So, for everyone being so great to me, in making the hits go up and reviews coming—I decided to give you this little bonus chapter.

*Thanks Tatiana Belikova for editing! She's awesome. Check out her stories.

Here goes:

A Little Checkup:- A Couple Years Later

"Not this again," Peeta muttered coming into the living room as I sat in a chair which was isolated from any furniture. I refused to sit anywhere near the couches because I missed the old couch, the one that provided wonders for the start of Peeta's marriage and mine. The couch had been unable to withstand another year with us and had the misfortune of collapsing while Peeta and I were way into our intimate moment. At first, we had been too into each other to realize what had happened.

Peeta and I had been too rough with each other and had broken the couch in half.

I missed the couch. I cried for it every single day.

"Sweet pea, it's been nine months and you've cried every single day for that couch."

"But it just went away so soon," I whispered, another round of tears escaping my eyes. I sniffled, and leaned forward in the rocking chair, putting a hand on my back. "Peeta, my back is hurting. And I am still craving those cheese buns. Peeta, why did you have to throw the couch away?"

"Katniss, sweet pea, it was broken!" Peeta began to laugh.

Of course, with the huge hormonal burden I carried lately, I immediately assumed he was laughing at me.

"Why are you are laughing at me?" I cried, beginning to sob.

Peeta closed his eyes and put a hand to his forehead. "Katniss, sweet pea, I am not laughing at you."

"You are!" I screamed at him, crying once again. How this poor man handled my hormonal self was beyond me. I took in a calming breath, my sanity way out of control, dominated by my hormones; I took my sweet time standing from the rocking chair in the living room. "Why haven't you made love to me? Is it because I have lost that pregnancy glow all woman have? Is it because I just exploded all of a sudden?"

"Katniss, you're absolutely beautiful—"

"It's all your fault, Peeta. Why do you feed me so many cheese buns?" I screamed at him, not crying this time but surely very pissed off.


"Peeta, my back is killing me." When he just stood there, in a very annoyed voice I told him, "Don't just stand there like a drunken idiot! Come massage my back! But get me some cheese buns. Don't come near me if you don't have cheese buns with you."

Peeta sighed, looking around for a second. Even though this erratic behavior of mine had been happening since his sperm met my egg, since the day I had conceived, he was so unaccustomed to my pregnancy behavior. Previously, my pregnancies had been so calm and went by without a hassle. But this time, it was like I had become a big emotional monster, like I was going to give birth to a monster pretty soon.

"I am sorry, Peeta," I whispered, rubbing my stomach and putting my hand behind my back again hoping to ease the aches. I was in my last month of pregnancy—actually, the little monster in me was overdue—and it was the most difficult month of pregnancy. My swollen stomach got in the way of everything. I couldn't even sleep at night because everything was so uncomfortable to me.

There was silence for a second, calm enveloping me as his loving gaze landed on me. Despite how much of a bitch I was during this pregnancy, he still managed to love me. Of course, the thought of him loving me warmed my heart, perhaps a little bit too much; the waterworks started again.

'Why are you crying now?" Peeta asked incredulously but still managing to smile at me, still managing to give me that loving gaze I adored so much.

"Because you love me. And I want those cheese buns."

Peeta burst out laughing, sounding almost as if he were in hysterics. Poor guy.

The smile I loved seeing on his face never left his lips as he walked closer to me, putting his arms around me. He leaned down and kissed my lips. A peck at first but then he merged them with my own; I opened my lips slightly to allow his tongue to tease mine. One of his hands reached down to rub my stomach and his other hand reached to my back to massage it.

"Katniss," he whispered in my ear. "I want to make love to you. Right here. On this couch. Maybe you won't miss the other one so much if we usefully make use of this one."

"But the kids. . ."

"The kids are with your sister. We have to take advantage of that. After this one is born, I don't know how much time we will have to hog each other up." He eased my mind with another kiss. With Peeta's kisses on my lips and the rest of my body, there wasn't much I could do to deny him, to not love him. "Besides, this new couch is leather. It will be a lot easier to clean. . ."

It turned out the new couch was just as useful as the last one.



I stared at myself in the mirror, cradling my stomach.

"When will this be over?" I asked to the mirror.

The mirror must have possessed some kind of magic because all of a sudden water gushed out of me.

"Peeta," I called out.

"Sweet pea. . .oh—let's head to the hospital right now. I'll call Prim and tell her she needs to keep the kids a little while longer."

"Isn't this cool?" I asked him, smiling. "My water never has broken before going to the hospital. Usually the doctors have to break it at the hospital."

"You cry over a couch and you're calm over the baby sac rupturing. You're an interesting woman, you know that, right?"

I held up a finger. "First of all, I am not calm. I am this close to yelling at you!"

"Ah, there is the Katniss I've come to know."

"Peeta," I said, speaking through gritted. "The contractions are starting to hit me. Get the stuff ready. And get the car ready."



Two days later, I sat on the new couch, totally in bliss, even though I was still very much sore from giving birth to my baby. As I rested against the comfortable cushions of the couch, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene before me, transfixed and mesmerized by the sight: Peeta sat on the rocking chair, staring endearingly down at the pink bundle of beauty in his hands.

I noticed two small figures standing near the hallway and now it was me who wore that some wonderstruck expression Peeta wore on his face.

My two beautiful angels stood in the hallway, Ash and Clay. They both loved the new addition to the Mellark-Everdeen family. I could already sense these two would move the earth for their sister, just like their dad would for his three children.

"Why can't Blossom play with us yet, mommy?"

I smiled down at my little Clay, the younger one of my two boys. "Because she's a baby."

"So am I and I still can play," he said.

I chuckled, ruffling that silky blonde hair he had inherited from his father. The older one, my baby Ash, had his father's hair but my boring looks. I could only hope my new baby girl hadn't inherited my boring looks.

I motioned for Ash to come my way. When they were both near me, I hugged them both in my arms.

"Yes, you two are babies. I love you both," I told them, kissing both of their cheeks and forehead.

"Sweet pea, show your husband some love. I did so well dealing with you while you were the Emotional Mood Swing Monster."

I made a face at Peeta. "That's what you get for not being careful when I strictly told you I was not taking anything to prevent these little accidents."

Peeta dropped his cheeky smile and glanced around himself. "Look around you, Katniss. Look at our children. We've struggled a lot but it is all worth it."

"It definitely is worth it," I said, with great honesty. Everything we had today made up for every struggle Peeta and I had gone through.

Peeta smiled, looking back down at our daughter, looking over at our two sons, and looking over back at me.

I looked at Peeta in the eye. "I still miss that couch, though."

I do hope you enjoyed and I do hope you share the thoughts.

Thanks for everything!
