A/N: The story is set around 6th year, and also Bellatrix wasn't locked up in Azkaban, she was in hidding. This chapter is on the short side, but they will get longer. Hermione x Bellatrix. Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1

The Leaky Cauldron

Hermione Granger walked into the Leaky Cauldron with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley reluctantly. She did not enjoy spending time in crowded places, but more often than not she endured it.

"It was a brilliant catch mate! I couldn't believe it when I saw the quaffle in my hands!" Ron exclaimed. That was almost all Ron had to talk about recently, how exceptional he was at Quidditch. Harry didn't seem to mind, he would go along with pretty anything as long as it wasn't about him. However Hermione couldn't stand Quidditch, so anytime the topic came up she'd zone out thinking about anything and everything.

Today, however, they quickly stopped talking about Quidditch.

"Blimey 'mione look!" Ron said, bringing her back to reality.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"In the back corner there, you see? Not that one, the one behind Ron. It's her, the one from the papers. Bellatrix Black," Harry finished in a whisper.

"Who?" Hermione inquired.

Harry and Ron looked at her dumbfounded.

"Didn't you read the Daily Prophet during the summer?" Ron asked. Hermione shook her head.

"Well," Harry started. "She was Voldemort's right hand man...er woman I suppose. Anyway nobody has been able to find her for years and then one day she just shows up," Harry explained.

"What do you mean she just showed up? Hermione asked curiously.

"She showed up at Gringott's to go to her vault. Immediately Aurors showed up to arrest her, but she said that they couldn't. And much to the wizarding world's dismay they actually couldn't," Ron explained in a voice barely audible."

"Couldn't?" Ron and Harry shrugged.

"Everyone is as baffled as you are," Ron stated.

Hermione glanced over to where Bellatrix sat, only to find that Bellatrix was looking at her too. Looking at the witch clad in black, Hermione couldn't help but notice her beauty. Sure, she was older, but still incredibly beautiful. And her eyes seemed to hold millions of secrets that intrigued Hermione.

Pulling her out of her thoughts, Harry tugged on her jacket.

"Come on, we're leaving," Harry said sharply. It almost sounded like an order but Hermione barely noticed the harshness in his tone. She looked at him perplexed, having barely registered what he'd said. Somehow Hermione's feet carried her towards the door leading to Diagon Alley, but before she exited the Leaky Cauldron she took one last look at Bellatrix. Who was still looking at her.


Bellatrix Black. She heard her name being said. She quickly located the owner of the voice who spoke her name. It was Harry Potter. Of course she knew who Harry Potter was. He had defeated her Lord at the age of one and was treated like a hero. 'Disgusting,' she thought to herself. Curious as to what they were talking about, Bellatrix cast a spell so that she could hear their conversation.

She knew Harry Potter, and recognized the Weasley by his red hair, but she didn't recognize the girl. Although she did notice her brown bushy hair that went just beyond her shoulders, and her black coat that hugged her body just right. Bellatrix chastised herself for having those thoughts, but before she could berate herself too much the younger witch turned around and was looking at her.

'Crap, she caught me staring at her...Wait, what do I care? I'm Bellatrix Black, I'll just glare at her and make her think what all the others think.' Glaring did not stop her from looking, she seemed entranced by Bellatrix. Bellatrix couldn't fathom why. When the girl turned back around Bellatrix let out a breath that she hadn't notice she was holding in. She watched her leave and then was rather surprised when she caught her eye again.

One of the waiter's who worked at the Leaky Cauldron went over to where the mystery girl was just sitting and began to wipe down the surface of the table. Without a second thought, Bellatrix walked over to the waiter.

"That girl who was just here, what is her name?" Bellatrix demanded. Once the waiter realized who had asked him he dropped his cloth and started to shake slightly.

Bellatrix did not have much patience and grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"Well?" she snarled.

"Um, I'm not sure. It's something Ginger or...Granger! Hermione Granger is her name," Bellatrix let go of what she thought to be a pitiful excuse for a wizard and left the Leaky Cauldron. All the while repeating the name in her head.