Buongiorno! ^.~ i know i already have and Altair fanfic up here...so i though i should have an Ezio one too! I love assassin's creed XD sometimes i wonder if this is healthy . This one is longer than the Altair one because i had already started it a while ago... but i set it aside for a long time :/ It's back! I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: much to my dismay... I don't own assassin's creed
"Wake up darling!"
I groaned, shifting in my bed. "I don't want to go to school mom…"
"Too bad! Today's your last day! Get your tiny hiney out of bed!" Mom chirped. Much to my demise, she flicked on the lights. I swiftly pulled the sheets over my head, shielding my eyes from the blinding light.
"Melina…." Mom muttered. It was that murderous tone that made me bolt up from bed.
"K mom! Be ready in a sec!" I threw the covers off my body and got up to shove my mom out of my room. Shutting my door quietly as to not wake up my little sister, I ran to my closet. "Okay Mel, think! It's the last day of senior year! . .AWESOME." I raided my closet, shoving to the side the clothes that I didn't deem worthy.
I set aside a tan cardigan, with a long gray tee, and torn skinny jeans, adding some awesome "leather" boots I got for my birthday last year. I placed my outfit on my bed for after my shower, and wandered over to my jewelry box. The same process instilled on that until I found a long necklace with a silver heart locket. Inside the locket was a picture of my family together. I cherished my family, and loved the life they provided for me. To me, life was perfect. Sure I wasn't the "popular" girl in school, but I had plenty of friends. I didn't have a boyfriend, but that was because all the boys in school were either taken, or total assholes. I myself was waiting for the perfect guy.
Placing my necklace with my clothes, I silently opened my door and padded to the bathroom. The bright green walls woke you up immediately, and the dark blue shower curtains went well with them. If it were my choice, I would've switched the wall's and shower curtain's color, as the bright green was too much, and somewhat nauseating. I took my hair out of the braids it was in last night, and watched in the mirror as the brown locks cascaded down my chest.
After a quick shower, I headed back to my room, towel wrapped around myself, and proceeded to put on the clothes I had recently picked out. Approving of my clothing choice, I jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen. "What to eat for breakfast…" I mumbled to myself. I leaned down, and opened the cabinet below the coffee maker. I gazed at the array of cereals. Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, Honey Nut Cheerios, and AH Pops! My favorite!
I enjoyed a nice bowl full of Pops, and ran back upstairs. I always had a thing for running up stairs as fast as possible. I love to challenge myself… I don't know why…it's just fun. I raced into my room, earning a "Ssh!" from my mom. "Sorry…" I whispered. I didn't know where mom was, but I knew she could hear me, call it mom-intuition. I pulled on my clothes and necklace, and headed for the bathroom. I blow-dried my hair and put on my makeup.
Heading to the bus stop, I caught up with Amelia, my best friend. "Aaand how's my little Melina?" she questioned.
"It's the last day of Senior Year! How do you think I am?" I chirped.
"Excited for college?"
"Don't forget graduation!"
"Ooh, guess what?" Ames (my nickname for her) jogged ahead of me, her curly black hair bouncing high.
"What? Something to do with Andy?" I replied, sounding slightly annoyed on purpose. She's obsessed with that boy. He's her boyfriend, the love of her life. We've known Andy since second grade, he's been our best friend. In Freshman year, he asked her out, and they've been dating ever since.
"No. Not this time~ Guess!" she smiled widely, and fell into stride with me again.
"Hmm… you're getting that car you've always wanted?" I took a random guess.
In response, she squealed, and said, "Yes! Oh my gosh! Mom's going to take me to pick it out after school today! I can't wait!"
"Finally getting away from that old Chevy?" I inquired. She had gotten that car when she first got her license. It's not that it's a bad car, in fact we both love the old thing, but it was starting to go.
"Sadly, yes. I'm gonna miss my little lady." She hung her head in emphasis. "But it's her time. And my time to get a new car!" Ames squealed again, making me cringe.
I giggled slightly. "Alright, alright. Now let's get to school."
School was awesome. We literally had fun all day. The only thing I didn't like was saying goodbye to the friends I knew I would never see again. Tears welled up in both of our eyes, and we hugged each other tightly. "It was really wonderful to know you…" I would mumble to each one. We would separate and look into each other's eyes, smiling happily, our last farewells. This ritual continued until I had said the last of my goodbyes.
Walking off of the campus, a bawling Amelia in tow, I took one last look at my high school. Some of my worst and best moments were spent there, and I knew I would never be able to set foot in there again as a normal person. Now, I would have to get permission, or a special invitation just to open the doors. I sighed heavily, remembering the conversation Ames and I had on our first day.
"This year, you are so getting a boyfriend. I don't care if I have to set you up on a blind date!" Amelia chimed.
I blushed, shaking my hands wildly in front of my face. "Please no! Please dear God no!" I pleaded "I do not want a set-up boyfriend! I want one who loves me because they fell in love. Not because they were set up."
"Geeze, Mel. You're so corny! Why not let that Italian blood flow!" she exclaimed. "Italians are supposed to be romantic!"
"Mio dio Ames! How many times do I have to tell you? That's the French!" I yelled.
That day, it took so much prodding to get Ames to drop the subject. I never got a boyfriend. That's okay though, as I wasn't looking for one. I just wanted to get through the year. And I did exactly that. With straight A's and a perfect attendance record, the first in my life, I made senior year a great one. I loved Italian. It was the best class, mainly because I learned the language my ancestors spoke. I had had a background with Italian, and could speak it fairly well, this class helped me become nearly fluent.
I have always wanted to go to Italia…mainly to Florence… where my relatives still live today. I planned to go there two weeks after graduation, and I couldn't wait.
There it is amici! i know the French AND Italian are romantic...just go with it! Pretend Melina doesn't know or something...