Hey to everyone who reads my fic this is my second fic ever im quiet pleased with the first chapter I hope you enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own glee or any of the characters.

This is just my imagination running wild!

A Halloween to Remember

Chapter 1: Change of Plans

"Oh my god Britt!" Santana exclaimed as she felt her girlfriend nip at the pulse point on her neck.

"Mmm…you taste good San" Brittany said as she ran her hands over Santana's clothed stomach.

"Alright we have to stop, they'll be here any minute", Santana gently pushed Brittany's shoulders so she could rise from on top of her.

They had been on each other them moment they got a look at what the other was wearing for the Halloween party they were going to a couple of blocks away, The glee kids agreed to meet at Santana's before they all headed over there and the time was now 6.43 they agreed to be at her house at 6.45.

"But San you look so sexy in your candy striper costume", Brittany had risen from on top of Santana and was sitting on her bed. "And you look sexier in your policewoman uniform, and that skirt is really short be sure not to bend down especially while the boys are in the room, they'll already be gawking at your legs I don't want them getting a full view of your goodies", Santana sits up and adjusts her costume before leaning over and pecking Brittany on the lips.

"San you know your showing the same amount of goodies as I am, people will be staring at your boobs all night" Santana chuckles at that knowing just how hard it is for Brittany to look her in the eyes.

"I'm really glad my parents are not back until tomorrow afternoon I can have my way with you after the party", Santana's parents had left early in the afternoon the day before go to Cincinnati for a wedding that Santana refused to go to because it wasn't any of her family, so her parents decided to leave her at home she was responsible enough own her own for a couple of days and they knew that Brittany would be staying over with her.

Brittany was about to give a Lascivious remark, but the bell downstairs rang signaling that the glee kids had arrived. Both girls made there way downstairs and Santana gave her girlfriend a playful slap on the butt before opening the door for there friends.

Quinn and Mercedes were the first to step inside followed shortly by Rachel and Finn, Kurt, Sam. Tina and Mike, then Artie rolled in by Puck. They all cluttered in the massive foyer.

They all greeted each other simultaneously and got a look at what everyone was wearing. Quinn was wearing a short black dress with black heels; a tail attached to the back and had kitten ears atop her head, with three black lines on her cheeks and a black spot on her nose. Mercedes had a plain red dress on with red horns atop her head and a red cape tied at her neck.

Finn had a suit on with a cape on also and had fake teeth in with a little fake blood on his chin, whilst his significant other was in a polka dot red dress with Minnie mouse ears on. Both Sam and Puck had camouflage army pants on while the matching tops were tied around their waist, a white wife beater; showing off their biceps, with silver war tags around the necks and army boots on. Tina was dressed as a skeleton and mike was dressed as the grime reaper.

Kurt was dressed as Frankenstein without the green face but still had the two screws at the sides of his neck and then there was Artie in a black suit with a fake beard and a top hat with a cane resting in his lap.

All of the glee kids where staring at Santana and Brittany, to the point where it felt like they were trying to see beneath there clothing, Santana quickly became aware of this and clapped her hands so they could all snap out of there reverie.

"Will you stop ogling at me and my girl" she quipped.

Brittany looked at her a smirk plastered on her face. Santana looked back at the rest of them an took notice that they all had bags and not like Halloween bags like duffle bags, she's not sure how she could have missed this but now aware and couldn't help but question it.

"Why do you all have duffle bags?" Brittany then took notice of this and quirked her eyebrow wondering the same thing.

Puck moved to go into her huge living room and everyone followed, he plopped down on her long couch and put the duffle bag that was on his back on the floor.

Everyone soon followed suit except Santana and Brittany who stood at the side of the couch looking down at them all with questioning glares.

Quinn finally spoke up "Puck called me and said that I should back normal clothes" she shrugged her shoulders and looked to Puck.

"Sam called me and told me the same thing and I told Tina" Mike replied.

"Well Finn told me and Kurt" Rachel added. Everyone in the room looked to the three boys in question wondering why they told them to bring clothes. "Well…" Santana question already getting a little irritated already.

Puck answered her "Well we thought of a Halloween adventure we could embark on" Sam chimed in right after "yeah with thought it would be fun and considering it the holidays it doesn't really matter what time we get back…" Santana growing more irritated questioned them once again

"What the hell are you on about Halloween adventure? And I swear if you prolong answering the question I will do something harmful to each of you" Brittany could see Santana getting a little angry and took her hand, which visibly relaxed her some what.

"We thought we could go to that abandoned asylum instead of going to the party."

Everyone whipped the heads up at what came out of Pucks mouth.

Rachel is the one that spoke this time before Santana was able to "Finn what in the world… You told me to pack clothes just to change out of my costume which took me a while to get on… that makes no sense what so ever" Santana looked to Rachel furrowing her eye brows.

"It's not just about changing out of the costumes" she piped up

"Its part of it, but the main concern is why the hell you would assume any of us would agree to go to an abandoned asylum 3 town over… that's like an hour and a half's drive not to mention the psycho that escaped that same asylum was apparently spotted 3 weeks ago 2 towns away from there. You think I'm taking my girlfriend up there just to walk around some massive, dangerous unstable building for your entertainment, please enlighten me how is walking around an asylum better than going to a party and getting wasted"

Santana didn't give them a chance to speak she just continued her rant.

"Further more I think you three are the ones that need to be put into an asylum because you must be out of your damn minds if you think we're going, also that seems like such a fucking cliché don't you think, need I remind you I'm a horror movie fanatic and I have seen numerous amounts to know that this is exactly how it starts"

By the time she ended her rant everyone was looking at her and the three boys, Santana didn't even realize that she had closed the space between her and the three boys in question.

Brittany walked forward and took Santana's hand again pulling her back gently, she could see that Santana was really serious and her temper was wearing thin so she soothed her by whispering in her ear to take slower breaths, she squeezed her hand reassuringly which calmed her down dramatically.

Quinn, Mercedes, Kurt and Artie talked quietly to each other to ease the tension that creped its way in the room and Tina and Mike talked to each other and Rachel joined the conversation shortly after.

Puck had just watched how Brittany calmed Santana down, he had realized that Brittany seemed to have Santana wrapped around her finger, he knew that Santana would listen to Brittany he knew she would go along with what Brittany said all he had to do was talk to Brittany and convince her to convince Santana into going.

He needed this it was his last year in high school and he was losing his rep, he heard about people daring each to go to the abandoned asylum on Halloween and jumped at the chance all they had to do was go down there take a few pictures for evidence and that was it, he knew that he would become an instant legend in doing this and of course Finn and Sam wanted in when they found out, it was only a matter of convincing the others which would be easy it was just Santana he was worried about because truth be told he kind of needed her to be there because she would be a massive amount of help, she was strong and athletic due to cheerleading, knew a lot about injuries (just in case) and having her witness this would up his rep even more.

Yes it may sound stupid to you but he was legit serious this plan had to work, so he thought quickly he had to get Santana out of the room just a minute to give him a chance to convince Brittany or rather black mail Brittany he had a couple of things on her and if it got out he knew that Brittany would freak. So he did the first thing that came to his mind. He started to cough, he pretend that he had a bad cough. It wasn't his greatest plan because it wasn't well thought out but it would have to do. Everyone in the room looked at him with concerned eyes; he looked up at Santana and gestured to his throat and for a drink. Santana squinted, her eyes quickly at him before sighing and releasing Brittany's hand to get him a drink of water from the kitchen down the hall.

Immediately after Santana had left the room he stopped coughing and got up, time was of the essence this was important He quickly told Finn and Sam to convince the others it would be a little harder now that Santana had many valid points in her rant that everyone heard but its nothing that they can't do. Puck took Brittany by the arm and walked over to the fire place so no one could hear what he was about to say, Brittany was confused and that was visible on her face, she was about to ask if he was okay because the coughing had stopped but Puck spoke quickly "You need to tell her to come with us" he stated firmly to her. "You need to convince her to go" Brittany was taken back a little by the sudden seriousness of his words and the situation itself.

"I don't know Puck it is really dangerous Santana has a point-"

"No this is not up for discussion tell her to come with us or I'll tell her what really happen last summer, I know I don't need to remind you" Brittany looked him in the eyes her face froze, she glanced out the window across from her and looked back to him.

She didn't want Santana to find out about what happened so she reluctantly agreed to what Puck said "Ok I'll convince her" Puck grinned wide and sped walked back to the couch just in time to, because Santana entered glass of water in hand a second later.

Puck hastily to the water and brought it to his lips still pretending to cough. He drank the water in four large gulps and set it down on the small circular table beside the chair.

"Thank you my throat must have gotten dry" Santana quirked an eyebrow at him and hummed but just let it go she could be bothered with his antics. Puck looked to Finn who was just finishing convincing Rachel, Kurt and Quinn, and smirked.

Santana looked to where Brittany was standing, still at the fireplace where Puck had just black mailed her less than a minute ago. She took two deep breaths as Santana approached her. Santana placed a soft palm on her cheek and smiled at her.

"You ok baby" Santana asked looking Brittany in the eyes.

"San I-" Brittany took a glance over Santana's shoulder to where Puck was sitting staring at her with a stern face, she gulped and looked back to Santana oblivious as to what happened was looking at her to continue.

"San I really think we should go it could be really fun" Brittany plastered a small smile on her face.

"Umm Britt I don't think its safe at all I'd much rather go to the party, even though I'm pretty sure we might have to leave early because I'm bound to punch someone in the face because of my need to make it known that you are my girlfriend, mine" she smiled at Brittany rubbing her thumb tenderly over her cheek.

Brittany was running out of ideas so she did what she did best she lent forward peppered Santana's face with kisses before kissing her on the lips slowly, delicately she tilted her head to the side and grasped Santana's face with her hands deepening the kiss she slid her tongue out and asking Santana for entrance which she gladly gave her, soon enough their tongues were dancing together and Santana's hands were on Brittany's waist pulling her closer.

A cough from the sofa brought her back to the situation at hand and she pulled away slowly, she asked Santana again while she was still in her kiss haze.

"Please San I would love it if we went… plus while we're in the car we can make out all the way there" Brittany pecked Santana on lips for good measure she could see Santana was giving in

"Alright, fine" once that came out of her mouth there was a loud YES being heard from the couch by none other than puck Santana turned around to look at him.

"Yes, because you know my coughing has stopped" he beamed.

"I can't even believe I'm agreeing to this, first things first we need to state some rules if this is what we are going to do" Everyone looked to her and nodded in agreement this was something they seriously needed to think carefully about before they go driving off.

Guys please review if you liked it and if you have some ideas feel free to tell me im open to some ideas :D I will update ASAP

bye for now