OMG, guy's this is the last chapter *bows* thank you all so much for all your reviews and support ,

hopefully you'll put me on your watch list and I can hear your reviews again on another story ^_^

but I love you all and thanks for watching~

Here you go.


It was amazing...

I couldn't help but smile .

Months ago if someone told me I would be married ,I would have thought it would be with Zelda.

Months ago if someone told me I would be in love with someone who tried to kill Zelda I would have punched them..

But as fate would have it months later myself in a black dress pants and vest with the tri force over my heart .

Much to Ghirahims dismay we both wore suits.

Ghirahim wore a long tailed white tux ,the edges having black diamonds .

It was a day I will never forget.

Zelda was a little upset I could tell but I can see her and Impa growing closer each day so she should be fine.

Groose is much more...accommodating then he used to be .

Ghirahim? Well ,it's sad to say not many people other then our little group seem to accept him.

But I guess thats how people work, even if you do something as amazing as killing off a demon king, they still seem to point out the faults, no matter how true they are or not.

He and I both decided to move out of Skyloft, our little house there for when we visit but then again...We really don't have to.

Zelda and Impa just put the finishing touches on the new town on the surface and a few people from Skyloft have already moved in.

Ghirahim and I have just settled into his home on the surface.

It's funny that I have never set foot in here in my life yet I know where everything is.


Smiling I look up at Ghirahim, sighing I hold out my arms to Ghirahim.

"Good morning ,Did you have a good sleep?"

I smile as I hold onto my baby girl with her shining blue eye's.

She coo's ,holding to my finger .

"Little Fi will be a great weapon one day Ghirahim," I smile.

Kissing me on the head he heads out to go back to his work.

Rocking her in my arms I smile, leaning down to her tiny little elfin ear.

"I knew we would meet in another life" I whisper happily, stroking the mop of white/blue hair on her head.


God I have been looking forward to reviling that moment for the entire series !

I hope you like it ^_^

Don't forget to review ^_^