I got the idea for this when I had a dream a few months ago.
Disclaimer-I do not own anything interview with a vampire related
Please R&R
At the Tavern, famous for its "service" There two vampires sat waiting to be waited on.
There is a girl with flaming hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Her name is Athena Adrastea. She is eighteen years old and has no family.
The time grew late as the light faded from the sky. Athena had been working for hours without even so much as a break. She had been hard at work since before dawn and now it was hours past sunset. She went to wait on two recently arrived patrons.
I just want to go to bed. Why couldn't I have gotten a good paying job with less hours. I thought to myself scowling inwardly, but on the outside I was my usually cheery self. Normally I didn't have to fake it but I was tired from tossing and turning all night.
"Hey Athena stop lolley-gagging and go wait on table thirteen. If I catch you staring off into space again tonight I'll dock your pay." I smiled knowing he would never do that. I hid my grin as I turned and said, "Right away boss sir."
I heard him mumbling something about how he was going to fire us all one of these days. I giggled as I walked over to the table, the table which I now say held two devastatingly beautiful men. One had an aristocratic air about him and the other more of a nobleman. The aristocratic one had long curly blonde hair and the deepest blue eyes. The noble looking one had chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled when the light hit them just right. His eyes also had a touch of sadness barely displayed in them.
"Hello gentlemen, I am Athena I'll be serving you, what may I get for you tonight?" I asked looking from one to the other. Both just stayed silent. I could practically hear the seconds tick by.
I cleared my throat and asked, "Would you like me to tell you the specials?" I hoped my question might suppress the silence. The blonde one shook his head as if fallen from a trance and said, "Yes that would be most welcome."
"Well there's and especially delicious steak and potato meal, we also have the lamb leg special tonight….." I trailed off naming the rest of our special meals that we were serving. As I finished naming them I asked, "Would you like time to decide, I could get you some wine?"
"Yes thank you that would be great, red please." As I walked towards the storeroom I felt their eyes on my back. Goosebumps immediately graced my skin as I shivered at the creepy feeling.
Lestat grinned as he looked to Louie. "What do you think of her? I don't know about you my good friend but she smells to good to pass up on. By her scent I'd say she was a virgin, so rare to find a grown one these days."
Louie was particularly hungry this night and had barely managed not to jump the poor girl. But it seems like Lestat wants her so I guess its moot point as nothing I say will convince him otherwise. "Yes Lestat go on, kill the only good girl we've met in months! The reason they're getting so rare is because you keep killing them off."
Lestat looked over to Louie and grinned once more. "My dear Louie who on earth said I would kill her. No I have a better plan in store for her." He chuckled at the expression on Louie's face. That goody-goody always tried to ruin my fun.
I shook the feeling away as I continued my task. I grabbed two goblets and a bottle of red wine. Before I walked back to their table I took a deep breath to compose my self. "They're just people Athena. Your probably just tired from the long day. Now smile."
While walking back I had looked back at the pair, they were staring at me. They're just waiting for their wine, calm down, it not like they're going to eat you or something. The blonde one grinned suddenly and for a fleeting moment the thought that he'd heard what I had been thinking passed through my mind before I rolled my eyes and scoffed at myself.
When I reached the table I set the goblets down and started to pour the wine. Just as I finished someone grabbed my waist and sat me in his lap. "wha-" I looked behind me to see the blonde grinning back at me. "Sir these are not the tables for that kind of "service." This table is in the family area, if you would like to be moved I will have someone seat you elsewhere, if not then I suggest you release me before my boss sees me looking distressed."
He leaned closer to her, she could feel every muscle of his chest. She was surprised to find that he was cold. Very cold, as if death was upon him. He whispered into my ear making me shiver. "Well I don't mind moving to a different table, but only if your the one servicing us."
"Sorry sir but I am not one of those waitresses. Now release me!" He chuckled at her command and ran his tongue up the side of her neck. "So feisty, I'd pay you well for your time just so you know." He said as he let her go. "Sorry but I wont lower myself like that not for all the money in the world."
"Now would you like something to eat?" Lestat leered at her suggestively before answering. "Yes but I'm afraid she too expensive." Athena just looked dumbstruck. What the hell is the matter with these guys!
"Enjoy your wine." I left the bottle with them as I walked over to the other guests seeing if they were enjoying themselves. It was a long time before I looked back at the table, at least a few hours. Most of our guests were gone and it was just about closing time. When I did look over I saw him still looking at me. The other one looked kind of sickly though.
I grabbed a glass of water and brought it to the brown haired man. "Excuse me sir, you looked unwell. I thought some water might help." I said smiling genuinely as he had not done anything to me and you can't blame people for their friends. "Thanks, I think I just have a little cold though." He grabbed the cup and accidentally toughed her hand in the process. He almost lost control right then and there. It took every once of his being not to attack her.
"Well here is your bill, its just about closing time." I kept smiling only because I knew that it was time for them to leave. "Here you go my lady." the blonde said as he dropped a bag of coins into my hands. I looked inside, there was at least a hundred in here and they had only spent ten.
"Sir there is way to much in here." I said as I tried to hand the pouch back. He closed my hands around the pouch with his own, holding it there. "Keep the change..." He whispered and before I knew it his lips were upon mine. Both of our eyes were open and it was as if we were fighting but when he bit my lip and forced his tongue in was when I really started to fight back.
He wrapped his arms around me his tongue swirling around mine forcing me to respond to him. I tried to push him away but his arms were like steel and it was getting hard to think. When I tried doing nothing, becoming a stone, I could feel his grin from my attempt. Then he deepened the kiss making it become impossible to not respond.
So then I tried the only other option, kiss him back more forcefully, and kiss I did. It probably looked to anyone watching that I was some kind of whore or something but I pushed that from my mind. My only thoughts then were to get him to let go.
When he finally did I wiped my mouth with my sleeve trying to remove any trace of him off of me. Then it hit me...he had stolen my first kiss. I couldn't let my distress show it was time for him to know his place.
Lestat grinned as he heard her thoughts. Then he leaned over and whispered, "So innocent." I glared at him and in my sternest voice said, "You need to leave."
"For now I am satisfied with that appetizer, so we shall take our leave but be warned, I will be back for the main course." Lestat loved how distressed she look and was not happy when she concealed it a moment later. So he and Louie left to find their meal for the night.
Athena sighed in relief but was still worried about his threat. She also took the extra money and put it in a pouch on her waist, she decided she would return it to him if she saw him again. She went about finishing the cleaning left over from the other guest. It was around midnight when she finally told her boos goodnight.
"Mr. Richter, I shall be taking my leave for the evening. Goodnight sir I will see you on the morrow." I gathered up my belongings before he spoke to me. "Athena it is quite late and all the others girls have left for the night, are you sure I cannot walk you to your homestead? I would hate for anything to happen to you. After all you are my best worker." I smiled tiredly at him, he was such a nice old man.
"You are right sir it is late but you need to be up early and I do not. I have left late before and nothing has happened, I'm sure all will be well. I thank you for your generous offer though and bid you a very well sleep."
I waved at him before stepping into the warm summer air. It was nice round this time of year and I very much enjoyed my walks home. I have been hassled by many a fool but they did not realize that this woman could fight and I have broken many limbs of many fools and turned them to the authorities claiming that a man had saved me and run off. They were stupid enough to believe that every single time, you'd think they'd be suspicious by now.
I walked over a bridge and past the cemetery. It was the safest route as so many were scared of the ghost stories. I was scared my first couple of time but I have seen no such specter. I do not bother with a torch as the moonlight is more than sufficient. I decided that tonight I would visit the graves of my parents as I have not been there in months.