
Well.. I've Neglected this story. Oppps! So Sorry. So sue me? But Seriously, Don't. I'm Poor as it is.


This is FANFICTION. NO ONE OWNS ANYTHING. I Don't Own Big Man JP's Characters (Although I Wish I Did) And I NO OWN Anything From The Book "The Statistical Probabililty of Love At First Sight" By Jen Smith (? Think Thats The Author) I Was At Barnes and Nobles, Saw The Book Title, And Bam! Perfect Story. I NO OWN.

Book Recomendation: "The Fault In Our Stars" By John Green. The Story Of Hazel Grace And Gus Waters. Two Teens With Some Type Of Cancer. This Book Had Me In Tears By The End. Great Book! Read It!

Without Further Adieu!

WordsUnsaid Version Of! The Statistical Probability Of Love At First Sight

Max P.O.V.

Fang and I are currently back in our own little corner of this massive air port. Playing a stupid game of twenty questions to pass the snail pace of time.

"Favorite color?" Fang asked, more liked whispered. I tilted my head to the side and thought for a minute.

"Blue. It's so.. bluey" Fang chuckled a pointed to me, signaling that it was my turn. Yee haw.

"Favorite color?" I asked, copying his question. He rolled his eyes like this was one of the most obvious question in the world.

"Ahh right, black?" He smirked and held up a sarcastic thumbs up. I slapped it down, feeling the zap of warmth travel to my heart. I shuddered.

"Cold?" He asked, raising one perfectly brown eyebrow. I shook my head slowly from side to side.

"No, more like burning in hell" I said, pulling my coat off. God, stop this madness. He chuckled and nodded. Seriously, They really need to fix the AC is this jank place.

"Favorite song?" I asked, starting up our game of twenty questions again.

"Teenagers by My Chemical Romance (I DON'T OWN!), you?" He said, with a cool smile. I nodded my head in approval. They are ah-maz-balls I do say.

"Don't Give Up by Kevin Rudolf ( I DON'T OWN)" He rolled his eyes but nodded.

"Eh! No judging! It has a good beat, and I like a lot of different music" I said, in my usual bossy tone. Opps. Sue me? One quarted and some pocket lint. You're sure to be rich! Enjoy that sarcasm punch.

I cast my gaze to one of the windows and looked toward the sky. The sky was growing darker and if I looked close enough, I could see a strike of lightning off in the distance. Ohh! A tornado's coming! Kidding!

Gosh, I hate storms. I'm like a kicked puppy when it starts. I mean, a little rain. I love because I can run outside in it. But a storm? Hell no. Welcome back kicked puppy on christmas. Thunder cracked over head and I jumped a bit.

Fang looked up at me, but I streched a smile on my face to hide the fear. God, Me, Maximum Ride. Afraid of a itty bitty storm? Sigh. When I was nine, I was out in a big storm with a couple of kids from the neighborhood. We were splashing and playing in puddles. Being the average little kid.

Except it was lightning and thundering really bad. It had left a big black mark in the Mark's backward. That's when the heaven's opened again and hail the size of pretty big sized rocks starting raining down. We scattered, running as fast as our little legs could carry us to our house's.

Me, being the unlucky soul that I am, was three whole flipping steps from my house and I got hit on the head, hard, by a big piece of hail. I was knocked cold. It took fourty five stitches to keep my head in place. Talk about a big ouchy.

But I got out of school for three weeks, so it was all good. But ever since then, I have been petrified of big storms. Espically with hail. Shudder.

Thunder clapped again, bringing me back to this moment in time. Lightning zapped across the sky and I jumped as it made contact with a tree somewhere. Get it together Max, you pathetic wimp.

Fangs warm and soft hand found mine, and I realised mine were shaking slightly. Shit.

"Hey, you're okay" He said, running his thumb over my knuckles. Talk about the calming power of an angel. I nodded, not trusting my voice. The lights overhead of us, flickered before going out completely. I bit down on my lip hard, tasting blood. I would not scream.

Screams of little childeren arrupted from every corner. Fang cursed under his breath and I could feel him patting down his pockets before pulling out his phone and switching it on. He kept rubbing his thumb over my knuckles as light filled out little area.

"Please remain calm, the lights will be back on a in a few minutes" A voice said, as it broke through the crackled of the intercom. Just as the person clicked on, the lights came back on, making us blink. Screams cut off instantly.

Fang wrapped an arm around my waste and pulled me close before pulling out his phone and clicking on the movie app on his phone. We settled on a clasic.

Finding Nemo.

It wasn't awkward at all.


Sorry! For shortness!




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