"Hanna, can you hurry up?" Aria asked impatiently, while quickening her pace. The bell would ring any moment and Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hanna were still making their way down the hall at a speed that was clearly too slow for Aria's taste. She didn't want to be late for class.

"Not unless you want me to break an ankle! In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly wearing running shoes!"She was right. Four-inch heels were not the footwear of choice when it came to running. Then again, walking down the hallways of Rosewood High shouldn't be considered an event that required any type of physical exertion.

"Can we please just get to class before I turn one-hundred?" Aria retorted. Any comeback from Hanna was cut off by the loud ringing of the bell signalizing that the girls were all late for class.

"Well, there's no point in running now since we're already late," Hanna announced. Aria let out a defeated sigh.

"It's fine Aria," Emily stated, "it's not like Mr. Fitz would mark you late," she winked teasingly, while the other girls giggled.

"I still would have liked to get to there on time. Now we're going to miss the beginning of the discussion,"

Spencer snorted, "Yeah, that's why you're upset that we're late: a shortened discussion time."

"I don't see what your implying," Aria lied as the door to Ezra's classroom came within her view.

"Oh really," Spencer went on, "the teacher being your boyfriend has nothing to do with it? 'Hey, Mr. Fitz I was wondering if you could help me with my oral presentation'" Hanna and Emily, whom up to this point had been smiling quietly to themselves, burst out in laughter. Aria glared up at them.

"Come on guys, seriously can we just go to class?" Aria asked. She was answered by a chorus of grumbled 'fine's and 'sure's. The final meters of their walk was were spent in silence until they were inches away from the door and Aria spoke up.

"And by the way, Ezra's never given me anything less than an A as far as oral presentations are concerned," Aria winked and quickly walked into English class leaving a shocked Spencer, Hanna and Emily behind her.

When Aria walked into the English classroom she noticed that everyone appeared to be working in their journals. It must be a writing day. She glanced over quickly at Ezra's desk and saw that he seemed to be engrossed in reading students journals and commenting on their rough drafts. He had the end of his pen in between his teeth and was chewing on the cap, the tip of his tongue occasionally visible through his teeth. He had his head propped up on one of his hands and he was leaning on his elbow. Aria couldn't help but smile, the man was just too damn cute. The door closed heavily behind her breaking her from her trance.

"Late," He called out without looking from his work.

"Oh, umm, I'm sorry, Mr. Fitz." At the sound of her voice Ezra sat up straighter and removed the pen from his mouth. He let his eyes roam from his work over to Aria. She gave a sheepish grin and he smiled softly back at her, "Spencer's locker wouldn't open so we had to wait for a janitor to come open it," Aria said as she slowly moved toward her seat.

"Just, try not to have it happen again," Ezra replied quietly his eyes never leaving hers. The door opened again and Hanna, Emily and Spencer quickly took their seats.

Ezra cleared his throat and stood up, a pile of notebooks in his hands. "For those of you who arrived late, we're working on revisions today," He started walking down the aisles of desk handing back journals while continuing his speech, "I've read all your rough drafts and found them all to be quite good. I have, however, made a few comments in the margins of your papers, just some suggestion on how you could possibly improve your work." He was at Aria's desk now. He handed her back her notebook, fingers lingering on the cover as his eyes met hers.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Fitz," Aria said quietly, placing her hand lightly on Ezra's for a moment before pulling her notebook into her lap.

"Oh, Aria, please take a good look at the comments I've given you." A small smile played at the sides of his lips as he looked at her. The mischief in his blue eyes were met by confusion in her green ones. Despite her confusion, Aria returned the smile. Ezra pivoted on his heel and walked quickly back to his desk.

Oy vey Aria thought shaking her head lovingly. He was such a little boy sometimes. She sat her bag down beside her desk and pulled out a pen, mentally preparing herself for an entire class period of revising. She flipped open her journal looking for some note Ezra must have left her. She flipped toward the end of her notebook where he usually left her cute little notes or lines from poetry that reminded him of her. So far she hadn't seen anything new from him, she turned to the last few pages of the book. Tucked in between the back cover and the pages of her notebook was an envelope with her name printed on it. She picked it up and could immediately tell there was something other than plain paper inside. Well, this was strange. It wasn't her birthday and their anniversary wasn't until Saturday. Aria looked over at his desk suspiciously. He was watching her intently from behind an English textbook. She raised an eyebrow at him curiously

"Open it," he mouthed to her. Making sure no one besides Ezra was staring at her, Aria slowly opened the envelope and with as little noise as possible, pulled out a piece of paper that was folded into thirds. She quickly unfolded it.


There's only us. There's only this.

Forget regret, or life is yours to miss

No other road, No other way

No day but ...Saturday?

Come with me to New York this weekend. Please?


Aria reread the letter multiple times. What? New York? Was he joking? She reached back in the envelope and pulled out a ticket for an Off-Broadway performance of RENT happening this Saturday. She quickly looked over at his desk to find Ezra's gaze still resting on her. When their gazes met, his small smile turned into his boyish grin.

"What?" Aria mouthed to him incredulously, indicating the note. Ezra just shrugged and smiled causing her to giggle. Hanna turned around and glared her, giving her the, "You're gonna get caught" look. Aria looked down guiltily at her notebook that she had been neglecting the entire class. Sighing, she turned to the front of the notebook to where her rough draft was written and took out a pencil. There was no way she could do any school work now. Her mind was consumed with thoughts on what it would be like to go to New York with Ezra. No one would know them. They would be able to act like a real couple, like hold hands, kiss in public kind of couple. Aria remembered how amazing it felt to be able to act like that for a few hours when they went to the art show together last month. This trip would be similar to that only ten times better. It would be an entire weekend plus he was taking her to a Broadway show, plus it was New York...It would be an entire weekend. That implies at least two days, so... Aria's mind started spinning. They would spend the night together. In New York. Where they could act like a real couple. Would they just share a hotel room? Would they share a bed? It's not like they've never shared a bed, they've just never did anything in a bed. Or any other place for that matter. Would she still be able to say that after this trip?

Every thought in her mind was of her and Ezra. Would they or wouldn't they? How would it happen... If it happens. Aria looks at the clock, about thirty more minutes until the end of class and the end of the school day. Let the revising begin.

Thirty-two minutes later the bell rang. While students quickly shoveled notebooks, pencils and spare sheets of paper into their backpacks, hurrying to get to their buses, Aria took her time; hanging back.

"Aria, we'll see you tonight?" Aria heard Emily ask. She looked over by the door and saw that Spencer, Hanna and Emily had all been waiting for her.


"We were all going over to Spencer's to study and do homework," Emily explained, "remember?"

"Oh yeah, I remember now," Aria said, "hey Spence, is it okay if I come over around five-ish?"

"Aria," Spencer hinted, "you really don't have to come over and do homework if you think you'd rather be doing something el-"

"I'll be there," Aria exclaimed, cutting off Spencer's sentence, "but I really do need to talk to Mr. Fitz, so I'll see you guys later,"

After exchanging final goodbyes, Emily, Spencer and Hanna finally left the classroom leaving Aria and Ezra alone. Aria walked towards the door and turned the lock. She turned on her heel and leaned against the door. Ezra was walking down the aisles of seats picking up papers and pencils that had fallen on the floor during the day.

"Ezra," Aria said getting his attention.

"Aria," he responded. Aria could hear the cheekiness in his voice. She didn't even have to see his face to know he was wearing his "clever" grin. Aria walked up behind him and sat on top of the desk he was near.

"Okay mister, what's so funny?" Ezra turned around and looked at her. She was right, he looked like the poster child for the "I'm so clever" campaign.

"Aria," he said as he placed his hands on either side of her face, "if you had seen your face when you opened that letter, priceless." Aria took each of his hands in one of hers and placed them in her lap.

"How was I supposed to look? I was thrilled! I was surprised and wasn't sure you were being serious-"

"I am being serious," Ezra cut in all traces of past teasing gone.

"So your really planning on going to New York?"

"Only with you," Ezra grinned like a school boy. Aria just laughed at his adorable cliches.

"And we're going to see RENT?"

"You told me once that it was your favorite musical," he stood there holding her hands and smiling adorably down at her.

"Ezra, what about food and transportation and," she had to ask, "sleeping arrangements?"

"I have all that covered, all you need to do is say yes, just tell your parents your sleeping over at a friend's house," Ezra was looking at her with pleading eyes. God, he was so cute. She wished that they could just start acting like a couple right now so that they could make out. Taking her silence as a bad sign, he tried to convince her some more. "If you come, I'll probably end up singing along with some of the songs, that means you'll get to hear me, Ezra Fitz, sing. This is a once in a lifetime offer, Aria. And I sing like an angel, literally it's like I've been sent down from the heavens to-" giggling, Aria covered his mouth with her hand.

"Yes, Ezra! Yes, of course I'll go!" She said, a huge smile on her face. Ezra removed her hand from his mouth.

"Are you aware of just how much I love you?" he looked down at her with his deep blue eyes full of adoration.

"God, I really want to kiss you right now," Aria blurted out. A wide smile crept across his face as she blushed slightly.

"I guess since you're studying at Spencer's there's no way you can come over tonight?"

"Ezra," Aria said, "why do you think I told Spencer I wouldn't be there until five?"

"You," he said while moving to his desk to start packing up his briefcase, "are an awesome girlfriend."

"Thank you," she replied smiling while hopping off the desk and getting all of her belongings. "I'll see you in like twenty minutes?" Aria asked while opening the door.

"Can't wait. I'll pick up dinner for us. I'll see you there," with that, Aria exited the classroom and headed for her car. The weekend couldn't come sooner.