Author's note: Let's get straight to the point. I'll try and push the ending of this story in the next 2 to 4 chapters. The reason is that I rushed the entire thing (like some people said that it was going too fast) only because there is a shortage of DxD. That's all. Now finally to so long waited Chapter 10.

Chapter 10

They walked through the front door of the building. The bell had already rang so all the students were in their classrooms. The corridors were empty. Just as they made their fist step in the school the bell for the beginning of the first period rang. Danny grabbed Dani's hand and rushed for his classroom, basically dragging Dani who didn't even had time to respond to his actions. Even now that his secret had been reviled and his lateness for the class was excused, Danny still didn't really like being late and, besides this time he had to make sure that not only he wasn't late.

In The Mean Time:

Mister Lancer had just entered the classroom, only to find that his students weren't on their places. They were all over the classroom, split in a few groups gossiping about all that they had just seen out the windows. Even Sam was at Tucker's desk and was interrogating him.

"Attention class." Mr. Lancer said in a rather high voice. He of course was not heard or seen buy anyone. "ATTENTION!" he shouted. Noticing him they took their places, still whispering to one another. After seeing that they had indeed heard him but still kept talking in his class, he continued: "Well then class, since it appears that everyone is ready and so confident today, we'll start today's class with a quick pop quiz to see just how much you remember from the previous school year." His sentence was followed by a big wave of disappointed teenage heavy breaths and whining. "But first…" he continued "to check who's present and who's not." He started calling out the names of the students.

When The Two Different Points of View In Time Collide:

Just as he stated to pronounce Danny's name, the door forcefully slang open, only to review Danny and his companion. The room was filled with whispers all over again.

Mr. Lancer turned to face Danny but to his surprise this time it wasn't just him. At first he thought that he was seeing double, not for long though. After looking at them for a few seconds he looked at the name right below Danny's. To his further surprise it was almost the same. "So, Mr. Fenton. Late again I see. Of course I am force to ignore your lateness due to your… 'unique personality'. That doesn't explain why your companion there is late as well." He looked at the list with the names again to make sure he got her name right. "Danielle, is it?" "Yes, or Dani with an 'i' for short" Dani replied to his question. "Well I guess that as the first day of school and the fact that you are new here I'll let your lateness pass. You two can take your places and get ready for the quiz." Again after that sentence the roomed filled with whining and whimpering. Danny and Dani took their places in the room. Oddly enough there was an empty seat next to Danny, so they ended up sitting next to each other. The pop quiz started.

As soon as the quiz was over the lesson continued. There were still whispers in the room but from what it looked like the classroom was calm. That of course didn't stop Mr. Lancer from being his usual (mean) self. The lesson was soon over. As the bell rang all the students ran out of the room. All, except for Sam, Tucker, Danny and Dani. Sam and Tucker walked over to Danny and Dani, who where just packing their stuff. Sam started the conversation. "Um… excuse me guys but why do I feel like I'm the only one who is confused around here? What is going on here and why was I left out of it?" To this Tucker gave her a smug look and simply asked "So you haven't heard anything about the new couple in school?"

Sam- "Tucker, you know I don't listen to gossip. And besides what does that have anything to do with… my… question. No… no way. Are you serious?! This is huge. Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Danny- "Well, you were kind of not around when it all happened."

Sam- "When did it happen?"

Dani- "A few days ago. It happened really fast though" (do not blame the writer for being a lazy bastard)

Danny- "You aren't freaked out about it? Not at all? I really thought that out of all the people you'd be the one having a hard time getting used to this."

Sam- "I'm not freaked out. Well, not a lot but still, you have to admit that this is something BIG."

Danny- "Yeah it is, isn't it. Anyway, I'm glad that you understand."

Sam- "Why? What do you mean by that?"

Danny- "the thing is that my sister doesn't really seem to think like you and as you know, now that Dani has shown herself, her 'real' self people will be all over the place again."

Sam- "Yeah, you do have a point… By the way, from what it looks like to me Mr. Lancer doesn't know anything about it. Dani being half ghost too I mean."

Tucker- "That means that we can mess with him again."

Dani- "Why? What was stopping you before?"

Danny- "Well, when he and the entire world found out who I was, he kind of made me swear that I was done with the prank because he'd get me removed from Casper High. He was very serious about it. More than usual."

Dani- "I'm not sure about this. Won't I get Danny in trouble if I do something?"

Danny- "Don't worry about it. It's not like he can blame me. If he could blame anyone that'd be Vlad."

Dani, Sam, Tucker- "…" (silence)

Danny hadn't realized what he said until it was too late to take it back.

Danny- "Sorry, that's not what I meant to say. You know that right?"

Dani- "…right" she said really low.

Sam- "So… what were you saying about Jazz?"

Sam barely managed to finish her sentence when the table they were sitting on was literally surrounded by the students of Casper High. All the gossipers were in the front of course. Including Pauline.

Sam- "Um… can we… help you?"

Pauline- "Oh Sam, I didn't come here to talk to the 'yesterday' girl"

Sam- "Excuse me!?"

Pauline- "Anyhow, I came to introduce myself and everybody else from the class to our new classmate. Hi, my name is Pauline." She said with a fake smile as she reached with hand to handshake Dani.

Dani- "Hi, my name is Dani" she said as she reached to handshake her in return.

Pauline- "Nice to meet you. You know there have been some rumors going around about you. Of course I heard of them just like the rest. Some people really have nothing to do. Not me of course. But anyway, I wanted to ask you personally if they are true."

Dani- Danny had told Dani about most of their classmates, including Pauline so Dani wasn't amused or convinced by her. "What rumors are you talking about?"

Pauline- "Well, the word is that you and our 'hometown hero' over here are a 'thing'. The thing is that after the show that you two pulled off in the school yard and after taking a better look at you, I think that you look a lot alike. What's up with that? And do tell how you have powers too."

Dani simply rolled her eyes and said. "Look here Pauline, I don't know what exactly you are trying to pull of here but my life isn't your business. And besides with all this fuss around here it's only a matter of time before you get to know what ever it is you want. So would you mind laving us and specifically me alone, I have some things to work out."

Pauline- "…um…aaah…Well I…" And with a confused face she left.

Danny- "Yeah, and that goes to all of you." Danny said to the rest of the pests surrounding his friends. Everyone scattered almost in an instance.

Sam- "Well, now that this is settled can we get back to our previous topic?"

Danny- "Are we talking about my sister being wacky or our current situation?"

Dani- "I don't know about our situation but I'm actually really concerned with Jazz. I mean did I do anything to her like EVER?"

Tucker- "I don't know you guys, maybe you are over reacting a bit? It is Jazz we are talking about here you know." As he finished his sentence everyone was starring at him. "WHAT?" he nearly shouted.

Dani- "I don't know but there is definitely something."

Danny- "Don't worry Dani, we'll figure this out." He said as he put his arm around her waist and slightly pushed her toward him.

2013 Author: I know, I know. It's been ages since my last update and I have a ton of excuse but I have more important things to say. The important thing is that I'm back and I have no intentions on leaving any time soon. I'm busy with the designs and the script for the game me and a couple of other people have planned to finish if not this year the next but I'll update every chance I have.

2017 Announcement: (story has been abandoned, info below)

So, it's been 4 years since I was last here huh? Well I feel like there's a lot to talk about so might as well get started.

The very first thing that I'd like to do is say thank you all for all the views, subs and overall help I received and apparently still do even after 4 years of basically missing, talk about determination, you guys are something else.

The next thing is that Beating Hearts is almost at 100000 views which came as a huge surprise for me. I never expected that because quite frankly, I was and still am rather disappointed and displeased with my fiction, which was one of the reasons I straight up quit. I wrote it in my teen angst years and it shows from the bad grammar (mostly fixed), bad and rushed plot, a bunch of stiff dialog and not enough world building or any subplot and not connecting with the fan base for which I am sorry.

That said, I was thinking of deleting it along with the account, (most should know that this account was made just to test the waters) however I decided against it and to leave it be for nostalgic reasons as I was writing it during a rather rough time for me family wise. That and I could never really finish it the way that cringy teen me from the past would have wanted, I hope you understand.

I also need to apologize for leaving without putting the out of commission and leaving message in the fanfiction itself and not just in my old account which obviously not everyone had seen as I've been getting multiple emails literally every year. I also apologize for the broken promises.

Promises are promises however and to at least try and make up for some, I will be doing a complete reworking/rewriting of Beating Hearts on my new account along with other ideas that have been sitting in my head that will hopefully turn out better. To make up for the past even more I will also simultaneously launch my deviantart account in which (with no specified date) I will be doing scenes from my fictions to the best of my skill which will be linked to the fiction and chapter as soon as they are out (I'm saying it again, it will be a while).

Lastly to those of the readers that actually took interest in my stupid rants mostly through PMs (if there are such people and if they are still watching) I'm sad to inform you that the game project that me and a couple of friends were working on fell flat mostly because we were basically a bunch of kids who had no idea what we were really getting into. However I am self educating myself to work with programs like unity when I have free time from university and I have a personal project in mind which will hopefully realize itself in a couple of years.

Here's the name of my new account if anyone is interested:
