AUTHORS NOTE: So as always this is an authors note saying how I haven't written in a long while and I'll lie and promise to write more often… so we'll cut that out. Here's the next prompt…


"Daddy," his daughter shouted from the attic – the very attic he spent most of his life telling her to keep out of because it was a death trap thanks to all the junk they had stored up there but she called it a treasure trove. "Can you ignore the fact that I am in the attic for a minute and come up here?"

"Cheeky little git," he mumbled to himself as he put down his coffee mug and started up the stairs towards the attic so that he could find out what she had found and try and deter her from sneaking it down to her bedroom. Ewan had barely managed to find the patience to allow her to keep the cushion that she had found with the name 'Ronan' on it and Stuart had tried to explain to their small daughter that seeing things from his past upset her Daddy. She had promised to stop finding things. Stuart, however, had found a small box full of trinkets in the back of her wardrobe the last time he had tidied her bedroom. Photos of Ewan with Ronan's mother as well as a candid shot of them all together when Ronan was only a baby. A small part of him had wanted to hide it all away again but another part of him wanted him to respect that this was a part of her life she would never know but she wanted to know. "I'm coming up, Ronan. Don't be next to the hatch."

"I'm not, Daddy." She called out to him so Stuart started up the ladder and got into the hatch at shoulder height.

Ronan was sat cross legged on the floor with a load of all VHS tapes sat around her. "What are these?" She asked holding one of the black tapes up into the air and Stuart chuckled. God, didn't he feel old now?

"This is what we used to watch movies on. We didn't have DVD's when we were kids, baby." He explained. "I bet they're old movies that we didn't even realise we'd brought with us."

"This one says home movie," Ronan said showing it to her Daddy before looking at it. "Can we watch it?"

"Baby, we don't have a VHS player here…" Ronan's face fell and Stuart felt his heart break. "Okay, let me see what strings I can pull and we can go watch it down at the station, okay? Grab the ones you want to watch and leave them here next to the hatch so I can carry them down for you."

"Thank you, Daddy!"


"Thank you for sorting this, Robbie." Stuart said looking at the small movie theatre the man had set up in an interrogation room. Bags of popcorn, sweets and even an old blanket thrown over the hard chair so they were slightly comfortable and the T.V. was positioned before the T.V.

"No worries, there's nothing I like more than watching movies." Robbie leant down and picked up Ronan. "I can guarantee these will be better than hours and hours of security feed. Unless your Daddy keeps the security footage for McIntyre's then girl we are not in for fun viewing." Ronan giggled at her Uncle Robbie's silliness before settling down on his knee as he took a seat to start the movies. Stuart smiled at the pair of them before putting the tape in and moving to sit in the chair beside Robbie.

Grabbing the remote, he turned to send a small smile at Robbie. "I sure hope this isn't an old tape of Ewan and Krystal doing stuff I really don't want my baby seeing…" Robbie snorted before looking at Ronan.

"Hey baby, how about you teach me a new nursery rhyme while Daddy just quickly checks that this video is kid friendly, okay?"

She thought about it for a few moments before nodding her head and turning around to teach her uncle Robbie the words to 'twinkle, twinkle, my daddy has a rusty car'. Stuart pressed play and was greeted by a snowy screen before eventually it came into focus on a smiling Krystal.

"Ewan, get that damned camera out my face!" She giggled as she tried to reach out and push the camera away but the smile twinkled in her eyes as she looked at the mentioned man behind the camera. A hand reached out from the camera and took hold of the one swatting the air. Krystal wore a simple white dress, her other hand held onto a small bouquet of white daisies and she was beautiful. Their wedding day. It was a small thing at Gretna Green. "No one will want to see this."

"Our children will," Ewan replied reaching out from behind the camera to stroke the flat abdomen hidden behind the silk bodice of the dress. "They'll know that their Mummy and Daddy had a beautiful ceremony with Uncle Ronan as a witness…"

"… and a complete stranger called…" Krystal paused before bursting out laughing. Her hand covered her pink lips, the smile still lighting up her face as she shook her head. "Oh God. How mortifying is that? Well when our hypothetical kids watch this back they'll know Mummy and Daddy didn't know the other witnesses name."

"Shush," Ewan laughed from behind the camera before turning the camera around to focus on another handsome man in a suit walking down the stairs towards them – Ronan. "Will you tell my blushing wife how this was a beautiful ceremony that we should be proud of?"

Ronan came up to the camera so that his face was the only thing it was focused on. "When you watch this back in ten years, Krystal, remember the best-looking brother offered to run away with you and offer you a life of adventure and not that of a desperate housewife."

"Shut up," the newlyweds laughed before Ronan was suddenly handed the camera so it could focus on Krystal cuddling up to Ewan. Pressing her hand to her cheek, she kissed his lips tenderly before leaning back and smiling up at him brightly. "I want it documented that I picked the most caring, sweet man to be my husband and I love nothing more than the idea of being a boring housewife alongside this man."

"I love you, Mrs Krystal McIntyre- housewife, future mother, best friend " Ewan whispered but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes as he leant into kiss her and pull her close to him. Their laughter and love seeping into Ronan because he joked that he was kidding and that he was happy for them before turning the camera round to face him.

"The love between Mummy and Daddy is getting a little not baby friendly there. I know they're not planning on babies for a long time but when you do come along I just want you to know that Uncle Ronan loves your parents. Your Dad, my baby brother, is the best person on this planet and I am over the moon that he has his happy ever after with your beautiful Mummy. And as much as they won't let me," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I'm going to spoil you rotten because lets all face it – I'm going to be your favourite uncle in the world."

"Shut up," laughter sounded before Ewan's head appeared over Ronan's left shoulder followed by Krystal's on his right shoulder. "To whoever is watching this video, we love you, but now it's definitely time to party." And the video ended with both of them pressing a kiss to Ronan's cheeks before the video went snowy again.

The room was silent but he could feel the air was filled with unanswered questions from all three viewers of the movie and he wasn't surprised to feel tears running down his face. Of course they all knew about Ewan's tumultuous relationship with Ronan and Krystal. They'd been a trio until Ronan and Krystal succumbed to drug abuse and started their affair but seeing their love on the screen was overwhelming.

"Daddy," Ronan climbed out of her uncle Robbie's arms and into Stuart's. Stuart could see the tears in Robbie's eyes to so he reached out and squeezed his best friend's shoulder before returning his attention to his daughter. "Mummy looked like a princess."

"She did, baby. She was beautiful, wasn't she?"

"Do I look like her?"

"Every damned day is like looking in a mirror," another voice said from behind them and they all jumped as they turned to see Ewan leaning against the door they never heard open. "You're going to be even more beautiful than your Mummy ever was."

"I'm so sorry. She was in the attic and…" Ewan lifted his hand to stop Stuart from rambling and shook his head as he stepped into the room to come towards his family.

"I should have dug them out a long time ago and let her watch them," he said as he leant in to press a kiss on Stuart's lips, his hands curling around Ronan's head so that his fingers could tease her ginger curls while pulling her into a hug against his side. "It'll hurt but she has every right to know her Mummy." Taking Ronan out of Stuart's arms, he pulled her close. "Did I ever tell you about the time your Mummy and I got into trouble for locking all the toilet doors in this holiday camp we went to one summer…" The story continued as he started to lead her out of the room and Stuart smiled after them. It was going to be an emotional rollercoaster but he knew they'd get through it.