Brittany wanted her just as bad. She didn't even need to touch Brittany and she was already wet. She let her legs fall open just slightly so Santana could see just how wet she was. Normally they would spend a lot of time building up. Brittany would have insisted when Santana tried to stop her from going down on her. She loved it. She loved how intimate it felt with Santana. But right now she just wanted Santana inside of her. She wanted to be as close to her as possible.

"I want you." She told Santana, and it sounded more desperate than she intended. But she was a little desperate. Santana crawled up the bed and laid flat on top of her. Brittany could feel her hardness pressed against her belly and she so badly wanted her inside. But then Santana's lips are pressed against hers and that's enough to distract her from almost anything. Until they part and the need is back but stronger. "Santana please. I need you." Santana nods and props herself up, Brittany wastes no time reaching between them and guiding Santana toward her entrance. Santana presses her hips forward and Brittany can't help but throw her head back at the feeling. No matter how many times they've made love she still feels herself stretching to accommodate Santana's size, every time. She loves it. She even loves the little pinch she feels when Santana is pressed all the way in, it doesn't hurt so much as it reminds Brittany that she's there, and that they are as close to each other as can be.

Santana starts rocking and thrusting into her and Brittany builds so quick that it surprises her. Everything about sex with Santana turns her on. The sounds she makes, the words whispered into her ear about how good she feels and how wet she is. The way she looks into her eyes before it gets to be too much and she squeezes them together. The way the room smells like them. The way it feels to be full, the hard thrusts juxtaposed with the gentle touches, the way their bodies come together with each thrust. It overwhelms her in the best possible way. In a way that she both never wants to end and feels like she might explode soon if it doesn't.

"So close baby." She pants into Santana's ear, running her fingers down her smooth tan back, feeling the muscles ripple underneath her skin. Santana kisses her and speeds her thrusting bringing them both so close to the edge. Brittany knows she wants them to come together. And just when Brittany thinks she can't take any more, Santana reaches between them and rolls her clit between two fingers and Brittany feels herself tighten, and explode. Her back arches and her leg wraps around Santana's hips locking their bodies together. She hears Santana moan her name and then she feels her hot cum spill into her. She whimpers and twitches with waves of aftershocks running through her body, clinging desperately to Santana as she rides out her orgasm. This is another one of her favorite ways to see Santana. Shaking and coming undone. She holds her tight, pressing as much of them together as she can. "I love you so much." She whispers into Santana's ear and feels her muscles loosen as she collapses on top of her.

"I love you too." Santana breathes out. Brittany shifts them to their sides, the motion causing Santana to slip out of her. She pouts for just a little at the empty feeling but smiles when Santana pulls her tight and cuddles into her They lay there for a few seconds before the glinting of her ring catches her eye.

"I can't believe you proposed." She says with awe in her voice. Santana smiles, nuzzling her nose into Brittany's skin.

"Yeah I did." Brittany smiles at the pride in Santana's voice.

"I was going to, you know." Santana propped herself up to look at Brittany.

"You were?"

"Mhmm. I was saving up for a ring. I hadn't thought of how yet though."

"I was going to plan more." Santana admits. " Make it more grand. But then once I actually had the ring in my hand I thought maybe that wouldn't be what you wanted."

"I loved everything about the way it happened. It was perfect. Absolutely. But I'm still buying you a ring." Santana smiles even bigger.


"Of course. I want people to know you're spoken for. Plus…" Brittany shrugged nonchalantly. "I like it. So I'm gonna put a ring on it." Santana started laughing before she collapsed next to Brittany.

"Roll over. I want to hold my fiancé" Their hearts both skipped at the word.

"I like that."

"Me too." Santana tickled her fingers across Brittany's belly. "Do you like the ring?" There was a shyness in her voice that only Brittany ever got to hear. Brittany held her hand out in front of her so they could both see the ring.

"It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I honestly couldn't have picked a better one for myself." Santana kissed Brittany's shoulder and neck while she spoke.

"I love it too. It's even prettier on you than it was in the store." She reached out and Brittany linked her hand with Santana's. She folded their arms so she was holding Brittany tight. They lay there in relative silence, Santana kissing Brittany's back randomly and starting to nearly drift off to sleep. She was just about to tell her goodnight when she felt Brittany's body shake against hers slightly. She held her breath, hoping that it was just a sleep tremor, even though she knew it wasn't. As soon as she felt it again she tightened her hold on Brittany. "What's wrong baby?"

"I'm sorry." Brittany sniffed back. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I think I just spent so much time being positive I would never have this kind of happiness. And sometimes I still can't believe I'm here. And that I have you." Brittany rolled over in Santana's arms so their fronts were completely pressed together and they were holding each other. She buried her face into Santana's neck. "Sometimes I get scared I'm going to wake up and you will have just been the most wonderful dream I'll ever have."

"I felt the same way. That I would find someone and fall in love but they would never accept my body. But I think we were meant for each other. I really do Brittany. And I can't believe we have the rest of our lives to feel like this. You're definitely not dreaming." Brittany sobs into Santana's neck a few more times before pulling away and pressing a very wet kiss into her lips. "I'll spend the rest of my life making you happy, I promise."

"Me too. But that's what being engaged means doesn't it? Making that promise?" Santana nods.

"We're going to get married Britt." She smiles her biggest smile. The one that, without fail, takes Brittany's breath away every time.

"We are." She kisses Santana's cheeks, and then nose, and then lips before settling against her as close as they could possibly be. "Love you so much Santana."

"Love you too Britt." And then the only sound was their breathing as they fell asleep.

Santana wakes up in the best way possible, Brittany on top of her kissing her face. "You're awake!" Brittany realizes.

"And good thing." She pulls Brittany closer and kisses her smiling. Just before things start to get heated, a thought occurs to her. "We have to tell my parents."

"Mmm." Brittany hums distractedly, kissing Santana's jaw, down to her neck. It was almost enough to distract her.

"No. Focus. Babe. We have to tell my parents."

"What?" Santana gestures to her ring. "Oh." She smiles. "They don't know?" Brittany sits up, straddling Santana's waist. Santana is distracted once again because now she could see her very naked, very beautiful fiancé. Brittany smirks, knowing exactly what Santana is thinking. She grabs the sheet and pulls it so it covers her body. "Now you focus."

Santana shakes her head to clear her mind again. "Sorry. But you can't blame me. Anyway. They know in like a general sense. But they don't know I actually asked you. We have to tell them. My mom is already going to be mad we didn't call last night."

"We were busy." Brittany bites her bottom lip.

"I know. But you know her. We should call."

"Or…. We could just go visit? Neither of us have homework and it's not that far. It would mean a lot to your mom."

"But I kind of wanted to spend the day in bed with you." Santana pouts, running her hands up Brittany's thighs.

"San." Brittany smacks her hand and pouts right back. "They would be happier if we went to see them. This is big." And Santana knew Brittany was right. It was big. The biggest. Plus Brittany was always right. But she was semi-hard right now and really didn't want to leave this room. But that pout…

"Fine." Brittany claps her hands causing the sheet to fall and Santana to groan. She rolls her eyes and grabs the phone from the night stand. Santana dials the house number. "Hey Mami. Brittany and I were wondering if we could come up for dinner. It's just a nice day for a drive." She could feel Brittany starting to scoot down her body. "Have the boys come up too. It will be fun. Things are about to start getting busy so I don't know when we will be able to come up again. Four sounds good. See you soon." Santana hangs up the phone and looks down at Brittany. "What are you doing babe?"

"I want to take care of this before we go." She felt Brittany gently cup her balls before sinking the rest of the way down and taking her into her mouth.

After spending more time in bed than they should have, they quickly shower before heading back to their apartment to change. Quinn must have been in the living room waiting for them, because as soon as they opened the door she attacks them. "I am so happy for you guys! I can't believe it! Let me see the ring Britt." She grabs Brittany's hand and looks at the ring closely.

"Quinn is the only person who knew in advance. I needed someone to tell." Brittany kisses her to show she understands.

"It's been so hard not to say something to anyone. Guys! You're engaged!" She claps again. "And home earlier than I expected."

"We're going to go tell San's family next." Brittany beamed.

"Your mom is going to die." Santana agrees and tells her they'll tell friends soon so Quinn can stop keeping the news from Rachel, before going back to the bedroom to get changed.

The drive was spent, for the most part, in a comfortable silence. Random singing along to the radio, declarations of love, and Brittany pointing out every animal she saw was the only noise. Santana was holding Brittany's hand, occasionally playing with her ring. "You're going to have to take this off till we tell them." She taps the ring, glancing over at Brittany to see her reaction. She scrunches up her face in clear disapproval of the idea. Just as Santana suspected.

"Is it weird that I already don't want to take it off?" Brittany asks spinning the ring a few times on her finger.

"No. I don't want you to take it off, either. But you know my mom." Brittany nods.

"Definitely. She'll see it before we even get out of the car. I have pockets in this dress. It will be safe." But she knows she won't be able to stop checking anyway. When they get there, Santana can tell her mother is suspicious of something. It's almost funny. But she wants to wait till everyone gets there to tell them. Her brothers arrive shortly after that and everyone is happy to see them. Santana can barely deal with how happy she is in general. She tries to dial it down for appearances sake, some things are only for Brittany to see, but she suspects she fails a little by the raised eyebrows that keep getting sent in her direction from various family members. They sit down to eat and she knows, really, the appropriate time to make this kind of announcement would be at the end of dinner. But her mom keeps looking down at them and Brittany keeps putting her hand in her pocket like all she wants is to put the ring back on.

"Put the ring on baby. We're going to tell them." Santana leans over and whispers. Brittany looks back at her like that's the most exciting news ever. "So, guys. I wanted you all to come to dinner because I wanted to tell you something all together." She paused to prepare herself. "We're engaged!" It took her mother less than a second to get over to them. Santana honestly isn't sure she didn't jump over the table. But she and Brittany are being squeezed together in her arms and they are all crying. And her mom is speaking some crazy not English not Spanish and it's all perfect. Her mom pulls back kissing her face several times before switching focus to Brittany. Her dad wraps her up next, telling her he's so happy and so proud, his eyes swimming with tears and if she hadn't already been, Santana would have started crying.

More hugs, being lifted into the air several times, and kisses later they were all seated and eating their slightly cold food. No one even noticed though. They all oohed and awed over the ring, and her mother teared up when they talked about the proposal. "So when is the wedding?" Diego asks.

"We haven't really talked about it yet. We've been engaged for less than twenty-four hours." Santana tells him. She had thought about it, and they had vaguely discussed it a few months ago. The summer after Brittany graduates was something they had both thought might be a good idea, but they hadn't talked about it in any kind of official way.

"I'm sure the Lopez-Pierce wedding will be beautiful whenever it is." Antonio speaks up.

"Just Lopez." Brittany corrects easily before realizing what she said and getting slightly shy. "We have talked about that." Santana takes her hand as Brittany speaks and her eyes go to her mother who looked like she was going to cry again. "I know who my family is." Brittany adds softly, talking to everyone, but looking at Santana. Santana couldn't stop herself from leaning over to kiss her. A chorus of awws (and a few gags) erupt around them.

Maribel brings out dessert and sits back down letting everyone serve themselves. She had something on her mind that she needed to say. "I have to be honest, I was positive you were going to tell us you were pregnant mija." A short pause and then "You aren't, are you Brittany?"

"Nope. We're not there yet." Brittany answers easily over Santana's groaned "Mami!"

"Good. Because I want grand babies. But after you're ready. And Married."

"We know Mami. We know." The rest of dinner went wonderfully, and they left that evening feeling happy and loved.

Somehow for Santana, telling their friends was even more nerve wracking than her family. She didn't want them to judge or dismiss something that makes them so happy. They knew that telling people is a never ending process, but they did want the bulk of their friends to find out at once. So they organized a game night for Tuesday night and thankfully everyone could make it. Brittany announced it this time and the reactions of their friends could not have been better. They were all so happy and excited for them. They talked about where the wedding should be and demanded an open bar. Rachel, expectedly, yelled at Quinn for not finding a way to tell her. The games lay forgotten as they happily talked late into the night.

When everyone finally did leave after more congratulations and more hugs, Santana and Brittany stumbled into bed completely exhausted. They took their clothes off and cuddled close. "So the summer after you graduate?" Santana asks.

"Is that what you want?"

"I think so. Moving on from college with our life as a married couple seems kind of perfect."

"I agree." Brittany really would have gone out the next day and eloped but she knew weddings were a big deal in Santana's family. So time to plan was important. She was just starting to nod off when she heard Santana timidly call her name. "Hmm?"

"Did you mean it? About taking my last name?"

"Of course baby." Brittany replies as if it made all the sense in the world. Because to her, it did. "You and your family are my family." She cuddles into Santana's chest closer.

"Perfect. Future Mrs. Brittany Lopez." She felt Brittany smile into her skin. They both fell asleep dreaming of weddings and families and beautiful things to come.

The End. (sort of.)

AN: So. That's it. As I posted on tumblr, I'm not giving you guys a timeline of when the one shots/next story is going to be posted because we know I'm awesome at sticking to deadlines. It might be a little while. Do some no pressure writing to build up a few chapters so i can maybe keep it on a more regular schedule.

But more important than that

I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope it made you happy. I hope you're excited for the next part of the journey. I know my beta and I are. I can't thank all of you enough. And I can't thank my beta enough. It feels a little weird to check that Completed box knowing there's still so much more to come. See you there. : )